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Everything posted by Narius

  1. Narius

    Ff X

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud_Strife [/i] [B]I forget the name of the city, but Bahamut is the last required Aeon in the game. You'll know when you get to the city, Yuna is missing and you find her there and she's about to marry Seymour. But don't be all that anxious about Bahamut, the hiddem Aeons are better, well not Yojimbo, but Anima and The Agus Sisters are just Godly. The Agus Sisters take a really long time to get though, Anima isn't that hard. [/B][/QUOTE] Yojimbo Rules, and their name is the Magus Sisters. (originally from Final Fantasy four as enemies)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]I can't believed you said that you should be ashamed of yourself[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Well actually you should only be ashamed of the Hulk Hogn comment.[/COLOR] LOL [COLOR=purple]Not to say he isn't a good actor but half of the movies he had a main part in it was comedy. Not action packed..tottaly...if you can name a movie in which it was action..(reall action) then I'll give you that Hulk is a good actor...But I personally think he'll(the Rock, of course) turn out a lot better that Hulk Hogan!!![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] no no, Hogans a horrible horrible actor. I think he was being sarcastic. O_o anyways yeah Scorpion King Hazaa!
  3. hmmmmm.....I wonder..... *starts looking through his digital cable packages* hmmmm.
  4. Narius

    Ff X

    Just follow the story, you pretty much automatically get Bahamut, there is no way to progress through the story without it. O_o
  5. Im 16, I watch it, I see no problem with anyone watching it as long as they aren't clinically insane and can't differenciate between reality and the Anime Show. I actually started watching anime from *sighs* Dubbed Dragon Ball Z and have worked my way into things like Lain, Akira, Perfect Blue, etc etc.
  6. I can say with a 100% surety that you are correct, there are very(very very) few cuss words, in the manga there are about 5-6 cuss words tops. So no, all the people that say that Bejita walks around swearing all the time would be incorrect, but the occasional swear word comes out during frustration. and as for nudity, did you orget about the two times Bulma Gets naked? (Chibi Gokou taking off panties while she sleeps. Yamucha fighting the invisable man.)
  7. 1) considering there is infact slight nudity in DB(which was apparently even more directed towards children than DBZ could ever be) the logic of it being a childs show is very slim to none. 2) The manga more or less only has one subber, I don't know who subbed the it but its pretty seamless. Im supposing some big company got contracted to sub the manga and did it excessively well. There are very few fan subbers who sub mangas, and those that do, don't do them very well.(low quality, missplaced letter from original etc. etc.) I'm supposing you have read other mangas By Akira Toriyama and know exactly how strange and twisted his humor is, it would be more than unlikely that he would steer clear of Swear words in the original Manga. Given, yes things were toned down when changed into the anime, taking away many swears. but I'd give a 99% chance you'll find a few swears in the original Japanese Manga. thank you for your time ^_^.
  8. if any one of my freinds had a dbz obsession, I would smack them. no disrespect, but I would.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]I dont mean "better when its dubbed" I just mean best dubbed show youve seen. Even if all of the ones youve seen are crap, there has to be one thats better than some other dubs!! :D [/B][/QUOTE] nope they all stay around the same horridness.
  10. Best Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion Second Best: Final Fantasy Unlimited Third Best: Trigun Best Quote: "Where I walk, I walk alone. Where I fight, I fight alone. Where? Where is one who can stand against me?" Gouki-Street Fighter Alpha the animated Movie Best Male Anime Character: Kaze -FFU Best Female Anime Character: *shrugs* Best Plot in an Anime: NGE Best Anime when it's DUBBED: no such thing Best Anime when it's SUBBED: NGE, same as above, amazing -_-;
  11. I'm not completely sure, Im Canadian is pretty much all i can say with 100% accuracy....
  12. **** you= closest translation possible. afterall, it wasn't from the damn filler filled(huh?) anime, straight from the manga.
  13. Shounen(Male oriented Anime for all you who don't know) all the way. Shouju just makes me wanna punch someone....
  14. *looks up* I so need to get to 500 posts...... :drunk:
  15. Bejita: **** you I think it speaks for itself.
  16. Narius


    The drawing took me between 2-3 hours about.
  17. Narius


    Havent thought of the character itself yet, just spinning out ideas of what he will look like.....it looks alot better on paper, damn scanner.
  18. Narius


    Well just finished off a character concept so want some opinions, w00t.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Ya like safer said...Ninja Scroll has NO sequel at all. Just another company that got to use the rights to it. [/B][/QUOTE] Really? I just heard that Ninja Ressurection just happened to have a character named Jubei as well.....ah well.
  20. yeah I've seen that, I was quoting it all over the place too ^_^
  21. ...might wanna be a little more specific than that....
  22. I don't have any extra-ordinary things that I can go......just Mr. Average I guess O_o
  23. outlaw, bounty, small robots.....exept for the Rpbots part(there aren't very many in the series) I'd say your talking about Trigun....
  24. Member Name: Yori Peacecraft Original Member name: ^^^^^ Member Since: August at some point in time... Current Status: Desturbed. Favorite Forums: General, and General Anime Favorite RPG: Digistory: Chrono Trigger, or FFX Favorite Threads: none of them Favorite Smiley: :blah: Most Memorable Moment: That time I swollowed a penny..... Quotable Quote: "No you know whats Desgusting? When you dream about eating a big boul of cottage cheese and wake up with your grandma sitting on your face." Words of Wisdom: Don't eat Dead Squirrells, no matter how tempting it seems. Wish to be remembered for: using this thingy too much, O_o Desired Epitaph: That guy, Yeah you know. I will.... .....My Pet Chibi Penguin to......me! [img]http://www.dbgforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/chibi.gif[/img]
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