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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Reya looked at the three and came up with a plan. She stepped in front of them and waved her staff. "Go now I'll distract them....Talan if ye die.....I'll never forgive you." reya said as she summoned the earth's dirt and formed a barrier. Talan looked confused, but he followed her orders and so did the others. Reya made sure they made it safely into the castle, then she brought down her barrier and headed to the big golden doors.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lala sily of me i haven't posted my sign-up.... ha Plus all I need is bovine to post up his character and me then I'll open it tonight. Edit: Name: Kani Luy Nick Name: Jinx Age: 16 Nationality: Hawiian and Panama Grade: 11 Appearance:[URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pid=170&fullsize=1]Clicky[/URL] Personality: She is an outgoing girl and loves to have fun. She is caring and goofy, but at times can be cruel and unfirgiving. Kani loves to go out and shop with her freinds and gobble up food (its a good thing she has a fast metabolism). Kani use to be strait forward people and confident, until her boyfreinds started to die on her. then she became ashamed and shy. Kani would still hang with her freinds, but they to would whisper and oon that got to her, so she distance herself from everyone else. Bio: She was born in Panama and raised in a fair income family. She has three brother and one sister. kani is the 3rd oldest of the bunch. She was raised with love and manners, even tough her siblings give her headaches. When she was nine, her family moved to Hawaii (ok vocab block). There it was good and always sunny, which she loved so much. She learned how to surf with the oldest (her brother). they would spend most of the day there. She soon made many freinds and things were looking good, until one day she started dating. Her first boyfreind was a charm, but sadly he died in a car accident. It was depressing for her, but she got over it. But soon it continued, one after an other. Each a different death, soon everyone kept a distance from her, especially the boys. Some would take chances, because she was hot. But they should of known they would die and pay the price of being with her. Now she is a loner and keeps to herself, hoping one they the curse would end and she can love. They call her Jinx and she wears that name proudly. What do they whisper about you: "Look its jinx...I can believe she still comes to school.Boys beware."[/COLOR]
  3. Well thats just part one of the war....its suppose to settle down and have a rest.....then they go on with their daily lives(if some can). then war 2 breaks out in different places where people work or go to school. Life just isn't easy.V_V
  4. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!Ummmmm . Sorry about that. All the elemental angels are in gods side and seek to destroy the dark angel and demon prince. Besides I pmed you lol.
  5. I made it easy for you. Your in my last post...you come to stop me and you reveasl your identity cuz I'm out of control ok. Is that easy for you....besides everyone decided to go all out on war...so basically thats whats happening everyone at war.lol
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Yulin Masquet Age: 20 Appearance: [URL=http://www.rdg.ac.uk/StUnion/Anime/document/image94.jpg]Clicky[/URL] I'll descirbe her outfit tomarrow. Class: Mage Element: Water Weapon: [URL=http://weaponscentral.net/weapons/gladius_sword_3118501.htm]Gladius_sword[/URL] Occupation: teacher Personality: She's a very serious person and also wise. Yulin is like a mother who would protect anyone who was innocent. She can be pushy at times and History: Yulin was born in Atma, where her family was knoewn for its riches. She had 12 brothers and sisters, her being the 5th child in her family. They lived in a big mansion high atop the hill. Yulin really didn't get much attention from her family due to the cat there were to many kids. So she would spend her days reading all the book sha can and practicing her magical skills. She did have her older sister (3rd child) train her in magic and teach her about the world. Yulin was very attach to her than her own parents and siblings and she would let nothing happen to her. When she was 14 her and her sister set out on a adventure to the woods to do some bonding, but when they came back...they found their family killed, each and everyone of them. They screamed in horror and both fainted, soon after the police came and had told them that their father was involved in shady business. Since that they her and her older sister moved into the village and tried to move on. (Sorry finish this later). Spells/Skills: Ring of Sea: She can summon the water with her sword from the sea and make a circle that surrounds the enemy.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Yay...ok I promised that I would wait til I finished my first rpg Shattering earth....but i couldn't help it. Anyway this is my forth rpg and I hope everyone like it. Plus this is a place for discusion and ideas. Plus request also and if you have a question...then post them here. Well lets see................. :sleep: .....oh ok so yea this is a place for discussions.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER] 'When is an angel not an angel....when is a demon not a demon?' A muscular figure sat upon the marble floor as the soft clipping of footsteps came up from behind and stopped, a shadowed figure casted over him. He knew who it was and froze as he heard her soft beautiful voice. ?Why are you here?? her voice so flat and emotionless. He sat there in silence as a soft hand slid onto his face. He turned, but not wanting to see her pain. He then stood and clutched his hand on her waist and laid her head upon his chest. His arms carefully wrapped around her and sighed, lowering his head down and enjoying the sensation of her slender shoulder. Hours passed like this never leaving her. Soon he noticed that he was only grasping the air?for she was gone. It had only been a memory longing to return to reality. Then he left from the place where he once held her and returned to where he belonged. He laid in his untouched bed an fell into a deep sleep. ?Dream? The rain drizzled down upon the figure that stood on the edge of the cliff. She watched the waves smash against the rocks, then turned to meet the gaze of the one who loved her so dearly. He looked deep into her eyes from a distance as he tried to find reason in her. Her eyes held no emotions and she just simply smiled. He then studied her body, noticing her once white gown filled with her blood. Then and there he knew she was dieing. But she didn?t care and just smiled at him one last time as she fell into the diamond covered sea. He watched her fall like an angel who had lost her way as her body hit the sea that filled up with her blood, glimmering like a red sea. Hoping that her body would rise from the depths of the ocean?but it never did. ?End Dream? ********** A thousand years had passed since the hateful day. Everything had been forgotten and sealed within the memories of the reincarnations. A young man sat in his wooden seat and wrote in his notebook as he ignored his teacher?s boring lecture. Notebook: [U]For every drop of blood that spills into the ocean is a reminder of you.[/U] [U]You were all to me that was ever true.[/U] [U]You linger in my mind possessively.[/U] [U]You made me who I am that I knew.[/U] [U]You drove me insane and I knew you would.[/U] [U]How much I loved you, but that you did not know.[/U] [U]No one knew the pain in your heart?..all they saw was the darkness you impart.[/U] [U]I knew that I could never appease you or overcome your sadness from all the lies.[/U] [U]But all I knew was the relentless devotion to be by your side.[/U] [U]I saw the longing in his eyes, the obsession and love in his eyes I he stared at your face. You loved him and he loved you?..I loved you, but you did not love me?because I never told you how I truly felt about---[/U] Suddenly the young man?s name was called by his teacher as he stopped writing in his notebook. She wanted an explanation for his behavior, but all he did was ponder in his mind on what could have possessed him to write such a thing.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Purple] [B]Info:[/B] Ok 1,000 years ago there lived humans, demons and angels. Of course everyone knew about the angels and demons and their reasons for fighting. But what they did not know was that both sides were the cause of their humanity in suffering. Their was no good or bad side?.how could you tell who was an angel and who was the demon. Well one day the son of Lucifer had met a dark Angel and fell in love with her, but she did not feel that way about him. For she was taken by her love, the angel of wisdom. He was the highest of angels and he loved his beloved dark angel. The dark angel use to be the leader of Arch angels until she decided to abandon them and heaven. Heaven was filled with lies and was using their beauty to cover up their insanity and cruelness. But her beloved didn?t leave is place and so she was on her own. That?s when she met the demon prince and that?s what began the nightmare of truth. They were close, each loving in their different ways. But he loved her so much and was about to claim her heart, until he beloved left to be at her side. Even though the prince was mad, he still wanted was best for her. That wasn?t the only thing wrong?.some angels and demons began to see the truth and did not know what to do with it. The only thing both sides agreed where to live the way they wanted?so they left their home, but some stood, being faithful to their god and devil. Everything was chaos and this saddened the dark angel?.but she could do nothing about it. Those who worshiped their master sought to kill her and the prince for ever letting out the truth about heaven and hell. They succeeded on killing her and that?s when it all ended. The prince grew mad and let out such power that destroyed all angels and demons. But 1,000 years later those who took part in that tragic day have been reincarnated into human begins, not knowing about the path that lies ahead. Now their past selves come out and the war starts again?who will win??will it be the so called angels?.demons?.or those who know the truth? This takes place in the year of 2005 in Canada (Ok I thought I try something different...).[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER][B] Positions:[/B][/CENTER] [B]Dark Angel (ex archangel):[/B] Closed [B] Demon Prince:[/B] (Closed) for Crucifix [B]Wise Angel (her love):[/B] [B]New leader of Archangels(the one who is faithful and wants to kill her):[/B] [B] (3) Ex guardian Angels:[/B] O-Ushi [B]Angel of water:[/B] Apherion (add mor to bio, pmed already) [B]Angel of fire:[/B] (closed) SilverSyclone [B]Angel of wind:[/B] (Still thinking about it...another one want to sign up for it..so i'll see who's better.) [B]Leader of Lucifer (faithful to him and seeks to destroy all who oppose):[/B](closed)Junyi [B](4) Ex warrior demons:[/B] Eikou, Demonchild781 & CJS. 1 more spot left, maybe 2 if you make a good profile. [B]Best friend (the future friend of the dark angel(she's also an ex archangel)):[/B] (Closed)Tash [B](3) Human friend of the young boy(demon prince):[/B] ******** [B]Sign ups:[/B] [B]Name(from 1,000 years ago: Name: Nick name(if any): Age: (17-24) Appearance: Pic or good description Personality: Bio: At least a liitle of 1,000 years ago. Plus your bio as a human.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Note:All of these characters are now living as humans and go to same school?.if any questions look in arena underground.[/COLOR]
  9. Well are you asking me? lol, well I wanted silvery background(if you can't find a silver than grey). A nice design.........snoozzes off..............................oh yea thats about it, ty and I appreciat it very much. Man what a boring day.
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well i just singed up for it....since i didn't sign up for your cookies avengers. I love the story and i hope my sign up s good and the background. Well I did wanted to ask if you could make me a better one...if not its ok.[/COLOR]
  11. Name: Maria Escabar [CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Age: 18 Gender:Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pid=101&fullsize=1]Maria and her crazy self[/URL] Height: 5'6 Wieght: 127 Personality: Well Maria is not your usaul shy type person....she is very confident in herself and will greet anyone she meets or catches her eye. Maria loves to party and always like to make bets on anything possible(even though some are stupid). She can be a pushover at times...but you'll get the hang of her. Her freinds call her "Loca", means crazy in spanish, because she'll just start doing something crazy....like say "Look at me I'm a silly elf, watch me dance!",(and she would actually dance like an idoit.). But Maria is a sweet person, but get on her bad side and she'll make sure you never did. She is also a competitve person at sports and school work, plus she likes to be a leader not a follower and she was voted class clown for three years in a row, hoping forth to. Bio: She was born in Santi Isabel, Puerto Rico. At age 2 she moved to somewhere in the US (where's the location?...I need to read it aigain). There she lived in a decent one family house with her mother Evelyn Escabar and good for nothing father Jose Escabar. By the age of three her father left and moved back to PR. So she was left alone with her mother. Of course her mother was waelthy due to the fact she was a lawyer and spoiled Maria. She wasbrought up with proper manners and people skills. While Maria was growing up, she grew interest in being a cheerleader and a piono player. So she begged her mom to pay for piono lessons and send her to cheer camp and of course her mother did. Maria was happy to be the nly child, but soon grew sad as she got older. She wanted a sister or brother to push around and love, but of course since her mom is always busy (mothers excuse), she can't have more kids. Put hen she soon gave up on her wanting a sis or bro, she found a knew interest fortune telling! She loves fortune telling and astology, she studied more on it and became a natural. Now thats she's a teenager and know goes to boarding school.....well she's pretty much the same...just crazy and outgoing. Lessons Taken: Pshycology English Lit. Pre Calculus French Extra: Cheerleader(Captain she is prepy and since noone took cheerleader in sign ups) PE quiz team[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  12. [SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Announcement: Deilrium had to drop out of the rpg....so her charcter will be killed by my arch enemy natalia...so noone go killing and and its about time Leya coes out! Looks like people like to kick her butt(lol). Plus i haven't posted due to some confusion ......Please no spoilers until needed.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed]IC: As the Mystics gathered, they could hear the sounds of battle and they knew it was the fight between Alex and Sefir. Leya had stopped and turned back towards the battlefield. Things had gotten out of control....just like she knew they would. At that moment she hated Sefir for not acting quickly after destiny's death. She was filled with anger and hatred.....she had enough of it and she needed to do something about it. She than spotted her arch enemy, Natalia. Natalie had exciment in her eyes, for she was looking at Calypso. Leya knew then and there that natalia had wanted to defeat Leya for so many years and she new what she ahd to do. But within that second of thought Calypso had fallen to the pavement, blood spread across the cement and screams lingered in the air. Natalia had cast a spell of Ice crystals that were flung like a spedding bullet and pierced through Calys's body. Leaving her body all cut up...the biggest piece of ice had pierced right in Calypso's heart....instant death. natalia stood there smiling at Leya, knowing that she had won. Leya just stood there and stared at Calypso's corpse...no tears...no pain....no heart....Leya was gone. Within a minute of her beloved best freind's death, leya had summoned a storm of ice. The sky grew dark and her power grew. Soon the air became freezing cold, that you can see your breathe. Leya stood with her arms ready to fly and sent hundreds of giant shards towards a group of Crimsons. They were instantly shreaded into pieces....body parts spread all over the once gray pavement. The mysitcs shreiked in horror...noone could stop her. Then she turned her gaze to Natalia and sent a gust of ice dust toward natalia. Natalia tried to evade it, but it was to late she was frozen entirly. But she was still able to but a defense on her body and was able to stay alive frozen. Natalia stood frozen there trying to think of a spell to defrost herself. Leya didn't bother to kill Natalia that quickly. She soon stopped the ice storm and began to summon the ocean. She was going to drown everything! The ocean began to rise like a tidal wave and both sides stpped, except for alex and Seifr who were going to battle until one of them died. Leya hd lost it and their was no way she could stop.....one thought crossed her once sane mind...her brother. She wondered if he was dead......but then that soon erased in her mind...all she wanted to do was kill everything. Could her dream actually be a reality.......but where were her tears? Maybe its not her after all who will destroy everything....only time will tell.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would like a chobit background for my site.....but like in water or something...plus i would like my otaku name on it with a sig. If thats not to much to ask. Plus if you don't understand my request, then please tell ask me to elaborate for you. Thank you. :D [/COLOR]
  14. Persona


    Hazel watched Matt effertlessy trying to find a way out until she noticed one thing about herself. "Oh shit!" Hazel said as she jumped behind the broken down counter. Both boys stared at her and wondered if she was ok. She had forgotten that her blouse was unbottoned and her pants were undone. She cursed herself for having such a bad day. Once Hazel was done, she immediatly lifted herself back on the counter and got off to the otherside. Hazel reached for her orange backback that had been thrown on the dusty floor when she landed in the bar. "Well lets see.....Ah I have snacks! Good cuz I sure am hungy as hell....huh." Hazel said as she looked at the two. She was bitchy when it came to sharing food, so it was a kinda hard decision for her. But then she gracefully offered her snacks to Jessie and Matt. Matt was he only one who refused, but it didn't bother her. "damn...so we're trapped in this shit hole of a place......" Jessie said in an aggitated voice. "So it seems....damn we have to find a way to get out and fast." Matt said desperatly. "Well I have my metal chinese fan....maybe I can use that to slice through something." Hazel said in a suggestive tone.
  15. Jurai was pretty exhuasted from the quarrel, so she stopped and grabbed Karel, motioning him to sit down with her. He smiled at her and then blushed. "Why are you blushing....Hummmmm don't tell me your shy around girls.hahaha" Jurai said laughing. He turned his gaze away and started to scan the town. He wanted to make sure the assassin wasn't around. Jurai then stood up and took off her coat and began to stretch. "Well it looks like I have to steal some food for us to eat well tonight...plus some other things. You know your not a bad guy after all and here I was going to rob you the first time I saw you.....pretty funny isn't it." Jurai said looking innocently. OOC: Sorry its short, but g2g
  16. [B]Taken Goddess Positions:[/B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Position: Goddess of Dream and Creation Person Left In Charge: Fluffy Name: Shandra Kilal Human Name: Kendra Miria Occupation: Student[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Position: Goddess of Light Name: Bixia Yuanjin Human Name: Maya Grey Age: 25 Occupation: Liberian. Martial Art Instructor. (Traditional Jujitsu)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Goddess of love and beauty Person you left in charge: Helios Name: Sadeijah Human Name: Thalia Perez Nick name: Cookie Age: 20 Occupation: She Takes College classes during the day, and works in at a very popular café during the evenings as a baker. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Position: Goddess of Wind Person you left in charge: Helliki Name: Nilelea Human Name: Nicole Nick name: Nikki, Breeze Age: 20 Occupation: Takes a language and a few other college classes at night, but works at a restaurant in the afternoons.[/COLOR] [B]Taken God Postitions:[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Position: God of Time Person you left in charge: Ky'rali Name: Alno'dra Heparius Human Name: Alexandr "Tempus" Fugit Nick name: Tempus Age: mid-20's Occupation: freelance translator for Japanese businesses[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Position: God of Darkness Person you left in charge: Asmodeus Name: Astaroth Human Name: Katan Age: 21 Occupation: College Student (Philosophy Major)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Position: God of War and Chaos Person you left in charge: a Random Ex Marine Name: Jeulnelune Human Name: Tom Petty Nick name: Mister Age: 32 Occupation: Independantly Wealthy Bachelor [/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Position: Thunder & lighting Name: Raiu Yoake Human Name: Zhuiqiu R. Waizu. Age: 30 Occupation: Science Teacher.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Position: God of Life Person Left in Charge: Artemis Name: Kagami Human name: Imric Kagushi Nick name: Azure Age: 21 Occupation: Imric works in a library and is taking Criminology classes in the evening. He sometimes part times at a cafe near to his appartment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Position: God of Fire Person left in Charge: Rethos Shivvara Name: Eros Human Name: Erolai Tozuma Age: 29 Human Occupation: Professer of Chemistry.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Position: God of Hell Person you left in charge: Lucius Name: Eajiel Human Name: Seifer Raziken Nickname: Lionheart Age: 23 Occupation: Lead singer/guitarist in "Broken Heart, Bloody Soul". Also teaches swordmanship classes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Position: God of Destruction Person you left in charge: Ichicko Name: Etemaii Human Name: Joseph Nick Name: Joe, Mono Age: 23 Occupation: Freelancer[/COLOR] Note:Ok I think I need 4 more sign ups. And yunsung even though you have not done your bio, it syill good, plus I've seen your rpg's which I like.....so you are in, pus ty to all who signed up. To tell you guys the truth i thought this story sucked and I wouldn't get people to sign up for it. **********Edit******* I will be posting up my profile today later in the after noon and i will probably take the goddess of death also, but if anyone wants it then sign up for it.
  17. [B]Taken Goddess Positions:[/B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Position: Goddess of Dream and Creation Person Left In Charge: Fluffy Name: Shandra Kilal Human Name: Kendra Miria Occupation: Student[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Position: Goddess of Light Name: Bixia Yuanjin Human Name: Maya Grey Age: 25 Occupation: Liberian. Martial Art Instructor. (Traditional Jujitsu)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Goddess of love and beauty Person you left in charge: Helios Name: Sadeijah Human Name: Thalia Perez Nick name: Cookie Age: 20 Occupation: She Takes College classes during the day, and works in at a very popular café during the evenings as a baker. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Position: Goddess of Wind Person you left in charge: Helliki Name: Nilelea Human Name: Nicole Nick name: Nikki, Breeze Age: 20 Occupation: Takes a language and a few other college classes at night, but works at a restaurant in the afternoons.[/COLOR] [B]Taken God Postitions:[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Position: God of Time Person you left in charge: Ky'rali Name: Alno'dra Heparius Human Name: Alexandr "Tempus" Fugit Nick name: Tempus Age: mid-20's Occupation: freelance translator for Japanese businesses[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Position: God of Darkness Person you left in charge: Asmodeus Name: Astaroth Human Name: Katan Age: 21 Occupation: College Student (Philosophy Major)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Position: God of War and Chaos Person you left in charge: a Random Ex Marine Name: Jeulnelune Human Name: Tom Petty Nick name: Mister Age: 32 Occupation: Independantly Wealthy Bachelor [/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Position: Thunder & lighting Name: Raiu Yoake Human Name: Zhuiqiu R. Waizu. Age: 30 Occupation: Science Teacher.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Position: God of Life Person Left in Charge: Artemis Name: Kagami Human name: Imric Kagushi Nick name: Azure Age: 21 Occupation: Imric works in a library and is taking Criminology classes in the evening. He sometimes part times at a cafe near to his appartment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Position: God of Fire Person left in Charge: Rethos Shivvara Name: Eros Human Name: Erolai Tozuma Age: 29 Human Occupation: Professer of Chemistry.[/COLOR] Note: Ummmmm darn...ok I got it Sword breaker you need to put her age. Plus Eiku(did i spell that right?, sorry) I didn't know you put my thread in your sig....::blushes:: ty. Plus I will soon make a thread in arena underground, plus I'll play a secong character if need be. I'll take whoever is left for a 2nd character. 10 characters yay! i think 6 or 7 more to go.
  18. Thank you for posting your comment. Plus that line also bothered me. I thought I should just drop it. But I fixed it alittle. Well if it still not better, than can you help me with it. Thank you again.
  19. Wow I love all of your sign ups and kitty you can post your second sign up. All of yous are eccepted. Plus thanks for the compliments. Hope more people sign up, looks like this story could be interesting.
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The two just stood there in silence, not one daring to saw a word. Leya put her delicate hand on his face and looked deep into his eyes. "It's just that.....I've never seen such a thing.......its so strange yet beautiful. I admit I'm kinda scared...I felt you out of control, so I just felt scared and wondered if you would start rampaging on me." Leya said shaking a little. "Oh....I would never hurt you...I would only protect you...." Yutarin said grasping Leya's hand. "Hummmm.....Alright. I'm sorry that I said those awful things and got scared of you." Leya said leaning closer to Yutarin. They stood there huddled together in silence. Leya wondered how the others were, but right now all she wanted was to be held.[/COLOR]
  21. Persona


    A slender figure walked down the hallow streets cursing to herself. The street lights where dim and that made it bad to see the hidden alley's, but good enough for rapist and serial killers to hide and snatch their victims. But Hazel was to mad to even realize it and therefor, had no fear. "That fucker! How there he say he'll take me out the club! How dare he try to punish me that way....ewwwwwwwwwww!" Hazel said as she tugged at her big orange backpack. She had made it to 'China's Finest', just in time to perform her big act. As she walked in the chrome double doors, people greeted her by her last name, which she hated. Hazel started walking to her dressing room, while her instructer was bitching at her for being late. All Hazel did was slam the door behind her and sat in frint of the drsser. "Damn it...shet up [I]Miss[/I] Shino, I'm gonna get ready so get lost!" Hazel said looking at her slightly pale skin. Man...I look kinda pale today....that's because my damn father made me walk! Just breathe in and forget...just breathe." said Hazel as she settled her orange backpack on the cherry oak dresser. She started unbottoning her white shirt and then she moved close to her zipper and unzipped her jeans. Hazel suddenly stopped and went to reach her backpack, until something cought her eye. She stared in to the mirror that was suppose to reflect her image, but instead something dead with red looking demon eyes stared back at her and she screamed and in that she vanished into thin air. ************ Hazels eyes had opened and stared into a dark dismal place that reaked of spoiled beer and old ciggerettes. She lifted her body up in a sitting position and began to rub her thighs. "Ouch! Sheeesh couldn't it had been in a rather softer landing. Ah man it reaks in here.....oh great I'm in a bar.....suits my image. Hummm it looks like this place has two floors....I guess I'm in the first floor. Oh and looky here I'm all alone!" Hazel said in frustration. She stood up and walked towards the old shabby wooden counter and sat ontop of it. All she did was stare, she wasn't able to comprehend what has happened.
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] A fragile looking girl had walked out from a hidden alley, laughing and smiling at the sexy looking male that followed her. [I]?Thought?[/I] [I] This was some easy bitch! Man?.still its nothing like Natalia?damn! Ah what the hell she?s long gone for me.[/I] [I]?End thought?[/I]Suddenly a curvaceous figure stepped out from a rusty looking pizza place. Damien had spotted the beautiful woman and recognized her instantly. ?Well damn what do you know?My favorite babe is here. Sorry my pet, but I have to set you free.? Damien said as he pushed her away and started walking over to Natalia. Natalia caught a glance at who was approaching her and she was not delighted at all. He was now face to face with Natalia . She stared into his heartless eyes and punched him in his right cheek. ?Ouch that [I]really hurt[/I]?haha..Nice to see you to gorgeous. So lets say you and me get back together?? Damien said mockingly as he wrapped his muscular arms around her waist. ?Get lost asshole!? Natalia said as she pushed him away. He reacted to her refusal and pinned her to the brick wall. She was shouting at him to let go, but he just smiled and whispered in her left ear. ?You know you will always belong to me?you know I love you and you know I won?t let it be this way.? Damien said so tenderly. He gave Natalia as soft kiss on her delicate lips and smiled wickedly. He held her in his arms for a few minutes and let her go. She was speechless and at the same time pissed off at him.[/COLOR]
  23. Ok then......................what an interesting conversation. Really made me laugh. Plus I'm glad everyone fixed there post. So now i can post yay, plus I really was confused as hell! But everythings ok. Oh and I will be taking votes on doing a 2nd part in this rpg. Plus if there is a 2nd part some original characters would die, but those who played in the first part of rpg and died could make another profile and become someone else(just to let you know this is for the future noones dieng yet). Anyways you get me?
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Desery Age:17 Agenda: Female Race: Heaven Angel (leader of the Heaven Angels & king of Heavens Daughter) personality: She is a fun loving person and is like a mother to all. But she isn't at all sweet, she can be be real bossy (thats why she's a leader). Plus she has a short temper. In all she is very wise for her age and likes to be by herslef. Appearance:[URL=http://silvershine.narod.ru/anime/angel/angel01.jpg]Just her weapon.[/URL] I'll get a pic of my character soon(curses slow computer).[URL=http://silvershine.narod.ru/anime/angel/angel12.jpg]ok this is her I mixed the two up. I'll take the girls clothes from the other pic.[/URL] Abilities: soul steeling which means all good souls go through you to get to heaven Mystic Shards: Its an ice attack...ok well the ice look like knives when they shoot at the enemy. Element: Ice weapon: Staff Bio: Desery was born into a blessed family and is the only child. She was raised to be well mannered and eficient in her duty. Her father loved her the most and favored her all the time (meaning he always took her side.). She lost her mother to Satan's minions, they had killed her while she was doing a mission. She mourned her mothers death and went into a depression stage. But her loving father was there to help her. As she grew, she bacame interested in singing and tending to the garden. Everyone loves her voice and her beautiful garden. (i'll have to finish this tomarrow)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yay I have 4 sign ups, which are all good. I have my freind who's also signing up as well, so it will be 5. So I need 2 more sign ups and I'll post it up. Now to get people to sign up for my other rpg ::cough cough, fatal flaws:: lol I'm sorry i just had to pt that there. Plus I'll post up my sign up later.[/COLOR] OT:Oh and Heero you remind me of my freind Anthony, both heero fans.
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