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Everything posted by Sapphire Flare
Ooc: Agreed :lecture: [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]"No time." He muttered as he grabbed Hue's shoulders. He pulled her in very close, close enough for them to feal eachothers body heat radiating off of eachother. Hue was still cold and wet from the rain. He could feel his and her face heat up a bit and he whispered so close to her ear that she could feel his warm breath. [SIZE=1]"We're being watched..."[/SIZE] "Wha-?" Vice put his hand over Hue's mouth and shifted his eyes left to right. She shook it off and got close to Vice's ear as well. He whispered the story into Hue's ear and explained the dark holes that he had seen through. Her wings fluttered once from shock. "So they have eyes just like you and Min?" "..." Vice faltered at the word. [SIZE=1]" Nevermind... Who are we being watched by? Chimera himself?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"No, Chimera can't be down here, I don't think so anyways, but he could be soon... Listen, we need to tell everyone, but we can't fight right now. We need to get everyone to pack up and leave without anyone ever knowing. Don't even check out, just make sure everyone gets out.[/SIZE] He closed his eyes for a second, and opened them again. [SIZE=1]"Especially you."[/SIZE] They both stood there, standing close to eachother just letting the rain splash down on them. "We should..." Hue whispered. "I know..." Vice replied softly. Hue and Vice seperated and nodded, they had to be silent, and make sure nobody heard them. These... things, could be anyone, anywhere. "Go." Vice whispered. "What about you? Where are you going?" "I have to go get Daegar, he went up earlier today, make sure yo telll everybody and figure out where we're going to go. Go out the emergnecy exit next to your room, don't tell the innkeeper we're laving and if you see anything moving around in the abandoned bar, run." Vice muttered and he took off in the same general direction he had seen Daegar go in this morning. "What... Bar..." Hue whispered as Vice left, she watched him untill he went out of sight. He ran into the gloomy looking town, and slowly his image began to fade out, swallowed up by the mist and rain.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Ooc: Wonderful, free porn. -.- lol Ic: [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Vice looked around to see if anything could help Hue. He looked at his hands, wet with water... He could take off his gloves but then using his abilities would be hazardous to himself and Hue. [I]I wonder...[/I] Vice thought to himself. Glancing around the room, he was searching for holes he could look through incase this room had any. This room, had two; Vice spotted them and went up to them. A thought crossed his mind suddenly. [I]Hue's room is right next to the emergency exit... That means there should be no rooms are on the other side of this wall.[/I] Footsteps were approaching just as Vice was about to look through the holes.The door to their room swung open and an elf stood at the door, the elf had a longbow slung over one shoulder and a sheathed sword on him. Vice got up, was he a friend or foe? "Who are [I]you[/I]?" Vice sprang to his feet, ready for an attack. "... Is this room 24?" The man asked. Vice unclenched his fists and relaxed; He pointed across the room. "Thanks." The man said and he walked to the other room, shutting the door. [I]He wasn't an elf... not a full elf anyways.[/I] Vice thought in his head. [I]Is he going to join us?[/I] His thoughts shifted back to the holes in the wall to the non-existant room. He put his eyes up to the holes and used his feral powers again, through the darkness he saw they were across from an abandoned bar. [I]That's... odd...[/I] There was no for sale sign, and the building itself. Why had it not been torn down for a newer bar or shop? Vice's mind raced, he decided it was worth inspecting. He glanced over at Hue on the bed. [I]All she needs is some sleep... I'll just leave her here for a second.[/I] Vice got up and walked out the mergency exit. Daegar was leaving at the same time and he decided he might know more about this town. "Daegar." Vice called. Daegar's face turned, then his body turned as Vice was walking urgently up to him. "Do you know... Anything about that bar?" Vice pointed back to the old abandoned building. "Ha. I wouldn't call that a bar anymore. Yes it used to be a very famous bar, untill it was invaded by the Chimera. The chimera's shadows invaded many other buildings and banks but I don't know why they chose to invade that bar." "Chimera's shadows?" Vice caught those two words. "Yes, you don't know about them?" Daegar gave Vice an odd look. "Should I?" "They are ninja-like troops that the Chimera trains. Alone they are weak but in large numbers, their speed can quickly invade and outnumber just about anything. Also, I thought you would know about them because they have feral eyes, just like you." "Do you think its possible that they could be hiding out in that bar?" "The one right next to the inn?" Daegar shrugged. "I sure hope not. That would mean we've been sleeping right next to them all this time." [I]...exactly[/I] "Anyways, I gotta get going. See ya later." Daegar waved as he walked away. [I]Thanks... that's all I needed.[/I] Vice decided to just go back inside the inn for now, perhaps he'd explain at lunch. Vice tried to get inside but the emergency exit didn't open from the outside. "Ugh... Damn door." Vice kicked the door as he muttered. He made his way to the entrance of the building but stopped, took a step back, and decided to see what the holes looked like from the outside. He put his eyes up to the holes and used his feral powers again. "Impossible." Vice muttered. Vice could see Hue sleeping on her bed, but on the other side of the wall, there were two more holes perfectly aligned. He could see Ky's room from there, Ky was just loitering around, but then he spotted another pair of holes, perfectly aligned. He focused more and could make out an empty room. [I]Probably Daegar's...[/I] He thought to himself. But it didn't stop there, he could see all the way down to the last room in the hall. It was Jura's. Jura and the black dragon were rolling around in their bed, making un-audible sounds and making insane love. [I]You can see every single room from these holes... We're being watched.[/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Levi opened his eyes, it was dark. Well, that was because he was staring at the floor but even so it was dark. Levi rolled onto his back, pulled back his legs and sprung up in a flip-kick. He noticed his nose was dripping a little, and dried blood was running down his mouth. He wiped it with the back of his hand and shook it in the air to throw off the excess blood. "Smart little plan... For a smart little b*tch." Levi shrugged as he closed his eyes. "However he'd have to get past Lucifer anyways. Which is very improbable..." Levi smiled. "Not to mention the whole rest of the demon clan. Them with all the weapons and him with the-" Levi opened his eyes to see which gun Gabriel took. He quickly scuttled over to the desk. "...no." He walked over to the desk, many different kinds of guns were scattered, magnums, muskets, and many others that Levi didn't recognize. "But out of all of them he took that one..." Levi whispered. "Damnit, I [I]told[/I] Lucifer I don't use guns, but no, He insisted on having them just incase..." Levi slung his Murasame over his shoulder and pulled out his Katana. He was about to leave but glanced back at the desk. Grabbing a stungun, Levi turned and sprinted up the stairs. "He couldn't have gone too far..." Levi bust open the door with his Katana drawn. Everyone stared at him as if he was a madman. "Where is he?" "Where is who?" Came a unison of voices. "What the hell! How could nobody see him when he escaped?!" At first nobody reacted, but then they remembered that their only current prisoner was Gabriel. The notion that Gabriel escaped crossed all of the demon's minds at once. All of them drew and cocked their guns, two had battle rifles, and they all formed a circle around the table that they were all previously gathered around. "He couldn't have gone far. Those intoxins will definately prevent him from leaving, he'd be much to sensitive to the sun or even the moon right now..." Levi muttered. They all glanced around, trying to find any traces of Gabriel. "Levi, we'll talk later." Lucifer grunted, he also had his revolver drawn. Levi knew that was not good... *click* Something on one of the metal walkways moved. Immediately all of the demons fired at it, not even seeing anything for sure, but they kept firing, the bullets making clear holes in the steel, in three seconds flat the whole walkway began to fall apart. "STOP!" Lucifer roared, his voice echoing and the gunfire stopped. "That was a mouse for all we know. Don't destroy our whole place because you hear a click!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]"Min... What is min?" Vice continued in deep thought. "A different launguage? Could it stand for minute? Agh... nevermind..." He adjusted uncomfortably on his bed. Then he noticed a lump... Something was poking him... It was on his jacket, which he quickly took off to inspect. The jacket was originally black, but there was a patch of gray on it. "What is this?" He looked at it closer. It was stone. "How...?" But then he remembered, it was when he petrified the goblin ship, somehow it must have spread to his jacket somehow. Well, it didn't matter, it was only what, maybe 3 inches in length and 2 inches in height. It was just uncomfortable. "......." "......." ".....!" Someone was talking... someone from the other wall. There was a hole in Vice's wall, he didn't know if it went all the way through though. It was only big enough for one eye and much too dark to see through. However... Vice put his eye up to the hole and activated his feral eyes. His pupils stretched out like a cat's and turned a light amber gold color. It was clear now, there was Jura. She was on her bed, but she was talking to someone else... "A tattoo of a black dragon?" Vice mumbled inaudibly. "Then he must be a black dragon..." Weren't the black dragons... Theives? Why was Jura talking to one... Vice had heard they were assassins as well. [i]And Jura told me we weren't here to steal from this town... You have some explaining to do Ms. Nataly...[/i] KNOCK KNOCK Vice removed his eye from the wall and returned his eyes to normal so they wouldn't burn. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Jebus christ I heard you the first two times..." Vice grumbled as he trudged his way to the door and lazily opened the door. It was Hue. She opened her mouth to talk, as did Vice, but they were both interrupted. "You, please, help." It was an inn worker, The man wasn't carrying a cart, or towls, or anything that a normal room service man would carry. Instead he was panting heavily and seemed shooken up, he was obviously running away from something. "There are these things! They came inside the inn! They say they're looking for-" A crash was heard at the end of the hallway, and almost immediately several black blurs were bouncing off the walls, ceilings, and carpet. The room service man whimpered and hid behind Hue and Vice. The blurs were moving fast, too fast to count, maybe there were seven or eight, there was no time to think about it though. Hue had already drawn her whip and was in an attacking stance. One of blurs came at Vice with amazing and increasing speed, Vice saw his face for a second, it was blue, was it make-up? His face was covered like a ninja but his eyes, his eyes were feral eyes. SMACK The door infront of them opened and the nnja was slammed into the wall across the hallway, falling to the floor with a thud. Out of the doorway stepped Jura. "I heard a crash." The door was kicked from behind and it flew clear off the hinges, Vice caught Jura as she was hit by the door but the door was flying down the hall. "...strong." Vice whispered. Another man stepped out of Jura's room, he was heavily covered in cloth, but Vice remembered. He was the black dragon... "Ha!" Hue whipped at one ninja who tried to come at them, the ninja, instead of being thrown back wound up the whip and drew Hue up to his face, then, he coughed. It wasn't a normal cough, it was a smoggy green tinted cough. Hue was knocked unconcious by the intoxin, or whatever it could have been. Vice went straight for their speed. He planted his feet in the carpet and held out a gloved hand, his palm out. "STITCH!" He shouted, clenching his fist. The carpet's fibers unwove quickly before reweaving. However, there was something new in the plain tan colored carpet, it was the ninjas. Their feet had been stitched into the fabricwork. Vice smirked, but was surprised when the ninjas pulled out kunai's. They quickly worked at their feet, cutting lose the stiches. "Quickly, before they finish." Vice told them. He went up and elbowed the one who captured Hue. The elbow hit his face and the man dropped Hue, Vice then caught her swiftly and turned to bring her back to the bed. Something flew at Vice but bounced off of his jacket. He turned and saw the shuriken that was thrown at him. He wondered what had protected him but then remembered, it was the stone patch on his jacket. [I]What luck.[/I] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] Ooc: Hope you guys don't mind a little more action. :animeswea
Art Hack Helba's art stuido (back in business)
Sapphire Flare replied to Stuart's topic in Creative Works
Oh I loved that movie. That scarecrow guy was creepy and I like how you did it. Not like some other banners, this font goes very well with the banner, and that picture of scarecrow freaks me out no matter how many times I see it. Nice job in capturing the evil in it's best form. The quote is also very memorable and powerful at the same time, keep up the good work. -
Ooc: Sorry Lyuann I deleted the post about saving her because I wanted to leave it to someone else and thoguht that nobody had the chance to read it but guess I was wrong ^^; Well anyways yes we saved you and brought you aboard MissRelena [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Vice walked unhappily down the dirt covered streets of the open market. It was fortunate that they landed on a cloudy day, Vice did not take a liking to the sun... Too bright... A ball plopped down in front of his feet. "Hey you! With the hair!" Vice turned as he realized he was being adressed. "Get the ball!" The kid demanded. Vice looked down at the green rubber ball. "That's the one..." The kid said mockingly in a deep voice as if addressing a baby. "Now bend down, pick it up, and throw it here." He continued in a mocking voice, turning to his friends and snickering. Vice picked up the ball and brought it over to one of the boys. The boy extended his hand and Vice grabbed it, dropping the ball and wrapping his other arm fully around his neck and putting him in a headlock. Vice got very close to his ear. "Move, and I'll snap your neck." "Mo... Mo... MOMM-" The boy was cut off by Vice squeezing harder on his neck. "Hm... Lucky I don't want blood on my shirt today..." Vice took the boy's wallet in one fluid movement. Looking inside and releasing the kid. "HEY! GIVE IT BACK!" The boy whined. "Sure." Vice pulled out seven crisp one-hundred dollar bills. "I don't need it." He threw back the empty wallet. Vice kicked the ball across the street and continued to walk to get to his supplies. "I'LL CALL THE COPS!" He shouted after Vice. Vice turned and gave the boy a malicious grin and glare. "Well I can't have that..." He took one step forward and the boys scattered. He then bent down and picked up a coin. "Shiny." He then walked to an open booth and began his buying of various items.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Yes, you'll see in the OLD TESTAMENT of the bible that any man caught sleeping wtih another man as if he was a woman should be stoned. But thanks to jesus dying and the fact that we are more civilized means that we don't have to stone them -.- Besides, you can't sleep with a man the same way you sleep with a woman due to lack of holes. Unless he means like a sleepover in which I should be stoned because I had several when I was 6... Not to mention I'm Agnostic so I could care less what the bible says... :animesigh [Quote]Men: Sideburns cannot go past the tip of the ear, this mean where the ear meets the side of the head under the temple[/quote] Wtf? Those aren't sideburns then! They're... they're... Not sideburns.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Really? I heard that greek was one of the hardest languages, that's why the 5 other romantic languages didn't use it but instead based their alphabet on it. something like...that... Oh I don't know -.-. I know Korean, English, and I'm taking french in school and I think it's really hard to learn a new language. Or maybe that's just because my damn french teacher was such a b*itch. Sorry about the language, I hate her with a passion. :animeswea P.S. Good thing we got her fired![/COLOR]
Ooc: Roast Gabriel sounds good... >:] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh, it looks like I made a mark..." Leviathan maliciously smiled. "But it's not big enough..." He put the battery away. "Now... how can I make a point..." Leviathan unsheathed a dagger. "Oh, Here we go." Leviathan's smile broadened as he touched the steel blade to Gabriels chest. Gabriel was good at staying calm, his face was still solid and cold. [I]All the more fun to break.[/I] "Hmm.. What time is it? I need to call my friends, tell them I'm ok." He replied casually. "I don't want them to be worried." "Oh? And why not? They have much to be worried about... Their team leader is about to die..." "So you admit they're alive!" Levi had a shocked expression on his face, knowing he had been decieved. "Mishap on my part. I wouldn't get my hope's up." He pushed the blade in lightly, blood slowly oozing as he carved two lines spelling out a capital L. Gabriel groaned slightly, he could feel the blood dripping down onto his stomach. "Hm... Bigger." Levi remarked. He extended the bloody lines and watched Gabriel writhe in pain. "They're alive. I can tell. And they're more than enough to take you." Gabriel grunted, his breath was getting shorter. "Who are you kidding? Even if they were alive, which they most definately are not, they don't have the faintest idea where we are. Neither do you." Levi smiled as he started on the capital E. Gabriel began his humorous remarks again to prove that his spirit was not broken. "I know! Let's play clue! Hmm... Dark dungeon, smells like sh*t, is it your house Levi?" Levi's smile slid off of his face at the mention of his home. He pulled the dagger up and made a two slashes, deeper than the other ones, bloodier than the other ones, spelling out a capital V. "Oh, is the great leader thirsty?" He mocked Gabriel as he pulled out a flask. "Perhaps he would like some fine whiskey." Levi popped open the top and spilled it over Gabriel's wounds. "Oh, sorry..." He cackled as Gabriel squirmed in his shackles, Levi could only imagine how much that stung. "They're coming..." Gabriel looked up with a calm face. Levi took the flask and struck Gabriel across the face with it. "Shut up." Levi saw that he had underestimated his mind, it would take a bit more to crack. But Levi also wondered, what if the others had survived? No, nonsense, there was no way out. It was just Gabriel trying to mess with his mind...[/COLOR] Ooc: meh, hope that's not too bad. I'm not so great a torturer and definately not a Sadist so I don't have torture plans planned out or anything... Except for my math and French teachers. They are both going to be tied to a cross and burned upside down in a mix of vinegar an-, nvm. Off topic.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I definately need to see it... I saw his "Spirited Away" and his "Princess Mononoke" Which was bloodier than I expected but it was all good :D In my opinion spirited away was the better of the two but I think this new one may be the best yet.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Yeah all christians are DEFINATELY not like that... I'm christian, or used to be christian before I kind of went Agnostic, but I still have a lot of christian friends and camps like those don't truly understand what it means... [quote='kitty']Holy ****. O_O Who's idea was it to come up with this camp? Hitler?![/quote] I agree definately. That isn't no christian camp, its a devil worshipper camp DISGUISED as a christian camp. YOU CAN'T FREAKIN HUG ANYONE? a "brief handshake"? Well jebus I guess their theory is "If you can't love right, don't love at all!" dang... I feel sorry for that kid that his parents are so misunderstanding... I mean he can't control his genetic make-up or his hormones. :/ (Yes there are numerous articles saying that homosexualtiy can be a cause of specific genes that react to different hormones even though they are not 100% sure I think it makes sense.)
[COLOR=DarkRed]"Sand?" Vice looked up. "Haha... My powers descontruct the ground I'm on and put them to different uses. So... What if I'm standing on their ground?" Everyone looked up now, they caught wind of his plan and all nodded in agreement. "I can take their ship down but there are still too many on this ship..." Goblins were now infesting the Sea Wench, there were at least thirty on the ship, and still sixty or seventy left, being saved for a second wave. Vice took a running start and flipped into the air, curling up and landing in a crouched position on the goblin's boat. Contrary to his original plan, he didn't have time to use his geomancy because the goblins immediately began swarming around him. "Aah..." It wasn't exactly a scream because Vice wasn't very good at emotions but it was a distress call nonetheless. Vice balanced on his albows and spun around making a copter kick with his long legs, throwing back goblins who were armed with short swords. But from above arrows were being shot. When Vice flipped up he didn't have time to do anything, he could only lift up his arms in defense. "CRACK!" a long whipping sound was heard and Vice lowered his arms to see what happened. It was Hue, she had used her whip to skillfully ricochet the arrows in different directions, some cracking and scattering across the deck. "Do it now!" She demanded as she whipped away a few approaching goblins. "I'll cover you." "When I say, you take me and fly up out of here." Vice mumbled as he planted his feet firmly on the ground, back to back with hue. He put his hands out infront of him and made a triangular shape. His eyes closed as he thought about the dimensions of the ship, what would be the best way and how he could do it. At first he thought of cracking the floorboards of the ship, but there were much too many. The ship had a lower deck and was bigger than they all thought at first, he needed something that would be enough even if it only affected the top deck. "Any time now..." Hue said as she struggled with the mass amount of Goblins attacking all at once. His eyes shot open, strained with red. "PETRIFY." He smiled manically as the ground he was standing on hardened. It was turning a deep shade of slate gray. "Now Hue!" Hue made another crack of her whip as she grabbed Vice with her other arm, spreading her wings out revealing their whole and illustrious beauty. She whipped away the goblins one last time, shouting "HOPE YOU CAN SWIM!" She and Vice flew back to their boat and landed gracefully. The spot that Vice had been standing on started to spread and the rest of the top deck matched the shade of slate gray Vice had started. The whole top of the wood was turning to stone, and slowly you could hear a cracking sound as the top deck was now too heavy for the bottom deck to support. All at once the ship crashed down and a solid floor of stone sank to the bottom, goblins and all. "You can do that?" Someone asked. "Not usually, but because of damp conditions in the sea I could do it this time." Vice replied. But there was no time to talk, many of the goblins were flaoting out into the sea but some were still left on the boat. Vice hooked one goblin under the neck with his foot, he then used his hands to stand on as he did a front handspring and flung the goblin off the boat. The battle went on as the goblins started to smash the floor of the ship with their warclubs. One came up from behind and smashed Vice in the arm as he spun around, the spikes on the club stuck into his arm and when it pulled out blood oozed from the wound. "Ugh, little..." Vice kicked it in the face as it pulled back its club to fling again. Behind it Ky stabbed it and threw it overboard. "What a waste of life." Vice grunted as he gazed at the goblin struggling to swim. "STOP THEM!" Jura shrieked, quite aware that the ship would start filling up with water soon if they weren't stopped.[/COLOR] Ooc: Whoot! More excitement! But... let's land on land soon k? ^^;
[COLOR=DarkRed]Only thing that needs adding is the rp example, the rp example is what I will be judging most and I know little details may not seem like much but they really do add to the post. Details such as: "The crowd of busy people were kicking up sand in every direction and many people gave strange looks as he tried to bustle through, bumping into the occasional passerby." Small filler things like that can really add to a post when there is a large amount of it. Reccomended length of the Rp example: Two paragraphs or more. Just one more paragraph and it will be fine. Also, left has one main weapon that he always uses, a grappling hook. It can be used for grabbing things and sling them into other things or just hooking onto the opposite building and taking a ride.[/COLOR]
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
Sapphire Flare replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
OOH OOH how could I forget about Seta Sohjiro from Rurouni Kenshin? Haha it's awsome how he's always happy no matter what and when [spoiler]his sword breaks he's still smiling and he goes: Oh well, it was Shishio's anyways.[/spoiler] :D Service with a smile... -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Mission Briefing Alright so here is a very different rpg, unless somebody already did it in which I don?t care because I?m doing it again capice? Anyways, the basic plot outline is: One man, wanted for assassination, theft, vigilantism, con, and numerous other crimes (This man being played by me). Each time there are four people, each may have very suspicious behavior, they may be secretive, but most importantly, one of them is the man you?re looking for. The team that will be looking for me will consist of 4 and only 4 people. (One assigned to each person is a good suggestion when you?re trying to solve the crime, or perhaps you have a different plan, it?s up to your team) and it is your job to find out which one it is, and only when you are 100% sure will you accuse them, if you aren?t one-hundred percent sure and you choose the wrong person the real criminal will escape leaving behind only one clue, in riddle, poetry, picture, any form imaginable. This criminal goes by the name of Left, short for ?God?s Left Hand? as he refers to himself, and all of the detectives are somehow linked with one of his crimes. Whether Left?s crime murdered a family member or friend, or perhaps they are just working for the police and are assigned to catch him. They themselves could have a secret past, perhaps as soon as they find this ?Left? they will try and kill him when their original plan is to capture him and bring him back alive, or maybe after the capture they might try and run off with him. That?s completely up to you. Many numerous clues will be left behind and the characters will all have a secret they are trying to cover. When you think you have a character write a post describing how you pieced it together and why you think this person is it, then you can write about how you found their house and knocked on the door. I will control the character?s reaction or the part after that. It may even turn into an extreme battle between the two of you in the middle of the house. It could take place in a restaurant, a McDonalds, Egypt, Europe, who cares; you just need to find this man. Remember, this person can be a man, woman, can have a mustache, a beard, green hair, anything and anyone could be who you?re looking for. Good luck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sign-up sheets. Any number can sign up but I will PM 4 of the people who signed up telling them that they have been chosen. If you are not PMed do not enter because then I will have to tell you to leave and I never like doing that :/ About the special skill: A special skill can be anything from amazing combat skills to outstanding sniping, both may come in handy. Maybe you?re faster than normal humans, stronger than normal humans, you can smell things like a hunting dog. Or maybe you can even sense things when you touch someone. NO MAGIC. Above-Average hearing skills maybe, but not things like being able to shoot fireballs out of your butt. (These are really useful when hunting for someone but keep in mind if your power is too powerful then it?s not really much of a challenge, I may ask you to limit you powers a bit more.) Name: (Nothing too hard please -.-) Age: (Over 17, Under 30) Description: (Picture or words) Weapon: (Well if you come weaponless you can?t catch him!) Biography: (What is your reason for chasing this person?) Example RP: (Do an example this rp, the setting is Cairo, Egypt, you?ve just think you?ve found the person at an open Market, they think you?ve found them too and they start running. You see them turn in a crowd, your eyes lock and you know that he?s the one. Also, come up with a creative way for them to escape after your little run-in) Special Skill: (Explain in detail, or maybe you don?t have one your are just good at solving puzzles so you don?t need it.) If this doesn't make sense or you need something clarified PM me, and don't be afriad to suggest things because this is the first RPG I've hosted. Ever... :animeswea Hint: If I were a dtetective I would be looking for the one who is most covered, say you go to Iraq then the person with the cover all over their face and body would be the biggest candidate. Defining Symbols: Tattoo on his back of a dragon and serpent intertwined.[/COLOR]
Can you Tell me how to get to Seaseme Street?
Sapphire Flare replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Well on the dave chappelle show he goes: Person: Oscar, you're a grouch. Oscar: B*TCH! I LIVE IN A ******** TRASH CAN! Yeah I thought it was pretty funny. And then there's Gangster Sesame Street: [img]http://picture.funnyjunk.com/pics/0135.jpg[/img] Yeah I used to watch that all the time, pretend I was count dracula :/ -
Anime what naruto characters would NEVER say
Sapphire Flare replied to PAche's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkred][size=1](Haha that Gaara one is hilarious) Kankuro: Puppets are for girls. Chouji: Haha fatty! Orochimaru: Snakes are creepy. Hmm that's all I can think of right now.[/size][/color] -
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
Sapphire Flare replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]Also, though not anime, I almost always rooted for ZIM to enslave all humans. Then again, Dib's pretty bad himself. In fact, this post makes no sense! Everyone on ZIM is evil! Except for GIR. He rocks.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]JEBUS! I AGREE X10! Gir is definately the awsomest mechanical alien in a puppy costume creature ever! Zim: What did you do with the chip. Gir: I threw it away. Zim: What possessed you to do that?! Gir: To make room for the Tuna silly... Sry that was a really old episode but I love that line. In Naruto: YES! THE ATSUIKI(spelling?) ARE FINALLY WINNING! Although it's a pitty Gaara had to be their demented experiment test dummy. He was cool.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Ooc: Aww, not that Vice doesn't like you, he's just... An unfriendly person in General. Vice: Shut up before I rip your head off. Me: See? T_T Even his creator... [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Vice managed a fake cough. "If you want to fry up and eat your decapitated tentacles, have fun, just don't burn the ship down." Vice still clasped the rope. Something caught his eye, it was a long black rope layed out across the floor. He went over and picked it up, it was Hue's whip. He coiled it around his fist and walked over to Hue. "Doesn't look like this came in much handy." Vice handed the whip back to Hue. "Yes well... It was just lucky I didn't get the chance." She took the whip and tucked it into her belt, then wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "Ugh... Kraken slime... disgusting." "Actually, quite a flavorful delicacy where I come from. Try it." Hue gave Vice an odd look, more like a [I]Where'd you come from? [/I] look. Then, hesitantly, she brought her arm up to her mouth, vice grabbed it before she could lick it. "Just kidding, it's quite poisonous really. Good thing you didn't swallow." "Hey!" Hue jokingly hit Vice in the arm with a smile."I could have died!" "Oh that's right..." Vice smiled his evil grin. "Now why did I stop her..." "Hey!" "Ha. Just kidding." Vice turned around and walked away. "His humor is hazardous to my health..." Hue muttered. "Min wouldn't do something like that..." She was still stuck on the impeccible similarities between the two. Vice stopped and looked out over the sea. Vice pondered deeply on Hue's smile. Her voice, her face, it seemed so much like her... Then he remembered how she jokingly hit his arm. [I]Just like old times with Iori...[/I] He closed his eyes. [I]The thing that disturbs me however...[/I] His eyes now attentive and wide open. [I]Is that on this boat I am completely powerless... I can't use water, and can't use the wood on this boat, if I did the boat itself would crumble. If I had studied forms I could have done more...[/I] Vice reflected on his days at the academy. He recalled how a chosen few were selected to learn Forms... These forms included Aquatic Form, Travel Form, Sky Form... Druids had quite a large range of abilities they could use however it would take forever to learn them all. There was also a selected few who learned healing spells, they could rejuvanate injured people or plants and many other things. Others were taught Feral Combat, this form of fighting used clawing, circling, swiping, and biting. Ferals could leap higher distances than usual humans and balance much better, as well as being much faster and stronger. Vice had learned a beginner type of feral fighting, called snow leapard. Not many could learn this style but Vice, because of his slightly longer than usual arms and legs, could master this style quickly. But of course he couldn't use this against the Kraken, he'd have to fly up and attack at the same time. [I]Against that monster I was totally powerless...[/I] The ship was making steady progress, he was informed that they would make it within 11 hours. Right now it was seven o'clock,. so when they arrived it would be six. Not bad... Vice retreated back to his cabin, there he sat and intertwined his fingers. [I]Only thing to do now is wait...[/I] "DINNER!" someone on the deck called. Vice's stomach growled, and he realized that he did want some food. He strolled up on to the deck and everyone was led into a medium sized room, just enough to find their seats but whatever unlucky souls sat in the back could no longer move to get out. The dinner was set before them, mashed potatoes, twice-baked potatoes, and potato wedges lay before them. Hedron gave a nervous smile while rubbing the back of his head. "Er... we had a lot of potatoes you see..."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I must agree with GatoGaming, Kuja off of FF9 is also an amzing boss. I think the gameplay and the plots in FF9 are so well designed and the fact that when Kuja appears the resulting earthquake blocking off many towns was very witty. This way you could only train instead of going back and trying to buy all the best items. [spoiler] However, Kuja is not actually the final bos. Once you get the Gold chocobo you can go up to the sky garden and fight Ozma, the almost impossible to beat boss. -.- He can use holy and everytime he does something it confuses or kills one of your people. I still haven't beat him even with holy-absorbing armor! Damn you Ozma! DAMN YOU![/spoiler][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]-Just Shoot Me (Haha hilarious) -Xiaolin Showdown (Hell Yeah) -Teen Titans (Always good) And I might watch case closed later today. What about you? P.S. Does anyone else watch xiaolin showdown? I think it's pretty good for an american cartoon.[/size][/COLOR]
Phantom Planet - Somebody's Baby
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]So are we still taking characters and just meeting them as the other party when we reach the destination?[/color][/SIZE]
[quote name='Zidargh][font=trebuchet ms'] From what begins as simple inspections from pathetic inspectors could bring about Super Agents like the famous James Blonde and Jan Chan.[/font][/quote] Haha I like that. Although the plot follows the whole cliche the humor and characters seem original and Unlike any other RPG I've ever encountered. I think it would definately be worth trying and I am pretty sure a lot of humorous people out on the boards would love to join. Putting a /Comedy next to any Genre is always an improvement. Except maybe movies like Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal... :animeswea
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]Every one uses every part of their brain, at some time or another. If you didn't use 90% of your brain it would turn to a lump of dead goo, in the same way an arm that has just come out of a cast looks disgusting and withered. It's a myth that was used to sell "intellect enhancing" products in the early 1900s.[/QUOTE] Well, guess that cartoon was wrong. But in truth actually, our brain isn't exactly the prettiest thing in the world, it is kind of mushy and its, well, pinkish gooey already in a way. But Yeah I think everyone has DeJa Vu's. And it's my theory that, if every single person in the world put their DeJa Vu's together then the whole day would peice together. Unfortunately, most people don't remember it, Just like how everybody has dreams except sometimes they can't remember it. And many people don't believe in it...