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I love the poem...so sweet...your a true romantic love! keep it up...
I remember this dream I had. It took place in japan...tokyo to be exact...All of the sudden I transformed into a sailor scout and kicked sailor moons butt! yea...I hate her...but love the show.Then I had another dream that I was hosting the MTV music awards! lol.... sometimes dreams are fun... :D
[COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][I]We kept them hanging by an invisible thread of deceit.. We kept them wondering our true intent, We kept them wrapped up safe in a web of sadist lies.. Listening and writhing in pleasure from their cries? Then we start to feel that even though each stood by our sides.. It would never be enough?. So it was time to say goodbye? As we listen to their regrets, singing while they scream why?[/I][/CENTER] [U][B]Opening:[/B][/U] [B][I]*Ring Ring*[/I][/B] [B]Caroline:[/B] Hello [B]Nathan:[/B]?.Caroline [B]Caroline:[/B] Nathan?I?m glad to hear your voice? [B]Nathan:[/B] Like wise love.. [B]Caroline:[/B] *Giggles* [B]Nathan:[/B] Carol are you bust tonight? [B]Caroline:[/B] just spending a night alone? [B]Nathan:[/B] Well then it would be an honor if you join me for dinner tonight. [B]Caroline:[/B] I would love to? [B]Nathan:[/B] Good then I?ll pick you up at eight?oh and can you where that sexy red dress? [B]Caroline:[/B] only for you love?only for you? [B][I]*Click*[/I][/B] ~[I]Meanwhile[/I]~ [B][I] *Ding Dong*[/I][/B] The sound of the bell calls to its owner. A muscular figure wearing casual clothing approaches the cherry oak door with ease. Carefully he turns the golden knob and pulls the door open revealing a young attractive girl wearing a seductive black dress. He takes one good look at her and wraps on e arm around her small waste and gently pulls her in. ?Hey sexy..? said Alan with a smirk on his face. ?Hey sexy yourself..? Veronica said girlishly. ?You look to die for?? He said so devilishly. ~[I]Meanwhile[/I]~ Nathan had picked p Caroline and arrived at his house. He pressed open the white wooden door to reveal candles of different colors lit up around the house and red rose pedals resting upon the rugged floor. ?It?s simply beautiful..? Caroline gasped in amazement. ?It?s a special night..? Nathan said seductively. ?Oh really...my love?? Caroline said playfully. ?Shall we dance my love..? Nathan said as a devilish smirk appeared on his face. ?Oh ok love..? Caroline said shyly. Soft music had set the mood and they began to dance closely. Nathan nibbled on her neck as they danced slowly to the music, then whispers ever so softly in her left ear. [I]?Caroline my love?.?[/I] ?Yes love?? Caroline said softly. [I]?I would have made you so happy, I would have given you anything?I would have shown you every pleasure you could want?.but I guess you never wanted my tainted love?? [/I] ?Whaaa..whaat are you saying?? Caroline said in fear. [I] ?Sssshhhhh?it?s time to say goodbye..? [/I] Suddenly Caroline?s eyes flew wide open as a kitchen knife pierced her chest. Warm blood started to drip upon the floor and flow down her red dress. Her body then dropped to the floor with a loud thud and Nathan let out a devilish laugh. ?Goodbye you ungrateful *****??you never pleased me?.not once..? He said disappointed, then walked away. ~[I] Meanwhile[/I]~ Veronica and Alan had finished eating and now where passionately embracing each other in kisses. Alan had pinned her to the wall and searched her body with his hands. She let out a moan as his lips moved to her breast and began to suck them as a baby?s bottle. Alan slipped her dress off and she followed and undressed him. Soon after he entered her body and never wanted to let go. Suddenly his mind snapped back and he realized what this night was for. He left her body and backed away from her slowly. ?What?s wrong sexy?? Veronica said feeling as if she did something wrong. ?Nothing?.come closer to me?I have a surprise for you.? Alan said devilishly as he grabbed the cutting knife from the table. Veronica walked closer to him and hugged him so delicately. He returned her hug and whispered in her ear. ?I feel that even though you stay by me?you?d never surrender to the night. I realize now that I can never turn you against the light?? Alan said as he stabbed her in the back. She let out a slight scream and Alan stood quite as she slipped from his grasp, until she finally fell to the rugged floor. Blood spread across the floor like spilled juice and Alan simply walked away in silence. [U][B] Background:[/B][/U] Alright that was the opening of their recent murders. Alan and Nathan (The persons who will play the characters can change their names) are two young men who grew up together and shared many hurtful things in their life. They both didn?t have a good life and where neglected by their mothers. One had a father (Alan) who was always busy working and the other (Nathan) had no father. His father died in a car crash, leaving his mother very rich. Both mothers lived in a big mansion and lived a rich life?all they cared about was money, they could have cared less about their sons. As they grew older and began getting into relationships, they had difficulties with their girlfriends. Not one could please them and give them what they wanted. Eventually they grew tired of this and then one night Nathan was sick of his girlfriend and killed then (she was wearing a red dress...which he loves?don?t know why..). Then he confessed to Alan about this. Soon after Alan dud the same and killed his girlfriend (She wore a black dress...which he loves?don?t know why). Soon after it became a routine, if they weren?t the ones the guys where looking for, they would kill them. [U] [B]Setting:[/B][/U] This takes place in the united kingdoms in the year 2012. A time where murders aren?t important, due to war. [B]Sign ups:[/B] For the two guys [U][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] [B]Age:[/B][/U] [U][B]Appearance:[/B][/U] (Good description or pic..) [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] [U][B]Info:[/B][/U] Tell why your character (whether you play Alan or Nathan) likes that specific dress. [U][B]Bio:[/B][/U] (One or two paragraphs) [B]Sign ups:[/B] Just regular guys and girls (they interact with some of the girls and killer) [B]Example: [/B] Friend, boyfriend, girlfriend (of regular guys), investigating, ect. [U][B] Note:[/B][/U] The guys who play the two killers are the one who can choose the order of their victims and if they die or live??if they live then they found the one...or simply they got away. [U][B]Name:[/B][/U] [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] [U][B]Relationship:[/B][/U] If you want to be with someone then go ahead and ask the one you with to have our character be in a relationship. Or single?now if you?re [U]signing up as a single girl you either put victim or single. [B]Appearance:[/B][/U] (Good description or pic) [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] [U][B]Bio:[/B] [/U] (1 or 2 paragraphs)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Note:If you have any questions...please feel free to pm me. I hope this turns out good...Plus only sign up if your actually going to go through with the whole rpg til the end.Okay the point of the story is to find out wheter the guys wil die, go insane or find their true love. This rpg contains many twist and you never know who is going to die first...So if you play a victim....you may want to sign up as 2 characters..Plus guys as well..they may die..if they get in harms way...[/COLOR]
(Good rp) [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name:[/B] Alexis Thompson [B]Age:[/B] Easy. 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] [B]Body:[/B] Stands 5?5 and weighs 123 pounds (thin yet curvaceous). Her skin color is tan and very smooth, also has a healthy shine to it. She has medium sized breast, well shaped belly and a fair looking behind ^_^. Her legs are a little strong looking yet sexy (She plays tennis?trust me its a lot of foot work.). [B]Hair:[/B] Her hair color is jet black and wavy (has a decent shine to it). The length of her hair flows down to her back and reaches the top of her bottom?(tell me you get that). She normally wears it out?Alexis is to lazy to style it. [B] Eyes:[/B] Her eye color is emerald blue and very mesmerizing. [B]Clothes:[/B] She usually wears elegant clothes, such as skirts, nice yet sexy blouses, sexy shoes and her accessories matches her ensemble. There are times where she likes to be in jeans and a cute shirt. [B]Relationships:[/B] If you want to be my boyfriend pm me?.sigh I am looking for someone to be with my character. [B]Bio*:[/B] I?ll finish this up later[/COLOR].
The poem is short, but holds a meaning to it. [QUOTE]Everything will eventually come to a peak Where you know this will be alright You thought that you were much too weak But you're the strongest one tonight[/QUOTE] I like this part..you tellem! [QUOTE]So they can try to tell my otherwise That this wasn't the right choice They had better open their eyes Because they will hear my voice[/QUOTE] This part does need fixing..the last two lines somehow just don't go right..maybe it needs to be reworded.....or something..but i do get the point. Aww but it was good...I love the last two lines of the ending....Anywho keep up the good work.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I agree about the characters emotion being a little flat, but i gave it a try on writing a anime based fanfic. Yes Kohaku is being held captive by Nuraku and Nuraku uses her brother against her.The story was actually longer, but i cut it short reason being I didn't like the ending being so cliche like every other fanfic of Inu/Sango.But the 2nd chapter will be longer. Plus thank you for giving your honest opinion.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]ArunueShekamari, its okay i can read them and i love it, as well as Kitty's to...sigh I'll hve to switch from time to time....they are real good...thank you both. I appreciate you taking the time to make me the banner and avi's.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lynn Luck I do care and I am very interested in reading about your dreams. I have too many deja vu dreams, which creep me out. I had a dream last night that I was running away from a scary clown. The clown kept on saying:"Run,run, but you'll never escape.....I'm going to rip you into shreds!!.... Very creepy....[/COLOR]
[URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pid=2026&fullsize=1]Simplicity[/URL] I would like an avater that says Simplicity using that pic and the banner I want it to say: I lay awake trying to remember..where I went wrong...Simplicity I would humbly appreciate it if someone was to forfill my request.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Silence grasped the air as the group slept blissfully, except for one. Her hazel orbs were wide open as she laid on the thin green sack. Sango was remembering Naraku?s repeated offer. ?Sango the demon exterminator, if you bring me the testusaiga, I shall release Kohaku? Kohaku?Her brothers name lingered in her mind possessively as Naraku?s bribe echoed her thoughts. Tears so warm yet painful trailed down her soft cheeks as she began to cry in frustration. ?What should I do?I?ve been down this road before?twice to be exact?.but I failed to bring Kohaku back to me?my dear brother you?re all I have left??I?m sorry?? With that final thought, Sango stood up as quietly as possible and crept towards the other side where Shippo, Miroku and inuyasha laid asleep. She stared at the three and let out a long sigh of forgivenss. Her delicate yet strong hands gripped the old rusted sword, suddenly she froze as a firm hand gripped around hers as she prepared to take the testusaiga. ?Huh! Inu-Inuyasha?I thought you were asleep. I-? Sango couldn?t finish her sentence as a sense of guilt stirred in her stomach and heart. ?Feh, well you thought wrong didn?t ya Sango,? Inuyasha said angrily in his displeased tone. ?I?m sorry please forgive me inuyasha? said Sango as she tried to sheild her eyes behind her jet black bangs. Inuyasha said nothing, instead he let go of his grip on her hand and stood up. Sango didn?t know how to react, she just simply stood like a frozen statue. Inuyasha advanced towards Sango and grabbed her hand delicately this time and guided her out the shabby hut. Shippo had witnessed what just happened, but instead of informing the other, he fell asleep once again. There was s soft yet cooling breeze amidst in the forest. So tranquil and beautiful, the rich green leaves hissed as the breeze brushed against them. The trees felt alive as Inuyasha and Sango approached. ?Now I?m only gonna ask you this once Sango?What the hell were ya thinking?? Inuyasha said in his usual tone of voice. Sango said nothing and that angered him. ?Damn it you wench! Haven?t you learned that Naraku?s fooling ya!? said Inuyasha, this time his voice was load and harsh. ?Don?t you dare call me a wench Inuyasha! He has Kohaku and I need to-to?? Sango was cut off. ?To what Sango! Steal the testusaiga and hand it to that bastard?hell he?ll kill you once he has the testusaiga in his grasp. I thought you were smarter than that..? Inuyasha scorned at her. ?Stop it! You have no idea what I?m going through?..what do you care!? Sango said furiously. ?Feh, shows how much you know!? he said a bit gently this time. ?What?? Sango said in a regretful tone. ?Yea ya heard me?I know damn right how it feels Sango?how to loose someone you love?I was pinned to a damn tree by the woman I love and she died?.now she?s come back?..kagome?kikyo?I?m never happy being with them...I feel so torn apart?my mother died when I was young ?I was casted from the western lands by my brother?.I know how it is?to feel so alone?.its painful?Sango..? Inuyasha said in a hurtful voice. Then and there Sango realized that inuyasha shared the same pain and loneliness as her. Sango regretted the words she had spoken to him and so she began to cry in frustration and pain. Inuyasha noticed and walked closer to her. Sango suddenly felt clawed fingers tenderly trailing her cheek. ?Sango we care about you..I care?I know how you feel? Inuyasha said softly has he stared hypnotically into her eyes. Before she could speak, Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her feminine body and pressed it against his. Her cheeks reddened in shyness as he held her. He then whispered gently into her ear. ?I?ll always be here if you ever need me?Sango? he whispered. With that Sango wrapped her arms around his body and buried her face in his muscular chest as she cried. ?Go ahead..let it all out Sango? He said ever so gently as his other arm wrapped around her body. As the breeze ceased and the leaves stopped hissing, light raindrops began to fall from the starlit sky. The rain began to get heavier and pressed against their bodies, but the two just stood there holding each other in comfort. As the night began to fade both Inuyasha and Sango fell asleep under the big brown oak tree. It was morning and the rain had ceased. The group had awakened to see that Inuyasha and Sango were gone. While they searched for the two, Inuyasha and Sango were still asleep under the big oak tree. He sun shined upon Sango?s face causing her to awaken. ?What! Oi!, Sango screamed as she realized what had happened that night. Inuyasha awoke to Sago?s scream and his golden eyes flew wide open in shock of what happened last night. Both stood up immediately and a slight blush appeared on their faces. Before the two could speak, they heard Kagome?s voice screaming out their names. Finally Kagome and the group found them and let out a sigh in relieve. ?Sango-chan! Inuyasha I?m glad your both alright.What happened?? Kagome said a bit curiously. ?I has left in the middle of the night to be alone?I felt sad just remembering Kohaku?and then Inuyasha came to make sure I won?t get hurt?? Sango said hoping Kagome and the gang would buy her lie. ?Oh I see?I hope you are feeling better Sango?? Kagome said in a caring voice. My Notes: Ok?Tell me what you guys think..this is my fist ever Anime based fanfic?..if I get enough reviews..I?ll post up the second chapter?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Poem:1 Stare As I stare at you? I can see the emptiness within your eyes. As I stare closer? I see the pain you carried for so long. As I stare closer and closer? I can see all the tears you held back. As I walk towards you? I see your soul has lost its way. As I walk closer you? I can see how scared you are. As I walk closer and closer to you? I see your eyes start to water. As I stare at you? I can see the resemblance you uphold. As I stare closer? I see how badly you want to die. As I stare closer and closer? I can see?that all along it was me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Wow....that is wierd...throwing knives...guns....innocent people....are you goingh to become a killer....j/k...I had another dream the other night.MY mother was cutting my wrist and stiching my hads together...all because I came home five minutes late.......I am freaking 18,college freshmen and a part time worker....why the hell would my mom punsih me from being late.......anywho i woke up scared and stood away from my own mother.....then i told her my dream.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Have you ever had a weird dream?one that spooked you?probably made you laugh?or couldn?t even put a name to your dream? Well of course you have . I had one?well many, all dreams are trivial and yet hold as meaning. You always dream?sometimes you can?t remember them or think that you didn?t dream at all, really you did dream. Here is one of my dreams that I can recall. A friend of mine (Whom I call Aiysha) and I were at a supermarket shopping for food. We?re both strolling down an aisle with the metal carriage, when suddenly my ex-boyfriend( Whom I all Vash) passes by us. Aiysha had noticed, but I did not and then she made me aware of his presence. ?Hey isn?t that Vash?? Aiysha said angrily. I was about to speak, but before I could speak one syllable, I felt a slightly muscular arm wrap around my small waist. It was that idiotic Vash. ?Hey long time no see, Carol!? Vash said in his hickish accent. Suddenly I realized Aiysha was at the other end of the aisle and I felt scared. I told him to leave me alone, but he wouldn?t. Then my dream skipped, it was now a rainy night and I was standing in the rain. Then Vash passed by like a ghost. Even though his body wasn?t there, I could feel his eyes? watching my every move?so scary and I awoke feeling scared. Ok here are the facts: Aiysha and I both hate Vash with a passion. Plus I don?t want him in my life?not even looking at me. I interpreted my dream?since I took psychology. Meeting him meant that I would encounter him, when I would be with Aiysha. The fact that I felt scared, meant that I didn?t want him in my life or sight, but I knew that he wouldn?t let it be. The rain represented the sadness inside of me, but not with him. I never felt sad?.I always felt angry with him. His eyes that were watching me meant that whenever he had a chance, he would follow me. Well guess what?I saw him this Monday, when Aiysha and I were walking back from school lunch. Aiysha spoke the same exact words in my dream as well as Vash( Except the arm thing). The thing is I haven?t seen him since last February?how ironic is that?déjà vu. That was one of my many dreams. So tell me what?s your weird dream? Don?t be afraid :laugh: [/COLOR]
Lily had dissapeared once Hashu took flight(battle). For some reason something had drawn her back to where she was geneticaly altered. Shattered glass upon the floor reflecting multiple images of Lily's dispaired face. Corpses laid upon machines which were slain by Lily's own hands. Confusion ran through her mind, so many thoughts, fragmented memries...so much that she collapsed upon the floor,the glass cutting away her skin...but she simply didn't notice. Lily started to cry and yell out lucent words, then silence once filled the lair. "Why.......I knew my name...but when he asked me..I simply didn't know.....even though I had my bracelet......now i'm back here....huh!: Lily stopped as a flash of memory appeared. "That man...who saved me....why...why dammmit why!!!!!" Lily said in frustration. "Crappers..I have to get off....."
Lily stared at the strange yet good looking man, then broke her gaze. "Well its a free country....plus really I don't know how I ended back here..." Lily said a bit confused. "Huh....what do you mean....?" he said a bit confused himself. "Really it's none of your business...not to be rude...I'm just not sure myself..okay" Lily said in a low voice. She stood up and felt a bit oncomfortable, due to the fact she had no clothes under the lab coat. So she stepped back a little and the guy just stared at her like if she was a lost child. [I]'Was it just a dream then? I didn't go threw the ground or kill the guy?...it was just all a dream right....but it felt so real...maybe he's one of them....'[/I]
OOC:Sorry if i may have this wrong..I'll edit it....if theres anything wrong tell me.. IC: Mickel watched the humans squirm in confusion and seemed delighted that they knew nothing of him...Only kyla knew...she wasn't sure who he was exactly..but she knew he haunted her in her dreams. He stood there just watching and waiting to make his next move. OOC:I don't want to go far...because i am quite lost..sorry..been so busy with midterms...
[COLOR=Purple]A shadow hovered Lily's fragile body, but she didn't realize nor feel his presence. The young fellow had noticed and so he spoke. "Hey there...are you ok....Miss...umm proffessor.." , the yound fellow said loudly. "Hummm..what! Oh so sorry.....actually I am-....I am fine...just taking a break...professor you say?" Lily said with a thought coming to mind. "Yes...or are youa doctor...or researcher....you do have your lad coat stating the company you work for." The young man said in confusement. "Why yes I'm Doctor Hiroshima...I'm new here...and just got tired of walking...I'm supposed to have been in...ohhh I fogot the buildings name.." Lily said hoping the guy would believe her. The fellow stood over her for a minute than stood straight and gave a wicked smile. For he knew that she was a lab experiment who escaped. Suddenly in an imstant grabbed his gun and pressed it against her head. "Now..now...you've been a bad girl....your suppose to be in your tube..now come with e slowly and nothing bad won't happen." He said wickedly. "You bastard!Who are-" her words were cut off as she sank into the gorund. "what the hell..they didn't tell-...ghost...damn it thats right...she can go through things...shit!" he said angrily. Her body dissapeared from the field and sank to the ground. Lily traveled underground and appeared in a shadowed corner. She was scared and confused. "How could I have done that...what did my body just do...oh my god..what am I!" lily said in frustration.[/COLOR]
Sorry to interupt this...but please take note...I am from another lab...you know nothing of lily...nor does Abel....however you spell it....I meet up with him for the first time as well as the rest of yous. I will delete this as soon as evryone has made note of it.
[COLOR=Purple][I] It seemed liked days since it happened....all the lies....bloodshed....emptiness.....so lonely....cries cannot undo what you have done nor relinquesh the pain deep inside you fragile heart.....[/I] A feminine figure laid upon the silken grass as she tried to remember who she was. Her legs felt like marshmellows from all the walking she had done earlier, but she in fact had made it into a town. Once she had arrived wearing a white lab coat she stole from the locker with nothing beneath it, she immediatly collapse in the field off grass. So thirsty...so tired...yet willing...willing to seek her memories she onced held. She knew nothing of her past, all she knew was her codename and real name. When she had awoke from the lab, a golden bracelet around her small wrist had a named engraved, 'Lily'. That's all she knew of her and nothing else. [I]'Memory'[/I] [I]A pair of eyes widened with shock and gasped for air as she banged on the glass of the tube she was held in. Scientist scaterred in amazement and tried to take down notes, but noe. He stared into the tube and smiledat her, then in an instant the sound of shattering glass fell to the floor. He had smashed it with a metal bar...then grabbed her and tried to escape. The guards shot the poor young fellow and collapsed to the ground with her along. The guards pushed him off like if he was trash and grabbed her frail body. But instantly she awoke and snapped the guards neck. She fell as he collapse to the ground.......now surrounded....anxiety rushing through her viens...then nothing...... 'End of memories'[/I] Lily immediaty stood up at the shadiwed images in her mind and began to brush them off.[/COLOR]
My husband had asked me to join...so here i am..just to let you guys know I';m not from the same place as you guys..I'm from another lab... [COLOR=Purple]Computer Database Name: Lily Experiment Number/name: 1886/Ghost Age: 19 Appearence: [URL=http://www.magical-school.de/Angel/hana3.jpg]Lily[/URL] Personality: She is very mysterious and silent. Lily only speaks when spoken to, but she is a good listener and advisor. She's not much of a socialist and she loves to sing. Not much is known about her, for she is from another laboratory. Genetic Power: Lily is called ghost for a reason, for she can dissapear(invisible) and go through things(like walls, undergrounds,ect.). She was built with that power for unknown reasons, possible for spying. Other than that she has a beautiful voice to sing...that is one reason why they captured her, for thier own amusement. Brief History: Lily was a secretary for the "National Firm office" during the day. In the night she works in a night club, where she sings and waitresses. SHe is a highschool graduate and valid victorian. She wasn't the most popular nor least, she was more in the middle. But Lily liked to be by herself and sing her favorite songs. She was raised by her mother only, her father had left them when she was two years of age. She has no siblings and never dated. Reasons were unknown for that, guys would go crazy trying to figure why. There were many memories she had, but soon we're all erased.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Mickel Halo Age: 16 Appearance: I'll do a description.....been a long time since I done one. Body Appearance: Mickel stands about 6'1 and weighs 134. His body is athletic and slighty musclular looking. Skin color is a healthy rich light tan and he keeps himself clean. Mickel's eyes are evergreen and his hair his a silky jet black that goes down to his upper shoulder. he always has this smirk on his face that represents pride. Clothes: He wears denim black jeans with a blood red shirt and black timberlans. he also wears his sexy leather jacket...which is his most prized possession(No he's not concieted....it's special to him....a gift from his mom...before she died. Accerories(Man vocab block): he wears a silver chain with a gothic looking cross and he rides in his motorcycle. [/COLOR] Sorry...i've been sick...so sorry for being late!
Well this will be a second...casn i play the mystierious guy....I'll post up later..I am busy now....Love the story...
Sign-up sheet: Postition:Some girl Appearence: [URL=http://www.magical-school.de/Yukirin/7.jpg]Annoying yet sexy girl[/URL] Why you joined the RPG:Well becaise your my husband and i must support you...plus its a change...comedy never done one Why you wanted to be this character: I wanted to be annoying for once.....
Alucard the god of war stoop upon the marble floor and watched the others leave. He would have been damned that he would let Suray when that argument, but for now he had other plans. He walked towards the door and took one good look at the earth. "How idoitic this thing is...how papethic this world is....they will all burn....those damn weaklings...." Alucard said as he turned to fire. The fire headed towards earth and landed in a decent looking home. Once his fire shaped body touched the floor of the house, the house became engulfed with his fire.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Maria gasped at the rudeness, but recovered and ingnored the ingnorant qeustion. "Leon huh...are you alright....how stupid of course not....Do you need any help?" Leon didn't look up and ingnored her question. Maria now felt uncomfortable and felt like crying. Instead she just grabbed Stephen and left the room, slamming the door behind her. "Man! that jerk....both of them!" Maria said angrily. "Just chill...it was an awkward moment...just a bad time..." He said trying to calm her down.[/COLOR]