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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]I know how that feels...I use to be the tallest...but once i went to highschool....the boys got taller and sooner than ever the majority of the students were taller than me...I felt like a short person.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][quote name='Bloodseeker']Sounds like what my cousin did. That guy had some problems in his last months.[/quote] Yea, it's sad but what I say is so true. I am the one everyone depends on and look up to...it's very tiring, especailly since I have my own issues to deal with. But at least I'm not the type to do such a thin...but you can never know.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Wow..those are scary dreams. Lol...I had one about my boyfriend and I having a baby...the thing is he had the same dream to...he told me first of the dream...I kept quiet...very scary... [B] Moderator of the O.L. forum, I have seen a similar thread with the same topic title as mine. The thread must have been real old, but somone has replied and brought the thread up and going. I think it is best to merge both threads together.[/B][/COLOR]
  4. [color=darkred]Man I'm 5'5...no taller no shorter. I say that my hight is an average hight...now to get that through my boyfriends head that I am not sure. you know you can find out how tall you are my adding your mother and father's hight than divided it by 2. i suppose that is how it goes, mine was right.[/color]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]I remade the avatar..it was hard to see the font on the other one.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img210.echo.cx/img210/8373/meandyou4kp.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkRed]Remember just right click and go to properties, copy and paste the url and put it in the avatar thing.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Rosa Santos [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Saint isabel, Puerto Rico [B]Personality:[/B] Calm and collective. She always thinks before leaping into any situation and likes to analyze things. She keeps to herself and enjoys her own company. She is very creative and peaceful, but like any female, she can be deadly. If someone or something pisses her off, Rosa will make sure she rids/destroys it. She likes to do her job efficient and silent. [Still pending...] [B]Appearance: [/B] [U]Body:[/U] Rosa?s skin is caramel with a voluptuous figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Rosa?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and semi-thin eyebrows. Her chin is has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?7 and weighs about 126. Her lips of full and seductively curved. [U]Eyes:[/U] Her slanted green eyes are like the leaves of the rain forest. [U]Hair:[/U] She has luxurious long curly hair that is the color of the jet black. Her hair goes all the way underneath her breast. Rosa?s hair is usually worn in an exotic yet seductive style. Her hair is half way pinned up in a bun with water fall curls spilling from the sides. The rest of her hair trails loosely down her back with large banana curls done at the tips. [U]Outfit: [/U] Her wardrobe is sexy and attractive (Mostly wears body fitting outfits). She wears a scandalously tight pair of black pants that huggs her hips and thighs like a second skin. The front of the pants are cut similar to the shape of a diamond. Black draw stings laced up along the diamond shaped opening of each pants leg ,revealing her smooth creamy thighs. A black bikini top that lay noticeably underneath the draping sheer cloth of her top and to top it off with a pair of sexy black heeled boots. [B]Bio:[/B] [Editing...][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]No problem...always glad to help. If you need anything else of graphics don't be afraid to ask.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed] :catgirl: Well more members signed up...yay...lol...I will comment on your sign ups later on...but for now you are all in. alchemist2120 make sure you spell check your post, okay...thank you all.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Here just copy and paste the url to the avatar thing...it should show up. [/COLOR] [url]http://img163.echo.cx/img163/2028/avatar4gd.jpg[/url] [COLOR=DarkRed]Are there any problems with the 2nd banner..the one that has the glow affect?...if there is I'll re-upload it[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][IMG]http://img5.echo.cx/img5/5438/meandyou0fl.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://img13.echo.cx/img13/83/youandme7gz.gif]Banner[/URL] I hope you like it :animeswea [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed] :animeswea lo....I finally found the link to imageshack...that's my #1 place to host. So now I finally fixed your banner. [URL=http://img69.echo.cx/img69/2892/toumaseguchi7fb.gif]Banner[/URL] [CENTER]or[/CENTER] [URL=http://img226.echo.cx/img226/1406/toumaseguchi3ve.gif]Banner...added softness to it...[/URL] Here you go I hope that is okay. Plus let me know there still an issue with the avatar.[/COLOR]
  12. [IMG]http://www.yourimagelink.com/uploads/15f4aa3376.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://www.myfilehut.com/userfiles/Momo/bannertouma.gif]Banner[/URL] I do hope you like it. Edit: I'll have to fix the frames for the banner tomarrow.
  13. Well I gave it a shot. the text color had to be some sort of white. [IMG]http://www.yourimagelink.com/uploads/312ff0e721.jpg[/IMG]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]Knowing that after Yuki was herself, which she hated. Victoria simply hated that she had to introduce herself like some interested wannabe student. She stood up from her saet and straightened her posture seductivily and smiled sinnfuly. "My name is [I]Reeves[/I], Victoria and my lovely interest is simply poetry...I'm an [I]emotionally[/I] poetic person.", Victoria said slowly and efficiant...she knew how to represent herself the way they wanted. She sure Jacob nod in approval and suggested toward the next person in line to share the spotlight.[/COLOR]
  15. [color=darkred]My greatest fear is that one day I will lose all my sanity and will to live...that I'll take the cowards way out and cease to exist leaving my loved ones to morn and ask why without wanting an answer.[/color]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]As of now I am simply captivated by Clive Barker's creation and wondeful imagary. He is a brilliant writer and very imaginative. he simply grasps a hold of something simple and makes it twised and full of mysteries and wonder. Although his novels are thick and very much to read..it is all worth it, because every page is a breathe taker that keeps you going for more air. Another writer that I will always adore is Nora Roberts. Her romance and mystery books are facsinating and creative...a must read for the ladies.[/COLOR]
  17. Well atleast I got one sign up so far V.V. Lol...I do hope more people sign up...I thank you for applying and you are a sure in the rpg.
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]All three sign-ups are looking good. Hopefully more will sign up,...then I will give you each an evalutation of your sign up. I thank you guys/girls very much for sign up in my RPG.[/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]"Can you hear my cries?..or do you choose to ignore me??[/CENTER] As students pass by each other?they whisper: ?That?s her?she?s the one who?s boyfriends die. Can you believe she still comes to school.? ?Look its him?they say he killed his brother.? Whispers are always about, lingering in the school corridors. No one dares to speak it out load, nor do they dare to confront it. All they can do is whisper, hoping that the person they speak of won?t hear?but they do hear, that?s why you see them with their heads down. Those who are spoken of cry inside?because what the whisper is true. It breaks them up inside?soon they?ll crack and who knows what they?ll do. Seven teenagers will meet in a school where whispers are all about. Some will comfort one another and some will hate until they rid of them. They may even find their soul mate, but will their soul mate commit suicide?or end up in a mental institute? Who knows?maybe the whispers hold a clue. [U][B]Info:[/B][/U] Ok it takes place in 2004 and the location is somewhere in Hawaii (ok can one of you give me a name of a city there.)! Like I said in the story 8 teenagers will meet. They will either kill or kill themselves, end up in a mental house or find themselves. That includes me as the 8th person (something like that). [B]Sign ups:[/B] [U]Name: Age: (14-18) Nationality: Grade: (9-12) Appearance: Personality: Bio: What do they whisper about you: Schedule:[/U] [U][B]Schedules:[/B][/U] [B]Basics:[/B] [U]English I, II III, or IV[/U] (grade: 9-12) [U]Algebra I or II[/U] (I=9th grade, II=11th) [U]Geometry[/U] (10th grade) [U]World history [/U] (llth) [U]Social Studies [/U] (9th) [U]biology[/U] (9th) [B]Extra:[/B] [U]Chemistry[/U] (11 0r 12th grade) [U]Physics[/U] (11th grade) [U]Philosopy[/U] (10, 11 or 12th grade) [U]Law & Government[/U] (9-12) [U]Civil History[/U] (11th) [U]Pre Calculus [/U] (12th) [B]Honor Clases:[/B] [U]English Advanced I, II III, or IV[/U] (I=9, II=10, III=11 & IV=12 grade) [U]Algebra Advanced I or II [/U] (I=9th grade, II=11th) [U]Geometry Advanced[/U] (10th grade) [U]World history Advanced[/U] (llth) [U]Civil History Advanced[/U] (12th) [U]Social Studies Advanced[/U] (9th) [U]Biology Advanced[/U] (9th) [U]Pre Calculus Advanced[/U] (11 0r 12th grade) [U]Trigonometry[/U] (12th) [B]Others:[/B] [U]Art Drawing I or II Home Ec Gym (A must) Ceramics Music[/U] [B]Sports:[/B] [U]Cheerleading Football Soccer (Coed) Hockey Tennis (Girls) volleyball (Coed) Track (Coed[/U] [U][B]Note:[/B][/U] You must have 4 regular classes if you are a freshmen - Junoir. You may have 2 or 3 regular classes if you are in the 11th grade or 12th. In any regular class you can be in an honor class or just regular. 2 extra classes, 1 or 2 sports, 1 or 2 other classes. Anything unclear pm me. [B]Side Note:[/B] More than 7 players can be in the story if your sign up is good.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. I like it very much...it is indeed what I was looking for. I thank you very much Gabriel.
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I can't believe I haven't seen this thread before, but I would like to join....if I still can. I simply love ready books...yes I am a book worm....but proud of it. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hello all, I would like somone to make me a banner and avatar of Momo from peach girl. On the banner I would like it to say the quote that I have on my sig (Points down to her sig.) And My name, Momo on both the avatar and banner. the font i want it to be elegant or girly. Other than that be creative and have fun with it. Thank you, Momo[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name of Angel/Demon:[/B] Sachiel - Angel of Water [B]Name of Avatar:[/B] Amica Kura [B]Age of Avatar:[/B] 21 [B]Sex of Avatar:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [U]Body:[/U] Amica?s skin is cream-colored with a voluptuous figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Amica?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and thin eyebrows. Her chin is has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?6 and weighs about 126. Her lips of full and seductively curved. She had a white rose tattoo with rain drops falling from the petals behind her upper left back shoulder blade [U]Eyes:[/U] Her slanted see blue eyes remind you of the ocean. [U]Hair:[/U] She has luxurious long curly hair that is the color of the jet black. Her hair goes all the way down to her waist. Amica?s hair is usually worn in an seductive style. Her hair is half way pinned up in a bun with water fall curls spilling from the sides. The rest of her hair trails loosely down her back like silk. [U]Outfit:[/U] Her wardrobe is sexy and attractive. [U]Pants: [/U] She wears a scandalously tight pair of black pants that hugs her hips and thighs like a second skin. Around the waist hangs a chain belt of golden circles. [U]Top:[/U] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/hypnotic_beauty2003/denisse/File0005.jpg]Top only[/URL]. The color is royal blue. [U]Shoes:[/U] A pair of sexy black looking stiletto heeled boots. [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Chinese Fan and Twin Fork Sword (You get the point no?) [B]Power: [/B] Ability to manipulate water. [B]Favorite Color (Hint: this IS a test):[/B] Green [B]Likes:[/B] Being Happy [B]Dislikes:[/B] Rainy Days [B]Biography of Avatar: [/B] (I?ll finish this asap) [B]Personality:[/B] [U]Good:[/U] Calm and collective. She always thinks before leaping into any situation and likes to analyze things. She keeps to herself and enjoys her own company. She is very creative and peaceful, but like any body of water, she can be deadly. [U]Bad:[/U] If someone or something pisses her off, Amica will make sure she rids/destroys it. She often has mood swings...one minute she;s happy the next biting somone's head off. [B]Mortal Enemy (Which Man-made God is your worst enemy?):[/B] Nebution - God of Science and Deception Amica hates him for always outwitting and twisting her words around. All-in-all (one sentence summary of your character): Mood Swings[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER][I][B]'Let the tears fall down like rain... And forgiveness wash away your pain...'[/B][/I][/CENTER] [I]The wind blew softly against the rain, making the day seem dismal and decayed. Tear drops camouflaged in the rain as it trailed down upon a porcelain face. A face of beauty and sadness stared upon the empty boulevard?waiting...hoping?wanting something. She held out her slender arms as if to grasp something?then she was gone. Disappeared without a trace of any existence, leaving the boulevard empty?leaving it to its own misfortune. ?Why did this [I]happen[/I]?how could we have [I]lost[/I]??, said a young female with a tone of desperation seeking salvation. The tattered room stood silent without a word to echo, only the faces of people who had lost hope stared upon her. She soon became uncomfortable and began to crawl back into the shadowed corner of what once had was a radiant bedroom?.they?they had lost.[/I] History: In the year 2015, a new experiment was on its way. It was called, ?Project: Elemental Replica. Scientists had become fixated with the alteration of human DNA, thus creating a more dominant species capable of out living a human life span. This project had been an underground discussion amongst top scientist, but soon was out in the open. Somehow the, ?Project? had leaked through and made its way to the CIA. The scientist were soon ordered to reveal their hidden agenda upon the project. The CIA and other secret agencies (Including the president) began to like the idea for useful reason?Protection. The idea soon went through the stages of acknowledgment, it was soon passed as a legal operation. Scientist were sent immediately to work on, ?Project: Elemental Replica. The idea was to alter human DNA with elemental molecules (eh?I?m not technical here so bear with me). After a series of tests, the project soon became prosperous and realistic (100s of prisoners died, due to this experiment). In the year 2016, hosts were soon picked out based upon the list of qualifications: [B] Superior Intellect Superior Athleticism A Powerful Immunity System Dominating Traits[/B] The hosts that were chosen mysteriously disappeared without a trace?no matter the age, sex, race?no one was spared if the qualifications were met. The scientist separated the qualified hosts into three groups: [B]Group Celestial Group Satanic Group Earthian[/B] The scientist had plans of their own, they no longer cared of what the state wanted. They created these groups to bring destruction upon the world?punish this so called, ?Imperfect World?. But all went wrong, after all the hosts were still human in mind and heart. Group Satanic rebreeding wanted domination upon the human race and the Celestials fought against then to protect their loved ones. The Earthian group were different weak on power, but they had the ability to adopt to any weather?they chose to walk away and go back to their normal life. Nothing was normal though?The Satanic began to destroy and outwit the military?anything thrown at them. Soon there was a big war against the Celestial and Satanics?the end result?.The Satanic group had won and continued to destroy and conquer. Even though the Celestials has lost?there still some hope to regain what they had lost. Who would win the second war?will the Earthian do something??it?s all up to the players. [B]Sign-Ups:[/B] Name: Nick Name: Age: Gender: Power: Wood, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Plasma (Collection of charged particles) [B]Note: [/B] No mixed powers. Group: Celectial, Satanic or Earthian Personality: Appearance: Good description or pic [B]Note:[/B]No no Bios yay! Your past is left a mystery...get a chance to see your character work through the story. Plus this is part one of the story. There will be a part two if everything goes through well. Plus the girl in the begining is an apparition..So if you want to play her than pm me...she plays an important role. Sign up is different for her...so please do pm me[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]Mother A mother is someone who loves And protects her children. Makes them feel secure. A mother is not abusive to her children. A mother holds her head up high And smiles at her loved ones, Telling them everything will be ok? Regardless how desperate she feels Or how bad the situation may seem. Ask yourself?Are you that mother? If not?think why did you bring Your child into this cruel world.[/CENTER] [U][B]Note:[/B][/U] Another wondefully written poem by my loving mother. Please give constructive critisism. Something every mother can relate to. [RIGHT]By Evelyn Soto[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
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