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[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Luna arrived at the village where she spotted a vampire lurking in the shadows. "That vampire is not of Mina's clan.......so I'll have no sympothy for killing this fool." Luna said as she jumped on top of the roof of a house. She followed silently and awaited the right time to strike. The mysterious vampire had stopped walking, because he knew he was bieng followed. As he stopped Luna jumped on top of him, sending him face down on the dirt. "Why are you here vampire? Are you spying on Mina.....tell me you fool!" Luna said ready to cut his body into peices. "No you're wrong....hahhahah......I'm here to kill her!" The vampire said with a wicked laugh. "Ahhh!" said the vampire as she sliced his throat and peirced his heart. "Well i think it gives me reason to head back and tell her of this.....wait why the hell am I going to help her? Somehow I feel sorry for her......damn this isn't good." Luna said heading back to Mina's house.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya approached Talan with a look of curiosity. "Well I never knew ye held such a power....but I must say getting help by an animal is good and all, but you must question yourself if your stronger without it. I mean there might be a day you'll depend on it and it won't come due to something has happened to ye loyal friend. But I'm hypothecaly speaking of caourse." said Reya with a satisfied smirk. "Hump......I am stronger without it! What about ye?" Talan said in a furious tone. "Don't ye dare question me! My staff is my inner power and if the day comes that I can't summon my staff, I can still use my powers and abilities. Unlike ye I'm well prepared...why the hell does ye think I'm known has the strongest in our elven comunity!" Reya said frustrated, but then she calmed down and gave Talan some credit. "But ye are also strong, maybe one day you'll take my place." Then reya took Talan by the arm to direct him to the battlefield.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Have you ever had one of those moments where everything's cool between the person you like or dating, then the person messes the whole moment or experience you ever enjoyed. Man doesn't that make you want to pucnh that person in the face or tell them off(steams start coming out of my head,::realx::). Well I'll tell you about this guy that I dated last year. First of all I was already going out with this guy nickname:Sesshomaru:, we were to much alike and it wasn't working out. While me and sesshy aren't talking, I'm introduced to this guy that my friend was talking to me about. first reaction:: Sye(from ronin warriors):No way thats ????(my real name), she's so pretty. Me:Ummmmm........(enough siad) Thinking:He's cute and tall Well he sure didn't waste his time, it looks like to him was love at first site. So schools go on and I find myself dating him. He was so sweet and such a gentlemen(at times i thought he was gay) I know he has a lot of respect, but man could he at least do something else other than kissing me. Anyways later on in the relationship I find out his age and man was a dumd struck. i was two years older then him(Is tallness fooled me and man was he tall and he acted much older.). But I didn't wanna break up because of age difference, because he was a gentlemen. Then blah blah blah months go bye and I long before broke up with the other guy. Anyways make story short in the end we started having problems and that's when he says the most stupid thing to me: Sye:Well I think I wanna break up with you and I think I don't love you. Me:First of all you don't think you know and plus you don't know what love is you idoit. So don't say you think. You know what I'll make the decision for you. I'm breaking up with you and I never loved you, like yea love no!::walks away:: Sye:...............................(feels stupid and mad) Anyways in the end we became freinds and would always say something mean to eachother(we looked like divirce couple). Well anyways, I want you to tell me their stories and feeling, blah blah ect....Just make sure it deals with my thread. But one thing none cand say that they don't deal with stupidity with the heart, because at least once you liked or dated in your life. I just say junior high and high school relationships are childrens game and puppy love, but sadly thanks to teenage hormones we to become a victim of it. Maybe you are the one who said something stpid or unbelievable, so post it or not(I understand people like to keep some things private).[/COLOR] :wigout:
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Madison Kiroshimi a.k.a Maddy Age: 14 Year: 3 Personality: Madison has uniqueness in the way she is and thinks about life. Her personality is forever changing. She shy at first nad queit, but when someone makes contact with her, she will be goofy, crazy and mean(When she jokes about things). [B]Bad side: [/B] At times she's serious and likes to do things by herself. Madison prefers to be by herself when it comes to school projects and if she can't she will always be in charge. She can be very mean(female dog) and short tempered to those she don't like. solitude is her friend when schools out and she doesn't like to [B]go out much. Good side: [/B] With her freinds(when they don't piss her off) she is fun and loving to them. She's like a counsler to them, because she always gives good advice(plus she's a good listener, although she feels like strangling them at times). Plus when her freinds she's wild and crazy. Maddy becomes adventuress and energetic. What goes on in maddy's head? Well Madison is a thinker through and through(there's not one moment she's not thinking). She has this theory that the world is built on lies and deciet and once there was a time earth was still and beautiful without the humans plagueing it. She says that the people in this world are so blind, that they refuse to see or know the truth. She a nature loving person and always thinks about how it would be cool to have the element earth has a power. But of course she also thinks about her crazy life and her friends and how she'll survive the rest of the school day. Bio: Maddy was born at home, not in the hospital(Her mother was to picky). While she was growing up and learning many new things, her mother, Miru Kiroshimi became ill(She had cancer of the heart) and died when she was three years old. So she was left with her father(Sukaku Kiroshimi) and big rother(Roan Kiroshimi) in their antique house(Fancy house). Maddy would mostly spend her time with Roan, because he loved her and protected her, while their father would work at his business and make deals with other leading companies. While with her brother, she learned martial arts and how to draw. As she went through her pre-teen years, she spent her time reading, writing and drawing(these were her years of creativity) rather then her brother. Roan was 15 in high school and to busy having a social life to spend with Madison. But that soon changed when their father got sick from over working and later died. She was only 13 and Raon 16, so now they only had eachother. Since Raon had a good paying job and he was my legal guardian, he got an apartment in a building(like the ones in Sailor moon:: Darien's place) and that's where Maddy and her big bro stood ever since. Ever since she lost both her parents she would spend her time at home. Guess it was a way of moarning, because she never cried. It was probably because she was in denial. Now thats she's fourteen, she wonder if anything big will happen that she will change who she is. Relationship With: ???? "Well until other people post she will be single for now, so if any one whats my character as a girlfiend just let me know" [/COLOR] [URL=http://www.invoid.net/gallery//displayimage.php?pos=-99]Well don't know if you want appearance put here's mine just in case.[/URL] "Well i hope this is good enough. Hopefully I'll get recruited because this looks like this rpg will be good."
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well Crucifix, just tell her to back off! Anyways girls, guys, dudets and dudes they don't know when to give up on someone. At least you should feel love in a creepy way. At least that hasn't happen to me. Lol[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE]"Sorry about that, well I changed it for you. It's underlined. Again sorry."[/QUOTE] Luna looked at Aaron while he left her side and she was almost in tears once he left from her sight. "Why am I crying?" Luna said has she placed her delicate finger on her tears. Luna then looke out the window and wondered off in her thoughts, until she sensed danger was coming near by. So she left Mina's place and went walking towards village.[/COLOR]
Request Love 4 someone to make an Angel avi and sig
Persona replied to Persona's topic in Creative Works
Thank you very much I love it, it is a avi right (I'm so stupid) Anyways I like it. Thank you. -
[COLOR=DarkRed] Aaron looked at her and gave her an satisfied smirk. 'Well...I was the one who killed her father, Thus I was captured and kept here to study her kind." Aaron said looking deep into her eyes. "What's with that shitty smirk you gave me? Anyways....congradulations on your success, but it's not something you should glote about. Plus if she hasn't killed you for her father's death, then she pretty damn must take a liking to you....just as you do with [I]her[/I]." Luna aid returning Aaron's satified smirk he once gave her. " Well first of [U]all don't make assumptions![/U] I'm here to study her kind, not take a liking to her and...." Aarons words were cut off from his thougt. He knew that she was right, but at the same time he didn't know it himself. "Hump....It's not that I taken a liken, it's just that her clan seems rather interesting that is all." Aaron said still looking deep into Luna's eyes. He knew that she felt some discomfert. "Well I must agree with you on that." Luna said smiling at Aaron. "What you agree with me? Well I say we did get off on a bad start...tell me why ae you here?" Aaron said with curiosity. Luna did not reply to him immediatly she just looked away from his eyes, because she didn't like anyone looking into her eyes trying to figure out some hiiden mystery. While Luna didn't reply, he started to wonder about her and came up with some explanation to her being here. Thinking "She sure was kinda of bitchy in the begining, but know she acting like some fragile creature...Damn just answer me this simple question." Aaron said desperatly searching for her reply. "well...I was going to save you without knowing why, but since I found out about Calek's daeth it gave me more the reason to come nad find out whats happening." Luna said only saying part of her answer. Thinking "But the other part of me really came to find out what's happening to me? my body functions ar becoming abnormal and I can do things I never could do before....." Luna suddenly snapped out has Aaron put his hand on her shoulder.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya looked at Talan mystified as he was leaving the little girl in a hiding place. Then she thought to herself while observing the grusom scene. " This will not be enough...my bow and arrows are useless! It's time to use my staff...enough horse play!" Reya said as she summoned her earthian staff from the earth's soil. Reya called upon one of her specialty attack Nature's fury, then suddenly the sky darkened and the ground trembeled beneath everyone's feet. The monsters in one part of the village were detroyed along with some houses. "I hope this was enough to aid Sarai....I hope they are all ok, even that bloody trow!" Reya said lifting her staff and twirling it with her hand as she knocked the orcs to death. Talan on the other hand noticed Reya's attack and he ws shocked that she had possesed such power before. [I]Thinking[/I] "[I]Reya[/I]....she had never told me that she wield's a staff with nature's power nor has she told me of her abilities. Now she really makes me look like some bloody trow intead of a true elf." Talan said while shooting his arrows at the zombies.[/COLOR]
Lun[COLOR=RoyalBlue]a looked at him with a pissed off face, but she gasped and didn't do anything. "That's fine, just watch it." Luna said turning away from Aaron. She had went towards the direction of Mina and went to talk. "Well what a surprise....I'm going to talk to a vampire without killind you. But anyways I'm sorry you had to find out about such a thing...rumers were flying around saying you were a half breed. Man! If I found that out I would cut there heads off!" said Luna looking towards Mina. Mina looked up and didn't say a word, but she looked at her with hatred, but at the same time felt happy to have her presence.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Rain Weapon: Twin Blades and her trusty silver 8mm gun Apearence:Rain has long forest green silky hair thats up to her waist and she has hazel eyes. She wairs black bootcut jeans with stylish black heal boots. She wears a baby blue belly shirt and has a piosonous rose on her upper left corner of her back. Plus her skin color is caramel. She has a short tempor and a bitchy attitude, but if you get to know her your like being around her. She also wear a red band around her right arm. This symbolizes that she was a graduate of the martial arts Acady in her home town Age: 19 Hieght:5ft5in Wieght:124 Wish: To find her one true love(She's suffered alot and all she wants is happiness)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya was the first who departed so quickly, but no one even noticed. She went to take a walk, but not to make her decision. Because she has long chosen her fate to fight whenever she is needed to protect the earth and the people she loved. Reya turned to the direction of a lovely park and sat down under the big oak tree. "I wonder what will Talan choose? I bet a half of that bloody trow's face that ye will fight, but he will be a coward in the process....hmmmmm...maybe not."Reya said gazing at the sky. "Huh..there's Talan...I hope he doesn't come to my direction, I don't have time for his childish temper.said Reya looking towards the direction Talan was walking.[/COLOR]
L[COLOR=RoyalBlue]una wasn't surprised at the fact that Mina knew she was there, it was the fact that she didn't attack her and that was what surprised Luna. "Damn...why didn't she do anything? And that Aaron lookek like a bitch following her like he was in love with her(gasp)....could it be?Man what has this world become?"Luna said jumping off the roof and wondering if she would go in to talk with Mina.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Luna was in Mina's territory, she was on the top of the roof listening to the conversation that was giong on. "Damn....what an asshole! Aaron you fool....you're going to pay for your stupidity by letting you gaurd down." Luna said with anger.[/COLOR] "sorry that's all for today lot's of stuff to do."
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Hey gurl! Miss you! I know you been stalking me....you idoit! Kiba is sexy but Darsha is sexier!" Anyways, That kid we hated was part of drama. He always got on our nerves and that was a no no, but we showed him. He was one of the reasons we couldn't have a good day. lol[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya suddenly walked up to Tuscov and stretched her hand out for a shake, hopefully he won't reject. Reya: I do agree with you and I'm quite sorry about ye calling of that trow [I]'like if I give a damn about ye filty creature'[/I] Tuscov: Well apology eccepted. I'm glad that somebody can come to their senses (shakes Reya's and). Reya: Thank ye. Reya then walked toward Talan and put her delicate hand on his sturdy shoulder. Reya: Well Talan.....it seems that you actually got up in a good mood to stand up for me (blushing). Of course you still had the nerve to lie to me! You idoit! How the hell can ye lie to me? Can't you just stop trying to fake being a hero and actually be one? Huh.....Anyways....I still thank ye, but next time I'll punish thee for lieng.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reya peacefully made her way to the gathering where the King Alric has summoned her and as well as others. Reya: "Well that was pleasent...I wonder if Talan managed to make it on time (Giggled). Hummm....that Talan, he's always late and unpredictable. I just hope he doesn't make a fool of himself infront of the others." Messenger: Well I believe Talan has made it before ye my dear(smiling). But the most important thing of all I led ye beautiful elf to the city of Tyr without a scratch." Reya:"Well thank ye for the compliment. Wait! Talan made it before me? Well then he must be ready to become a hero. Reya had made it safetly thanks to the messenger sent by the king and now she was entering the city of Tyr. She went where the gathering took place and made her way to Talan.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Luna finally arrived at her distination were Mina and Aaron was. Somehow she could smell the blood of Calek. "Hummmmmmmmm......so strange! Well guess I better keep my guard up, this place is full of vampires." Luna said grasping her whip tightly. She began to wlk towards the scent of the vampire blood. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Name:[/U] Mira Nukimo [U]Age:[/U]19 [U]Special Powers:[/U] Mira is the holder of the element earth, which can summon anything that is of nature. Mira can also tell the past & future (She never felt that she should practice her present skills) [U]Description:[/U] Well a caramel skinned female. 5 feet 5 inches, Long green wavy hair up to waist. Violet with a hint of silver eyes, irresistible smirk. [URL=http://alfgr.url.cjb.net/]Well this picture here is to give you some idea.[/URL] Ok now take off the helmet and picture the hair color green, take away the sword and put my earthian staff there, replace that shirt with a black belly shirt and black boots like the one in pic and of course with the skin color i said and stuff(Sorry to long) [U]Background: [/U] Mira was the leader of the ?Martial Arts Institute? (MAI) that fought against evil and protected the people and earth itself. She was also known as the ?wise?, the wise is a group known to have great power of the ?old magic? that can see into past ,present and future and other hidden power called ?Old Magic?. Now there has been a vision from one of the elder of the ?Wise?, which has predicted great evil. The vision was to strong and powerful that the elder was not able to finish and fell ill. Soon he died and Mira was left with those words of great evil. So now she prepares herself for battle and hopefully she?ll find others like her. She is neither all powerful or weak, she is a skilled fighter and she also has her weakness. Which is....I'm not telling (lol). [U]Weapons:[/U] Earthen Staff: Made from all earth?s elements and it?s purity. The staff contains the element of earth and the light of heaven.[/COLOR] " Well If you plan on recruiting, feel free to make any suggestions about my profile, if theres anythin wrong. TY"
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][INDENT]As Luna walked through the deep forest, she went into deep thought and came to a halt as she a name entered her mind. "Huh!Aaron, the hunter! Hummmmmmm.Could it possibaly be that [I]he[/I] could have killed Talik? If so then he must be in trouble...but.....she I go and rescue him if the rumers true? Hump! Why should I go save him....I don't know him at all...but he is a fellow hunter.....than again why should I give a shit about some guy who decides to get himself into trouble? Such an imbecile! Damn him....I may not know him, but I did at least see him once and heard of his name and accomplishments,by stupid girls who were all gaga over him. Wel-Bammm!', Luna's words were cut off as she hit a great big oak tree and fell to the floor. "Damn! So stupid! Well I guess that's I sign to save his ass. But man...did I have to hit a tree? I hope noone saw this." said Luna rubbing her head gently. [/INDENT]Luna stood up and started to continue her walking towards her destination.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Reya Sukin Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Elf Class: Druid (A spell caster whose magic is deprived from nature) Weapons: Bow and Arrows and her trustyfEarthen Staff: Made from all earth?s elements and it?s purity. The staff contains the element of earth and the light of heaven.Her special and strongest attack is Nature?s Fury: A combo of earth?s deadliest storms will chase you till it reaches its target. Appearence:5 foot 3 and weighs about 115 pounds. Reya is a caramel skinned elf with long forest green wavy hair (up to her knee) and golden with a mixture of sky blue eyes. To give you an idea she looks like this but with my description. The outfit and the way the hair is (Well the way she looks) is the same. Do you get my point?lol?just kidding.[URL=http://www.romsys.demon.co.uk/anime/cute/ElfTree.gif]see here[/URL] Bio: At the time of the ?Great War? (over sixty years ago where the Legions of the Light destroyed the dark and soulless that was lead by Balor the Leveller.) She was traveling from village to village to get all the information of what was happening with the king and Balor. She wanted to fight by the kings? side to protect the world from darkness, but sadly she wasn?t able. Due to the fact that Balor had his minions destroying the villages and so Reya was left to fight and protect. Now 60 years have passed since the war and Alric has been crowned king and the darkness rising once more. She has continued to travel, because Reya knew that the evil would come back. Listening to people tell their stories about a roomer saying, ?The world has fallen into chaos, and from the chaos the greatest fallen lord will arise, Slay the king who stopped Balor from taking the power of the leveller and bring the dark into the world once more.? Now she has joined other people of the light side to protect the people from evil. .[/COLOR] "HEY SADANGEL HERE, DO TO THE FACT OF SOME MISUNDERSTANDING(IF ANY) I will modify this profile. So please tell me what I need to fix if you are plannig on recruiting me. TY"
[CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ummmm........Hi! Well since I now have an angel banner thanks to Shi no Tenshi, I would like an angel avi or something that has to do with my screenname. plus I would like to request a sig to go along with it or something. I ussaully do my own sig, but it's good to try new things. So I would gladly appreciate it if someone would grant me this favor. TY![/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Acima Siyu [B]Apparent Age[/B]: 18 [B]Eyes:[/B] Violet with a hint of gold [B]Hair:[/B] Forest Green hair with a nice healthy straight look and sorta curly at the ends. The hair length is up to the waist. Acima either has her hair pinned up in a fancy bun(One of those that have a braid around it) or just lets it go and lets the wind move it freely [B]Sex: [/B] Female [B]Elemental Affinity:[/B] Thunder [B]Race:[/B] Demoness [B]Class:[/B] Sorceress, storm class [B]Primary Weapon: [/B] [B][U]Thundrian Staff:[/U] [/B] A staff which holds the true power of thunder. [B]Spells:[/B] (Thunder) [B][U]Silent Spell[/U][/B]: It?s really a summoning spell which calls forward a spark of lighting which paralyzes the foe. (Of course she says it to herself) (Fire) [B][U]Feugo:[/U][/B] This burns the enemy in sight, leaving nothing but ashes. (Thunder)[B] [U]Dance of Thundra:[/U] [/B] This is an attack which brings a cycle of thunderbolts which surrounds the enemy. She controls it?s movement with her body. [B]Appearance: [/B] Acima is 5 feet 6 inches, weighs about 125 pounds, she has a sexy curved figure, and her skin color is caramel. She wears something similar to this [URL=http://srmqc.url.cjb.net]To get the Idea[/URL] but longer and the color is royal blue with gold on rims. She wears a golden arm bracelet in her left arm and right leg. [B] Personality:[/B] Acima is a type of person who doesn?t like to depend on anyone, this tends to her bitchiness. She travels alone and doesn?t follow anyone else. Acima?s a free spirited demoness, which leads to her seductiveness. She?s sly like a fox and always like to prey on pathetic souls. But don?t be fooled, because she does have a side that is able to love. But because of her stubbornness, she will never admit it until she loses it. [B]Apparent Biography[/B]: The Thunder demoness Acima had her own tribe, which she was the leader of. They praised her as ?The Great Thundra? and looked for protection by being at her side. The tribe were of low class demons which were always looking to belong and would follow any demon of higher class. Then one day a battle broke out between demon for power. Acima displeased, killed all of them cold blooded. Then she was by herself and felt more happy. Soon the demoness stumbled upon a rain god which she tended to with care. She sensed his demonic heritage and came to the same conclusion as the love goddesses. Then she was included in the wager of the two love goddesses .She soon turned the rain god down once he confessed his love to her and Acima left his pathetic side to collect her payment from the two love goddesses. Without knowing the rain god petitioned his lord for death, explaining the Acima?s treachery. To his favor Acima was made his soul mate and then she was married to him. Though Acima was married, she hardly saw him, neither acknowledging him, though deep inside she knew that she was beginning to fall in love with the rain god. She threw her pride aside to rush to his side once she heard that the rain god was called to battle with the rest of the war gods. So she begged for him not to leave and there she had confessed her love. Finding her love's remains on the battlefield, Acima retreated into herself, crying herself into a near-eternal slumber, unaware of Kami-sama's promise to the now-infant soul. The demoness Acima had spent countless years in rage after Koryo?s death and spent countless nights crying for her beloved. She swore revenge, that when she is strong enough she will kill Torrasque with her bare hands. So started training when she had the courage to get up and move. "I will improve this profile, I haven't really finished and need to edit minor parts due to some missunderstanding. If you plan to recruit me please tell me what i need to fix. Thank you"[/COLOR]
[B]"Warning some cursing"[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]?Setting is in a nearby village where the murder of Calek took place?[/CENTER] ?So did you here??.rumors going around about the clan.?, said the drunken middle aged man( I?ll name him Billy) leaning towards the floor. ?No?I haven?t. So tell me what happened.?, Luna said looking in disgust at the drunk man. ?Well rumer has it Calek bowed to a human and was killed by the man. Man what a waste??well good ridden to that bastard!? , Billy said looking at Luna in a perverted way. ?Yea?what a waste. But why would he do such a thing as to bow down to a mere human? Damn! I?ve been following up on Calek for years trying to find him, but some damn bastard had to get him first!?, Luna said almost choking poor Billy by the neck. Luna loosened her grip on poor bill?s neck and threw him across the floor and started walking toward the door. ?Damn! Well one thing I do know is that he has a daughter and I?m sure there clan are suffering. Hummmm?.Looks like that?s my chance! But?..I am quite curious to know the true story about Calek?s death.? Luna said walking towards the deep forest.[/COLOR] "Um hey it's me SadAngel here to inform you that this is my first and last post for today. Reason is I wil be away from home till tomarrow afternoon and where I'm going doesn't have a computer. So if more post are added someone can take my place for now till I come back to post tomarrow afternoon. Sorry about that"
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Luna Sukun Age: 20 Race: Half Human and Half Vampire(Luna doesn't know she's a vampier) Appearance: She's 5 foot 5, caramel skin, forest green eyes, Jet Black(hair up to waist) sorta curly hair, always with a smirk on her face. Luna's outfit is a dark red belly shirt with black bootcut jeans and a pair of stylesh leather black heel boots. Also throw in a black trench coat(I think kinda like Witch Hunter Robin) She wears a golden cross across her neck and has a tattoo of a rose with piosonous vines on the right side of her back. Luna can be bitchy to and sly as a fox so don't let her fool you with whatever innocence she has left. Weapons: She has a Katana Blade custom made for her and a gun specially made for vampires.I'll also throw in a black whip (lol) Profile: Luna's a Vampire hunter from her country in the carribean Islands. When she was young she was always fascinated with the suppernatural stuff and always wished she to could be apart of it. Especially since she was filled with pyhcic powers(Not the kind that can blast energy beams or flying, ect). She had the ability of touch which she has mastered and Luna can also do fortune telling. As she grew, she had graduated from her martial arts school(the main reason was to protect herself against the supernatural). At age 17, she saw a vampire and that was what changed her life.The vampire had killed her friends.....and she....she was terrified. Her village was full of them and humans new it, but acted as if nothing. How could she have been blind and stupified.Luna then Knew of what happen to those who dissapeared in her village and she took it upon herself to put a stop in it. She soon accepted the truth that there was such thing as demons, vampires, ect. and the more she thought of it the sicker she felt. She felt hatred the this world is to busy lieng to themselves and believing what they want to believe.For that she hated the world for being cowards. But at the same time Luna was fascinated and filled with excitement, because deep in her soul she Knew where she belonged. In a dark twisted way she liked the world the way it was...sick and twisted with all kinds of fear. So she became a hunter, because she wanted to help the innocent and see vampires(Which fascinate her). Although at the same time wanted to kill the vampire race....or did she not...maybe she to wants to be one. [/COLOR]