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Everything posted by Persona
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well both of yous are in, plus there is no problem with both profiles ok. Thank you and hopefully I can get some more people to sign up.[/COLOR] :wigout:
[COLOR=Blue] Leya had stopped, she hasd forgotten about Sandy! Sefir looked at Leya and wondered why she stopped. She took one glance at him and began to walk towards Destiny's house. "Why did you stop all of the sudden? Was it Calys's message?" Sefir said hoping to hear the truth. "Yes...I had forgotton about Sandy. I must inform him quickly about what has happened. I think he has an exam for Anatomy...I also had an exam to. Damn it! I can't go through with this! She was to young, her parents wanted to see her cross the stage...even us...." Leya trailed off as she began to cry. "Look I'm hear with you ok? We can do this...just take it easy." Sefir said putting his arm around her waist. "I just want to say one last thing about our discussion earlier.....we can't fight forever and so can't the crimsons. that's why they want us dead...so tell me would you risk not killing them off and having your group killed off? Do you want to go to all our funerals and mourn our death's? Tell me....this I truly need to know." Leya said as she and Sefir stopped. ".....We're here, lets go and tell them already." He said pulling her waist so she can walk. They reached the door and Sefir rang the doorbell. At first no one answered, but then a thin middle aged looking woman opened the wooden door. Leya wanted to cry into the ladies arm and beg for forgiveness, but Sefir would have none of that. "Yes...oh dear Leya, how are you today?" Mrs. Kuria spoke. "Not so good Mrs.Kurai...I have something to tell you...may we come inside?" leya said in a hallow voice. "Sure sure." said Mrs.Kurai as she opened the door wider for Leya and Sefir can enter. They entered the parler and took a seat. At first silence filled the room and Mrs.Kurai began to worry. Then Leya spoke the bad news. "I'm so sorry.....but I have to tell you this....Destiny-Destiny is dead!" Leya said as she broke down in tears. Mrs.Kurai was speechelless and then she fainted. Sefir stood up and went to aid Mrs. Kurai. After a few minutes she awoke in tears and started screaming. "Your lieng! My daughter is not dead!" Mrs. kurai screamed in desperation. "But she is....I'm sorry mam, she was murdered my some foreigner." Sefir said in a low voice. Mrs. Kurai cried and cried while Leya comforted her. After thirty minutes, Mrs. Kurai stopped crying and thanked Leya and Sefir. They made sure Mrs. Kurai would be ok for now and departed. They walked out the door and began to walk, there was no destination...all they wanted to do was just walk.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Rubi reached the village and began to look for an inn. HSe was so exuasted that she could barely walk any more. She noticed a group of people laughing and joking. Then she gasped as she so Kenji, the son of kenshin. Just as she was about to approach the group she collapse on the ground. Rubi had no water for three days and was dying of thirst. The group saw her and went to her and stared at her body as she lay. They were figuring out how they were going to lift her up, without any fight.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]?Can you hear my cries?..or do you choose to ignore me??[/CENTER] As students pass by each other?they whisper: [I]?That?s her?she?s the one who?s boyfriends die. Can you believe she still comes to school.? ?Look its him?they say he killed his brother.?[/I] Whispers are always about, lingering in the school corridors. No one dares to speak it out load, nor do they dare to confront it. All they can do is whisper, hoping that the person they speak of won?t hear?but they do hear, that?s why you see them with their heads down. Those who are spoken of cry inside?because what the whisper is true. It breaks them up inside?soon they?ll crack and who knows what they?ll do. Seven teenagers will meet in a school where whispers are all about. Some will comfort one another and some will hate until they rid of them. They may even find their soul mate, but will their soul mate commit suicide?or end up in a mental institute? Who knows?maybe the whispers hold a clue. Info: Ok it takes place in 2004 and the location is somewhere in Hawaii (ok can one of you give me a name of a city there.)! Like I said in the story 8 teenagers will meet. They will either kill or kill themselves, end up in a mental house or find themselves. That includes me as the 8th person (something like that). :love: Sign ups: Name: Age: (14-18) Nationality: Grade: (9-12) Appearance: Personality: Bio: What do they whisper about you:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OC: Just to let you know i also play a male wiccan in the crimson gang. IC: Damien walked down the hallow streets and began to survey the area. Some girls noticed him and blushed as he passed by them. He looked pleased, but he had other things in mind. 'Thinking' Damn those Mystics.....Why do I even bother with those fools. We should just destroy them all while we have a chance....but those fools are to stupid to do so....well the leader that is. Hummmm...that reminds me the leader of the Mystics...I don't think he's the real leader at all. Anyways fuc them all, man i need to get laid....Hummm yummy a victom for me? She'll do. 'End thought' Damien stood face to face with a fair looking girl and whispered in her ear. She giggled and followed him to a private place. He had missed the meeting today, but he did not care.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Don't let sadddness get to you.......... If she has no soul, Why does she cry Noone ever noticed To even ask why Or so she thought Wanting to spread her wings The only thing beautiful Sadly, she couldn't be free Her wings weren't ready to let go So much pain That she couldn't even notice It was she who kept herself In shadows Noone noticed how souless she was They were to busy dealing With what was there Her sanctuary was her mind But her mind couldn't help Her escape at all For the mind itself was lost Once she tried to let go Caught herself gazing What was beneath...the ground But her wings still Coudn't let go Had no choice but to hold back in Days passed and nobody Seemed to notice That all along she was A suoless body She found herself again Doing something else Standing in front of the mirror Daring not to see Couldn't bare the fact That she couldn't let go One day she'll stare At her reflection And face the truth That it was her all along Who lost hope in herself Sadly, that day never came. SadAngel[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue] Leya grew tired of having ot fight early in the morning, but this time she knew it was urgent. Leya's speed increased as she ran pass the people by the streets. Then she gasped as she saw her best freind on the floor and Destiny looking pale. "Oh no! Damn it! Clypso get up...please!" Leya said despiratly. She took her in her arms and began to feel her heart beat, she let out a sigh at the fact that Clypso was steal alive. But her glance soon turned to destiny's body on the pavement. "Oh god! Destiny....no no no no! Please don't tell me your dead!" Leya said as she let go of Calypso's numb body and flung herself to destiny's body. "Damn them! Thos fucking bastards are gonna pay for this!." Leya said as she hugged Destiny's lifeless body. Calypso awoke at the sound of leya's screaming. She got up and went next to her and hugged her. They both hovered over Destiny's body and cried til' they could no more. Calypso sent a telephatic message to all, telling them that they need to hurry and prepare themselves. Soon a few of them arrived in awe and tears. Soon Sefir appeared and he was not delighted at all. "Those fucking bastards! They killed destiny and harmed Calypso! amn it all!" Sefir said angrily. "Damn we need to find those fuckers, before they try again!" Mike sad in desperation. "No! We need to wait...we'll follow them and attck, but no killing." Sefir said lightly. "What! What the hell is wrong with you! They killed one of our people and you say don't kill....how stupid can you be?" Leya said angrily. Sefir cuffed her chin and loooked into her eyes. She looked away, afraid to see her tears coming out. "No...we are not like them....we are better than th-" Sefir's words were cut off as Leya jerked away and screamed. "How the hell can you say that? No....don't you see....this is war! They want to kill us and either rule or destroy earth! If we don't start killing them...then they'll kill us and have their way! They don't care! this isn't about pride...it's about the earth we live in! Its survival of the fittest and if we don't act...they'll kill us all!" Leya said biting her tears away. Everyone stood in silence and didn't dare to say another word. Sefir had ordered them to take care of Destiny's body. "Ok now Calypso and Mike...you call the ambulance and report to the police that some foreigner killed her and attacked you...you hear. Leya....come with me...we need to talk about this and tell her parents the news." Sefir said angrily. Everyone splitted up without goodbyes. OC: Ok Its been good so far...keep it up![/COLOR]
[CENTER]?Earth has its flaws and its beauty, but ask yourself this. What if its flaws were the cause of its own destruction or just an illusion of its beauty??[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]Corruption lingered in the air, where god and goddesses dispute over the fate of earth. All but two goddesses stood abase and looked at each other with disgust of what they were hearing. Suddenly the goddess of earth stepped forward and busted into screams. ?Enough! Look at you fools! Your no better than the humans who worship you! Now listen up?Suray is our speaker today, not yous!? The goddess of earth said in demand. Everyone settled down and awaited to hear Suray?s words of wisdom. She surveyed the chrome room and let out a gasp as she saw hatred among them. ?Now listen, its time to make a choice and in order to do so, we must vote or all agree in one thing.? Surey said angrily. The god of time stood up from his golden chair and made an announcement. ?Milady Suray?As you and I had spoken before and came to an agreement to a solution in progress. I have taken it upon myself to bring it out for all to hear. They have all listened and agreed despite their differences.? he said as he began to sit back down. ?Well I say we?re wasting our time with your pathetic ideals!? The god of war declared. ?Now you hear me, the idea is not pathetic. It is simply because you fear the fact that you may not survive out there as a human. You fear that once you get there, you won?t be worshiped as a god, because they will only see another pathetic human no better than them!? Suray said in frustration. The room fell in silence as Suray made her comment. Then everyone stared at one another and agreed in silence. ?Very well?the decision has been made. Each of you are to go to earth and live as a human. You are to observe and collect all that you need in order to come to your own terms. You are all to refrain from using your powers, unless if necessary. In one year we will meet again for one last time and decide earth?s fate. You all may, if you choose to stay in contact with each other. If war is to break out amongst yous, then its up to your self?s to either fight an endless fight or refrain from any stupidity. I am not the leader, nor are any who are here. We have manage to put aside our differences and do your job, now that you will be on earth and live as humans, I urge you to keep it that way, but whatever happens happens. One last thing, you are all to choose one of your most trustful person to fill in, while you live as human.? Suray said as she seated herself into her golden throne. Everyone exited and began to plan what and how they wanted to live on earth as a human.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Background: It is the year 2000, before the age of a new era (2001). Since a lot of you love Japan, this one goes out to you. It takes place in Osaka, Japan. Info: In the world where gods and goddesses control the world, now have to make a decision that can either destroy earth or evolve earth. Many of the gods and goddesses have their differences about the choices they have about earth. Some care for it, while others want it destroyed. Surey called forth a meeting. [/COLOR] [B]Positions for Gods:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed] (Closed) Thunder & lighting- Controls the electricity and storms. (Closed) Fire- The ruler of fire and controller of volcanoes and earth?s core. (Closed) War & Corruption- Ruler of wars and starts chaos. (Closed) Darkness- Ruler of the nigh and stars. Also controls the darkness inside the humans and can also bring it out of them. He is also known as the god of impurity. (Closed) Destruction- Has the ability to destroy anything it chooses and causes wars (often the god of war & destruction work together.). (Closed) Time- The keeper of past, present and future (often works with the Suray). Plus has the ability to stop time. (Closed) Hell- He controls evil spirits and ghost (Same thing no?). He is known to toy with humans as well as his own kind. He can also bring out the evil in anyone. (Closed) Life- He has the ability to give bring someone back to life or create life (sometimes works with the Goddess of dreams and creation.).[/COLOR] [B]Positions of Goddesses:[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Earth- The ruler of nature and animals. Water- The keeper of all oceans and its creatures. Plus controls rain. Death- The the ruler of peoples lives (oftern works with Suray). She is the keeper of wandering souls & spirits. (Closed) Wind- The ruler of the skies and wind, plus the birds. (Closed) Dreams and Creation- Keeper of peoples dreams and has the ability to create anything. (Closed) Light- She is the keeper of the sun and ruler of the day. She also brings out happiness and hope of people. She is also known as the goddess of purity. (Closed) Love & Beauty- Keeper of peace and love. Has the ability to grant wishes and bring out the beauty of things. Heaven- The keeper of good souls and the ruler of Angels. (Closed) Wisdom & Destiny- The keeper of all knowledge and the ruler of all living creatures on earth.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Sign ups: Position: Person you left in charge: Name: Human Name: Nick name(If any): Age: Occupation: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Aqua's Corner: I need each position to be taken, they are all important. Plus I play Suray, its pronounced Sue Ray( lol). I will only need 16 people(unless you want to double up on characters). Plus If more than one person sign up for the same position, i will choose the one with a better post.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Shattering Earth: Rain of Roses ?For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror we can just endure and admire it so because it calmly disdains to destroy us?[/CENTER] [I]?Dream?[/I] The wind gently stirred the grass making the heads of flowers dance and filling the air with the whispers of leaves. There was no one else in sight, hardly any sign of life, just the flowers, grass and trees. It was beautiful?yet strangely empty, somehow melancholy. Despite of its beauty it felt dead. A shadowed figure appeared amidst on the field. Tears as beautiful as crystals appeared to trail down the shadowed face. A whisper of death lingered in the air, suddenly red roses began to fall from the sky. Soon the roses covered the field like a pool of blood. The shadowed figure knelt down and touched one of the fallen roses. The rose felt cold and hard, yet smooth. Why was it so cold? Its petals felt like glass. With tears brimming down the shadowed face, it began to press harder on the petals. Then?the rose fell into pieces on the once colorful field along with the shadowed figure. Everything that was once beautiful shattered into tiny glimmering shards. Then?there was nothing?emptiness. [I] ?End of dream?[/I] Knock! Knock! As a fist curled up made contact with the bedroom door. Inside laid a slender figure dormant in her bed. Her body made no movement to the sound at the door. Suddenly a tall muscular male opened her door. Clutching a pillow in his right hand as he crept towards his sisters bed. When he approached her figure resting in slumber, he raised his pillow and attacked her until she waked. ?Hey! You jerk!? said Leya as she shot upright atop her bed. ?I knocked twice you idiot and still you wouldn?t wake. Seesh you brat why the hell don?t ya ever get up early?? her brother said annoyingly . He yanked her sheets off her and threw them on her rugged floor. Leya got off her bed and shoved her brother out the door.Leya then collapsed on her chair and stared at her reflection. ?That?s the third time I?ve had that dream. The **** is...that I know why...the war is about to come.? Leya said as she began to brush her silky hair. She got ready for another day of study and work, Leya walked down the steps that led to the diner. She sat down in a cherry oak chair and began to ponder. [I] ?Thought?[/I] Sometimes?.damn it! Sometimes I wish I didn?t have such powers to deal with this crap! Why did this have to happen?this ****ing world is already screwed up as it-? Leya?s thought was cut off by a telepathic message. Leya?.it happening again, those bastards of the crimson have started a fight against us this early. So hurry up and get your *** over here?oh and good morning! Then the message faded away in Leya?s mind.[/COLOR]
Yea I agree, well anyone who can do me a favor and play a wiccan for the Mystic group. I would appreciate it. Plus I'm putting up the rpg in adventure square ok. Sign ups are still open, plus as you can see where the story left off. I want delirium to post first and then from there anyone else can start posting. Plus a little info, the crimson killed a member of the Mystic (Name: Destiny). So deilirium tells the mystics the news as the see the body on the ground. From there on, your good to go people. Hope this turns out good. Edit: Well since she's not on and I have a couple that are impatient (even thoug they say so). So just post away. I told Midnight rush to go first, so fallow his post ok guys.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Name: Damien Manroe Nick Name: Shadow Age: 24 Gender: Male Nationality: Indain and Thai Race: Wiccan Group: Crimson Weapons: Chineses pole and a samuria sword Occupation: University Teacher (HillSide University) Personality: He's the a quiet type and keeps to himslef. But he is kind and sweet to the females. He's a very mysterious character and girls love that about him. He is a pervert at times, but a respectable person. Appearance: [URL=http://yvlxl.url.cjb.net/]This is him (I'm sorry for being lazy at writing description, can't blame me I'm writing other things)[/URL] Bio: In a min I'll get back to it.[/COLOR] Edit: I'm goin to put the rpg in adventure square, but please go to underground to view my post.
You are such a life saver. I would appreciate it if you would make another profile of a human it would be grea. No you can create a new post, plus thats where I got the idea from (the movie X). Thank you again. So now we have 1 human and 1 wiccan(which is me I'll post after you do). I can't double post (smile)
Lol, that gives me an Idea...everyone delete post and put it in alphabeticaly order. lol just joking. Well I will edit my post again for my sign up. I will play a male wiccan also, since noone seems to want to be one. See a wiccan puts a a shield which takes the fight into another dimension. Something like that.
Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.and here I thought you guys would think I'm a pain. lol anyways thank you for the comfort. Well when I get a few more people..well wheter or not we don't I will start the rpg on Monday. I forgot I work full time on Sundays and don't go on at all.
[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna was shocked by Aaron's actions. She then got in between them and faced Aaron. "Look, I don't know what the hell is between yous two in the past, but knock it off! Look Aaron do you want me to report you to our Superior Counsel for your actions? I don't think so, so stop it now! He's injured!" Luna said as she turned to help the guy up. "Why are you all goody goody now, Why are you even nice to him. When you first saw me you wanted to kill me. Why is he different?" Aaron said grabbing Luna's arm. "I-I don't know ok...I just don't want anymore distractions. Lets just put him out the way and do your job and I'll do mi-" Luna said as she cut herself off.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna blushed a little at aaron's apology. She took the keys and opened the cell door. Aaron came out and he was about to say something when he saw Luna helping his friend. "Here I'll lend you a hand. Man you look like you need rest. Come lay against my body as we walk ok?" Luna said giving aaron's frien a lovely smile. "thank you dear. Well its seems your an elegent lady after all." Aaron's freind said blushing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Luna was shocked that aaron had grabbed her and kissed her back. Luna had blushed, but she needed to maintian her cool. Then she had an idea, Luna didn't know why she was going to do this. "Damn it....Alright, I'll be back in a min. So don't worry you pretty little head." Luna said with a slight smirk. As she walked back to where the officers stood, a thought or memory ran through her mind. ' Yes my dear, you go and look pretty for all of them to see........you will fool them all. Kill all of them....hahaha. Such a beautiful creature with a deadly gift and a sad curse....tell me do you have feelings for him my dear Mira? I told you not to fall in love or even care for someone!You hear me! You belong to me!' Suddenly she snapped out in tears. She stopped and slid to the floor and began to think. "what the hell...Mira? Who the hell is that and why-why am I having these thought or whatever they are. Dammit what the hell is wrong with me?" Luna said as she punched the wall. Luna got up and wiped her tears, she walked towards the two men. "Hey boys...Well would you like me to grant you your death wish?" Luna said devishly. "What the hell you talki-" Both men said in univision and were cut off as she pierced threw one of there chest. The other one didn't have time to scream and so she pierced his stomache. She walked over the dead bodies on the floor and knelt down to pick up the key. "You stupid fools...." Luna said as she walked back to Aaron's cell.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna stared at Aaron with amusement. She took a chance and leaned closer to his cell. "You fool! Look at you, aren't you suppose to be protecting your precious Mina? Hump fooling around with this poor fool beside you, how ridiculous." Luna said pressing her slender figure against the cold and rusted handle bars. "Hump, look if you came here to laugh at me and tell me off then leave." aaron saod in a aggitated tone. "Well well look who's high and mighty. Well i came here to bail you out, but since you don't want my help...then I guess I'll part with a kiss." Luna said as she gave him a tap kiss on his lips. 'thought' What the hell am I doing...why did I just do that....this isn't me or is it? 'End thought'[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Wow how cute, a girl giving you a keychain with perfume. Never heard of that, so thats an original to bad you lost it. Well I had this one keychain that was given to me by my friend, it was cute. It was a daisy shaped keychain, but I lost it after a few month's. that sucked big time, plus I never told her I lost it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna had decided not to tell Mina of her encounter, so instead she walked out of Mina's place and headed towards the town. She headed towards the the rusty old bar until she overheard a conversation of two stupid men getting into trouble. Luna had a hunch of one of the guys she knew. "Haha! That idoit! Man I should go to visit him and laugh at his face....but I think I should bail the fool out." Luna said changing her direction towards the police station. She arrived at the place and asked to visit one of the inmates, but the policemen had other ideas. "Look dammit! Let me see him or I'll cut you lilltle thing off ya hear!" Luna said ready to slice the policemen into peaces. "Look here lovely...ummm.Now if you want to see your precious boyfriend that much...well you know what to do." said one of the fair looking men. "You asshole...look if you don't want me to slice you up I suggest you let me see him." Luna said ready to wrap her whip around his neck. The two men looked at her with fear and let her by. As Luna walked toward where Aaron was, she blushed at the comment the policemen had said before. "Man what a bitch...good looking though." Fair looking policeman said. "Yea but did you look at her eyes? Scary!" the other said.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hello it me Aqua! Well this thread is to talk about peoples anime obssessions. It can be from magna, anime show, movie, your fantasy, pet peeves ect..... Well my anime obssession is the good looking anime men, especially the evil ones. They are so sexy, sadly they are only ink. But hey who said you can't dream! Me and my best freind are always fighting over anime guys. She's always trying to give me the crappiest and ugliest guys. But I steal them behind her back, which she knows. Anyways I have other anime obssessions as well, but I'll post up later. So type away, dissscuss, give opinions, laugh, cry and whatever else you do.[/COLOR] :love:
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hello I'm in need for someone to make me an anime mermaid banner and Avater for me. Well something like that, if you have better Ideas for my request then do so. I would appreciate it if someone took the time to make me one. Man this is what happen when you change your name, you end up needed a new banner and avi.[/COLOR] :D
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Ok now I have opened up a thread to discuss the issues of my rpg and suggestions. This thread is only for those who are recruited in my rpg and also to those who plan on signing up. I need wiccans and humans. I do not want anymore people signing up for elements and psychic powers. Wiccans can be half witch and half wiccan. Human is human ok, so please if you want this rpg to start then I suggest if you want play two characters or tell someone about the rpg to get this going. Plus I need you guys to pm me about locations. You guys can also tell me how you think this rpg is going to come out. Plus if it comes out good, there will be a part to like I said. Thank you all and hope this turns out well.[/COLOR] :wigout:
Ok people, I see you guys had a little discussion. Well I do appreciate it, but what I need are at least three humans, 2 that hate people with powers and 1 that is in the dead moon. Plus I at least need three wiccans for each group including dead moon. Plus I will post up an underground discussion, so this is the last post for dicussions. I need more players. The underground thread is called Shattering earth: rain of roses corner discussion. [B]Edit:[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Aqua walks on stage and gets ready to make an announcement. "Ok everyone please settle down.....Midnight Rush stop flashing people! Ok I'm really sorry for asking to much of you guys..... Now I know only 1 of you know where I live, so don't dare try to kill me. Well..... I need everyone to edit their post and put in their occupation. ecause there will be times that a fight will break out in someones job or school. "Hey what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone said. Everyone got their pich forks and started to roit. Aqua fled in her Aquamobile.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Crimson:[/B] James Ross: Crimson Leader: Elemental (Pure Water) Aaron Vera: Fire/ thunder Warlock Natalia Bates: Witch [B]Dead Moon:[/B] Kitzume Yoshiku: Elemental- Wind/Thunder Alex: Psychic: Telepathy, Mind Invasion Ivan Hedling: Psychic: Foresight Yutarin Hesham: Element: Thunder and Ice [B]Mystic:[/B] Sefir Mekshen: Mystics Leader: Elemental (Wind)/Psychic :telepathy Leya Vera: Elementist Water/Ice: Psychic: Fortune teller Mike: Psychic Calypso Van: Psychic: telepathy Delirium you need to put telepathy as psychic power ok. Sword Demon you need to tell me what element you rule. Fire you need to tell me what kind of psychic power you have. Demonic you need to correct your pro and tell me what type of psychic power you possess in order to be accepted in my rpg, that?s all you need to do and your in ok, thank you. I posted this up just to let you know where everything stands.[/COLOR] Still waiting for a little more players.