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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Mira laughed as both Toni and her made their getaway. Toni joined her and then gave her demonic smile of satisfaction. "Well Mira great choosing.....but I am quite mad you made me stop...but I know it was for our own good...now i wish i can tear those angels apart!" Toni said looking to the streets. "Yes....those bloody angels......how i hate them so....well leet's go see Imric....wonder whats he up to...that man hahahaa." Mira said as she laughed at the thought of Imric and his thirst for a fight. Before they went to see Imric, Mira decided to grab a bite to eat. So she made her way to a fastfood place and placed her order, as well as Toni.[/COLOR] OOC: Well thought i catch up on rps..
  2. [COLOR=Red] Kani decided not to go to the principles office, so she just turned to the grey double doors that let to the outside of the horrid school. As she walked, kani spotted familiar faces. "Hey!" kani yelled as she ran towards them. As she ran, Kani tripped and fell. She immediatly blushed in embarrassment. As soon as she got up, kani noticed she was bleeding. Her left ankle was cut from a piec of glass on the dirt ground. She immediatly cursed.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sign-Up. Positions: Dreams / Angel:Rose Red. - Singer / Prophet. Name: Anatesia Monete Age: 21 Type: Angel - Dreams Location: Weapon: *** Occupation: *** Persona: Anatesia is sorta like a mute type....she only speaks when spoken to. is a Anatesia serious person and wise. Apperence: Anatesia stands at 5 feet 6 inches and weighs 121. She as rich caramel skin and silkyhair that flows all the way down to the top of her bottom(Behind.....), the color of her hair is blood red. Her eyes are silver, very deep and emotionless. She has a marking of a red rose in her upper left shoulder blade. Outfit: Her angel uniform (During the day)dress consist of the colors silver, see through white, gold and ruby red. Her top is like a bra(except without the straps) that has thick gold rims that form around her breast and continues to rap around her upper stomache area. The thick gold rims crisscross on her back to the front of her waist area, that attachs to her long skirt. The middle piece of her skirt is white, while the sides of it a see through white that forms below her buttox.Also in between her chest is a red ruby surrounded by gold and dangles from her top, the same with her skirt. her shoes have no heel on the bottom...its just a flat perfectly made whiter shoe for her. She also wears like a tiara, like an indian belly dancer. Singer outfit: Her outfit is also white but more formal looking for a singer at a night club. Biography: OOC: I love the story.....brilliant...I am sorry but i will have to finish this up later. If anything needs to be changed just email me.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Yulin spotted a man wielding some sort of double blade sword and with this she gave a long sigh and got up from her seat. She walked past the doors and into the street where the scene took place. "Oh crap...what the hell is this now? I should go in and help....but maybe they don't need it.....then again I vowed to protect the innocent and so I shall." Yulin said as she approached with caution. She surveyed the scene first and wondered if the man would attack. She just stood there watching, Yulin would only attack if he would strike.[/COLOR] OOC:I am a little lost...so pm me if you want me to fix this.
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4]Announcement:This takes place in Osaka, Japan.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The day was filled with brilliant rays of fragmented colors that casted down to the earth. The earth was being surveyed by Suray as she peered out her crystal window. Lost in thought, trying to remember past communications with the human male that cought Suray's eyes. "Humm...someone can catch your eyes, but not your heart............but what shall i do.....let him be apart of my experiment?" Suray said in a playful tone. Suddenly a muscular young pale body appeared in Surey's layer. His appearance was so heavenly and pure and Surey loved that about him. He bowed infront of her and smiled joyfully. "Milady Suray..I am sad yet glad that you are leaving......you finally get to leave this place and live on earth...where many adventures wait for you.....sad to know that I will not get to see your beauty and happiness that you bring to me..." Miru said still kneeling on the marble white floor. 'Oh my dear Miru..I am proud to leave you in charge and sad to see us depart..you are a great companien....but head my warnig if you screw up...I won't hesitate to make your existance dissapear from the face of the universe.....but I know you won't...plus I am taking my leave as of now.." Suray said as she prepared to fly down to earth and live as a human. "Milady....take care and one more thing.....why did you choose to be married to a human?" Miru said in fear. "Do not question my actions....later you will understand...now please be about and do you job." Suray said in a stern voice. Without a second thought Suray jumped out the crystal window and flew down like an angel. Miru watched until she was out of sight.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Leya wanted to look away, but she saw that deep in his eyes showed concern for her. She wrapped her frail arms around his upper body and began to sob. "I've been so foolish! I don't know what to do with myself......I-I just don't want to be here anymore!" Leya said inbetween sobs. "I know...but there are people who love you and need you help......we need you to be here with us.." Yutarin said holding her tightly. Leya continued to cry and then looked up to Yutarin's face and kissed him gently. He blushed and accepted the kiss and embrace her ever more. After a few minutes their lips departed and leya whispered into his ear. "Thank you......." Leya whispered.[/COLOR] OOC:Sorry so short, but I don't have a lot of time to post.
  8. Position: God of War Person you left in charge: Damien Name: Alucard Human Name: Shijiro Namagami Age: 24 Occupation: Master Assasin Personality: Cold hearted and hates humans with a passion. he is a bitter and angry man, easily jealous. He is wise and serious at all times, but not as wise as Suray. He's very mysterious, so everything else is a mystery to all. He is emotionless the majority of times...to say......... Bio: I'll finish it later. Appearance: 6'2 ,185 in weight [IMG]http://www.mandarake.co.jp/mail-order/international/img_item/cd-x011.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Jurai had noticed that she was blushing and immediatly turned her face away from his gaze. Karel saw her turn away and stratched his hand to cuff her chin. She turned to meet his gaze once again and blushed even more. "What are you looking at?" Jurai said in anger. "Huh oh nothing really...its just I wonder why you turned away?" Karel said trying to search her eyes for the answer. "None of your business...you need sleep..now rest." Jurai said as she moved away from the bed. She was confused and delighted to feel such feelings for a male. But at the same time Jurai did not want her pride to wash away in tears. She watched him so effortlessly has he tried to sleep. 'Why do I feel so emotional all of the sudden......am I takind a liking to this boy........damn it!' Jurai was startled as she heard something move on the window. "Oh its just a little blue bird! How adoable you are...come here." Jurai said as she cuffed the bird in her hands. She looked at the bird with such fascination and jealously, for the bird was free to fly and she was not. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]"The time has come for you to stand up for your people!" cried the Prophet to the assembled masses, who looked at him with a combination of horror and awe. "It has been written that the last of Adam's children shall come forth to lead the Vanishing out of the darkness! I see you look at me with your blank faces, you do not know of the Vanishing! But, in fact, you do," the Prophet gestured with one hand to the crowd, his voice rising above the howl of the wind.[/I] The words of wisdom stuck in Yulin's mind so flawlessly, huanted her every thought and for that she knew that she was one of the few who shall fight. She walked on the street side not caring about getting ran over, she knew that people of Atma respected her. Yulin was tired for her days work, being a teacher was not easy at all. Her delicate hand brushed her silky hair so gently and turned to the diner, she was very hungry. The old wooden door creaked as Yulin pushed it open and entered with ease. The waitress looked at her with a warm and humble smile, she greeted Yulin and sat her in her usauall seat. "What will you have to Milady?" the young waitress said happily. "Hummmmmmm.....How about todays special?" Yulin said feeling famished. 'Very well.." the waitress said as she walked away. "Darn it....vanishing.................I shall fight and protect til my last undying breathe." Yulin said a she gazed out the dusty window.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC:Can I be a member? Luna stood frozen as Aaron left to aid Mina. She felt jealously run through her veins, for she did not like the idea of Aaron showing attention to Mina. Luna's green eyes stared t the massive place and decided to sit this one out, for she had plans of her own. She started surveying the area and spotted a big maple tree. Luna walked towards the tree and sat herself gently on the earth's moisty grass and gazed at the moon. She began to trail back in her memories of past events. [I]'All this stuff that has happened so far...so cofusing...so alluring....I am a half breed....and I'm hired to kill all who associate with vampires....but why if I'm one of them? Who the hell hired me....why can't I remember......all I know is that I quit from the evil deed of the one who has hired me...I am a hunter...in the end all i will be....is a half breed..'[/I] She sat there lost in thought and it seemed forever since she ever trhought clearly.[/COLOR]
  12. Name: Mina ?M.J? Julon Age: 18 Gender: Female Reason for Running away/Bio: When she was six, MJ was raped by her stepfather and was scared silent due to the physical abuse and threats. Her mother is depressed and takes sleeping pills and countless depression medications to keep her sane, this always concerned MJ. This tares MJ up inside, but she couldn?t add more pain to her mother by telling her that she has been raped. The stepfather left when she was seven and MJ was happy, but that all went downhill when she found out he stood in the family. He was having a relationship with her Aunt Mili. Her family wasn?t such a family, merely the family hide behind mask. As the years past he?s kept an eye on MJ and has threatened her. At age 18, she had enough and decided to run away. Attitude: covers up pain with different moods... She tends to have various mood swings. No one can tell how she can react next. She is also cold towards others, especially guys. Description: Pics are fine and descriptions don't have to be perfect but enough so we know what you look like... Also if you know others and want to be running away with them please say so... I'll have to fininsh it later...plus if you need help with the rp....just pm me ok.
  13. [COLOR=DimGray]Dazhen and Ayira are the two girls Kani saw as she walked down to the principle's office. Kani did her final act and walked into the classroom they were in. Everyone stared at Jinx, but she did not care. Kani went to both girls and ignored the teacher. "Look I would like for us to meet after school in the plaza ok...please be there." Kani said as she left the classroom and went on her course. Kani or Jinx felt happy to pull such a stunt and was glad she punched that guy in the face. She felt good and noone will stop her, now all she wanted was for the whispers to stop. As she passed by a classroom, she heard whispers. 'Look their goes Jinx' 'Did you hear? All those outcast are joining forces' 'Great now we have to worry about their little clique' 'Yea right..it's all Jinx's fault...she the one doing this' Kani wanted to laugh an insane luagh, but instead she stuck up hr middle finger for all to see. What a first day of school...what seemed to be the longest day ever, thanks to the whispers.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Purple] Desery was shocked that Jin had saved her, but she knew that it was just her who really couldn't trust a dark angel. She coulndn't even believe that they were fighting side by side and attacking their very own fathers. "Thanks....now to get the collars off!" Desery yelled in anger as both were headed in their fathers direction. They both aimed for the collar, but both failed to do so as a shock of lighting seperated the two angels. Desery was hit badly and flung to the ground. Jin had landed on the ground, but was able to land safely. "Damn it! Father!" Desery yelled in pain. Jin looked towards her and wanted to help her, but she motioned for hi to continue. With that said he started thinking of a plan, while Desery thought of killing that bastard.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy] Damien spotted natalia limping a little as she walked. He walked towards her and smiled. "Well my love, there seemed to be a battle today, which i missed. I am sorry i wasn't there to see you get your ass kicked by your greatest arch enemy...which I presume it was her that did this." Damien said trying to help her. "Get your fucking hands off me you bastard! Well the hell were you.....screwing some dumb hoe!" Natalia said as she slapped his hand off her shoulder. "Babe...calm down...i was busy searching for info...so I had my reasons" Damien said in a playful tone. "Whatever...just take me home...I feel like shit...so for once just be nice." Natalia said hopelessly. They both walked down to her house and talked about old times. He actually listened to her and was nice for once. [I] 'Damn look at her...so beautiful and she doesn't even know it....I love you so much Talia....but I can't stay true with you or any one.'[/I][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Sorry about that..Well Mira is quite niave, so she just thought it...yea thats it. IC: Mira and Toni were driving around looking for their latest victim. Mira had to think a while for the answer to Toni's question. Then she cought a glimpse of her next victim. "Well Toni look what we have here....two little ones for the taking...I'll take the red head and you take the brunette." Mira said in a playful tone. "Very well.....how playful that would be..." said Toni breaking out a evil yet lovely laughter. Mira parked her beloved car and Both walked out and made their move. As the two girls parted, the red head girl suddenly heard a beautiful humming of a lullibi(did i spell that right?). The humming was coming from the alley and the child was falling for Mira's trap. It was Mira who was humming the lullibi as she readied herslef to play. The child stood abase in the dead end of the alley way. The huming was still lurking in the air and she was scared, because the little girl was the only one there....or so she thought. Suddenly Mira appeared like a ghost as she wrapped her left hand with one of her sias around the girl's delicate neck. The red head stood frozen as Mira whispered in the childs ear. The whisper was the lyrics of the lullibi and as she finished the first verse of the song, Mira cut the little girl's neck open. She smiled as the child's warm blood flowed down her sais and then the body collapsed to the pavement. Mira walked away from the scene while singing the last line of the lullibi. 'Rest thee child and dream while you sleep.......lalala la la la la la lalala la la laaaa.....' And dissapeared in the shadows as if never existing. Toni had followed the brunette into another alley and sliced the girls head off.Toni was a fast killer, she did not like to toy with them. Just kill and go, that was her motto.[/COLOR] :evil3:
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed] Kani was the first to arrive in her math class and was writing a note to give to Tom. As the people walked in and saw kani, they began to whisper. [I]'Look its Jinx....heard she was with stain eyes....' 'Well I hope Jinx does her magic and makes him die...one less person'[/I] Kani anted to vry, but instead she continued to write the letter. [U] Ok we will meet after school in the plaza and from there we'll go to the cafe. Ty, I am really glad to meet you......Plus I'll try to get the two girls to come ok. Love, Kani[/U] As Kani wrote this, a good looking boy had passed a note to her. She didn't want to open it, fearing that what he wrote was bad. But she did and read it: [U]Hey gorgeous, you look beautiful today. I was thinking can I screw you? I can't date you or i will probably die.....you are jinx after all....haha the 'hot' jinx . So w/b and tell me if I can do you tonight. Your probaly good......delicious even. Julien[/U] Kani was disgusted and hurt at the same time. [I]'What a disgusting pervert he his...that bastard.....I'm-I'm not jinxed! Just stop it stop it all!'[/I] Suddenly kani was angered and stood up from her chair and turned around to face Julien. Everyone gasped as they heard Kani's fist making contact to Julien's face. he was bleeding in his nose and cursed her. But she smiled happily and walked out the door towards the principles office.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The heaven angels and hell angels were reaching the darkspire, sudden;y Desery had an idea. She looked towards the direction of Jin and gave a heavenly smile to him. She flew towards his direction and stoped him. " I have an idea Jin, leader of the hell angels, will you hear me or continue to fight a hopeless fight?" Desry said in an elegant manner. "Very well what is your plan, Desery?" Jin said playfuly. "I suggest that we mix up our fighters and send to roups to attack from different sides, while we join up and reach our fathers....agree.I know it sounds shaky, but thats all i can think of under this pressure." Desery said frightened. "Very well." said jin ordering his army to seperate into two gruops with the heaven angels. Once both sides arrived, both fathers were there. Desery knew that they did not come to talk, but fight.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]?Earth has its flaws and its beauty, but ask yourself this. What if its flaws were the cause of its own destruction or just an illusion of its beauty??[/CENTER] Corruption lingered in the air, where god and goddesses dispute over the fate of earth. All but two goddesses stood abase and looked at each other with disgust of what they were hearing. Suddenly Droana, goddess of earth stepped forward and busted into screams. ?Enough! Look at you fools! Your no better than the humans who worship you! Now listen up?Suray is our speaker today, not yous!? Droana said in demand. Everyone settled down and awaited to hear Suray?s words of wisdom. She surveyed the chrome room and let out a gasp as she saw hatred among them. ?Now listen, its time to make a choice and in order to do so, we must vote or all agree in one thing.? Surey said angrily. Alno'dra, god of time stood up from his golden chair and made an announcement. ?Milady Suray?As you and I had spoken before and came to an agreement to a solution in progress. I have taken it upon myself to bring it out for all to hear. They have all listened and agreed despite their differences.? said Alno'dra as he began to sit back down. ?Well I say we?re wasting our time with your pathetic ideals!? The god of war declared. ?Now you hear me, the idea is not pathetic. It is simply because you fear the fact that you may not survive out there as a human. You fear that once you get there, you won?t be worshiped as a god, because they will only see another pathetic human no better than them!? Suray said in frustration. The room fell in silence as Suray made her comment. Then everyone stared at one another and agreed in silence. ?Very well?the decision has been made. Each of you are to go to earth and live as a human. You are to observe and collect all that you need in order to come to your own terms. You are all to refrain from using your powers, unless if necessary. In one year we will meet again for one last time and decide earth?s fate. You all may, if you choose to stay in contact with each other. If war is to break out amongst yous, then its up to your self?s to either fight an endless fight or refrain from any stupidity. I am not the leader, nor are any who are here. We have manage to put aside our differences and do your job, now that you will be on earth and live as humans, I urge you to keep it that way, but whatever happens happens. One last thing, you are all to choose one of your most trustful person to fill in, while you live as human.? Suray said as she seated herself into her golden throne. Everyone exited and began to plan what and how they wanted to live on earth as a human.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]Mira had sensed the tension between Imric and the other guy who also has interest in the holy angel. She just laughed at the thought that imric had such feelings for being a demon and all. Once school was over, Mira walked out the school's double old painted door and spotted Toni. She walked carefully to Toni's direction, making sure not to lose it and kill someone. "Well hello dear....and how was your excruciating day? Mine of course....lets just say crown me genious and kill me. I know all this bull of knowledge that these so called imbeciles claim to know and i hate the idea of being in the same classroom as those filty angels." Mira said in a dominate voice. "I do agree...such pity..." Toni said as she observed the school grounds. Without no words to be said, Toni and Mira walked towards the royal blue buick and hopped in for a joy ride. They both could have cared less about the other demons and their so called gatherings. They both wanted some fun...meaning torture to humans and death to whom ever crosses their path. Out of the whole group of demons, Mira and Toni were the closes to eachother. Both heartless and clever of the group.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] A royal blue buick park avenue drove up the old fashioned looking school and parked in the student parking only sign. A slender figure opened her door and got out her car, she twitched at the brightness of the day. She adjusted herself to the brightness of the day and put her stylish black shades on. She surveyed the area and was disgusted at the sight of pitiful humans. Mira's gaze soon turned to a quite fit figure, knowing who it was Mira walked up to him in a seductive demonic way. "Yo......how do you enjoy living like a human?" Mira teased. "Its crap......tell me what are we doing today in class?" Imric demand. "My aren't we moody today...we have trigonometry pop quiz.....pop quiz I say? Yes I am sneeky and found out we had one" Mira said in a stirdy voice. "Well looks like we have another stupid quiz to show our knowledge...shall we go and torture those insolent souls?" Imric said making a playful gesture. "Very well...I suppose...you know I really do tire of this." Mira said as she started walking towards the entrance.[/COLOR]
  22. Ok sign ups look good....I haven't had anyone sign up in a while...sighs...so I'll put it up in my sig to se hat happens.
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Steven wasn't sure where he was going and what Maria was up to, but he followed her anyway. She finally made it to 12G and stood and entered the room. "What the...oops...sorry wrong letter...I thought it was 12G..." Maira said as she saw some guy bleeding. the group stared at the two and felt akward. But maria was not shy and so she introduced herslef without caring what happened, it was none of her business. "My name is Maria and this is Steven my roomie." Maria said happily.[/COLOR]
  24. Position: Goddess of Wisdom & Destiny [COLOR=DimGray]Person you left in charge: Miru (Her most trusted male freind) Name: Suray Human Name:Lani Hitsue Nick name(If any): Age: 23 Occupation: College Professor of Philosophy Appearance:[URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pid=96&fullsize=1]Professor Hitsue [/URL] Personality: Suray is a very serious person, but most of the time quite. She only speaks when spoked to or addressed. But at the same time Suray is a loving person. Deep down she is sad, because she may have all the knoweledge in the known universe, but she has never felt love....She hasn't been able to love someone.She thought she at least liked the god of time...but he always seem to busy and uniterested in her. She is forever a mystery to all and even herself..She holds more in her personality, but its a secret..until its time to see the real Suray. Bio: Before Suray was created, the postition of wisdom and destiny was long hers. She was made to fill that position, no imperfections....or so they thought. She grew smarte by the hour and soon was higher than all gods and goddesses. But due to her wisdom, Suray delcared that all are equal and shoud rule themselves. Which successfuly worked, until the time came to decide earth's fate. Suray herself had other things to do then waste her time with such ludacris arguments from her kind. No one really knowns what she thinks about the humans, all they know of her..is what she shows. Suray is a mystery to all and herself.....wonder will she ever solve who she really wants to be? When casted dpwn to earth, Suray chose her life. She chose to be a Professor in philosophy at the Hale university. She is also married to a human who she onced incountered before. Her actions are unqeustionable, to why she chose to be a married woman to a human. She created an existence of a family, that really deosn't exist at all. That was just for backup in case some human wanted to find out more about her. Of course she still is serious and carefull and chooses to stay in contact with the god of time, goddess of earth and dream & creation. What will she choose? [/COLOR] Note: The position of God of War is open, due to some problems with Midnight Rush...thank you.
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Desery and the messenger met up with the Heaven king and stared at one another for some time, then the messenger was dismissed. "Father I'm so glad i can see you....I hate you position...you can never leave....and therefor your always busy....and i miss you.." Desery said almost in tears. "My Desery..I will always be with you...always my child....Now we have some things to talk about...there's been rumor of war about to happen....they may be wrong...but i wanted to make sure that your arch angels are ready for anything.." He said so gently. "Of course they are...I'm not leader for anything...i worked their butts off and thought them what they need to know...my arch angels are ready for anything and I am ready also.....I will fight to my death!" Desery said in pride. "So like a leader...haha....may the heavens be with my blessed child." He said taking her in his arms.[/COLOR]
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