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Everything posted by Persona

  1. Yes...but let's try his..No more mystic..Only crimson position and major characets postions...plus earthian..may sign up..as of now. edit:Artic..hun great job on your sign up I love it!
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Alexis Thompson [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] She is an intellectual person and has an ingenious visual. In order to have a conversation with her, you must have something meaningful to say. Alexis also has redeeming quality; a calm personality, thoughtfulness and helpful. But Alexis can be a real pushover...any time. Her job is her life, personally she knows nothing else but work and dedication.She loves gymnastics and is very flexible...she uses this for special purposes. [B]Strengths:[/B] Wisdom & Highly Athletic (She?s known as a sly cat). [B]Appearance: [/B] [U]Body:[/U] Alexis?s skin is cream-colored with a voluptuous figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Alexis?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and thin eyebrows. Her chin has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?5 and weighs about 125. Her lips are full and seductively curved. She has a white rose tattoo with rain drops falling from the petals behind her upper left back shoulder blade [U]Eyes:[/U] Slightly slanted sea blue eyes that remind you of the ocean. [U]Hair:[/U] She has luxurious long curly hair that is the color of jet black. Her hair goes all the way down to her waist line. Alexis?s hair is usually worn in a long low side braid. Outfit: Well instead i'll just give you a pic of one...that way it can be a clear idea :animesigh [/COLOR] [URL=http://www.invoid.net/images/img/1/anime_babes028.jpg]Pic[/URL] THE BLOUSE ONLY, the color of the blouse it black. [URL=http://gamesurf.tiscali.de/spielewiese/loesungen/images/obscure4.jpg]Shorts[/URL] Those will be her shorts...thanks Erriku! DONE!HOPEFULLY
  3. Hey Ilium, love your profile...very creative. Angel, yours will be fine once you finish your bio, remember you can't play unless you have at least one paragraph. Erriku, your is fine and mysterious. Thank you all for joining in so far ^.^ Edit:Sorry I forgot to put this in, Erriku you put Mythian...did you mean earthian?...and please add in your bio how you came upon the group. Thank you
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I strongly agree with to both of yous about being selfish and you Kenshinsbae have every right to be mad, there is no wrong or right answers. Selfisness is what people think...when things don't go there way...they look for an easy way out. About rich kids, I won't touch that subject. but anyhow, just to think there are people far off worse than the person who is about to or think of doing suiced and you have to look at that, becaue those who have gone through worse...the majority have lived on and made a life. People shoudln't end there life, becuase everything is all wrong....you and only you can make adifference upon yourself. It took me a while to learn that..but at least I find out...before I actually went through something so rediculious. (Had something else to say...but forgot!)[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]Suicide is supposedly a ticket to freedom for those who wish to leave their body. But truly?is it really that way? Anyone who commits suicide has been either raped, abuse, neglected, outsider, etcetera?some are just sick of life, but is committing suicide truly an easy way out of life issues? Also, do you believe people should be allowed to choose life or death? I mean, with their own life. If someone believes their life is crappy and not worth living, would you okay their choice to die? Or do you think its unacceptable. See I type this, because I was once in a situation?many times. I had a friend once, serious issues?told me she wanted to die. I took it seriously and told her not to do anything stupid?told her parents and counselor in school. She knew it was me and hated me ever since?I would never forget her final words towards me, ?It?s my right to choose life or death?not yours.?. She was still alive afterwards; went to counseling. Few years later (11th grade)?I received a phone call from her (She knew my other fiend and got my #), my heart dropped when I heard her voice. She told me thank you and then and there I cried. She had hung up after that and never heard from her again?until 2 days ago?I received another phone call?this time it was her mother, she was gone?died the day before. Cause of death suffocation. I cried all night, not only for her death...but it got me thinking, what if I was able to pull my suicide off? See I was in that position?many times. [/B] [I]I was raped when I was six years old, by my mothers boyfriend (x). Also abused, told my grandmother?promised me she would handle it?never did. He slept with my three aunts and granny. I could never tell my mother, cause he was always around. Anyhow long story short when I was 12, I tried to slice my wrist?couldn?t. By then he was gone?but holding inside so much pain and a horrible secret drove me mad. Eight years later, I told my mother (10th grade), went through court?.family against us (and they all knew it was true). I was in the same position again and again I failed to kill myself. He got 50 yrs, but still it wasn?t enough for me?I was scared for life, suffered all those years because of him (2 years, stood in family and had a baby with the youngest?so he stood in the family and kept an eye on me). I know this may be long so I will cut it short, last month I tried to kill myself again?told my mother this time and it created an uproar?I still couldn?t let go of my childhood self, that was the most I ever cried. Then there I realized that I was being ignorant, people cared for me?I couldn?t leave them?I couldn?t give up on myself?I could still make a future and was. Then and there I let go of my past and began to finally heal and be happy, suicide wasn?t the answer and it never will be. [/I] [B]I probably rambled on here, but give your opinions upon my questions in the beginning, thoughts, etcetera. [/B] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Alright your sign up is good so far, I do hope others will sign up too
  7. Since I am being very lazy at making graphics, I will request one. Hopefully all you anime lovers must know atleast something about Princess Ai?...if not I'll provide a pic of her. But anyhow I would like a set with her in it...you can do anything you like to it. The only thing I say is that you make sure my new username will be in it: Lady Symphony (Only on the banner). Thank you, Ceres
  8. [COLOR=Purple][I][CENTER]?For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror we can just endure and admire it so because it calmly disdains to destroy us?[/CENTER][/I] [I][CENTER]?Dream?[/CENTER][/I] The wind gently stirred the grass making the heads of flowers dance and filling the air with the whispers of leaves. There was no one else in sight, hardly any sign of life, just the flowers, grass and trees. It was beautiful?yet strangely empty, somehow melancholy. Despite of its beauty it felt dead. A shadowed figure appeared amidst on the field.Tears as beautiful as crystals appeared to trail down the shadowed face. A whisper of death lingered in the air, suddenly red roses began to fall from the sky. Soon the roses covered the field like a pool of blood. The shadowed figure knelt down and touched one of the fallen roses. The rose felt cold and hard, yet smooth. Why was it so cold? Its petals felt like glass. With tears brimming down the shadowed face, it began to press harder on the petals. Then?the rose fell into pieces on the once colorful field along with the shadowed figure. Everything that was once beautiful shattered into tiny glimmering shards. Then?there was nothing?emptiness. [CENTER][I]?End of dream?[/I][/CENTER] [B][I]Knock! Knock![/I][/B] As a fist curled up made contact with the bedroom door. Inside laid a slender figure dormant in her bed. Her body made no movement to the sound at the door. Suddenly a tall muscular male opened her door. Clutching a pillow in his right hand as he crept towards his sister's bed. When he approached her figure resting in slumber, he raised his pillow and attacked her until she waked. ?Hey! You jerk!? said Maylani as she shot upright atop her bed. ?I knocked twice you idiot and still you wouldn?t wake. [I]Seesh[/I] you brat why the hell don?t ya ever get up early?? her brother said annoyingly . He yanked her sheets off her and threw them on her rugged floor. Maylani got off her bed and shoved her brother out the door.She then collapsed on her chair and stared at her reflection. ?That?s the third time I?ve had that dream. The **** is...that I know why...the war is about to come.? May said as she began to brush her silky hair. She got ready for another day of study and work, Maylani walked down the steps that led to the diner. She sat down in a cherry oak chair and began to ponder. [CENTER][I]?Thought?[/I][/CENTER] [I]Sometimes?.damn it! Sometimes I wish I didn?t have such powers to deal with this crap! Why did this have to happen?this ****ing world is already screwed up as it-? May?s thought was cut off by a telepathic message. May?.its happening again, those bastards of the crimson have started a fight against us this early. So hurry up and get your *** over here! Then the message faded away in May?s mind. [CENTER]End[/CENTER][/I] Background : It is the year 2035 and the rpg takes place in Lunar (Outer space colony) History: Since the year 2021, the world itself has gone in denial. Outer space colonies had been finished hoping that expanding there horizons would help there insanity. The majority fled earth?s core hoping to abandon earth?s insanity for once and for all. The colony was pure and no war. But they couldn?t deny the fact that strange things have been happening, that the colony itself has been changing?changing into something so cruel and?empty. To think they thought that leaving earth would solve anything. Psychic, witches and wiccans have always been known to people. But never paid no mind to those who had such powers, that would eventually grow stronger. Even though the people on earth either ignored it or worshiped it, they still feared that one day those with strange powers would be the end of them all as well as the earth, but now it was the colony (Lunar). But they soon had to fear a new type of power that walked on Lunar?s surface. They were called elemental users. There were only six people that were gifted with elemental powers and those six were located at one colony for one purpose?war. Through out the years since 2021, the people with gifted powers began to form clique?s. People didn?t notice the drastic change throughout the years, they were to busy with their own supposedly problem free life. But there was one section that had its biggest clique. They were the Crimson and Mystic. The crimson were focused on being the strongest and ruling all Lunar?s section. The other group were focus on protecting what they love and the colony, they wanted order, not chaos. The two groups often fought and also some went to the same school, job, ect.. They knew each other and wanted to destroy one another. But suddenly the Crimson group want more then being the strongest...they wanted power and to be superior then all others. That was a problem and now the story begins with the final war and Lunar?s fate. Plus there is a mystery lurking in the air, who is the person in May's dream and what does it really mean? She thinks is the war...but can that really be it? It's a shocking secret that must be known, but when? If Lunar is destroyed?how will the people on earth react? [U][B] Lunar info:[/B][/U] Okay picture it like Gundam Wing, The colony is an artificial place?.clean air?..programmed rain, sun, clouds, snow?.etcetera. Lunar is divided into 4 sections, L1, L2, L3, L4. [U][B] Positions:[/B][/U] [B]May's Big Brother:[/B] This character has to be cocky, but loving to his sister. [B]Maylani?s BF:[/B] She is May's best friend since childhood and she is a telepathic. Everything else is up to the person who is signing up for her. [B]Crimson Leader:[/B] Well that about says it all, you can do whatever you want with your character. [B]Mystic Leader:[/B] Same with the crimson leader. [B]Costume character:[/B] Like I said everyone's part is equal. [U][B]Groups:[/B][/U] [B]Crimson:[/B] They are a group who want to be the strongest and to have power. This group consists of witches, wiccans, psychics and elemental users. (They really don?t have to have all of them it just depends who sign up for what) [B]Earthian:[/B] They are not really a group. They didn?t choose sides they either fight or help whichever side they feel like joining. These people didn?t choose to leave earth (They love earth better). They are most likely back stabbers (some). [B]Mystics:[/B] Again they consist the same as Crimson. The only difference is that they want to save the colony. [I][B]Remember:[/B][/I] Crimsons and Mystics currently live in L3, but originally they lived in different sections. [U][B]Race:[/B][/U] [B]Witches:[/B] Witches can only cast spells. There will be no flying, levitation, etcetera [B]Wiccan:[/B] Only cast spells (protection and healing spells). They are the defense of the group and can pull up a defense shield when battle is afoot (Like the movie X?.credits to them) [B]Psychic:[/B] Telepathic, foresight, fortune teller, any other type of power that I don?t know. The only thing I don?t want is telekinesis or anything that has to do with flying, levitation or moving of the mind. [B]Elemental Race: [/B] [B] [I]Major: Minor:[/B][/I] [I]Earth Thunder Water Ice Fire Wood Wind [/I] Sign ups:(Can't belive i forgot this...
  9. [COLOR=DarkPimk]Very nice you have talent for this. I personally love Angel Sancturary CD, the colors you had used for it was lovely and creative. 3x3 Eyes was okay, I couldn't quite point out what was wrong with it...but its possibly my taste ^.^. Little Snow fairy was adorable (2nd one my favorite). Liked the others, like Oh my goddess, Naruto, ect. Very nice, [I]Ceres[/I][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkPink]I have read the magna, almost done with it and recently brought V.1 anime series of it. I personally think it is a wonderfully thought out series (Both magna and anime). The art is nicely done and sexy (Dark...my phantom theif). The romance is good and nice scenes of theft. D.N. Angel is just such an adorable show that I can't help but laugh and go awwww like some little school girl. [I]Ceres[/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. Is it still too late to show my gfx in order to qualify for the team?Sorry to be of bother, I should have tried out in the beginning.
  12. [COLOR=DarkPink]What about Clover and RG Veda? Anyhow, I admire Clamp for all their beautiful creations of art and story lines. My favorites would be chobits, Rayearth, RG Veda and Clover. I love Chobits for it's wonderful romance escapades, rayearth for its magical field of creation and romance as well, RG Veda....never seen so many good looking men in one show/Magna :catgirl:, Clover for its cryptic gitters o sadness and magic of love. If I had to choose, it would Rayearth...just because I'm more drawn to the wonderful magic creation surrounding every scene. [I]Ceres[/I][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkPink]Foremost, I had long fallen for this helpless romantic series long before fulling knowing the story. I had only seen pictures from Ayashi No Ceres (Ceres: Celestial Legend), by randomly searching anime pictures. When i first gazed upon the beautiful pictures of Aya and Toya ebracing eachother gracefully; I simply had to see the show and read the magna (Sadly never read it). Well a day ago I finally saw the dvds there and gone mad and brought 6 volumes of it. I simply stood all night watching every las bit of it (I know there's more volumes). I say every artist has his or her own style, so I didin't based it upon every other anime artist. The drawing was wonderfully drawn and the characters beautifully paired or lost in an epic romance. You can say I'm a helpless romantic, since I am and have watched th majority of any romances, Ceres beats them all...of course this is merely one person's opinion. Before Ceres, Mars was the besromance...along with others. Even though it has its inapropraite times in certian scenes, they still point out what is wrong from right. Yu Watase, Akito Yamashita, Shigeru Watanabe, Yuji Nunokawa, Ayao Ueda, Satashi Kubo, Michiyuki Honma, Yukiyoshi Oohashi and so forth all took part in this lovely romance series/comic and I personally love them all for this show. [I](Mind grammmer errors)[/I] Ceres[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, glad to see that you deiced to bring this idea back. Of course i'll be working upon this myself (Since we talked on the phone). The idea is wonderful and very beautiful. The only thing that needs to be done is our organization and confirmation upon doing this. Due to the fact, we had this idea runnig as an rpg for OB, but my b-friend and I got cuaght up in our own ideas and images for this magna that we put more though into it and decided it's not suitable for rpg. But soon after....like always we left it alone :animeangr. She and of course I would love for the fellowm members of OB to comment upon our idea and story.[/COLOR]
  15. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkPink] [B]Name:[/B] Alexis Le Mone [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Assignment:[/B] Executive Officer [B]Personality:[/B] She is an intellectual person and has an ingenious visual. In order to have a conversation with her, you must have something meaningful to say. Alexis also has redeeming quality; a calm personality, thoughtfulness and helpful. But Alexis can be a real pushover...any time. Her job is her life, personally she knows nothing else but work and dedication. [B]Appearance: [/B] [U]Body:[/U] Alexis?s skin is cream-colored with a voluptuous figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Alexis?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and thin eyebrows. Her chin is has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?6 and weighs about 126. Her lips are full and seductively curved. She has a white rose tattoo with rain drops falling from the petals behind her upper left back shoulder blade [U] Eyes:[/U] Slightly slanted jade eyes. [U]Hair:[/U] She has luxurious long curly hair that is the color of jet black. Her hair goes all the way down to her waist line. Alexis?s hair is usually worn in a long low side braid. [B] Short Bio:[/B] 'Mother [I]please[/I]...don't do this!'... Was all she could remember of her mother, Silvy. Her past has no meaning in memory, but in her heart every bit of past scars will always remain. Her family was old money and renown, she was [I]nothing[/I]. The parents didn't want children...but she was unexpected; making her the black sheep. Silvy and Alex had to keep her since news widely spreaded as an infection. All dolled up and smiling for display...all battered and souless behind doors. She doesn't remember much, but she can feel the scars, all Alexis remembers is from the age of 18 and up...being araised in a military .[/COLOR][/CENTER] xo?...is that a pissy face or hug and kiss?..or am I just being delusional?l :animeshy:
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE]RiflesAtRecess It's amazing. A lot of people seem to take away from their work when they rhyme, but that was beautiful, if not dark and "morbid." If this is you when you're new at rhyming, I'd like to see some of your work when you aren't rhyming.[/QUOTE] I humbly thank you very much for your constructive criticisim/comment ^.^. Well to tell the truth, I had the fisrt to lines stuck in my head before I'd gotten the idea "Tainted Rose" for a username. To me it seemed catchy and a dratic change from my former username, the two liner actually captivated me and I wouldn't rest until I could think of a way to write out the poem. At first I didin't want to ryme...just wasn't my style, but I wanted to try something new and I guessed it worked ^.^. Plus I shall post my non-rhyming poetry here soon. [QUOTE]demonchild781 Stunning. Though I'm not keen on the whole rhyming thing for most poetry because it does tend to lose its value, but I have to say this poem was amazing. I love the analogy with the rose and, personally, I think the length is what made this poem. It allows the reader to put in their own pieces and make it a poem that touches them too. Hope I wasn't too rude with my comment. DC[/QUOTE] I'm glad I was able to use the rose as a simily to a persons life. About the length; I didin't like the poem once it was finished, due to the fact of it being short. But when I read it repeatidly it liked it myself :catgirl: . Furthermore, your commnet wasn't rude at all. [QUOTE]demonslovehurts I loved it!!Ver nicely put and all...sorry short but,I do really love this poem.[/QUOTE] Thank you very much :catgirl: [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  17. Thank you very much Kamuro for your detailed comment upon my poem. I do agree about it being longer and more grasping to the readers. And for my girl, thank you hon ^.^.
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][B]Tainted Rose[/B] [I]Only a vision of beauty?is what they all adore. Darkness and insanity? they choose to ignore. Just like a rose?my beauty will fade. Leaving me with nothing but shades of gray. Drifting away from an empty shell. Lifeless inside?but no one could tell. Just like a rose?my heart will break. Leaving nothing for you to take? Just like a rose?I?ll entirely fade Leaving you memories of nothing but pain.[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]By: T.R [SIZE=1][B]Author's Note:[/B] Alright this is actually the first poem ever that rhymed in my collections of poetry. So be modest...I would really appreciate that. This poem of course was inspired by my new user name. It took about 6 minutes to type it and 30 minutes to review it to make sure everything was where it was suppose to be.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Information about this:[/B] [I][SIZE=1]An elegant Gothic Lolita, EGL or Gothic Lolita for short, is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes. On the weekends these women walk the streets of Tokyo and Osaka and fill Yoyogi Park and Harajuku neighborhood where they pose for tourist?s pictures and sit around looking pretty. They are beautiful, glamorous, doll-like manifestations of their favorite Visual Rock stars. This subculture?s physical look began around the fall of 1999 as a sort of French Maid meets Alice in Wonderland style and has expanded gradually to encompass many nuances in a Victorian Gothic look. Make no mistake ? these women want nothing to do with our Western Gothic ways. They do not listen to our music and they are not Gothic in the American and European sense. (Don?t worry there are Japanese Goths but they are just not a prominent mainstream subculture.) The Lolita?s music of choice, for the visuals and sometimes the sounds, is a version of Heavy Metal with gothic hints.[/SIZE][/I] [B]Opinion:[/B] [SIZE=1]I for one love the doll like look, always wanted to try that fashion out. But once again it is not my inner style of who I am. Like I said I love the EGL look, I just adore the females who wear them...they look so adorable :catgirl:. [/SIZE] [I][B]P.S Lolita Izumi, lovely fashion choice and good taste upon this.[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  20. Well we can post without her right?...or do i have to wait since she is with my character?
  21. Kamuro Username:Since i don't know squat about the two usernames, I'll just say you decied it was time for change. Avatar: Dangerous type of guy, likes to show your bad boy side. Banner: I can't see it... Sig: You seem to be dark but at the same time optimistic about life. That's it for me...
  22. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Name:[/B] Alexis Le Mone [B] Age:[/B] 21 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Apearance: [/B] [U]Body:[/U] Alexis?s skin is cream-colored with a voluptuous figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Alexis?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and thin eyebrows. Her chin is has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?6 and weighs about 126. Her lips of full and seductively curved. She had a white rose tattoo with rain drops falling from the petals behind her upper left back shoulder blade [U]Eyes:[/U] Slightly slanted jade eyes. [U]Hair:[/U] She has luxurious long curly hair that is the color of the jet black. Her hair goes all the way down to her waist line. Alexis?s hair is usually worn in a long low side braid or loose and curly. [U]Outfit:[/U] Her wardrobe is attractive and classy. [U]Pants:[/U] She wears a scandalously pair of black pants that hugs her hips and thighs like a second skin and then flow loosely around her ankles (Flares). Around the waist hangs a chain belt of golden circles. [U]Top:[/U] [url]http://www.geocities.com/hypnotic_beauty2003/denisse/File0005.jpg[/url]. The color is royal blue. [U]Shoes[/U]: A pair of sexy black looking stiletto heeled boots. [B]Short Backround Check: [/B] Pending still... [B]Abilities:[/B] She has the power of intellect (lol..hey brains is a type of power). She is a genius and always uses her mind for choice of weapons and she also has power of manipulation (She can change something like an object for example: Glass bowl to a multicolored vase) [B] Companion:[/B] White Cat with emerald eyes, name: Jade[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  23. Neuvoxetere: You seem to like music from your avi and banner or likes to be heard. Plus from your Femme Fatale you like to be deadly and sexy.... Like Chibi said I don't know you people!lol
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Name:[/B] Joshua Christensen [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/B] [U]Body[/U]: 6'0 and wieghs 150 pounds (I have no idea about mens weight). His body is athlectictly built with fine muscle features. His skin color is light tan and healthy. [U]Hair:[/U] He has jet black short (Like the guy in your sig T.S). [U]Eyes:[/U] His eye color reminds you of a saphire. [B]Biography:[/B] The assassin Joshua has a past only as cold as his heart. When Joshua was four, he was abused by his father because he accidently knocked over a pile of laundry. So that night, after his father passed out from drinking, Josh took a knife from the kitchen and slit his father's wrists and throat. His mother came home from a business trip two days later to find blood all over the carpet in the living room. Joshua had been in his room crying the entire two days, bruises and cuts on him. The police came to the conclusion that Mr. Christensen committed suicide after beating his son and Joshua got away with his first murder. Years afterward, a man had tried to kidnap Josh when he was walking home from school. Josh had a pocket knife in his messenger bag. He pulled it on the man, and gutted him in the stomach in one swift movement. That was when Julian found him and took him in; the two were inseperable from then on as they trained under Shinobu. That was when Josh was fifteen, and now, he is a master of his skills and a cold-blooded man. When Josh abducts Marie, he sees a whole new side of life that gave him a freedom that he never knew. Marie shows him that there are more important things to life than just death, and Josh feels indebted to Marie for this. [B]Weapons:[/B] Thin silver sword used for swift attacks, small twin daggers for close range attacks and his martial arts techniques ^.^. [/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrange]Is this any good? I used a filter for it and it sure made a lot of difference.I have two of them one with the filter and the other just a simple sharpen and glow.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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