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Everything posted by Persona

  1. Persona


    [COLOR=DarkRed] Hazel had just stood there watching the crew. she just couldn't believe the hell that was going on and one person seem to have left the other group. "Ok no I can't believe this shit is real.....even being stuck with all of yous....shit man what did I do to desrve this? Am I going to freaking die here?" Hazel said a little freaked out. "Man just chill...we're all here for some damn reason....." Matt said in confusement. Hazel started to walk around and walked up the old creaky wooden steps and entered the seem to be diner. As she walked in the door slammed behind her cuasing Hazel to jump. Then a cold wind chilled the air, a whisper came to her ear. [I] 'Your going to die....'[/I] "What the hell! Who are you...who the hell are you...this ain't freaking funny!" hazel said in fear. She froze suddenly as she felt a pair of icy hands brush her cheeks and lips touch her neck. There she let out a scream and starting banging on the door. This time she had no fan and no orange bag...all she had was her body and what good did that do...if she was scared as hell.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DimGray] Steven and maria where walking down the halyway when maria spotted one of her freinds. She immediatly rushed threw the crowd dragging Steven with her. Then the corrider was filled with screams of joy. "Oh your here I missed you..!" her friend said happily. "Girl we haven't seen eachother for a month! Wow look at you." Maria said hugging her freind. Steven watched the two get all happy and he felt out of place. Maria noticed that Steven stood his distance and she introduced him the her best friend. "Hey Lily this is Steven...Steven Lily....he's my new roomy. Cute isn't he?" Maria said happpily. "Hey!" Lily said all prepy like. "Hi...nice to meet you." Steven said feeling embarassed. Suddenly another girl came up from behind Lily and pulled her away. "Sorry she has to clean up her mess...nice to see you again maria...love your outfit!Oh and if you want to visit us come to 12D!" the girls voice so faint. "12G got it..." Maria said hoping she heard the right letter. Well I guess we should follow them and go to 12G...I should help her out want to come?" Maria said looking at him.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy] Kani really stared into his eyes and felt so sad. "I think thats just cruel......maybe I say that because they whisper jinx...maybe if I wasn't Jinx....I wonder if i would call you that horrible name....." Kani trailed of. "You are a strange one aren't you...i mean it in a good way...you think things differently." He said glancing at her. Kani did her best to smile, but she couldn't. She was glad to have some company and she thought he was cute. "Hey what are you doing after school?" Kani asked almost ashamed to ask that question. "Huh...." He said in a puzzled voice. "Well its not only me....theres this girl that I been meaning to speak to...they whisper about her...about her being raped...she seems cool...I sen her in the hallway...I just thought i make freinds with her...i konw how it feels being alone...i'm sure you do to." Kani said shyly. "Oh I see-" his wirds were cut off by kani's "I'm sorry I'm not making any sense....like always.." she said angrily.[/COLOR]
  4. Weeeeee chibis attack the evil lord! Get the ice cream truck...its his only weakness! lol all you are diffinetly in! Plus there are some pics i found Sora....just look at the atachments below. If you need more just ask me ok, in the underground...just look for Chibi discussions. :babble: :excited: :drunk: :alcohol: :flasher: :drool: :blah: :all: :beer: :modrod: :fart: lol, ok I felt like putting that..they are so cute... [IMG]http://www.alltrees.org/anime/basetwo/ken.chibi.evil.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://warsn.url.cjb.net/]2nd pic[/URL] [URL=http://xoyms.url.cjb.net/]srd pic[/URL]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed] Kani stared at the young man infront of her and at that time she wanted to run. Tears were brimming down her cheeks and she didn't want him to see. "No thats fine you can stay on one condition....." Kani said softly. "Whats the condition?" Tom said looking puzzled. "You can stay...if-if.....you don't call me jinx!" Kani said in a hurtful tone. 'Jinx......so this is the famous Jinx...' tom thought to himself. "Of course I won't...I'm not like them...they whisper about me also...so I know how you feel..." Tom said sitting himself beside Kani. "Do you really know how I feel? Can you tell me how it fels that everyone of your boyfriends die on you! Can you?" she said angrily. Tom stood quiet for a while and felt some pity for her. They both stood that way for a few minutes. Then he spoke in a shameful tone. "No i don't know how that feels....but what i do know...that its not right that people whipser about me and are afraid of me making contact with them....it sucks that they cast me away from them...." Tom said trailing off. "What do they whisper about you?" Kani said feeling some comfort.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Leya had awaked and saw that she was being carried by Mike. She then noticed that they were away from the battle. Leya wasn't aware of what had happened when she went mad, but she knew that she had done something terribly wrong. "Mike let me down....i want to go home....tell Sefir to meet me there ok." Leya said so fainlty. "What! Are you ccrazy no." Mike said harshly. "Now!" She said glaring at him. Mike gave up, because she was a hard head. He let her down gently and watched as she went to the direction of her home. Leya made it to her house and saw that her brother was not home. Leya then went to her room and layed on her bed...and cry.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DimGray] Unaware of what had happened from out the girls room, Kani had decided to skip her first class. it wasn't so good doing that, but he desperatly needed some fresh air and get away from all those whispers that constrict around her like heavy chains. She immdetly went to the gym, where she knew no one had gym first period. It was so dark and dismal and Jinx loved it. She thought she heard a noise, but then she ignored it and walked to the top of the wooden bleachers and sat there. She started singing...song so sad and alone. ' trying to break away from all my fears Just trying to fight back all my tears Somehow they manage to drag me under And drown me with all their whispers Will you hear my cries ...'. Her song had been cut off by her crying. She stood there curled up in the corner and cried.[/COLOR]
  8. Ok yay i have to more sign ups. Well Goddess of earth and darkness are now taken by my freind sora and spiritbreeze...love that name. Ok all i need is goddess of water and heaven. I will post up my sign up and probably take anther character. The rp will start by this week, so keep your eyes pealed. Plus check ut my new rp A Chibi World....Is that even the right title.......Chibis attack!
  9. [COLOR=Silver][B]Name:[/B] Surray Kind (Name pronounced Sue ray?they call me Dr.kind ^_^) [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female Appearance: [url]http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/2000-01-30/axcard_02.jpg[/url] [B]Occupation:[/B] Doctor [B]Personality: [/B] I am a serious type female, who believes that nothing is easy and you have to work in order to get by in life. I?m a very intellectual women and wise, but I also love romance stories and always like to help out those who have trouble in love. I am also a humble doctor who loves my patients and my job, but don?t let my humbleness fool you. Because deep down inside I?m filled with never-ending sadness, due to my tragic past. I?m very dependable and trust worthy. People always come to me and ask for advice, even my patients. I have so much love for everyone?that I?m not even sure I have enough love for myself. Even though I am sad inside, I still show up at work with a smile on my face and bring my humbleness to all. I just feel so happy when I?m at work, there I feel important and loved. There I have a life and its constantly changing. Some times I can be very cruel to my friends, because when they get to close to me, I feel the need to push them away. For the fear that I may lose them or hurt them in any way. I lost my husband about three years ago, he as murdered by his own brother. So when I found this out, I went mad and searched for his brother. I did find him and I killed him. I claimed self defense and they believed me, he did attack me after all. Ever since that day I felt so dark and dismal, that I began to lose myself. That?s why I?m so cruel to others that I love for fear that if something happens to them, I might lose it and do something stupid. [B]Bio:[/B] I was born in a rich family, my family is old money. If you do not know it means my family have been born rich and not inherited. New money means that you inherited from one of your deceased family member, plus they don?t consider you as their kind (rich kind snobs). Yes my family were a bunch of snobs and I was not. I was interested in what I wanted to do and be with. I was like a black sheep in the family of Kind. Hump1 Kind??what a last name?they were anything less than kind. My family were cruel to those that were beneath them, but me I loved those who were beneath them. I always hanged out with the poor and actually fought to go to a public school. So my parents finally gave in and just left me alone. They showed little interest in me. I had seven siblings?none close to me. I hated them all and worked my way out of the so called ?kind? family. Once I was old enough like 16, I went to court and asked for my independence. They let me have it and I was free. At age 18, I went entered college for my Doctor certification diploma. There I met my beloved, Mathew. It was love at first site and we wed at age 20. Everything was 22, he was murdered ::starts to cry::. That damn bastard killed my husband! I miss him so much, but what made me keep on going?was my compassion for my job and my patient. My patient is a special one, I?ve grow fond of her. I observe her on the white covered bed, looking at the white walls of her room. I felt bad for her, because like me her family abandoned her and no one came to see her. So I took it upon myself to be her companion and friend. She is very bright and lovely. I admire her will to be free, recently she has told me that she has fallen in love. Of course me being a romance queen, I will help her. Help her escape this jail, that she does not belong in. I wonder if I can take her in and help her live a life. was fine and I became a Doctor and my husband became a surgeon. But when I [/COLOR] Hope this is good, if not then pm me.
  10. [COLOR=Silver] Name: Mira Thompson Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: :[URL= http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/2000-01-30/axcard_02.jpg ]Mira human form[/URL] Demon Appearance: When in demon form her bat like demon wings come out from her back. She wears a pair of sexy knee high boots with a short (up to her mid thigh) black skirt. Her top is sorta like a belly shirt, but it has a see through cloth below the belly shirt line, with long see through sleeves that part in the middle. Her hair is pinned up in a braided bun, with some of her long bangs coming out in front of her face. Mira also has a rose with thorns on her back (left side), plus she wears a black choker with a sinful charm on it. Weapon: [URL= http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/2000-01-30/axcard_02.jpg ]Sais[/URL]Sais! The smalles and lethalest pitchforks on earth. Invented by farmers, the Sais are more a defensive weapon to protect yourself against swords. Element: Water/Ice: Magic born of Shiva, has control over Ice and Water[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A group of teenagers lounged in the dusty schoolyard. Laugher filled the air, while they told each other jokes and silly rhymes. ?Hey! Hey! Check this out?..stop the drama your mama looks like a lama!? the fair looking boy said in laugher. The group laughed at his stupidity, suddenly a strange boy had appeared from its shadow. The group stared in amazement, because they thought it was a ghost from the past. The strange boy smiled wickedly at the group and then he spoke, ?Ha! I found yous! You fools think you can defeat me? Well your freaking wrong!? He said viciously. The strange boy twirled his finger around as he casted a spell upon them. Suddenly an aura of light blanketed the earth?s atmosphere and soon diminished. The teens then stared at each other and screamed. ?Holy ****! Your little!? one girl yelled. ?What happened to you?.your flat!? A boy screamed as he stared at his chest less girlfriend. The group soon realized that they have been turned to chibis! They continued to scream in frustration and then settled down. The chibis started surveying the area and found that everyone has turned into chibis. One girl made a comment. ?Darn him! I told you we should have destroyed him when we had the chance! Its all your fault Miss I wanna be a the team leader *****!?, she yelled pointing at the leader. The leader made no comment and started walking down the street. [B]Info:[/B] In a world once filled with adults and kids (infancy-18) is now filled with chibis! The evil lord had casted a spell on the team as well as the entire earth. All because he wanted revenge on the Enchanted Team. The Enchanted are a group of teens with special powers who protect their city (as well as earth) from evil. Their biggest threat was the evil lord and soon they became locked in battle with him. The only way to defeat him was to turn him into a chibi. Turning him into a chibi would mean his powers would weaken. So they casted a spell on him and turned him into a chibi and defeated him or so they thought. He had survived the attack and went somewhere secluded to recover. He soon sought revenge on the Enchanted and earth as well, by using their own spell against them and the people on earth. Now they all live in a chibi world! The Enchanted Chibis must fight back and break the spell, but one thing is wrong. They don?t want to really do it. Because their parents don?t remember a thing, no one other then them know what happened. Te people on earth think they lived in a chibi world since they were born. But at the same time, the enchanted want to grow up and not be stuck as a chibi for all eternity. So join and become an Enchanted chibi! This rpg contains comedy, romance and lots of action! [B]Note: [/B] I need a person to be the evil lord and one person (as to be a female) to be the enchanted chibi leader. Plus the world is normal, they have laws (some are stupid), school, jobs, et?? Plus if you want to be in a relationship just ask the person you want to be with (only 2 relationships max). [B]Sign up for evil lord:[/B] Name: Age: (Chibi age) Personality: Appearance: Bio: [B]Sign up for Leader:[/B] Name/Nickname: Age: (Chibi age) Personality: Appearance: Occupation: Bio: [B]Sing up for Enchanted Chibi:[/B] Name/Nickname: Age: (Chibi age) Personality: Appearance: Occupation: Bio: [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Maria grabbed Stevens bags and laid them carefully on top of his bed. She was glad that she had a roommate after all, plus it was a guy. Steven walked towards his untouched bed and stared at it. Maria noticed him staring at his bed, his expression was of a prisoner. "Hey its not bad here you know....hehe you'll like it here, plus with me around your life will be full of fun!" Maria said happily as she slapped him in the shoulder. "Well then...what are we waiting for...lets go see this so call school!" He said making himself smile. Maria grabbed his hand and pulled him out the room. They both walked around and chatted about their life. "So your a cheerleader heh......so your a prepy one aren't you?" Steven said staring her down. "Look just because I'm a cheerleader doesn't mean I'm all prepy like...I do get pissed off..basically I'm just outgoing and love to have fun." Maria said smiling back at him.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ok DemonicElf, even though your bio is kinda short, its still good...I will let you in, like i said its already up, so make sure you read our post and follow it. Plus enjoy![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Kani had stood staring a Syn, for she was shocked to hear him say that to the Teacher. But at the same time impressed at him for standing up to the teacher. Suddenly her gaze was broken by the eerie sound of the school bell. She quickly gathered her things snd prepsred for another day of torture. But before she exited the hoomroom, Kani took one last look at Syn ad then she vanished into the corridors were whispers were always about. One boy whispered as Kani passed by. "Hey man she's a total babe...to bad she had to a Jinx...the boyfriend killer." he said in a whisper. Her eyes were starting to shimmer as tears were about to trail down her face. She immedialty walked fast into the not so clean girls room. "Those bastards! I'l show them all! they'll rememer the day they call me jinx." Kani said biting back her words. She then hurried out the restroom and headed to her first class, boring old English. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] A medium hieght figure stood in front of Middle Brook Boarding School. She was cursing herself for her lateness and how tired she had been. Maria had gone to a party last night and lets just say, she really partied. She took one last look at her school and finally made haste. Maria walked up the pale wooden stairs up to her new dorm. "Man...I wonder who will be my new roomie." She said so helplessly. Maria made it to her dorm and carefully opened the door to her room. As she entered, Maria let out a long sigh. "Figures....there's no one here at all....maybe I won't have a roomate this year. Crap and I need company or else its just total boredom." Maria said as she threw her body on her bed.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] The air smelled sweet and the ground felt smooth as a fragile body laid upon the bed of flowers. she stared up to the deep blue sky and pondered how todays events will go. "How wonder whats father doing..I haven't seen him latetly...he's been so busy that he hasn't heard his duaghter sing her beautiful song." Desery said in dispair. She then rolled on the flower bed and stood up with ease. Desery surveyed the area before making any sudden movements. Suddenly a tall figure stood before her, it was a messenger from her father. "My Lady Desery....your father wishes to see you. Please come follow me." The heaven angel said so gently. "Very well then we shall go." said Desery as she spread her wings and prepared to fly along side the messenger.[/COLOR]
  17. Ok I guess i have another taker....your sign up is interesting, although its not long..its still good. Plus i started the rpg in Adventure square. Well you are in and you can start posting, just make sure you fix what they whisper about you ok. Enjoy!
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Sign ups are looking good and all of you are in. Plus anyone may sign up for position in angel of wind, if kibasWifey doesn't post her sign up soon. I've held it for 2 das now and its not fair is someone else wants to sign up for it. Plus i've pmed those who needed to add more in their bio, so please fix it if you got pmed by me. if i see that you don't bother to fix it, i will take away the postion and give it to someone who will. I don't want to sound mean....so sorry if I do.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Kani entered inot the dismal room and carefully she chose a seat near the back. She had past by one of her ex freinds when she heard her whisper, "[I]Jinx[/I]". Kani wanted to kick her ass, for she was filled with anger and disapointment. Instead, she just sat herslef down on the cold wooden chair and immediatly put her head down on the desk. Kani was paying carful attention to the whisper and heard something new. "[I]Great now we have pyshcotic killer and Jinx[/I]." a small looking biy whispered. She lifted her head up to see who they were whispering about, until she spotted a young man in the corner looking out the window. She wondered if it was him they where whispering about. Then her thought were evaded by the teachers voice. "Mrs. Kani....Mrs.Kani are you here?" Mr. Horisho (teacher) said in a sturdy tone. "Yes I'm here." Kani said so delicatly. [I]"You mean Jinx....." [/I] a girlish voice whispered. Kani had heard the name Jinx linger in the girls mouth and all he wanted to do was rip off her tounge.[/COLOR]
  20. [CENTER]?Can you hear my cries?..or do you choose to ignore me?? As students pass by each other?they whisper: ?That?s her?she?s the one who?s boyfriends die. Can you believe she still comes to school.? ?Look its him?they say he killed his brother.? [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Whispers are always about, lingering in the school corridors. No one dares to speak it out load, nor do they dare to confront it. All they can do is whisper, hoping that the person they speak of won?t hear?but they do hear, that?s why you see them with their heads down. Those who are spoken of cry inside?because what the whisper is true. It breaks them up inside?soon they?ll crack and who knows what they?ll do. Seven teenagers will meet in a school where whispers are all about. Some will comfort one another and some will hate until they rid of them. They may even find their soul mate, but will their soul mate commit suicide?or end up in a mental institute? Who knows?maybe the whispers hold a clue.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Magenta]Kani walked down the corridors with her head bowed down, for she did not dare to look up and see her so call friends. She wasn't really ready for school, all she wanted was to stay home and cry. As she walked down the hallow corridor, she heard someone whisper, "There goes Jinx." Kani had liked the name, it gave her power. She liked that they fered her by that name, but at the same time, Kani was sad. She soon reached the grey stairway and walked up the stairs to her new homeroom. It was a new year and she was a junoir. Like all kids, Kani was suppose to be one of those happy kids eager to start a fresh new year. but for her it was the never ending nightmares of whispers.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Ok now here you can post about the rp. Ok for those who are in, just to let you know that all of us has been in the same school, but never noticed eachother. Until we actually start listening to the whispers. Ok any questions post them here.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Well sorry for not posting. Well I know they are just ink, but hey you can dream. Plus I love chobits. Chii is just drawn beautifully and her clothes. Plus like I said me and my freind do fight over them, glad we're not the only ones :D . Plus my other obssession other then Anime....is books. I love reading all types of books. I read this one book called Midnight Predator, its about vampires and humans being sold inot slavery. It was deep and romantic, plus the guy was sexy...........yay baby.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed] Luna and Aaron had dropped his frein off in the inn and they both started walking back to Mina's place. Aaron stared at Luna for a moment then grabbed her arm, sommuning her to stop. "Tell me...why did you kiss me?" aaron said looking deep inot her eyes. "Why did you kiss me back?", she mocked. "I asked you first...please tell me...call me curious I just wanna know." aaron said loosining his grip on her arm. "Well....its just because I sorta cre for you...ok" luna said blushing. "I see....." Aaron said blushing as well. They both stood there under the new moon, he luna suddenly fell into his arms and cried. He held her as she buried her face in his chest. Thats how they stood for minutes.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Ok I diffenitly don't have a special keychain that does things with the car......I'm not jealous.....,lol. Plus I also put my keychains on my tennis cover, that way they know its me. I have one that says: [CENTER]Its a girls world We just let boys live in it.[/CENTER] Haha I love that one. Well hope to hear from you all soon and your new cool keychains. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Rubi was still weak from her long walk and all she could do was lie there and stare at the odd crew. She was just confused at what was going on, she new that they all were kinda close and it made her feel like an outsider. "Ummmm.....hey can you guys tell me why your here...I mean the reason why you guys want to fight." Rubi said in a low voice. The group stood quiet and stared at her. They didn't want to talk about their misery and past.[/COLOR]
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