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Everything posted by Sapphire Flare
[quote name='Killer7'] So if you are still Christian, think about it. Does a simple 2000 year old book mean a entire religion is true? NO, just like Aesop's fables don't mean the Grim Reaper exists.[/quote] I have one word: Faith Aesop's fables were made so that they were not true. Hence the word: "Fable" :animesigh Just because you don't think he's real doesn't mean he isn't. That's like saying: God doesn't believe in you, so you're not real. ;)
Bullying is fun. :animesmil Or, if you're the one being bullied just poke them in the chest alot and be like: IF UGLINESS WERE BRICKS, YOU'D BE THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA! I don't know what you mean by bullying, but if you mean making fun of someone behind their back and ruining their reputation, everyone does that. And everyone has it done to them, its a natural thing for some people to hate you and some people to like you. But if you couldn't care any less, then people will have no choice but to like you. :] Compliment people, it confuses them.
RIGHTEOUS FURY! Sometimes I feel like I could just shoot starbolts out of my hands when I'm standing up for something! (like from Teen Titans :animesmil ) Either that or inspiration, you know that feeling that you can't describe in words but you're so happy and you start feeling a little hot? You know?
Does anyone here study true alchemy?
Sapphire Flare replied to kenshi112's topic in General Discussion
Hey, alchemy would be fun and if someone really put their mind to it (like the reincarnation of albert einstien) then I'm sure they could find a way for it to work. Somehow. Although, they probably wouldn't use circles of paint or marker. The philosopher's stone, A.K.A. the Panacea might exist... somewhere... I mean there are endless combinations and different undiscovered cures so... you can't really say that anything ISN'T real just yet. Hell maybe some big purple thing does live in a lake in ireland. (refering to Nessie the big purple dinosaur) -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Vega gave an uncomfortable cough and began to speak. "You see, the reason that sword was in the museum was because it was not meant to be touched. It was the sword of a samurai from a distnat, far-off land, however, this samurai was more devoted than the others..." "Meaning?" Jason questioned. "Well, sometimes protecting to the death isn't enough." "...So you're saying that the samurai who used that sword." "That samurai now is that sword. Ehe... you need to be strong-willed and self-disciplined to wield that thing." Vega gestured toward the blade with his claw. "To avoid what is only known today as common 'posession'." "So do we need an excorcist?" Sol asked now eyeing the blade oddly. "Not if you don't let it control you completely. And the longer you hold it the closer it gets." "Nah, I can take it." Sol adjusted his grip and slashed at one of the officers, blood splayed out and Sol grew a lunatic look on his face as he continued to slash over and over and over and- Vega caught the sword inbetween two of his claws. "Yeah, he's dead by now, don't you think?" "..." The crazed look melted off of Sol's face. "Yeah... yeah." "Are you-" "I'm fine." A line of soldiers lined up infront of them, most with long swords or pistols. "EVIL-DOERS BEWARE, I WILL TEACH YOU ALL A LESSON!" A voice came from the roof of a warehouse building nearby. The soldiers turned and aimed their weapons at Vega's cheap voice-throwing trick, each of them being swiftly severed across the back by either Jason, Sol, or Vega. "Lesson one, never turn your back on the opponent." Vega grinned wiping the blood off of his blade with his hankercheif, now a thorough shade of scarlet. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]ooc: mk well this is getting a bit repeatative so should we finally form an alliance with Nami and Ze? EDIT: he posted before me! :[ blegh ok I will have to add a bit now... "All yours." Javen gestured towards the two as she nodded to Reiver. Reiver nodded as well as Javen slowly walked away to look out at the sea. Vega watched with mild amusement, he had to laugh at the two of the double trouble twins getting caught and tricked again. However other things were swimming on his mind... [I]"And you Vega? My best thief, my most loyal friend I know and have...Will you desert me?"[/I] Played over and over in his mind. He didn't [U]want[/U] to desert Javen but... With the Dragon Tear... and the Frozen Flame... well... Vega walked back up to Javen, not really caring what happened to Nami and Ze. "Javen." She spun around and was startled for a second. She then sighed in relief. "You know, with that mask and the sun setting somebody is bound to mistake you for a serial killer." She smiled. Vega grinned slightly as well. "The Dragon Tear and Frozen Flame-" "I know I know. I'm going to use it when the time is right." "Keep in mind, you won't be the only one who can access it's power once its activated. Infact, you may even activate it on accident and-" "I won't." Javen interrupted firmly. "Besides, other people can have their little dreams come true, it's not like I'm stopping them. All I need is one wish..." "Javen, some dreams... should not come true." Vega's gaze was ominous and threatening. "..." There was a dark void of silence between them. "I know..." Javen looked out at the sea. "What are you going to wish for that's so important?" "...Just something..." Vega pulled Javen into a warm embrace and held her tight for a long while, the moonlight shining down on them in the dark but less than pitch-black night. Vega pulled away and smiled, he turned and walked down the steps of the boat to the bottom floor. There he flicked on the light and looked down at his hand. He unclenched his fist to reveal the Frozen Flame that he had just poached from Javen. "I have to make sure..." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SandyBrown]"Fire." Vega remarked in a monotonous tone. "I wonder if they've ever met one of these." He punched the glass case which contained a fire extinguisher and pulled out the red canister. Vega quickly pulled the tab and sprayed the foam everywhere, making it look like the boat was now covered in snow. Sol was already sliding in the slippery substance. "Whoo-hoo!" He had a large grin on his face. "This is awesome! Why didn't I ever think of doing this before?" "Two gremlins never tried to set your boat on fire." Vega spun the wheel of the boat, they were now only a couple yards away from the Mayor's house, that was when they heard a huge crack and most of the top floor was now caved in. "Redecorating?" A figure slammed through the wall, it was covered in a mass amount of blood but Sol and Vega recognized it. It was Reiver, the leader of the Black Dragons. "I wonder if this means his spot is open..." Vega rubbed his chin with his un-clawed hand. "Hey! He might not be dead." Sol exclaimed. "Oh, yeah...." Both looked doubtful as they surveyed the bloody mess, Vega poked him with a claw. "Hey!" Sol shouted. "Oh, sorry. Just checking." Vega gave a weak smile even though you couldn't see behind his mask. He spun his head towards the mayor's house. " "Hey, try to wake him up, I want to go find the others, especially Javen, she better not be in the same condition as... that." Vega gestured towards Riever before leaping off the boat, digging his claw into the windowsill of a second floor window, he hopped in through the already broken glass. "Damn." His arm got cut on one of the shards and started to trickle with blood. "JAAAAVEEEEN! JAAAAAAVEEEEEEEN!" Vega called his, voice echoed through the ruins. He looked around, nothing in this romm but a grand piano that now had a chunk of ceiling stuck in it, huge piles or rubble, and a large hole in the wall. He twisted the doorknob on the door and the door fell down, leaving the knob in Vega's hand. "Ahem." He threw the knob over his shoulder and looked around. The ground was charred as were most of the walls and it appears that a fire was starting on one of the pillars. "Get me out of here! What's happening in there?!" A muffled voice came from the door across the room. Vega strolled over and twisted the doorknob, easily opening the door. "Did you ever try the-" Vega began but was cut off when Javen fell through the doorway. "Er..." "Vega? You guys are supposed to be at the museum!" "We were, we stole, we conquered. And now our boat is covered in foam. Long story, let's get you out of here." Vega kicked out a window, frame and all this time, to avoid getting cut again. The tip of the boat was barely a foot away from the window now. "What is this?" Javen gestured. "It's our prize." Vega grinned. "You won already?" "...you could say that." Vega hopped back onboard before Javen could ask anymore questions.[/COLOR]
OMJESUS! SASORI'S [spoiler]FIRST PUPPETS WERE HIS PARENTS?!?![/spoiler] That heartless *****! Oh I thought sasori [spoiler]drained life from his puppets or something to keep him young.[/spoiler]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Vega and Sol skulkily walked down towards the museum, a scuttling of feet was heard and they both went up against a wall. It was just some drunkards, Vega sighed in relief and looked to his left. [I]Hey, it's the boat.[/I] He thoguht to himself. Vega peered through the darkness at the boat, it had four chains tied to the pier to prevent it from floating away. "Hey Sol, the rules say, if we steal the biggest and most valuable item, we win the boat, right?" "Yeah..." "So... Why not steal the boat itself?" "..." Sol pondered on this for a moment. "Perhaps you're a bit smarter than I thought." "I'll settle for being smarter than you." Vega grunted as he scurried off to the boat, Sol following close by. Vega was yanked back by Sol and muffled in exclamation as Sol pointed to the wooden walkway leading up to the boat. Two people were exiting the boat, and of course as fate would have it it was the double trouble duo, Nami and Ze. "Shit, what are they doing on there?" "By the looks of it they just dropped off their loot in the boat." "..." Nami and Ze were walking close, very close. Vega cupped his hands and spoke out, "Shhh... We need to get to the museum, then we can beat everyone!" Vega's voice appreared to be coming from the alley on the opposite side, and sure enough, Nami and Ze ran towards it. "There we go." Sol whispered as him and Vega made their way to the ship. Vega tried to saw through the chains with his claws, as Sol attempted something similar with no effect. After thinking for a moment Vega jumped up on a chain and followed it up to the tip of the boat, where the chain was tied. "What are you..." Sol murmered. Vega chopped off the tip and a chunk of the boat fell off, taking the chain with it. "Strong chain, weak foundation." Vega laughed and Sol smiled, hopping up to help sever the chains. BEEEEP! BEEEEP! BEEEEP! A huge flashing spotlight emitted from the mayor's house as a siren blared. Vega and Sol exchanged glances, hopped into the boat and sailed off, heading towards the mayors house. "Just wondering, how are we going to get into the mayor's house?" "He's got a lake near the back, let's just hope they're there. [/COLOR] [B]Ooc: er, is that ok? PM me if u want me to change something.[/B]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Vega stook behind Sol and mocked him, miming his actions as he spoke. Sol spun around but Vega was already gone, his voice emitted from a barrel on the left side of the room. "Looking for me?" Vega asked. "Or me?" His same voice was now on the other side of the room, it appeared to be coming from the counter. Snickers came from all sides of the room. "Haha, still up to that annoying voice-throwing crap aren't you." Sol laughed back. Vega dropped from his true position, the ceiling. "You're just jealous." Vega lifted his mask slightly so Sol could see his out-stretched tongue. "Nyaknyah..." Javen's slurred drunken voice could be heard musing at the little conflict between the two. A sweat drop rolled down the side of Vega's face. "Perhaps you should put this down..." He grabbed at the bottle of whiskey. "no!" Javen insisted, pulling back the bottle. "..." Vega gave a weak smile. He took a seat and looked away, he was determined not to start a conversation with anyone, especially Sol. You see, Vega and Sol have met up many times on many of their thefts, and it was quite annoying to Vega. So instead Vega started to polish his claw while waiting for the other gangs to show up.[/COLOR]
Ooc: Crisp is a funny word ^o^ Vice was sprawled out on his bed, thoughts swimming through his head, and him still in the same clothes. "Urgh..." He grumbled and sat up on his bed, he felt rigid and dirty. "Time for a bath." That freezing mountain atmosphere was tough enough but they aren't even close to the end of this Journey. Vice slipped into the hot spa, the fog covering everything from sight. He reflected on it all, Hue, the Black Dragon, They Journey, he played back every detail, and ultimately wondered: "What next?" [I]Chimera obviously won't stop until he gets what he wants... What exactly does he want? I only came on this journey to gain more, learn more, become more ferocious. Turns out, I got alot more than I bargained for...[/I] He looked up, letting himself sink deeper into the steaming bath. [I]Back at the academy...[/I] Vice had a flashback about his teachers and classmates at the academy, the eyes of the other kids glinted his way. Almost every other kid was an Assimar... The few teiflings that attented the school were already defeated, they were made fun of and did nothing, only accepted what they could not change. The first time one of the Assimars tried to make fun of Vice, Vice tangled him up in vines and threw him out the window off of the second floor of the building. Vice remembered that day, from that day on the Assimars hated him and made fun of him behind his back. They were scared and Vice loved it. But now, his prowess are being put to the test in an actual mission... It turns out he had alot more to learn that he wasn't aware of. He remembered what he said at the academy... "You have nothing left to teach me anything!" "We can teach you self-control." Then, nothing. He couldn't remember anything else, and it was getting a bit hot. Vice stepped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around him, he put on a robe that was graciously provided by the innkeeper. Vice stepped out of the spa room and walked down the hallway back to his room with his clothes in one hand and his towel in the other. A loud smacking sound was heard. By its crisp defined sound, it must've hurt. However, Vice couldn't care any less by now. Many odd things happen around here, odd people+odd places = odd occurences. Vice was stunned when a door opening smacked him in the face, and Hue stepped out. "Oh, sorry." She extended her hand to help Vice up. Vice immediately noticed that his feral eyes were activated when the door hit him, he was about to switch them off when he noticed something funny. It wasn't Hue, but something behind Hue. "Something wrong?" Hue asked as she looked behind her to see what Vice was staring at. "I'm not so sure..." He walked to the door, it was emitting something, some kind of... Shadowy aura, it was hard to describe, like invisible black flames flickering off the door. "Who's door is this?" "That?" Hue pointed to the door. "Don't know. Not someone from our crew." "..." Vice walked up and placed his hand on the door, he felt nothing but he could still see the flames, he lifted his hand off to see that his hand was now, too covered in the aura, although he felt nothing. He shook his hand and it evaporated quickly. Hue shot Vice an odd look and Vice shrugged. He walked on, getting back ot his room for a good night's sleep.
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Sapphire Flare replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[img]http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/images/churchsigns/turn_burn.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/images/churchsigns/forgive_your_enemies.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/images/churchsigns/church_parking.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/images/churchsigns/god_does_not_believe_in_atheists.jpg[/img] :D -
Hey I've had that stuff, it's pretty good for a dannon product. I like thier drinkable yogurt better thought. Ahem, but thats off topic. Isn't the drink [I]frusion[/I] not [I]fusion[/I]? to me it means someone's on a diet, but they really wanted a smoothie, so they wanted something lowfat and healthy for them instead of a mcdonalds triple thick shake (omfg that stuff is good). So... They chose frusion. :whoops:
Ooc: Wow, a full page of sappiness lol. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Vice held out an outstretched hand and pulled it back. "Cover." He whispered. The snow behind the mammoth quickly circled the mammoth and build an igloo-like statue around it, making it look like nothing but a large mound of snow. "Just making sure that no one else sees. The mammoths and mountain trolls are pretty stupid but they can tell when one of their own is killed." Daergar, Hiro, and Vice were now all walking closely together, all rubbing their arms because it had started to get cold. Vice stopped and looked up, shielding the sun from his eyes. "About another hour till we're at the top, then we can slide down." Daergar grunted. "Slide?" Vice and Hiro shot Daergar an odd look. "Oh you're not seriously going to walk all the way down are you?" "..." "Well we're sliding, its my turn to make the decision." Hiro shurgged and Vice just kept walking. [I]Sliding could be fun.[/I] Vice and Daergar were tackled by Hiro as he stuffed them all behind a snowbank. "Wha-" Hiro put his hand over Vice's mouth and pointed to the large troop of trolls that were passing by. They looked up, they couldn't walk up the mountain if they were going to stay here, only a large rocky wall was there, which they would have to climb if they didn't want trouble. Vice pointed up and they all nodded. They began to inch their way up the mountain clinging onto the edge, the trolls were very close now, maybe twenty yards away, a rock fell. Whether it was Hiro, Daergar or Vice didn't matter because that tiny rock hit another tiny rock on the way down. Thsoe two hit a slightly bigger rock and you could see now that an avalanche was forming. Hiro quickly stuck out his hand and was able to hold up all the rocks. It appeared it took quie an effort, it had to be at least forty pounds of rock being held there. The mountain trolls stopped and turned their heads toward the avalanche being suspended next to the mountain. They all exchanged looks and kept staring at the rocks. Hiro was beginning to slip, one hand holding up the rocks and the other barely hanging onto the cliff. Vice turned to see that Daergar had already pulled back an arrow. "What are you..." Vice exclaimed but Daergar already shot. The loud whipping sound was heard as the arrow stuck into a trolls leg. "Now!" Daergar shouted. Hiro slung his hand forward and in response the rocks flew forward and smashed into the mountain trolls taking most of them out. Vice felt it was time to clean up, he stuck out his hand. "COVER!" The snow covered the trolls as it did the mammoth, except this time the trolls were all bunched together so the snow formed a ball around them. Soon after you could see numerous limbs of goblins sticking out of a large snowball that was rolling down the hill, still picking up more and more snow as it rolled. They all sighed in relief as they jumped to the side so they could walk again. "We make a pretty good team."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]A loud whipping sound was heard like a dagger flying through the air. Infact, it was a dagger flying through the air, it slid right between the bars, nearly hitting one, and sticking down into the prisoner's larnyx. "Cuaugh-" He tried to talk but all that poured out was blood. He bent over and began coughing it up, he grasped the dagger blade and pulled it out but that didn't help, it went in too deep to fix he was permanantly mute. And, if he didn't stop coughing up blood like that he would die from blood loss. "Hmm... I knew something was rotting back here." the voice of Levi richocheted off the steel walls. The swinging lamp above swung a little and flickered before going out completely with a crackle. [I]Nice timing Abbadon...[/I] Levi thought to himself. A total blackout had taken place throughout the entire building, the corridors were now pitch-black and you could barely see a foot away from your face. "Hello Kugo, I see you haven't died....yet." The ominous voice came from not far away, maybe nine or ten feet. "I know you... Somehow." Kugo pondered on where he had heard that voice before. "You don't remember me? That hurts my feelings Kugo. If I had any haha." Levi smirked. "Let's see if I can [B]remind you.[/B]" The last two words that were said were slurred as the demon approached Kugo swiftly and Kugo held out his large sword to parry. The katana of Levi's came down quickly and powerfully it stuck on Kugo's sword and the face of the demon came close to Kugo's. He could only catch a glimpse because Levi used his foot to flip off of the flat side of Kugo's sword; but the green eyes and brown hair were all that he needed. "Aaah..." Kugo put his sword over his back again. "Leviathan, have you come back for more?" "We were never finished." Levi replied. "It ends when someone dies." "I see." Kugo smiled. "You know this darkness doesn't help any of us." "We're demons. We prefer the dark, we play in the dark, and you have been cordially invited to our tea party." "Interesting, however you have no toys to play with here. I think I'll leave." Kugo lifted his sword in a ready stance. A malicious snicker was heard from both sides of the hallway. "You are the toy." Kugo spun around to see how someone could be in two places at once, but then realized it wasn't two places at once, but two people at once. "Oh, I'm honored that you sent two against me." "Actually, we sent two against all of your little party." Levi could see a bit of fear hovering above Kugo's head, not for him, but for his teammates. "Don't think you teammates can handle it? Frankly, I don't think you can handle it Kugo." Behind Kugo someone cocked a gun and in front of him Levi drew his second sword. [I]Remember Abbadon, don't shoot untill you actually see him...[/I] Both Levi and Abbadon were aware that when dealing with a teammate and an enemy you needed to take precautions not to shoot eachother.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Vega Detries Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Clown like and wears a mask [img]http://img214.echo.cx/img214/7024/vega0wy.jpg[/img] Personality: Lighthearted, Sarcastic and quite Narcissistic Gang: Member of White Panthers Skills: Miming, Voice-throwing, Psychology Weapon(s): Left handed Tri-Claw Bio: Vega has started out as a small time thief, it wasn't his choice of a job but he decided it was best if he wanted a prosperous future. Vega had a four-year degree in psychology and analytical thinking, and would have gotten a job in it if theives hadn't infested the towns. Soon he had been robbed himself and pickpocketed, and Vega was left with no money at all. Thus, he was forced into living the low-life. First thing he wanted to do, was get his money back, and he wouldn't stop untill he found it. He still hasn't found the exact person but by now he had stolen an equivalent amount of money. He believed in many various ways that you could steal from someone, unlike any other. Lockpicking and pickpocketing were one way, but Vega had little or no interest in them. Instead he used his special talents to his advantage, his psychological and analytical abilities came in handy when facing guards. Not to mention his voice-throwing technique he had picked up many years ago. A typical strategy of his would first to find out what the man was thinking, and after that use that to his advantage, throwing his voice into other objects making it seem like they are being haunted. At first, this new art of theft didn't catch on until Vega became a big time thief when he stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre. It was said that the painting was replaced with an exact duplicate of the Mona Lisa, except this Mona Lisa wore a white mask over her face. The guards were classified as psychotic, they said they heard voices coming from sculptures of inanimate objects or people and they swore the paintings talked to them, possessed with the voices of the criminals they had locked away. This became knows as Vega's special skill, soon after he applied for the guild of the White Panthers. There were many others to choose from but... The White Panthers intrigued him the most.[/color][/FONT]
Discuss Anethesia Touch: Redemption; Underground [M-VL; PG-S]
Sapphire Flare replied to a topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yeah sry I [I]just[/I] read that part and came to quickly delete the post but you beat me to it, heh. :animeswea mk but that clears things up alot thanks.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]January 19, 1992 Year of the Monkey its 1/19 which is also 911 backwards. I'm capricorn (barely) and horoscopes actually are usually right for me. The weird thing is that my oldest sister's birthday is the same day as mine, not the same year but same day.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Discuss Anethesia Touch: Redemption; Underground [M-VL; PG-S]
Sapphire Flare replied to a topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Is it like... The new megaman NT warrior? Where they jack-in and use the battle chips? And are we the controller or the actual net navi? Sorry bout so many questions, just wondering.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
Ooc: Symptoms of carbon monoxide would be: Stupor or coma; labored breathing; pulse small and irregular; face cyanotic; pupils dilated. Just telling incase you wanted to use it in a post or something. blah! I posted while Kityt posted! I'll edit it real quick. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Levi causually strolled into the monitor room, it felt as if a burden had been lifted knowing that his worst enemies were nothing but pretty little piles of ash. However... When Levi glared at the monitor he didnt' see any remains. No dead bodies, no blood, not even any ash, well, no dead bodies except the ones of the demons they ahd sent earlier. "What's this?" Levi zoomed in with the camera and zoomed out, searching every inch until he knew there was nothing. He quickly took out the recording and rewinded. It was sickening to watch. Leviathan glared at what he saw before him. He was sickened at how Katrina and Kugo had teamed up to save the day.......again. "That little whore..." He reached onto his back and grasped the murasame blade tightly. "So Lucifer was right, perhaps Gabriel's little posse is smarter than they seem." Each of the team members split up, each searching different parts of the base for Gabriel. "Perfect." Levi scurried out to the main room, where the remaining demons were currently lounging on the numerous couches. "Get up you lazy asses. This has worked out perfectly." 'We're getting Astaroth back?" "What?" Levi asked with a surprised look on his face. "oh..." He remembered that Lucifer had gone to administer the process... "Yes, we most likely will if the transaction goes over smoothly. But right now, the rest of Gabriels little crew came searching for him, and we, are going to take them out, one by one." They all shook their heads. "We can't take them head-on, somehow they always manage to survive." "Aaah, when they were together. But you see, right now, they are split up, searching different parts of the chambers." The other demons raised their eyebrows in interest. "Eight of us, four of them, do the math." "Hmm..." They pondered on this thought for a second. "Alright." Everyone nodded and got up at once. "What if we're in trouble?" One asked. "Then give it your all and come back here, when they're weak and we're weak we can outnumber them. Try not to get killed." "Especially you, Levi." One added. "Me? Why would I get killed?" Levi smiled, he knew it was because the others looked down on him, seeing as how he was the only one that used swords. They split off into groups of two, Levi joining up with Abbadon. "Why should we fight? They won't find Gabriel, he's not here." Abbadon questioned. "Yes, but they'll find us sooner or later and right now is our best chance to strike. Especially since they should be feeling the carbon monoxide just about now..." The teams left in one of the many hallways leading out of the great main room. Each only waiting for the best time to strike. "I hope you're ready Kugo... I'm coming for you..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Vice, Daergar, and Hiro had also been walking for 3 hours, however, not being on horses they were a considerable distance behind. Vice looked up at the coming storm. "Just so you all know, I can't use my magic when I'm wet. Water and all..." He grumbled "Bad news, then, there's a storm ahead." Hiro pointed at the dark and threatening clouds. "Exactly. That is why I suggest..." Vice pointed to the Szoark Mountain. "Are you crazy? The things up there... They're not human." Daergar warned. "Well to tell you the truth." Hiro pointed out. "We have an elf a teifling and a human, we're not all that normal ourselves." Daergar scowled at Hiro. "Just saying." Hiro shrugged. "Besides." Vice pointed out. "With all their powers I'm sure they're considerably farther than us. If we continue on our way it will take 7 more hours, over the mountain it will only take four." "It's cold." Daergar pointed out. "Well whatever, we'll make due." "How will we get up the cliffs?" "I have earth magic. Defensive but they can be used to raise things." Hiro interrupted. "There. See?" Vice replied. "Now, I'm going and you should follow if you know what is right." Daergar crossed his arms. "Have fun." Fortunately, Hiro had just met the group and he didn't want to fall behind already so he followed on the shorter path. "What? Don't just leave me here." "Follow." They both motioned in unison. Daergar sighed. [/COLOR] [/FONT] Ooc: Mk well I didn't want to go through the storm and since you guys have ponies I decided we needed a way to even out the time lapse. Plus, snow will be fun. :D And full of monsters needless to say... *cough*mountain trolls, mammoths, etc*cough*
HARIBO! I eat their gummy frogs all the time mmmm... Wow I really need to try that cadbury stuff, sounds good. :animeknow I have jelly bellies in my house, my sister got to them first so now only the nasty flavors are left... but my ALL TIME FAVORITE candy has got to be... COOKIE DOUGH BITES! mmmm a glass of milk and a box of cookie dough bites and I am set for the rest of the day. I like to flatten them (because they come in spheres) and then they look like actual cookies and you can eat them... yum...
Yeah that wasn't such a great example, It might be just because the poeple who posted new the person longer than the other person did, I mean you'd have to choose your best friend over a stranger no? But I can't talk, I'm still a new member too >.< [quote name=''SpiritWolf'']See, I've never encountered any problems with people looking down upon me for being a new user. As a matter of fact, this is the first I have heard of anyone having a problem.[/quote] ^same, at least, on this board.
Ooc: So much for leaving silently, :animesigh lol... [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Vice trudged up the hill, he did now want to run. He'd been walking for at least ten hours by now. It wasn't raining anymore but everything was still damp, and the sky was still covered in clouds. "Longer than I thought..." Vice grumbled, his arms swaying back and forth in unison as he slowly but steadily made his way to where he saw Daergar going last. "I don't even know where to meet them..." Vice stopped. He looked up and stared at what appeared to be some sort of shop. [I]Perhaps they've seen him.[/I] Vice walked up to the shop and reached the entrance just as Daergar was leaving. "..." There was an awkward silence and then they finally realized who they were looking at. "What's that?" Vice gestured at the rolled up parchment. "Map." Daergar replied simply. "..." There was another awkward silence. "So what happened while I was gone?" "Oh, not much, I figured out that we were being watched the whole time. I told them to escape stealthily but..." "Watched?" "Yeah, that abandoned bar you told me about earlier, turns out it wasn't as abandoned as everyone thought..." "So where are they now?" Daergar questioned. "..." Vice was silent. "What?! We're at least ten hours away from them and you didn't set up a metting point?!" "...Well, I was a bit preoccupied, but we can probably meet them if we can find out where they're going next." "Right." Daergar agreed, he unrolled the map and they both studied it carefully. "Funny, according to this map, we're surrounded by shadows on all sides right now." Vice looked at it more carefully, then shot out his finger. "There it is!" He pointed to a small shape on the map that stood next to a building called "Icewind Inn". "If they know what they're doing, they'll go there next." [/FONT] [/COLOR] ooc: I don't know where we're going next so I just left it at that. :animesigh Kayin maybe you could meet up with us soon so we have a group of three and they have a group of four untill we meet.
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Levi followed Lucifer into the monitor room, there were at least 25 screens in the room, all displaying different parts of the base. Lucifer sat in a large chair placed infront of the monitors. "What do you want, Levi?" "Explain to me again, Lucifer, why am I not allowed to fight them myself?" Levi looked impatiently. "First of all, you lost control of Gabriel." Lucifer replied. "But we got him [I]back[/I], didn't we?" Levi shrugged. "So what's the big deal?" "We got him back, yes, but we had four casualties in the process, and they were pretty good demons too." "Blah blah, we have more." "Now I wish I put you out there..." Levi gave Lucifer a curious look. "Look at the people I sent out." He tapped the T.V. monitor. "Five people, all very unexperienced." Levi answered him sarcastically expecting Lucifer to tell him that they were stronger than he thought. Instead, Lucifer nodded in agreement. "...Why did you send them out?" "You see, they are all just part of a kamikaze trap. Once one of the demons are destroyed, the one right there to be more exact." Lucifer pointed to one of the demons, he was dressed in all black and held out two magnums, his hands shaking. "He will, detonate." "How big of a boom?" "It'll take out the whole room." "What if they see through that plan?" "The room is filling up with Carbon Monoxide as we speak, either way, they will die." Lucifer smirked. "...A triple trap. What a blinder." Levi was impressed at all the precautions they took. "But that Katrina girl, couldn't she simply make a hole in the wall?" Lucifer glared at Levi. "Wouldn't have the chance, she's being attacked, remember?" Levi thought this over for a moment... [I]I suppose, but once she kills her demon she could just do it then... Nevermind, they'd have to see through the plan first. And carbon monoxide doesn't smell at all... But couldn't a flare gun or something set off a reaction?[/I] "Hm... For someone who is concerned about our casualties, you are suiciding 5 of our demons you know." "Blah blah, we have more." Lucifer smiled and waved his hand dismissively. Levi left the room.[/FONT][/COLOR] Ooc: Stupid pop-ups, die. :animeangr Hope you don't mind me taking minor control of Lucifer and setitng up a devious plan, it just seemed like something he would do XD