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Everything posted by Narius

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Yori Peacecraft, you were saying!:smirk: Trunks is the first one to go to USSJ, as Altron Gundam has just proven! [/B][/QUOTE] he proved that Trunks was the first visable one to go ussj in the episodes, as everyone half intelligent knows the Movies have no relevance to the Episodes. Brolli was the first one to reach that stage, but at the time it was not called Ultimate Super Saiya-jin, they didn't call it anything, they just beleived that it was a powered up SSJ. As you can easily see by the fact that Trunks was in the Broli movie and was not able to Go USSJ like Broli was.
  2. no dubs are as good as the original *** (subbed) eps. All Dubbed Saga's suck so don't just point out that Freiza Saga sucks, they all suck :p
  3. Whats wrong with his voice? Isn't it ovious? Funimation is whats wrong with his voice, and evrything else :p
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desert Shadow [/i] [B] [b]You betcha! ^_^ Hey, yer really good, any tips fer me?[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] no tips just a general question here.....why are all three of your drawing in completely different styles from the one before and how come only one of them has the name in the corner? if its all a coincidence then don't mind me im just the local paranoid person O_o.
  5. Krillin got 40% (4/10)
  6. Well I don't have a scanner....but here is a picture drawn for me of my Created character. Oh and I'll try to find the awsome Majin Vegetto Picture he made and post it too. I repeat that I am not entering, this is just some one elses work that I am posting up!!! ahem
  7. Marvel VS. Capcom 2, Capcom VS. SNK, ...uhhhh I think thats all I have O_o, stupid dream cast >.<
  8. all you have to do is name the frame that you want it to link to, like name it "main" or something then when you do the link put in the code,
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Do you mean Akiri Toriyama???[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] ....no he means akira Toriyama. He worked for a company called TOIE animation, the original destributors of anything DBZ.
  10. DB and the beginning of GT were both headed towards the lighthearted and "fun" side of DB, I hated it(except for the captain Carrot guy who could turn everyone he touched into a carrot, he ruled)
  11. Ok....I forgot 7, so anyone who is going to do it now, write the answer to this in aswell, 7)Name all of Bardock's team.
  12. Gotenks is a Fusion between trunks and Goten. and SSJ means Super Saiya-jin, or in dubbie language Super Saiyan.
  13. alright get these right and I will go O_o. 1) What was the present that Krillin gave Kamesennin so he would allow him to train under him? 2) What is the true color(has to be exact) of ssj4 Gogeta's hair. 3) Name all of Bojacks Henchmen. 4)(easy) What was the orriginal name of the Saiya-jins home planet? 5) Who killed Grampa Gohan? 6)(easy) What planet was Tapion from? 7)Name all of Bardocks team. 8)What was the first planet destroyed by Vegeta in the Saiya-jin Saga? 9) who is Badibi's father? 10)what is the name of the 5th star dark Dragon?
  14. .....uuummm....I think I will just say nothing...its better that way O_o.
  15. Calm down, just take it easy, don't wet yourself.
  16. I like Buu's pants!!! Buu's pants rule!
  17. *hold hands up in victory!!!* only person to say yes!!! wooo!
  18. I do drugs, and thats all I will say. PS don't start telling me not to do them because it wont work :D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]You say the one below is Strider Hiryu? Even though I don't recognize that character, the avatar looks pretty phat! Post the other one as an attachment so I can compare and help you... [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I would post it but I don't have it :D, its the blonde haired guy in the big sheet of Ice dragons.
  20. Still nobody helps my decision to choose which avatar i should use :( remember its between Dragons Mlliardo Peacecraft and the Strider Hiryu one O_o(seen below)
  21. #1 Who is Goku BRother? Raditzu #2 Who is Krillin's First opponent in the world matrial arts Tournament in DragonBall? Tien #3 IS Jackie Chan master Roshi's Brother or is that master Roshi? its master Roshi in desguise #4 Who kills TUrlus? its Turlis and he is a saiyan who looks exactly like Goku, but evil. #5 who says this quote: "It's times like these i wish i were a Shoe salesmen" ...why do I care? #6 HOw many levels are there in a saya-jin? (Ooazru Counts also and Golden OOazru) 6 not including the half SSJ Goku achieves. #7 WHo'S THAT POKEMAN??? lol Skip this quesiton #8 Who is Goku's Ole Time Rival/Now tiem Friend? THink Kakkarott Bejita, but Piccolo is also his old time rival. #9 Whats the name of Bulma's family's Corporation? Capsule Corp. #10 Whats the name of the army of Dr. Gero? Red Ribbon Army #11 Which Kai Is King Kai? Northern Kai. #12 Which number episode is it where Super Boo Turns CHichi into an egg? 257.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B]is it a .JPG , or .GIF? if its a bitmap (*.bmp) it won't work [/B][/QUOTE] you are seriously confusing me, read the post, its in Gif format.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B]ummmmmmm no, it is there. [/B][/QUOTE] ....have you had your vision checked recently? im talking about my post you weirdo!!!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WarGreymon01 [/i] [B] Brollis transformation was not called the Legendary Super Saiyan. HE was the Legendary Super Saiyan. Because when he was a baby his power level when taken, like all Saiyan babies had, his power level was 10,000 and therefore he and his father were banished from Planet Vegeta and this happened just before Frieza blew it up. [/B][/QUOTE] uuuuhhh....no, have you ever even watched the movie? What happened was Broli's birth came around the same time Freeza destroyed planet Vegeta, and when he did Broli's power protected them in a little shield and brought them to a new planet. Broli would not be known as the legendary Super saiya-jin because he had a power level of 10,000 at birth, because he was not a Super saiya-jin at birth. He was known as the legendary super Saiya-jin because he became stronger than a regular Super saiya-jin making him "Legendary". So they called the transformation that he got that surpassed ther SSJ his Legendary transformation.
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