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Everything posted by Persona
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] [CENTER]Well to me I think the poem was great. I loved it no matter how girlie it was and no you're not an igit ok. I hope you write more and don't give up ok. Much Love from you OB friend who cares. I can actually vision it in my mind word by word with some guy I soon will meet.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ok, this has been Taking to long! Will someone please claim Micheal so we can start. I'm really interested in doing this rpg. It's been to long and any longer then....guess I'll claim Micheal or something. [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Fat and ugly, nice words to describe her (lol). Well that?s life for you. Like I said or you said she was insecure, because you look better then her or something. HetepKa?what can I say! OMG, that?s some scary stuff, I mean a bomb in your school. I would be scared as hell, I mean where I live almost everyday there?s some bomb threat in School. I don?t like that, but it does get you out of class! [QUOTE]?Anyway, once you get out of high school you realize it isn't much more than a big drama pool where morons go running around creating more drama for absolutely not reason. At least that's what my high school was like. Every Monday you'd hear about some new drama bomb unfolding about how [moron A] did [insert action] with [moron B] which involved them getting into [something stupid]. The [insert action] and [something stupid] is something you'd find on a Party of Five or Beverly Hills 90210 episode. For the youngins who don't know what those are, I guess it would be comparable to Temptation Island type crap.?[/QUOTE] I do agree with you there about school where stupid stuff go on. But in any case life isn?t fair, the world is to busy being in denial on how stupefied the world has come. Especially with Bush running The US.I hate him and I?m not voting for him this November (Jackass). In my law class we always had a discussion about who you think is at fault and we all blamed Bush. Just to follow in his fathers footsteps with the Golf War of 1992. He is the main subject in my school which stresses me out. Anyways, sorry about that I needed to say that. [QUOTE]?Previously, she had given me after school tutorial because I was puzzled to the meaning of a certain word. So in front of the class, she announced that since I didn't know how to look words up in a dictionary, I had to take an after school class for a week to make up for it.?[/QUOTE] That?s being a B####! teachers are always posy (Especially men now and days, they act like they go through it). That?s such a ewwwwwwwww! How can she do that to you and make the group pay. I know how you feel like I said in my previous post that there was this Teachers that hated me as much as I hated him. [QUOTE]?(btw, I also enjoyed laughing at the kids who would cry about boyfriends or girlfriends. )? ?But now that I'm done with school, I really can't say I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the kid life and being a kid, but as far as school went, what is there to enjoy??[/QUOTE] Well really I must admit having a boyfriend or girlfriend during your school years are dumb. It?s just kidding games, always arguing on she/he said this and that and why you were with this/that. Stupid and pointless, but nevertheless it still happens. [QUOTE] ?Another one involved a friend of mine who had almost the entire female 7th grade against her because she was agnostic and not Christian (like the hick girls that picked on her). that one was Horrible; during the worst of it, a couple of the somewhat popular girls had rallied literally almost all of the girls on the break field to march over to where she (let's call her Lucy) and I were hanging out to badger us and see what trouble they could cause (about half of them were just onlookers, while the other half did the jeering). most of the insults sounded like, "So if you don't believe in God, do you think you evolved out of a monkey? or maybe a cow?", with some various typical junior-high name-calling intermixed in it all.? [/QUOTE] Those kids in your school are stupid. They are discriminating you and your friend, that?s not right. Who are they to be saying stuff like that (Anyways this world is pathetic. But I?m sure you and your friend ( let?s call her Lucy) can handle yourself :Wink:. [QUOTE]?The fact that most school drama is imagined still remains. I prefer to have fun.? [/QUOTE] Well I?m sure we all choose to have fun, but there are times were you can?t and that sucks. I preferred having fun in my school years and I admit there were such times, but as always something comes up and it magically includes me in it all of the sudden. Why? Because I had to be the smart one who can handle any problem, please people in my school thought hey she can handle anything with no problem. Well they were wrong, I usually start bitching at them for their stupidity and end up helping out.[/COLOR]
Request I'm so mad...Because I would like someone to make me a banner.
Persona replied to Persona's topic in Creative Works
[CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Shi no Tenshi PiroMunkie ArunueShekamari [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thank you all for making a banner for me and I do plan to use all of the ones you gave me from time to time. I chose Shi no Tenshi's, because you were the first who posted. Then it goes in order and I will make sure credit is given to all. Again TY! Lots of love. Plus I would like to asanother favor(soory) But can one of you's make me an Avi? If it's no hassle?[/COLOR] -
Request I'm so mad...Because I would like someone to make me a banner.
Persona replied to Persona's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Um....Thanks everyone for your banners I love them all. But which to choose from? You guys really made it into a contest(lol). But I thank you all for taking some time for making a banner for me(Sniff Sniff) Anyways I guess i'll have to change the baner from time to time, because I love them all. But The one I'll use first...is...........[/COLOR] P.S Just how exactly do you put it in my signature(Stupid). But I tried I must be doing something wrong. -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hello, as you can tell that I'm a new member here. I would like to ask a faver to anyone, if they can do a banner for me. I really can't specify what kind really....well I would like something that has at least some type of angel on it. I don't know something deep or mysterious. I would really appreciate it if someone would do me that favor. I will gradually appreciate it. Thank You.[/COLOR]
Mind Games [color=royalblue]Pulled out of the dream and thus out of slumber, suddenly trembling and aware of how cold the room had become since Rose had fallen asleep. She bolted upright atop the bed, disturbing the rough sheets that laid beneath her. Eyes closed once again, chin quivering from the cold. Suddenly choking on the air she was breathing in as the shock of realizing that she was not at home. Streams of water turned into drops of water that were as beautiful as crystals, just as beautiful as the person who owned them. Her hazel opals held images of pain and hidden hatred Rose had never shown. As she stared into space, lost completely from the real world, wondering why she is here and what she had done to deserve such a cruel punishment. Her light pink lips quivered as she cried, Rose snapped back to reality or what she thought was reality. She yelled from the top of her lungs, ?WHY AM I HERE? SOMEBODY please HELP ME !?. The long halls echoed with footsteps upon the white floor, the room was dark, shadowed and had no windows. Rose bursted out and grabbed her pillow. She slammed the pillow around, desperately trying to seek the answers to her questions. She whispered in sorrow, ?Please?Someone please tell me?Were am I?? The door opened to her room quietly as possible, there stood a handsome young man. He was a slim tall figure by the name of Raphael. His sky blue eyes never leaving hers as he approached her delicate form curled up in the corner. A few lost tears trailed down his cheeks. Raphael footsteps echoed, suddenly Rose looked up with those medium hazel orbs, glimmering with tears. Silence filled the room and was becoming uncomfortable and she?she looked so frail?like a child. Raphael would have given anything to hold her close. Suddenly she spoke, voice so strong and tears stopped, she wiped away the remaining trails upon her soft caramel face and stood up. ?Did you do this to me?? Raphael immediately looked up but avoiding her gaze and said, ?No, My delicate flower. You?ve been in this mental institute for five months now. Look?All I know is that the doctors told me that you experienced a tremendous trauma, while I was away. They said ever since that happened you went to your own world and you wouldn?t snap back to reality. Now I?m glad you did snap out. Silence once again filled the room, feeling the need to break the silence again, he spoke in a needy voice ?Please?Tell me.? The agony in his beloved eyes still remained. Suddenly he felt himself trembling of the wonderful sensation of her hand upon his. Rose spoke in a gentle voice, ?Take me away from this horrid place.? She looked so pale?pale as a ghost. He felt her hand so weak and timid, but at the same time soft like a feather and delicate as a rose petal. Raphael looked into her haze eyes that held emptiness, like a black hole. He put his face beside hers and whispered, ? No matter what I?ll always love you.? She looked deep into his sky blue eyes, then her vision darkened until she no longer saw anything, but pitch black. She could barely here Raphael screaming for help, then?nothing. Hey, this is to any moderator in charge her. Can you lock this up. This is just a total failure. TY! [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please don't double post. Just edit your post to include the additional message. If you want me to close one of your threads in future, just PM me. If you want to know who the moderator of a forum is, scroll down the screen; the name is in a little box at the bottom. ^.~ -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font] [/color]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] See that's what I hate, when people start thinking too much. That stupid girl who thought you were trying to steal her BF, well she's just insecure about herself. That was mean about the BF to back off his girfriend and calling you a lesbo. I mean that's mean to say to someone. People are who they are, why do these people in school or anyone else discriminate? I have a friend who's bisexual and I still act the same around him. At first I suspected my friend was, but I didn't go accusing or blurting it out to my friend. I waited till my friend told me and was glad when my friend did, because that made it easier for me to understand my friend's situation. But I must say it was stressful when I'm in school with my friend, because that's where my friend breaksdown. Hey Wrist Cutter, you sure must be a natural average genius. I mean to get away with you getting in trouble and your essay being used as a model for the students is cool. Me I usaully have to argue all the way into I get my way. I always get my way with the teacher when it comes to getting in trouble(when I know I'm right). School......can't wait into I'm done with that crap. Although I will be going to college! [/COLOR] :devil:
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Well, I had this one teacher I hated so much, just as much as he hated me. It was this stupid physics teacher I had. See it all started when I asked to use the restroom. he said no to me and I told him, "How come you let her get a drink of water and i can't even use the restroom." So I just ignored him and walked out. So he wrote me up and I brought my mother down to my school. Problem solved, didn't have to do detention. But I knew one thing, that he hated my guts. So throughout the year it was war. What really pissed me off and made me go crazy,, was when it was the seniors last week. See I was a senior and doing good in physics, so that class was the least of my worries. I went to class and asked him whats my grade. He asked me were's the test he gave me to take home and I told him he never gave me one. So he came up with this lie saying that he gave it to me and that I cut class. So I was mad and he also said this one test counts as a big grade. Come on thats such bull####. I handed in all my finals and everything else. Even if I got an E for a grade I would still pass. So he made up lies and I brought my mom and my administrater. My administrater told the teacher to give me the test and he never did give it to me and then he lied to my mom. My mom asked my administrater and he said no. So the stupid teacher lied to both of them, but the messed up thing was that he gave me an F and I was pissed off! So I had to end up taking summer school. My mom wanted to kick his butt, because she wanted me to cross the stage. I told her not to worry, because I'm not going to give up.[/COLOR]
DeathBug, I been broke up with him a ling time ago(i'm not stupid). I mean I was stupid for going out with him in the first place. Anyways there is to much drama and it's a you know what. Life sucks and we have to pay for it. But other then that it's just rediculous. Ex-Soldier, I do agree with what you say. Especially about puppy love in junior high and high school. I mean, One: your to young Two: Come on so many people that you yourself can't keep your eyes off and plus your hormones are loose Three: People need to focus in school because guys/gurls in their teens don't know what they want in life. Like me of course, but I do have my goals. It's all about making the right choices. Panda, Oops so sorry(how stupid and embarrassing!) Won't happen again. Oh and about the girl burning up the school, that is quite similar to the one my school had this year. See it was six period and this guy in my classroom went to the bathroom and seconds later we smell smoke. So we started alerting the classrooms at our floor. So it ended up he lit the bathroom on fire by throwing weed and burning it So stupid. He was arrested and i'm sure ghe's going to jail for a while. Of course he did burn the boys bathroom and now the school has to fix it. plus our school is poor already! :flaming:
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] School is basicaly where your life mostly takes place. So that's where drama mostly takes place. Having problems with teachers that don't give a you know what about teaching or you, administrators getting on your back and in your face, crappy school lunch, friends who are haters or there for you, boy or girl trouble, ect. It's all about the drama in school. Really its sickening. The biggist drama for me was the whole year, see I was glad that I started playing tennis and I was actually doing homework and I was volunteering to. But all went downhill with my life, I had to go to court to finish up this case on this guy I needed to lock up(He got 50 years yay) and then this guy I affectionally call Vash. He was the guy I started to going out with. Oh my god what a mistake that was! I wanted to kill him(really beat him up and step on his most prized treasure), he was so stupid and disrespectful. He would talk nasty things about other girls and always lieng and flirting the wrong way. But I striaghtened him out...lets just say he's scared of me(lol). Then friends coming to me with problems and always kidnapping me to tell them their fortune. I mean I had problems of my own, but since I'm a good friend...let's just say I tend to never put myself first. But anyway, I would like to hear from other people about their school drama and or give your opinions. Everyone is welcome here and please keep it decent. I will be keeping this thread up to date so you guys won't get bored of reading the same thing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I've been reading about internet crushes and tought hey I haven't posted here in a while. So I do it now......well internet crushes.....I never really had one. But i'm sure it must be fun to have a crush over the internet. It does kinda depress me that you'll never really see the person in person. But hey you know what they say about that. But I've had my outside crushes that well........really didn't have a good turn out. See I told my friend that I liked him in front of my other friend who I never knew liked me. Wow! Was he pissed off! But long story short it wasn't a happy scene. But in all we are all friends, besides there was this stupid rule in our group that we can't date anyone in the group. The only exception was that we can have sex. That sucks...i'm not a one night stand! Anyways crushes can be so evil.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Tima Hiroshima Age:18 Gender: Female Class Type: Fallen Angel (lives on earth and a threat to both) on earth Weapons: Earthen Staff: Made from all earth?s elements and it?s purity. The staff contains the element of earth and the light of heaven. Death Blade: This blade was made from the devil?s Fire.It's very sharp and can slice through practically anything. The only weakness to this sword is the light of purity. Magic: can summon anything that lies deep within earth?s ground. Can also make an illusion of your most darkest fears. Special Attacks: Death?s Song: It's a slient spell that will make the enemy paralized and will pioson the enemy. Description: Well A beautiful caramel skinned, 5 feet 5 inches with Long green wavy hair up to waist. Violet with a hint of silver eyes and she is also cunning and sly as a fox, so watch out for her trickery. Oh and one thing i'm not all powerful either..i'm just a good skilled fighter....giggles. Power: Elementist[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Wow! So this is what the virtual world looks like." Luna said swinging her level Twin Blades acroos her caramel shoulder. "Well it look endless...and I have no one to play with..uhhhhhhhhhh.....I'm in need of a companien!!" Luna screamed from the top of her lungs, as everyone stopped and stared at her curiously. Then all of the sudden a bunch of guys crowded her and volunteered to be in her party. "No way! I don't want wannabe guys who think they'r all macho and they think they can get a girls email adress. Well I don't think so!." Luna said pionting her slender fingers at all the stupid guys. They al scurried off in disapiontment. "Guys...uhhhh! Hey he looks cool!" Luna said walking towards the young guy with the staff.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Acima, Sorceress of elements caught a sight of the two hanyous talking. She steadily walked between the red oak trees as she crept closer and closer to the two hayous. Then suddenly the wolf hanyou caught a sniff of a floral aroma and sensed a presence of sorcery, he drew out his claws ready to attack when?.?Whoooosshhhhhhhh!? Acima came down from the oak tree pointing her earthen staff at Yuna, ? I could tell your searching for the shards..well I overheard from the village near by. They said they saw a ryu-neko-hanyou with a pet dragon searching for shards?hmmmm. So tell me what are your intentions??. ?I?m?why do you wanna know?? Yuna said with a puzzled face. ? Tell meare you going to use them to make yourself powerful?if you ask me that?s pathetic?.but then again I shouldn?t judge so quickly. You look like a nice girl?.but you wolf boy?I?m keeping an eye on you! The wolf hanyou grumbled in anger, ? Who the hell do you think you are! You better watch?humph!?.just because your some pretty sorceress doesn?t mean I?ll go easy on you."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I've had a crush on a guy I nicknamed Kurama for two years. Well I was so scared to tell him how i felt, because I knew that he only sees me a sister. I admit it was hard for me to be next to him, I turned all shy and i wouldn't talk to him. But I still wanted to at least let him know how i felt about him. You know just maybe it'll spark something betwwen us you know. So this year i told him and he told him he knew that i liked him. How embarrassing! But the good thing was that he didn't change the way he was with me. I asked him if i was to tell you someone told you they liked you would you change around that peson? He said "o" That was kool. So sometimes it doesn't hurt tell someone.[/COLOR] :laugh: :blush: :love2:
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well i'm giving you my opinion whether you don't waant it. I love it! Keep it up and who knows i may look forward to reading more about your work.....[/COLOR]