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I seem the had made an error...I forgot to clean up the top right corner spot..so here's the other one: [IMG]http://img270.imageshack.us/img270/9230/glowbanner6dr.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://img270.imageshack.us/img270/9230/glowbanner6dr.jpg[/url]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]A) Which aspect of OtakuBoards do you find to be the most negative/confusing?[/B] Well from observations throughout the year I've actually been here, I have found nothing wrong nor unsuitable. If there would be anything wrong, it would be part of the members problem, but not the board itself. [B]B) What is your favorite aspect of OtakuBoards?[/B] Personally it would be Art Studio (Art by Request as well). Simple reason, it is a wonderful area to establish a connection between OB artist in various ways; as well as helping other OB members out, either by forfilling (Is this even a word...?) a reqeust or giving constructive criticism to better one another creation. There is also Adventure Square and its sub-forum as well. It's a great oppertunity to expand your horizens (Did I spell that right...lol..spellers block today.) of creativity. I'm also an rpg lover as well
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I gave it a try and here are the results: Banner:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5765/outlawbanner7nt.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5765/outlawbanner7nt.jpg[/CODE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]If you want anything changed, fell free to pm me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I gave it a try, so here is the complet set: [B]Avatar:[/B] [IMG]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5149/glowavi6ly.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5149/glowavi6ly.jpg[/CODE] [IMG]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9255/glow2avi4rb.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9255/glow2avi4rb.jpg[/CODE] [B] Banner:[/B] [IMG]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7559/glowbanner7yc.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7559/glowbanner7yc.jpg[/CODE] If anything needs to be fixed pm me.[/COLOR]
Name : Yuuki Miaka (Preistess of Suzaku) Pronunciation: you-oo-key me-ah-ka Birthdate : 5/12/77 Age : 15 Height : 158cm ~5'1" Weight : 48kg - believe it or not, she weighs less than Yui Hair Color: Brown Eye Color : Brown Blood Type: B Interests : Eating and Tamahome Flaws : Eating, Naive, and Trusting Bio: Miaka is the heroine of our fair story, and the lucky lady who gains all those gorgeous guys dedicated to protecting only her. (I figured it was about time I added more to the Miaka's Page so..) Miaka is an unlikely hero at first, being immature, gluttonus, naive, and extremely trusting. Of course, these are also her strengths (except the gluttonus). Miaka's job as Miko requires a pure body and a strong will, the pure body is not a problem (as long as she and Tamahome keep their hands off eachother) and the strong will is earned through the hardships Miaka must endure in gathering the seishi and calling Suzaku. Personally, I like Miaka. I think alot of people cut her down way too out of hand and don't really see the good, trusting, loving, giving, self-sacrificing person that she is (or becomes). Give the girl a break, she's tryin her best!!!
[COLOR=SlateGray][B]Texhnolyze[/B] [IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3287/id2vm.jpg[/IMG] Ichise & Doctor [IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/1644/doctor4lz.jpg[/IMG] Doctor [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/484/tex0cx.jpg[/IMG] Texhnolyze [IMG]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/7888/isshii2hj.jpg[/IMG] Isshii [IMG]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/41/ichise9gz.jpg[/IMG] Ichise [IMG]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/5972/ichise26to.jpg[/IMG] Ichise [IMG]http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/771/mana8vf.jpg[/IMG] Mana[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Victoria Santos [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Job:[/B] Registered Nurse at a childrens hospital [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.hispanianews.com/archive/1999/April9/jaci1.jpg]Female[/URL] [B]Why are you here?: Why did you try speed dating?[/B] Victoria is very shy around men, she can never look at them in the eyes. Since Ri has this problem, she doesn't bother going on dates, talking to guys that she likes and simply just dedicates herself to her job...no romance life what so ever. Poor Ri she is even a virgin, now it may not be bad...but you can't ignore the hormones forever. If she tells her friends they'll possibly luagh, because they're not virgins and think she has no life. She has heard the whispers around her job saying, [I]'She's probably a lesbian'[/I], [I]'She's just to shy'[/I], [I]'Her personality probably sucks'[/I]. It hurts her to hear this, so she wants to prove them wrong and finally see if she can find some happiness with another, that's how she found speed dating.[/COLOR]
[IMG]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/2928/image4ll9bk.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/2928/image4ll9bk.jpg[/CODE] [IMG]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4083/fallen9sl.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4083/fallen9sl.jpg[/CODE] I gave it a try since you said you would like to see others. I don't like the avatar as much..I could do it better if you choose to use the set.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Retribution's Piece:[/B] It simple and cut clean. I do adore simplicity, but it did seem a bit empty, like Katana stated some sort of graphic...but nonetheless Retri, your work was clean and elegant and I do like the qoute, very nice and suitable for the theme given. The colors you have chosen do go well with one another. [B] Domon:[/B] Well for starters you matched the theme perfectly with the guns part and that gives you some points. But you lack many things, your picture of the mech could have been fixed better. It just looked like it was resized without cleaning it up. I love the humor in it, but the colors just don't go all together. Your work seems to tell me your not familiar with your program, but overall it is a good attempt. (I gave my little graphic knowledge)....My vote goes all the way for [U]Retri[/U].[/COLOR]
Well I gave it a try...it's probably crappy...but hey. [IMG]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/2484/betabanner2jw.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/2484/betabanner2jw.jpg[/CODE]
[COLOR=DarkRed] The sound of vehicles roamed through the air as the night began to set. In a lovely condo which seemed so empty yet peaceful, Li laid in her comfortable queen sized bed with baby blue silken sheets. She was finishing up her last sentences to her romantic yet dark story, which was to be the entry for a contest. The alarm had begun to ring, letting her know it was time for, ?Dance?. ?[I]Damn[/I]?if only I didn?t run my life by a schedule.?, Li said in a slight murmur as she stood up top her bed and grabbed her Dance gear. [B]_PASSWORD? _L2536 _LOGGING IN _WELCOME CHO[/B] No longer Li, Cho started scanning the surrounding area and went into moderation mode. Cho had though it would be easy tonight, but once again her thoughts deceived her. A fellow newcomer had mailed her about a harasser and asked her to do something about it. Cho simply smirked and access the control panel and searched for the users given name. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Alright, I was kinda worried that I wouldn't make it due to server problems...but I made it. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://img327.imageshack.us/img327/6630/beyondwonderland2bx.jpg[/IMG]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]_DATA[/B] Lukuss, the city of despair and voilence... An experimental metropolis buried deep inside earth, ruled by gangs, where mayhem and retribution are a normal part of life... To show your strength, you must deprive your opponents of their limbs. Texhnololyze: A highly developed technology whereby human limbs are replaced with powerful cybernetics. [B]_END DATA[/B] Now I have merely seen the first three volumes of which I own. So to my knowledge of this is a bit confusing. Yes it is clear that it is mainly focused upon gangs and war...but the question is for what? The main characters so far is a young girl name, Ren (Pronounced Ron), an ex-spectator and a gang leader. Ren has the ability to see the future, so basically my wonder of this is the fact that this whole story is what Ren sees or the story is unfolding...or somone is telling the sotry..its confusing. But overall the graphics are freaking cool, storyline is always to the max of excellence, love the art. So question is has anyone else seen this?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]_DATA LOADED [B]User ID:[/B] [email]Butterfly_Kiss@msn.com[/email] [U]Name:[/U] Li Ming [U]Age:[/U] 22 [U]Description:[/U] Tan skin, honey eyes, long black silky hair with red highlights. [U]Bio:[/U] Born and partially raised in Jilin, China; Currently residing in South Carolina, USA. Riased in chinese costum and accustomed to US traditions. A graphics technician wiz and a part time junior college student (Studies game programimg and international business). Li has been into Dance during its early development. She had always been in the chat room called, Wire; Where video gamers go a chat upon the latest things. Once it came out, she went and brought it...soon after, Li had recieved an email from Dance cooperation. The letter was an offer for moderation of Dance, Li couldn't refuse. Now it has been a while and something had come up, a meeting was to be set...this included moderaters. Li is anxious to know what is going on and meeting others. [U] Character Name:[/U] Cho {Meaning buttefly} [U]Age:[/U] 26 [U]Appearance:[/U] [B]-Hair:[/B] Reaches the floor in semi curls [B]-Hair Color:[/B] Forest Green [B]-Eyes:[/B] Gold [B]-Marking:[/B] Tear drop tattoo on left corner eye [U]Outfit:[/U]See attached images, now about the images....I used two dresspheres from FFX-2. Now the gun mage sphere, I'm only using the skirt. The purple area will be the same color as the black mage's hat (Blue) and the blue part of the skirt will be black. Now I'm using the black mage's hat, the yellow and purple clor will be just black. The top will be used, except the red things on it. [U] Weapons:[/U] Moderator Weponry: Snow Staff-STAFF-Level 7 Azarashi Dagger-DAGGER-Level 1 Player Weponry: Seishin no Sword-SWORD-Level 3 [/COLOR] DONE! IF ANYTHING IS WRONG PM ME.
I would like to enter in OBGT...yea I own't bold it...I'll be myself...lol j/k. This does sound like fun and hope everything goes well.
Yep that is right Chibi..its about atough relationship..a point where the female or male...is confused and at lost with the relationship. Thanks for your comments guys/girls..
[COLOR=Red][CENTER][I]Free[/I] ...So many emotions mixed inside... Feelings itself that hurts so much... [I]Why[/I] is it so hard to let go? ...My mind, body and soul... So lost...so messed up... [I]Why[/I] must I be cursed? Afraid to let myself trust... Afraid to let myself fall...such sadness [I]Why[/I] do I say such things? ...I feel that I'm loosing... Drifting firther apart... [I]Why[/I] can't I be free? ...Can't speak freely... Until these childish thoughts dissapear... [I]Why[/I] are you here? ...Feeling guilty of what I feel... Somehow the cause of all this... [I]Why[/I] don't you give up? Sadly all these questions will lead to one answer...LOVE[/CENTER] [B]Note:[/B] I know this is not my best...and probably crappiest poem...but still I post this to see how I can make it better. So do give constructive criticism, thank you.[/COLOR]
If you guys are still interested in playing the rpg...please notify me through pm.Thank you
Well hun I don't know whos skin you got into, but certianly not mine. i'm not mad...I'm just quite upset about how people take things overboard...Plus if your opinions were expressed...than people would be reading your post and replying to it...so your post wasn't to be ignored. This is a discussion. But just to clear this all up I have no issue with this seriously...I'm am quite short tempepred that is all. But just watch what you post...because others can also put in a few words and start somwething, now i do apologize if I myself have insulted anyone upon my thread...I merely wanted a formal discussion and view upon what other members think that is all.
Not in anyway have i named people who have insulted in anyway...nor was it directed to your posts. Everyone is allowed to post their opinions without bering sarcastic at some points. I have read the majority of postings here and have found few members flamming one anthoer all because opinion was expressed. No one should be saying that they are sick of people saying this or that...or people wanting attention...ectectera...stuff like that. Nor was I complaining aobut what people say upon this...I only complained about certian members ignorance towards others....debate is a thing people should undestand and take it without insults. Edit:BTW Mr.P....the one who quoted my beginning post. The word ectectera was put in there..so it continued, I just named common ones.
This thread has gotten out of hand...I don't appreciate insultant remarks...you shouldn't post nor read if you know your problems with stuff like this...This topic will be closed once I pm a moderator...Simply phatetic for people to come in here and insult one another.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]A slightly tall feminine figure stood before the , Bladerunner. Her cream colored skin shined nicely as the suns ray poured down from the sky, Alexis seemed a bit intimidated by the size of the ship. Never in her days she would imagine the day, that she was promoted to executive officer and being a part of Allen Chubbs crew. Alexis smiled at the though, but soon her smile turned into distaste as she noticed a commanding officer behind her. [I]?Just great?it?s bad enough being pestered...now this fool ?[/I] . ?Executive officer [I]Le Mone[/I], greetings!? Said a mid-aged man as he saluted Alexis formally. ?Hello Officer Fidget. Are you here to say farewell to me??. ? She asked knowing the answer, but just wanted to be polite since it would be the last time seeing the old bag. ?Yes indeed, well then farewell and congratulations upon your promotion. I?m proud of you dear?? Officer Fidget said in a kind tone. Without a word she boarded the ship and began to observe the crew and her knew surroundings. Alexis indeed had doubts upon this, but in the end she was dedicated to her duty?no matter if she was a bit scared. Pairs of skin-tight undergarments were placed upon the benches, Alexis gaze grew shyly upon the undergarments. [I]?I?m going to be wearing that tight crap??[/I], but even though she hated the though; She dressed and was done just as Allen walked in. He stared at the crew...each and everyone, that didn?t intimidate her one bit. She could deal with this, but the outfit?she?ll work on it. "We lift off in less than twenty-five minutes. I want each and every one of you in your pouches in ten." He looked from crew member to crew member, meeting each gaze. "When the ion drive fires, the ship will be hitting about 50 gees. That's enough force to liquefy your skull. I suggest you hurry." Allen strode over to his locker and began to strip. Some of his crew looked like they had never been in space before. This wasn't exactly a run-of-the-mill first time mission. Everyone here was the best at what they did, even if it meant bringing in some first time flyers. ? Spoke Allen in a formal tone. After this Alexis walked inside her pouch and started to panic a little as the chambers closed. She wondered if she was claustrophobic, but then she just relaxed and closed her eyes. She soon felt a cold gel like start to cover her body, somehow that felt relaxing?soon everything became dark and serene?just the way she liked it. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
Awwwww....so pretty I love it ^.^..I bow down to you! Just exactly how I pictured it to be..you captured it perfectly..thank you again hun ^.^.
[COLOR=Purple]"Now jump and triple flip!Good!", yelled the tall female instructer. She went by the name Coach May...behind her back she was Coach Big mouth. Looked around 40 and light skinned; athleticaly built...she sorta looked scary. Short brown hair and bright blue eyes. Alexis had just landed from her triple flip and smiled sarcastically. She had noticed the time and began walking towards the locker room to shower and dress. As she showered, Lexi got lost in thought. 'Everything seems wierd today...but how?'. That questioned lingered for various minutes, than as soon as the cold water reached her body, she turned it off and dried off. Alexis was in the hallway and was about to go to class until she spotted Eric, Michelle and Nick. "Hello over there...aren't you guys a bit late?" Alexis said in a playful tone.[/COLOR]