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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Nobody's perfect lol and your ugly keychain thats funny too. Well I do have another keychain which is more of a concieded type.Which Reads: [CENTER]The most important thing in the world is [B]ME[/B][/CENTER] That is so true if I were conceided(lol). I guess I have a lot of Keychains.....I'm the Queen of key chains..wahahahahaha...cough cough. Ok I'm back to normal.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lol, I love that one about how to keep an idoit busy. There's another one that I have, but I gave it to my mom, because it suits her. [CENTER]Stop talking I'm out of Aspirin [/CENTER] I got a kick out of that one and I also felt like keeping it and putting it on my pants and hold it up to my teachers. They talk so much and I never had aspirin to keep up with them.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Well I decided to make a thread about key chains. I think of it as a tribute to our favorite key chains that make us laugh or represents us. I love key chains that say the truth and make me laugh. Well here's one of my favorite Key chain(men don't be mad): [CENTER][B]MEN[/B] Please Read Rules Before Proceeding 1.Please don't talk to my breasts. You won't be meeting them. 2.If you want to control someone sleep with your remote. 3.I always choose chocolate over men-always. 4.51% Love goddess 49% B**** 5.My sexual preference is NO. 6.My body is a temple, now get on your kness and pray. 7.It's not the size that counts, it's... No, Wait size does count. 8.Remember, you horny piece of dirt, girls are made of suger, spice and everything nice. 9.Men are like hardwood floors, lay them right the first time and you can walk all over them forever. 10.Save your breath for your inflatable date.[/CENTER] It makes me laugh all the time :smirk: . Anyways, this thread is to talk about your favorite key chains and even type them down. You can also make comments on others, but please don't get off topic and don't say improper things :cussing: .[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yay we have all the main characters taken, so Misenki will you start it like you aid or wait for oter people?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I love chapter 10. No not because of the sexaul part, but because of how it was the turning point for Kira. I think that it was sweet and a bit of real life situations there. I can wait to read 12-15. I must agree with Kira beong helpless and stuff, but to think that there are people like that.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey don't you need to more to sign up for ex-sin and Sin Leader right? I'm jst asking so don't sue me. Well I hope this starts soon it sound cool.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]OOC: Thats fine with me crucifix ::smiles::[/B] Mira was redder than a tomato and didn't know what to do. Imric looked at her with a romantic smile. Everyone's eyes were upon them looking confused and surprised. "Ummmm.......well umm can you get off me now!" Miea said embarressed. Imric got off and helped her up, but she refused his help. Instead she got up herslef and was ready to leave when Imric grabbed her arm. "Hey were are you going so fast?" Imric said still smiling. "None of your business!Umm.I just forgot something at my locker thats all." Mira said trying not to look into his eyes. "Yea sure you do...huh!" Imric was about to finish his sentence when he noticed that they werem't alone. "Well well and you had the nerve to call us lovebirds huh!" Katie said with a smirk of satisfaction.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] As Mira watched her freinds goof around, she turned her attention to Imric. "Damn you! I gonna get you for pulling my hair like that!" She said shouting at him. Imric didn't show concern of Mira's threat, so he just wrapped his arm around her neck and put his hand on her hair. "Hey stop it you jerk......weren't you listening to me." Mira said trying to break lose. "Yea I heard ya...but I'm bigger than you and really why should I be scared of a girl?" Imric said in laughter as he let her go. Mira was furious and so she jumped on top of him, bringing him ti the ground and giving him a noogie. "Hey stop-" His words were cut off by the teams laughter. "Hey your the one who started it Imric." A;ex said in a slight smile. "Hey man why you taking her side for?" Imric said still struggling to get Mira back.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Mira notices that Katie and Jac left. She grabbed her to friends and pulled them down in a huddle. "Hey what you suppose they are talking about...I know they probably are in love!No thats not it...damn." Mira said tugging at the boys. "Hey can you be more gentle...seeeesh!" Imric said in a hurtful voice. "Well anways....maybe I should....no I'm not ready." Mira said blushing a little. "What are you talking about?" Alex said looking confused. "Oh nothing..lets go, they'll catch up." Mira said lettong them go.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Mira had stopped laughing and began to look at her friends in their cheerful moods. She was glad to see Jac happy and the others, but she couldn?t stop blaming herself for lack of defense. But she rubbed it off and joined in the laughter. ?Hey you guys how about I treat you guys for a trip to the ice cream place after school?? Mira said all cheesy. ?What! We lost and you wanna go celebrate?? Imric said passing one hand through his blue hair. ?No you idiot! I want to celebrate on our friendship?.at first we didn?t start off good, but now we?re all close and that?s what I wanna celebrate. You got a problem with that, Imric!? Mira said pointing her finger at him. As Imric was about to speak Katie push him out the way and spoke. ?Well I think it?s a great idea, so after school right?? Katie said with a sweet smile. ?Well it does sound cheesy, but I?m up for it!? Imric said with a big grin on his face. Mira spotted Alex, he was quiet and seem to be thinking of something. ?Hey Alex you in or what?? Mira purposed ?Yea, sure? said Alex with a slight smile. ?Hey Jac you to?? Katie said hoping to hear yes. ?Just as long as you guys don?t beet me up, I?ll go.? Jac said feeling his head.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya and Taln had arrived at the catsle gates and mounted of shadow. Reya was going to speak with Talan, until she saw Tuscuv covered in blood. "Are ye ok Tuscuv? I hope its those orcs blood and not ye." reya said staring at him. "I'm fine....where are the others?" Tuscuv said looking over the horizon to see if he saw the others. "They haven't arrived yet...they still have to fight to get their way to the castle. They should be here soon." said Reya in concern. "Talan are ye ok to..I need you in top form. I think we should see to the King to see if he's ok." Reya said walking towards Talan.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Position:[/B] The Female characterwho is a super thief. Who eventually falls in love with either the boy or the Ex-Sin. That's why I want her to be somewhere close to what one of them are, which is why you might have to wait until someone signs up as one of those two guys. [B]Name:[/B] Juria Kimone [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Appearence:[/B][URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-271]click me!smiles[/URL] Ok as you see whats she's wearing.....she does wear a trench coat(did I spell that right, anyways like the one on with hunter robin.). [B]Weapons:[/B] As you see the whip in the pic(not my weapon). So in replace of that stripper whip: [U]Throwing Knives:[/U] Just throw at your enemy, slice and dice wahaaahaaa. [U]Dao: [/U] The chinese Kung-Fu Sword! This attack weapon is wild and powerful. Used by the soldiers in the old chinese Army. the Dao is often compared with a furious tiger. [B]Skills: [/B] Martial Artist,Juria is a graduate and now Master of her academy. She's sly like a fox, Juria is a cunning, seductive and slick thief. Which are her skills by the way. Jurai is also athletic in some sports, but very fit to run, jump and she has all good reflexes(which aids in her theivery.).Of course she learned the art of killing and if she wants, could be an assassin. [B]Personality:[/B] Juria's personality is a bit on the....let's call it the female dog side(Can I curse?). She likes to be in control and independent, plus she's more on the silent side and keeps to herself. She doesn't trust anyone, nor hate everyone. Because she does have her good side, Juria can be loving and caring like a mother. Plus she gives good advice(which she herself never follows) and a good listener. She can be sweet at times, but you have to catch her off gaurd. Other then that she's a cool, mysterious and loyal woman. [B]Biography:[/B] Jurai wasn't born in a rich family nor a poor one either, she had a wealthy family to make it through life. Of course her family wasn't all heavenly and perfect. Juria's family was based and built on lies, deciet, lust and jeaulosy. Her family was more of a war zone and rarely noone got along with their own flesh and blood. As a child Juria lost her mother and father in a fateful storm overseas at age 8. So of course noone wanted her, because they despised her for her looks and strength, plus they hated her parents(reasons unknown). So her unfaithful family would send her into foster, but she had an older brother, Rye(age 18). Once he heard of the incident, he immediatly came home to claim his beloved sister. So soon they lived together in an cozy apartment. She would attend school and sports group like any normal kid, she had put away the past and moved on. But when she was 15 and her brother 25, an incident happened. One day while returning from school, she found her brother drunk. Then and there he attacked her and raped her. She was destroyed from the inside and she took it upon herself to runaway. She didn't know where to go or what to do, all she knew was that the past returned to her leaving her scarred. Jurai had spent 3 days on the street, drinking water from wells, stealing food and trying to find a place to stay. On the fourth day, she felt fatigued and collapse in front of a martial arts school called, "Forgotten Skills". While the Master was teaching class, he heard a sound of a body collapsing and went to see. He found Jurai and took her in for care. When she awoke, the Master had asked her about herself. So she told her story and the master took her in as a student and tenant. She would do chores as payments and study about history, math, ect. Then in the night she would have one on one lessons with her Master, leon. At age 17, she became the best and graduated from school and martial arts at age 18 and Became master(because the old one died and left her in charge). But one day she spotted her brother Rye and froze. He reconized her and approached her, but she ran. Jurai knew that he would find her, so she took it upon herself and left, leaving someone else in charge. She had money, education and skills. Someone from a group cought her in action of a crime(theivery) and liked what he saw. So he took her in once he spoke to her. It was a group who were outlaws, who would steal and do whatever they pleased. They noticed her ability to steal and be as cunnning as a fox, so they took great pride on her and made her apart of the group(family instead of a newbie), plus thought her how to kill in order to protect herself.At first she didn't like it, but she got used to it and became good at it. Jurai spent only one year with them and left to wonder by herself. She would steal from people and trick men into doing things(nothing nasty). [B]Sign:[/B] Leo, born in August 4th.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Luna had been walking around the castle in searching for Mina to tell her about the incident. At times she paused and had second thoughts about telling the half vampire. "Oh...the hell with this, did I just forget what I said to myself a moment ago?" Luna said in frustration. She took a deep breathe and made her way to the entrance of the castle, hoping that she would at least be welcome there. Luna was feeling tired from all the walking and the fight with the vampire. Suddenly Luna's slender body began to feel faint and before you knew it she collapse on the floor. But somehow that had to do with her body changing inside.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Mira Tomo Age: 18 Gender- Position- Defense Appearance- [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-97]She make look innocent, but watch out she can be a real....[/URL]. That is Mira in her school uniform hoping to be the best in school and having great leadership, but once it's time to play soccer and wears her team uniform, she's ready to kick some but(plus it takes her stress away). Bio- Mira is a girl who likes to be in charge and a perfectioness while in her teen years. But then it is to be her last year of school and soon to go to college. Since she has join cheerleading and tennis throughout her three years, she thought she try out for soccer. Of course being the girl who has potential in whatever she puts her mind to, she knew that she would make the cut and become the best Defense there is in soccer. Ever since she's join, Mira undergo's changes. learns to cooperate instead of taking over and make many friends. But after all she still a perfectionist and wants everything to go right, so when the team loses a game...just move out her way! She does have a short temper and an attitude, so don't let her innocent face fool you. She hopes that her team wins the cup and get a lot of money.[/COLOR] "Delirium, I hope you don't mind I used your site where you got your pic from, If you have a problem i'll take it off. Thank you"
  15. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I just started reading Mars this month and so far I've gotten up to volume 11 and it's getting good. I don't really know if theres a thread about mars, so either way i made one. Every girl go gaga over peach girl(which I like), but Mars doesn't get enough credit for its good plot and drama. Well anyways, this thread is for Mars fan or people who just want to say something about it. I would love to know what people think about it and whats their favorite volume or scene. So post away and I will make sure I keep a constant check on my thread.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed] Luna had returned from her thoughts to only see Aaron looking at her. Silence was between them for a few short seconds, then aaron turned left and walked like he didn't want to bother with her. [I]'thought'[/I] "Well that was rude didn't even say hi...well what do I expect he has no business with me, so why should he stop and say hi." said Luna as she regained the strength to walk again. "Why do i care about such minor implications....ohhh! Just forget about it Luna, you have a mission and you must accomplish it and put away anything that doesn't have to do with this." Luna whispered to herself. She arrived at Mina's place to tell her of what she encountered and what was said. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well at first when I read the first to lines, I thought it was about murder(silly me). But it's not bad, it has an edge to it. Again another poem of love gone bad and rotted in hell. It's deep which I like and hopefully you'll post more.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well although you have some grammer problems(I'm sure it typo era), it's good. I like the second poem mostly(although you're not suppose to double post, which you already know). But in some ways I can relate it to my friends. Well I hope you write more and don't give up[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I would like an angel avatar with my otaku name on it. I would gladly appreciate if someone was to make me one. I would like it to represent my name SadAngel...well I'm sure you get the point.*smiles*[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well food fight are the best(except when you get dirty). But we didn't have any punishment like that. The guys who started it served an hour of detention thats all. The rest of us we just act like nothing happen. School I'm going to miss high school and all its pahethic drama.[/COLOR]
  21. Lol! Well I kinda figured it was a banner, how I got it there don't know :babble: . But I'll put it on and I'll make sure i give you credit for your work, plus I love your banner.
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Sign-up for Pride [B]Name[/B]: Lolithia Musomi [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-127]To proud [/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] Jade Staff: It's a long staff made of gold with the top looking like the grim reapers blade with gold chains conected to them(flowing down the staff) [B]Magic: Chain Reaction:[/B] This magic is from the staff which she twirls it and the golden chains start to get long and destroy anything in its path. [B]Dead Swipe:[/B] She lets go of her staff and sends it flying to the victim(instant deaf, never fails). "I know her magic Kinda sucks, but for now it'll have to do, sorry" [B]Bio:[/B] Lolithia was born into a rich family, a family that had its fame and there pride. While she was growing up, Lolithia was being spoiled. But not only by her parents, by the outsiders as well. She would go to the candy store and get free candy, people would stop her mother to say how beautiful Lolithia is, ect.. Everyone one glorified her with priase and gifts, all because of her beuty and innocence. Yes, At first she was all filled with innocence and childish purity, but that all changed as she grew and let it go to her head. In her teen years, Lolithia had become sly as a fox. Cunning, seductive, mysterious and most of all she had her head lift up high with her foolish pride. Of course now that she has mature and developed a more curvasious body, males would come knocking on her door. She took pride that she had so much power over the males, that she would humiliate them and make them feel like they weren't worth even existing. Lolithia thought of it as a sport and enjoyed being the best. Other then beauty, she had skills that could outmatch any one who challenged her. She was athlethic, artistic, had a beautiful voice and was a leader. But don't think she was perfect....why her family was not all what it was cracked up to be, Her family was based on lies, deciet and jeoulesy. This always tore her up inside and plus she wasn't really favored by some of her relatives. It was because she was bless with beauty and talent, those who weren't up to her level in the family hated her and mistreated her. So Lolithia would take all her frustration out on men and braking there hearts. This went until her death. That fatefull night had come, where soon her soul was meant to be taken and her body marked with her greatest sin"Pride". On that night before she died, Lolithia was on her way back to her deserted house after leaving a poor guy left with is heart in pieces. She entered her room and took one last look at herself in the mirror, she was killed and that would be the last thing she saw....her reflection staring back at her....with that insane smile across her face. For she knew what she was and become. Lolithia was know the child of the night, death and emptiness. For she walked among the living as a demon holding her knew toy(Jade staff) and killing anything she pleased, because in the end she still got what she wanted...pride.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well......food fights....mad I wish that i had a real food fight before I graduated, but sadly the closest thing I had was throwing frenchfries and ketchup at eachother in my freashmen year. Wait...... my senior year...there was sorta a food fight. See It was the time of midterms and of course schedules rotate and everyone has different lunch(then their original lunch time). No one was in the right place...everyone skipped class and overflowed the cafeteria. The most over populated lunch was A lunch. Why did i have to be there, well a group of guys started to roit for no reason...well monkey see monkey do. Soon the whole lunch went crazy and started throwing juice bottle, milk cartons, left over food, ect. Well i was happily eaten the good food i brought (not those nasty school lunches) and whammm some chick that sat in front of my table got hit with a frutopia bottle(I'm surprised she wasn't knocked out). It was funny, but mean. Plus I lost a chicken, my friend decided to snatch it and use it as a weapon. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Luna made her way to the castle and suddenly stopped at the site of seeing aaron walk towards her. "Humm..Is he walking towards me? Does he want to speak to me......I can't really face him after I went all balistic on him and......after he left I..I..I was crying. Why....why! Why is that I arrive here and I get all screwed up inside...its like I'm fighting with myself." Luna said looking at her hands as if there was blood on them. She then began to walk and see if Aaron would approach her with conversation. Then a thought returned to her about mina. "Wait....Why would that bloody vampire want to kill her now....could it be that his clan wants to take over or is someone afraid of her?" Said Luna looking dumbfounded.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Well interesting, I must say the guy doesn't own measuring cups? Well there's something wrong with that. Man I would have given a slap in the back of the head. Well I must agree I hate the smell of smoke from ciggarette. Causes diseases and trust me you don't want to know. But asking do you have a light! I would have walked away. Man I gotta poop! Lol, I've heard that so many times by my friend. No matter where she's at she comes out of the blue saying "Man I gotta take a ****!" I just stare at her and luagh. I remember one day my friend said something so stupid, similar to the vegeterian girl. She said "Um.....do you have ice cream that's not made out of seaweed?" No comments........[/COLOR]
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