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Everything posted by Narius

  1. ...-_-' Characters are only in Final Fantasy for one game, then they get thrown to the curb, other than Biggs and Wedge they are in every game O_o
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B]OH really wut r those boards? [/B][/QUOTE] DaBlackGoku, Otaku Forums(not boards), and PN until it shuts down.
  3. I multi-task, im actually on three other boards as well as this one right now.
  4. I havent seen very many, so I wont put what I have seen up, but Im working on it. *kisses IRC* ^_^
  5. yeah I never saw the announcement I just saw Mr.E blabbing about it on the MB.
  6. I can't beleive no ones talked about this yet.....I was gonna put it in General Discussion, but blah didn't want anyone pissed at me. anyways as some of you know, PN is going down! Forever! Its never Comming Back! Now Dubbies have no place to talk about their Dubbiness O_o.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]*Rolls up a newspaper and hits DragonballZman* Bad boy! Internet DBZ episodes are illegal! Bad! Bad! [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah! get the manga instead ^_^
  8. Well I gotta say the The Remake Chrono Trigger with the Anime was awesome, so it would be good with the anime, blah I dunno I like the Somputer graphix too....
  9. Sure you should get it....but I only say that because I like the idea of american youths running around with sharp objects.....O_o
  10. *has already seen it, loves it, *drools**
  11. yep chats=boring, and stupid, and alot of other thins I wont get int, so there.
  12. I can think of some......but IM pretty sure they are not what most would call....."appropriate" so.....ahem, let us never speek of this again >.>
  13. UGH, we should seriously make like a giant announcement on this forum that says. "DBAF is a fake and there is nothing beyond ssj4" so people will stop asking every five minutes.
  14. I still want my Zechs avatar :mad:
  15. *shakes head in disappointment* this is just truly pathetic.
  16. Oh god its PNMB all over again!!! *grabs head and screams in terror*
  17. Once again proving that Dubs suck, get subbed if you don't like voice changes :p.
  18. god I need to post more often around here....O_o.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]man. Dont be afraid make the move, ask one of them out and go date or something. I have had a few gfs before....... [/B][/QUOTE] you're strange, and he did not make this, I saw it at PNMB before O_o.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WarGreymon01 [/i] [B] I haven't seen the movies but I don't think that Mirai Trunks was in any of the Movies except for The History of Trunks. [/B][/QUOTE] He was in the First Burori movie, and he was also in the Bojack movie, Im not sure if he was in any other ones.
  21. Narius


    belongs in the Dragonball forum....?
  22. oriented towards too young of an age group. As most of you can Tell Pokemon is for ages 7 and under.....im neither 7 or under.
  23. Shadow, as they have explained before, they are reffering to the fact that he never reaches the full version of USSJ, atleast not when we can see him. Im certain that he did it during his training in the Room of Time and spirit, but when he went against cell he didn't power up to full, not becoming a full USSJ. he only powered up part way because he knew the limitations of the transformation.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]This is why there is no DBAF. When the creator had finished all of DB, DBZ,DBGT. He wanted to make DBAF but he noticed that DBZ wasnt popular. So he didnt make it and he never will...... So there is no series after DBAF. Well I wish there was.......I got the 411 on all news and updates on stuff like it on DB, DBZ,DBGT. PM me if you have any questions [/B][/QUOTE] you keep saying you have the 411, but your always slightly wrong. The creator OF DB, and DBZ quit after DBZ, DBGT was completely made by the company he formerly worked for(TOIE Animation) and DBZ was never unpopular, it was one of the biggest hits of all time in Japan, and is on of the biggest hits here in north america. Also the creator of DB/DBZ(Akira) never had plans to make DBAF, nor did TOIE animation. They ended it after the monumental bomb of DBGT(yes for all of you who don't know, the change around of DBGT half way through the show was not quick enough and the show pretty much failed in Japan) DBAF is nothing more than a fanmange drawn by some guy. Nothing to do with the real Dragon Ball Series.
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