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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Leya Vera Nick Name (if any): Aqua Age: 20 Gender: Female Nationality: French, spanish and American Occupation: Part time Nurse (RoadHill Hospital) and part time college student(Bryent College) Race: Elementist Water/Earth: Phyhcic: Fortune teller Group: The Mystics Weapons: A Chinese Dou sword Personality: She's an ambitious girl and has a short tempor. Leya is a down to earth person and loves to be the wise one in the group. She cares for others and does her best to protect and love them. At times she forgets her place in the group and often takes charge. Appearance: [URL=http://ttolp.url.cjb.net/]Leya[/URL] Plus I promise to give credit to the artis. So credits to you my dear! Bio: She was born and raised in Chee-town(chicago). Leya's family was a poor family, but good to survive. She was closest to her brother, Aaron and her Mother, Vivain. Leya's father left her mother when she was born, so she hated him for that and didn't want to know about him. At age 2, Leya met Clypso(did I get that right) and they became very close freinds since. As she grew, Leya became interested in singing and fortune telling. Soon everyone came to her for readings, they were spooked that shewas always right. She believed in spirits and supernatural stuff and became fascinated. Her brother left the family and Leya did not know for what, but her mother told her it was what he wanted to do. She missed him dearly and hoped for him to come back home. But while he was gone, she joined a martial arts group and soon graduated first rank in her academy. But she really didn't see much use for it, she only did it to kill time. One day at age 14, Leya was attacked by some guys who wanted to rape her. Then all of the sudden her hands felt cold and without her knowing she summoned the power of ice. They were frozen and all she can do is freak. She couldn't believe what just happened, but with anger and frustration, Leya smashed the frozen statue, leaving them into shattered ice that melted from the night heat. She had murdered three men, Leya just wanted to forget about it. But sadly she couldn't, her powers became stronger and she didn't know what to do. At age 17, she found others like her and joined them. Leya also has a crush on the leader of the Mystic. Soon she was fighting other groups for territory and rights, but later on it became worse and war broke out. Not just for pride, but for the earth.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]So far these are who made it, I still want more people to sign up. KibasWifey, Delirium (Love your Bio and name), Midnight rush and yes guns are allowed, Sword demon you can be in as soon as I read you bio and what I mean by nationality is like if you are white you say your white or Spanish, ect. (My hubby), Fire your in, nice profile to, liu thanks for the advice I changed it, plus like your sign up. I still need more people to sign up and I?ll post mine today after someone post after me.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Mira Newon Age: 22 Gender: female Character: John's girlfriend Appearance:[URL=http://www.wido-software.de/darkangel/layout01.jpg]Just forget the ears and put human ones, plus credit to artist.[/URL] Bio: Mira was brought up by rich parents, she was adopted when she was 5 years old. They tried to love her and give her anything she wanted, but that didn't help her. She was sad and quiet. Her foster parents still love her and thought she was special. As she grew, Mira grew interest in of darkness, because thats how she felt inside. Darkness became her companion, her parents didn't worry. Mira's biological parents abandoned her in the streets and ever since then she's hated them. Thats why they knew that being a foster child was hard, so they gave her space. At age 18, she had graduated from high school. She was barely known by the populer people or nerds, but the goth loved her and her creativity of darkness. She soon met John and fell in love with him. They soon were going out, but she soon had a secret herself, she dated a vampire whom she is helplessy fixated on. Hobbies: Drawing gothic people and other things, singing and reading.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]OF:Just to let you guys know I'm SadAngel, I just changed my name Chibi you just have bad luck. I would cry if I lost my fav keychain, because they probably don't make them anymore. At least you owned a whole bunch of anime keychains...sniff sniff...starts to cry. I'm so misunderstood.[/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][CENTER]Shattering Earth: Rain of Roses[/CENTER] [CENTER]?For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror we can just endure and admire it so because it calmly disdains to destroy us?[/CENTER] [I]?Dream?[/I] The wind gently stirred the grass making the heads of flowers dance and filling the air with the whispers of leaves. There was no one else in sight, hardly any sign of life, just the flowers, grass and trees. It was beautiful?yet strangely empty, somehow melancholy. Despite of its beauty it felt dead. A shadowed figure appeared amidst on the field. Tears as beautiful as crystals appeared to trail down the shadowed face. A whisper of death lingered in the air, suddenly red roses began to fall from the sky. Soon the roses covered the field like a pool of blood. The shadowed figure knelt down and touched one of the fallen roses. The rose felt cold and hard, yet smooth. Why was it so cold? Its petals felt like glass. With tears brimming down the shadowed face, it began to press harder on the petals. Then?the rose fell into pieces on the once colorful field along with the shadowed figure. Everything that was once beautiful shattered into tiny glimmering shards. Then?there was nothing?emptiness. [I]?End of dream?[/I] Knock! Knock! As a fist curled up made contact with the bedroom door. Inside laid a slender figure dormant in her bed. Her body made no movement to the sound at the door. Suddenly a tall muscular male opened her door. Clutching a pillow in his right hand as he crept towards his sisters bed. When he approached her figure resting in slumber, he raised his pillow and attacked her until she waked. ?Hey! You jerk!? said Leya as she shot upright atop her bed. ?I knocked twice you idiot and still you wouldn?t wake. Seesh you brat why the hell don?t ya ever get up early?? her brother said annoyingly . He yanked her sheets off her and threw them on her rugged floor. Leya got off her bed and shoved her brother out the door.Leya then collapsed on her chair and stared at her reflection. ?That?s the third time I?ve had that dream. The **** is...that I know why...the war is about to come.? Leya said as she began to brush her silky hair. She got ready for another day of study and work, Leya walked down the steps that led to the diner. She sat down in a cherry oak chair and began to ponder. [I]?Thought?[/I] Sometimes?.damn it! Sometimes I wish I didn?t have such powers to deal with this crap! Why did this have to happen?this ****ing world is already screwed up as it-? Leya?s thought was cut off by a telepathic message. Leya?.it happening again, those bastards of the crimson have started a fight against us this early. So hurry up and get your *** over here?oh and good morning! Then the message faded away in Leya?s mind.[/COLOR] [I]End[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Background : It is the year 2011 and the rpg takes place in Chicago (I know everyone probably wants Japan, so I will take a vote were the destination should be so pm me and tell me.) History: Since the year 2007, the world itself has gone in denial. The majority of people on earth want to think that nothing as gone wrong since that year. But they cannot deny the fact that strange things have been happening, that the earth itself has been changing?changing into something so cruel and?empty. Psychic, witches and wiccans has always been known to people. But never payed no mind to those who had such powers, that would eventually grow stronger. Even though the people on earth either ignored it or worshiped it, they still feared that one day those with strange powers would be the end of them all as well as earth. But they soon had to fear a new type of power that walked on earth?s surface. They were called elemental users. There were only six people that were gifted with elemental powers and those six were located at one city for one purpose?war. Through out the years since 2007, the people with gifted powers began to form clique?s all around the world. People didn?t notice the drastic change throughout the years, they were to busy with their own problems. But the was one place that had its biggest clique. They were the Crimson and Mystic. The crimson were focused on being the strongest and ruling the city. The other group were focus on protecting what they love and the city, they wanted order, not chaos. The two groups often fought and also some went to the same school, job, ect.. They knew each other and wanted to destroy one another. But suddenly the Crimson group want more then being the strongest..they wanted power and to be superior then all others. That was a problem and now the story begins with the final war and earth?s fate. Plus there is a mystery lurking in the air, who is the person in Leya's dream and what does it really mean? She thinks is the war...but can that really be it? It's a shocking secret that must be known, but when?[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkRed]Positions: (closed) Leya's Big Brother: This character has to be cocky, but loving to his sister. Plus he has a crush on Leya?s arch rival and enemy. Everything else you can make up. (Closed) Arch Rival and Enemy: She as taking a liking to her.(Position taken by KibasWifey). (Closed) Leya?s BF: She is Leya's best friend since childhood and she is a telepathic. Everything else is up to the person who is signing up for her. (Closed) Crimson Leader: Well that about says it all, you can do whatever you want with your character. (Closed) Mystic Leader: Same with the crimson leader. Costume character: Like I said everyone's part is equal. Groups: Crimson Shadow : They are a group who want to be the strongest and to have power. This group consists of witches, wiccans, psychics and elemental users. (They really don?t have to have all of them it just depends who sign up for what) Dead Moon: They are not really a group. They didn?t choose sides they either fight or help whichever side they feel like joining. They are most likely back stabbers(some). Mystics: Again they consist the same as Crimson. The only difference is that they want to save the earth. Race: Witches: Witches can only cast spells. There will be no flying, levitation, ectra.(They can only have 1 weapon) Natural: Humans who somehow got ,mixed up in the war between Mystics and Crimson.(3 weapons) Wiccan: Only cast spells(protection and healing spells). They are the defense of the group. (2 weapons) Psychic: Telepathic, foresight, fortune teller, any other type of power that I don?t know. The only thing I don?t want is telekinesis or anything that has to do with flying, levitation or moving of the mind.(1 weapon) Elemental Race: (1 weapon) Major: [RIGHT]Minor:[/RIGHT] Earth [RIGHT]Thunder[/RIGHT] Water: [RIGHT]Ice: [/RIGHT] Fire Wind Water and Ice mix element taken: No more spots for mix elements Take note: Only elements can mix up power. But everyone who mixes up make sure its not the same has somone elses ok. I will only allow three people to mix elements.So pm ,e or if you want it bad I'll case it on who's profile is better. Sign ups: Name: Nick Name (if any): Age: (18-25) Gender: Nationality: Race: Group: Weapons: Personality: Appearance: Good description or picture Bio: Aqua?s corner: Take note that weapons are optional and every character is treated equal (made up and the few position I posted up).I'll post up my character info later. Just to let you know I'm Leya and I'm an water and Ice elemental user.[/COLOR] :love:[/COLOR] Plus pm me to tell me what location you would like, I'll take a vote and tell you guys what the location is. Plus if this story comes out good, there is a second chapter to it, more juicier to. I still need votes for location.
  6. [COLOR=Magenta] [B]Position:[/B] Elf Girl [B]Name:[/B] Sapphire Lelu [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Bow and arrow and a Jaded staff [B] Favored Element:[/B] Saimos [B]Appearence:[/B][URL=http://faerie.deedlit.nu/images/left.jpg]click here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] She is a very sincere and caring person. The majority of the time Sapphire is serious and is always working very hard. She loves her people and looks out for those in need. She is patient and wise, but at times she can be ditzy and start laughing for no reason. There are times when she gets annoyed easily and screams at the person. Sapphire can be bossy when it comes to dedication in the village, but she still shows consideration to those who don?t do there job well. Sapphire loves to spend her time in the jaded forest with the animals and flowers, also next to the sea. She loves to meditate and sing her lovely songs to the wind. [B]History:[/B] As a child sapphire was in love with nature?s beauty and its wonders. She would always visit the wise elves with her younger sister, Kaye. They would sit there countless hours listening to their enchanted elders. Sapphire was fascinated with the stories and went to the forest everyday to feed the animals and relax with the forest aura. Unlike her sister, Kaye, Sapphire wanted to be part of the wise elders. So she went to them and asked for their advise. They told her ,? to become a protector of the elves and prove yourself of knowledge and honesty. Then will ye become one of us, my dear elfin.? Soon after she became a guardian and worked hard as she grew older. By the age of 17, everyone loved her and worshiped her honesty and bravery.. Soon Sapphire was the leader of her squadron in the guard. The kids loved her beautiful song?s and they also loved her stories that the wise elders told her. She was then assigned a task, it was to protect the Elf Boy on the journey. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Jurai had sat by the fountain waiting for someone she knew. The day seem to stretch a few more hours and Jurai couldn?t take it anymore. She wanted the old hag to come with her weapons, Jurai wanted to fight and get all her anger out. She sat there helplessly while men stared her down and made passes at her. ?Damn these men just don?t give up?..urrhhh! The damn boy?he took my fight!? Jurai said angrily. Suddenly a old wrinkled woman appeared to shadow her fragile figure. ?Hello there Jurai?how are you today? I?m sorry I took so long to repair your weapons, plus it was a pretty long distance to ride in my old beat down wagon,? The old hag said hinting toward her crusty wagon. ?Well there old hag?I?m glad you made it alive! So lets give you a hand here and walk you towards your wagon shall we?? Jurai said happily. The two walked towards to beaten down wagon and Jurai took her weapons with such excitement. She bid the old hag farewell and walked down to dirt road. As she walked down the dirt road towards the inn, Jurai noticed a shadow creep by the creep alleyway. Then she soon saw the shadows target. ?Huh?that boy! He?s the one who saved me??Well it looks like I should return the favor.? said Jurai with a slight croked smile. She was filled with joy to actually get to fight. She walked normally as if nothing was happening and the shadowed figure soon found its target and attacked. ?You lillte bastard I finally found you! Your gonna die!? Said the assassin has he flung towards his victim. But his attack was evaded by a female figure. It was indeed Jurai, she had drawn her duo sword and blocked the assassins weapon. ?Who the hell are you?get out of my way you bitch or I?ll kill you to!? the assassin said forcing his sword against hers. ?Oh please you dimwit?.you can?t defeat me?you make me laugh?now shut up and fight!? said jurai as she pushed aside his sword and made a dash for his body. The assassin evaded Jurai?s attack, but she got him good on his face as she punched him. He seriously was pissed off at her efforts to kill him. The sound of swords clashing into one another was all what was heard in the alley. The boy just stood there in amazement. He couldn?t believe the damsel in ditress before could fight like this. Soon the two fighters halted and the assassin backed away. ?I?ll get you Karel?wait and see and I?ll get you to gorgeous..hahaha you just got yourself a death wish my dear.? said the assassin as he disappeared in the shadows. Jurai walked towards the boy and put her right hand on his left shoulder. ?well we?re even now?..Say not that its any of my business, but why was he after you?? said Jurai looking deep into his eyes. There was no response and she still wanted an answer. But she was patient and waited for his truthful words.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Magenta] A beuatiful steaming day, in the forest walked a beautiful woman who looked tired and thirsty. She stopped and leaned on the maple tree and picked up her blue shimmering hair to tie it up in a bun. "Man its so hot today, at least there's trees to cover. But the heat still gets to me." said Rubi slowly moving her body down to the ground. Rubi rested there for awhile until she spotted a town. Her face appeared to make a movement. A smile had appeared on her delicate face. She stood up and made sure her weapons were secure. Rubi took her wooden stick and used it as an extra leg to give her strentgh.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Magenta]Man, that blows?.I would have left her there all alone, but come back for her of course after I tell myself you didn?t say that. But I guess she needed reassurance or something. Man the farting and doing #2 issues. Everyone goes through that. Well I remember when I was about 10...I can?t believe I?m going to type this?.it?s so humiliating. Anyways it was gym class and it was time to do pull ups. Well it was my turn and man I was little, well I couldn?t push myself up really good. So my gym teacher was like this: Mr. Hanson: Come on, push! Me: I?m tryin Mr.Hanson: Push_ Me: Farted in his face Mr. Hanson:??? Everyone: Laughing Mr. Hanson: Well did that mean you were pushing? Ok stupid question. Your asking a 10 year old skinny girl to lift herself up for like 5 min. Of course your pushing your whole body up dumb ***. So I couldn?t help to fart. I guess I pushed really hard (lol). That is embarrassing and forgetful. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thank you very much. I will use it when i switch up , plus it was about time someone took up my request. thank you again and appreciate it.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta]Omg! Haha I love keychains that say oh my god you killed Kenny, you bastered!. I love those and I'm a fan of the simpsons, man I grew up watching that. But never had a key chain like it. I do like comical ones at times like those, but I stick to what tells you in the face. [/COLOR]
  12. Mario??.Mario?s the boy and always will be,but never seen a key chain of Mario. I wonder if they make them here??.. Sigh?.Japan, key chains from Japan, all the anime in Japan??Is my dream vacation. I think if I were to go there I would leave broke. I would buy all the adorable Keychains, ectra. Expensive key chains?man I can relate I brought this one Key chain for 5 something. It was cute anime scout who was doing the peace sign?wait! I actually had an anime Key chain and I lost it? nooooooooooo. Bad memories, must forget. KibasWifey you never new that I had one, but it was a sailor moon one. She was my favorite when I first saw it. Galxy that?s cool you make your own. I wish I did. "If I throw a stick, will you leave me alone?" That is funny. I use to have one that read: [CENTER]What is the name of a species that forever have mood swings and are in denial of getting old. Turn around. [B]Woman[/B][/CENTER]
  13. [COLOR=Magenta]Well I haven't read the last four volumes yet....but its been so good so far. I can also relate the Galaxy, I would always go to borders with my freinds and sit down to read magna. I got them hooked on peach girl and mars, which is funny because I sometimes have to drag my freind out of borders. Well personally you can kinda tell how it ends, even though I haven't finished reading it. But like I said I love mars and always will.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The group walked along without having a clue to what to do next. Mira noticed Imric walking a distance from the group and started to ponder why. "Hey there goes Imric in his mood swings again." Alex said in a slight giggle. "Oh give it up....you know it's about Mira and Imric." Katie said giving Alex a shove. "Hey Andy glad you can join us...Anyways back to the topic." Jacsaid wanting to know Mira's story. "Jee...thanks for the greetings Jac...you idoit!" Andy said slapping Jac in the back of his head. "Well come on Mira either you talk to him or spill it to us?" Katie said in frustration. "Can you guys just give it a break...it was just probably an accident or something." Mira siad sadly. [I]'Thought'[/I] "I hope it is true that he likes me...but if its not then I shouldn't ask him at all. Truly there are times where i don't get him." [I] 'End thought'[/I] All of the sudden Katie caled out to Imric, for him to join the group and go eat. It was about time someone thought of someplace to go.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name:[/B] Audre Draka [B]Age: [/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.artoki.co.uk/artwork/ori_Magic.jpg]click here[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Audre has been a childhood friend of Amaru and were close ever since. She was born into her tribe, ?Isla de Flor?. This tribe is known for sorcery and wisdom. The village were filled with sorcerers and wise men(females to). When she was small, Audre had stumbled to the forest where she met Amaru. At first they were not getting along, but later that changed. Soon they became friends and grew up together. Audre only live with her older sister, Ravyn(25yrs). There parents died in a great war between the demons and Flor?s. So she was to live under her sisters care. As the years past, Audre learned magic and skills as a fighter. She stilled hanged with Amaru, but she drifted little by little when she concentrated on wisdom. Soon it came to a point the didn?t see her at all. When she was 16, se and Amaru didn?t see each other anymore, because they were busy with becoming great people. When she was 20, Audre became a Wise Flora of her village and became the best in magic and fighting. The town looked up to her as a leader and looked to her for protection. Males at her village were jealous, because she surpassed them. Soon she was the only one strong enough to fight against what great evil was coming. She heard of Amaru and left her town to aid him, because she had her own secrets. She loved him and he never new and probably won?t. She has pride and a lot to attain, she fights as a brave warrior, but still she is a woman and even she has her weaknesses and faults. [B]Weapons:[/B] Sais and that other weapon in the pic of my character. [B]Personality:[/B] She is a humble person and very motherly to others. She is a down to earth female. She does have a short-temper, so just stay away(she has that blade...runnnn). But she is serious the majority of the time and she's all about work. She gets along very easly with people and animals. But when it comoes to evil, she'll do her jod efficaintly and quick. [B]Magic: [/B] [U][I]Dark Blaze:[/I] [/U] She uses this attack with her stick(whats the name). It turn the sky dark and forms to a tornado around the enemy and it burns the enemy(black fire). [U][I]Mystic Freeze:[/I] [/U] Water element. Wherever there's water she can manipulate it into what she desires and turns it to ice.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well this thread is for appreciation to those you like. I will post up the nominations below and only one person is allow per catergory. I tohught I should do this for those who win can feel appreciated and stuff. Hopefull this is ok for me to do this. Nominations: Favorite RPG writer: Favorite comedian: Favorite person to talk to: Favorite artist: Favorite writer(poems): Favorite writer(Fanfic): Favorite RPG player: Favorite drama queen/king: So post away and wants it gets to a certian number I'll tally up votes and announce winners.[/COLOR]
  17. Persona


    [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Sign-Up Name: Hazel Le Mone Age:17 Gender: Female Items: Chinese fan(the metal ones from back then), backpack filled with her chinese outfit, shoes, makeup, snacks, drawing supllies. Bio: Hazel was raised in a wealthy home(not rich, but enough to make it in life and mid life crisis.). She lived with her father only, because her mother had died after giving birth to her. She was raised in her two cultures, chinese and french. Her father was french and her mother was chinese. Her father, William Le Mone didn't know much about her chinese culture, so he would send her into a program called, "China's Finest". There she would meet other kids of her culture and learn their heritage. When Hazel became thirtheen, she became interested in sketching and singing. She would take an arts program and sing in her school music club. She was happy to be doing what she liked and her father spoiled her. But she did not become a spoil brat(ok maybe alillte), but instead Hazel was tuff and had a short temper. She was known to be tuff in school and got suspended a few times for fighting. Her father would punish her by taking away the things she loved to do. She would get pissed at him and tell him off. But years went by and she learned to catch the poeple outside of school to kick there ***. Still at age seventeen, Hazel continues to be that way, but more wise and silent to herself. One day while she was going to perform her Chinese cultural dance, she had went to her dressing room to prepare. But as she looked herself in the mirror, she saw something horrifying. People heard a sream...but she was nowhere to be found. People had searched and her father would not rest, until he committed suicide for the lost of his daughter. He had given up hope and his life. But she wasn't gone....was she.... Description:[URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-125]Hazel[/URL][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Magenta] As imric and Jac talked, Katie approached mira and grabbed her arm with a gentle touch. Katie escorted Katie to the girls locker room, while Alex on the other hand was left by himself. "Hey! Where yous going? Man you girls are wrong leaving me alone." Alex said standing there like a forgotten stray. The two girls ignored Alex as they walked towards the locker room. As they walked the other socker guys looked at them both and started to hit on them. But they ignored, because they had other business to attend to. "So whats with you and Imric.....and don't dare say nothing!" Katie said desperatly listening to what Mira had to say. "Well ummmm.I really don't know what got into him...i_I don't even know if he was just joking or was he for real.I mean I did have a crush on him..but never tohught to take it far, cuz he and I always argue and stuff. See I don't know if he even likes me." Mira said gazing at the sky. "Well I'll see about it but I do think he does." Katie said while she was changing. The two girls got dressed and headed out. The boys had finished babbling and were also dressed. The group were all ready, but for what. No one had plans and Imric was trying to talk to Mira , but she was afraid. Instead she went to talk with Jac about something.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed] Luna had managed to get up and wipe the blood from her once tender lips. Her forest green eyes were filled with more hatred and darkness. She couldn't help herself now, she was in to deep. "How dare he call me a fucking half breed! I'm not one of those that I hunt......You bastard...I'll kill you! But not now...its a wates of my time....especially here.Hump that pretentious fool thinks I want apart of this monstrosity? The hell with this." Luna said making her way to the nearest bathroom. Luna caefully carressed her lips with the soft tissue and splashed water to her face. She soon puased as she saw her reflection. She was not who she was anymore, she was full of hatred and darkness, which she knew was not her. Then she began to go in deep thought. "But what he said was true...someone is trying to manipulate me. Well i'm to smart for that you hear...I know what I am...but I won't allow myself to be like him...like my father who I don't even know. Well at least i should tell that half breed herslef about an attempt for her life....because they fear her.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Teal]Sign Up: Name:Rubi Nokimoria Age:23 Gender: Female Weapon: Sais:The smalles and lethalest pitchforks on earth. Invented by farmers, the Sais are more a defensive weapon to protect yourself against swords. Bo: The chinese Wood Stick! The Bo looks not very dangerous but ask the Shaolin monks, they would be able to kill you in less than two hits. And it's the best protection weapon ever, because there is no blade and you can choose how much you want to hurt your opponent. Chinese Fan:Beautiful and dangerous in one! Don't laugh. The pretty, metal fan was also a dangerous weapon in old China. If someone know how to use it, it's a leathal weapon! Kyudo Bow: The japanese Bow! 'The way of the bow'. To control this weapon you need much training, concentration and of course a calm hand. Appearence:[URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-76]My character[/URL] Personality:My character is a seductive and clever woman. She calm, wise and motherly to those she takes interest. She is distant when it comes to doing her job and sometimes very hard to be freinds with. Rubi loves to meddle in romance(like trying to get people together). Plus she's a part girl, but when it comes time to kill, she's efficient and quick. Specialty:Rubi specialty is her fists! She's a master of Martial Arts She doesn't need any weapon ,because herr body is a weapon anyway(but she still does for fun and quick kill). Plus she has i guess you call it enhanced strenth? Plus she has enhnced reflexes also. History: Rubi's family had been murder by the new Juppon Gatana and ever since that day she set asside her assination duties. So now she searches for them as a wonderer herself hoping to hear of them by villigers.[/COLOR]
  21. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]The Sky is darkening like a stain Something is going to fall like rain And it won't be flowers....[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Red]Deep in a hidden corridor lay a beautiful figure on the marble floor. It was Luna's fragile body that moved in pain. There she lay unable to awake from her slumber that seems to have no end. Luna was dreaming and at the same time changing inside. What she was dreaming was the truth of who Luna really was. [I]'Dreaming'[/I] Luna's curvaceous figure stood still in her achromatic dream. All she could hear were voices screeching in her head. Her forest green eyes were so empty and soulless as she just stood still like a statue. [I]Luuunaaaa.... You should stop lying to yourself.... You know what you are.don't you? A distant voice echoed. Your father was a vampire.... And you should know the rest...come on Luna you can't fool yourself. They couldn't be.... It was just lust and nothing more...he left...she cried...she died.... For him. He did nothing...to even a tear trailed his face...he's a bastard...you know you have no one...you are alone and afraid. Look at you! Your laying helplessly on that damn floor...has anyone cared to see if you were ok? Tell me if they cared wouldn't they have noticed you by now laying on that floor? Your a fool if you think that place your in is full of hope.....Fuck'em all..kill all...be alone..your better off that way! You've laid there for hours, changing into what you thought you loved. Admit it..you were fascinated with vampires....hahaha.What do you think of them now eh? You father was on of them..those filthy bastards..kill them..kill..kill. [B]KILL![/B][/I] [I]End of dream[/I] Luna's forest green eyes suddenly opened wide. She stayed still for a while, and then she sat herself up and touched her head, which ached from the fall. Luna's body managed to stand up without a sound. Her eyes were empty and dark as she stared at the deserted corridor. Then without a word began to walk, her legs felt strong, but even though they were she still stood at pace.[/COLOR]
  22. Ok Misenki I've posted...so please don't kill me(lol). Well I can see Pro and you had some misunderstanding here, but I'm glad is resolved. Wouldn't want yous to trying to kill one anothet in adventure sqaure. i also want to ask one thing, what do i do about my character being close to the boy or ex-sin. Really, i just want this cleared up, so i can fix my profile and hopefully not make a mistake on my post.
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lol...okkkkkk. Well I never had any anime keychains, because this poor old state doesn't have those kinds of keychains. Now I never saw a bodiless jupiter before and thats sad, because she's cool. Oh and you who said your keychains better then ours..well woopy do(nosa). Well i have another keychain the says: [CENTER]Queen of the ********ing univers. Any questions?[/CENTER] I love that one, it just makes me laugh all the time when I'm really bored.[/COLOR] :laugh:
  24. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen][I]The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep.[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Deep in the deserted forest, a slender figure jumped from tree to tree like a monkey on vines. The smell of her sweet aroma capturing the the air that surrounded her as she landed on the branch of an oak tree. Jurai started to survey the village full of poverty and fools. She soon made her decision to scavage the area and make fools of pitiful men who desire the love of a women. Before Jurai entered the village, she took a deep breathe and brushed her semi red hair with her left hand. "Well I sure chose a hell of a hot day to travel...hmmmmmm...Damn what a Adased place this is. Oh well steal a little here and there, make fools of men and well start some trouble with a coupled of inarticulates to take out my frustration and hey I'll be all set for the day." said Jurai as a smirk formed on her face. Jurai walked in the village and began to observe the way the town operates. She soon came to a halt as she spotted her prey. She moved her curvacious body in a seductive way towards the youg business man. As she approached, jurai smiled at him innocently has she cought his eyes and possibly his heart. (Thinking) [I]'Yes little piggy...look at me...hahaha..you little fool. Let me have your heart for me to smash with my boots. I'll rob you blind and still...you'll be crawling back to me, because you never even touched me.'[/I] As Jurai passed by, the young man spoke in a shallow voice. "well hello there lovely. I can tell your knew here my dear...can I help you in any way?" The young man said survaying her every curves. Jurai looked satisfied that he fell for her. So there and now she went for the kill. Jurai couldn't help but to let out a chuckle of her accomplishment. "why yes I would love for you to help me and show be these wonderous sites of your humble land." She said making her honey eyes seem innocent and pure. "Why it would be a pleasure to help you. It would also be a pleasure if you would acompany me to dinner." said the young man folding his right arm as a prince wood. "I wouldn't want to impose...but I also don't like to turn someone down like this. So of course i'll join you." Jurai said as she started walking. He fallowed her without a word. The young man showed her to village and told her about its history. Then he brought her a lovely black dress for the engagment. They talked and laughed while they ate. Soon after he took her to his house and talked a while. The young man was actually respectful and didn't make any moves on her. He let her stay in the night to get rest. But little did he know, she had her own plans which didn't include sleep. Has the house fell silent and the air became heavier, Jurai crept through the house and stole whatever was of value. Then without the slightest sound she dissapeared with the moon and crept into the darkness. As Jurai headed down the dirt streets, she paused and took a break from walking. "Hump..what a pretensious fool he was. That was so easy and here I tought I would have to knock him out if he tried something with me.Hahahaha!" Jurai said almost waking up to the nearest houses. It was now daylight and she had been awake for the whole night. Jurai spotted an inn and walked towards it. Her body glimmered from the water she threw on herself to keep her cool. The sun did not gleam so much, the air felt cool and the day seemed to procrastenate. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Hahaha....well I wish I was there at that time..since we went to the same school. Anyways, I had the most embarrassing moment in 10th grade. it was in english class and I had asked to go to the bathroom. Well as i got up...well lets say the next I was on the floor. My freinds said I did a 360 and some kinda flip. They were laughing and til' that day they started calling me 360. Well this humiliation only lasted for a week.[/COLOR]
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