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Everything posted by Persona
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Whenever boredom strikes, I simply put on music from either my notebook or stereo. If the music is coming from my notebook, I simple find a good song to match my mood, put on my earphones, start siniging along, dance a bit and go on [B]OB[/B]! There I go and search the forums, fill in requests in the art by request section and attempt to join an rpg...but sadly I never signed up for one (Maybe one day I'll get my rpg groove back on). Now if the music is coming from my stereo, then all I do is lay down on my twin sized bed and listen to the lyrics of whichever song is playing. I just love to close my eyes while I do that, music relaxes me and it gets rid of my boredom. But the one thing that cures boredom 100% is reading a book! I don't care if I have to go to [B]Borders[/B] (Which is a great distance) and sit myself on the rugged floor reading manga. If I am somehow unable to travel there (Which I doubt
[SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Sienna]I've also made a set for you Blayze. I didn't use the exact background for the second image and I do hope its okay. If not I can redo it, if you choose to use this set in the future. Avatar- (I didn't forget the avi this time!) [IMG]http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/4760/dude9ae.jpg[/IMG] One with the arrow: [IMG]http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/3808/dude5di.jpg[/IMG] Banner- [IMG]http://img350.imageshack.us/img350/1369/never5od.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Sienna]I attempted to make the Shinji banner, which I'm kind of feelng a little at ease. I wanted a certain part to be transparent...since I forogt how to do so...it bothers me. I'll rememeber, but here it is: Banner- [IMG]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7967/tical8ng.jpg[/IMG] Hopefully this is okay, if you plan on using it, but there's something you would like fixed; feel free to pm and I'll gladly fix itfor you. Edit: Woops, I forgot to make the avatar?! Here it is: Avatar- [IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2806/snin3be.jpg[/IMG] Edit agian: You know I could have saved the trouble of jut pmimng you the avi instead of reposting it agian...lol. Oh well and I'm glad that I was of help.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Wait, wait I know this one! It is [B]Chihaya[/B] from Earthian and yes it is sad that the manga was way better. I can't believe I figured it out that quickly...at first glance I was like, 'Crap...where is this from?'. I wanted to post quickly before anyone else guessed it, that's how happy I was. Guess I'm a bit hyper, anyways did I even guess right? I haven't seen this show or read the manga in a long time now. [B]EDIT:[/B] Yes, I was correct. Now here's another old anime, it should be a little easy since its a character: [B]EDIT:[/B] KW, you are indeed correct (I also forgot to spell her name too.) Any it's now your turn. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Sienna] [B]ElySioN[/B] your qoute is very good one to live by. It gives encouragment, letting you know to never give up and that it's your time to shine. You don't have to be a [B]prom king[/B], [I]beloved jock[/I], [B]class clown[/B], ectera to be liked. I am glad to hear that you have abided by that qoute, because our group (Heero, Jessica, ectera) got to see the real you and we love you for that. [CENTER]'No two people are the same, that makes you a complete individual; your own feelings, opinions and something that you can give to the world that no one else can. [I]Cherish that[/I]'[/CENTER] This by far is one of my favorite qoutes I live by till this day. I had come across this qoute by searching in a poetry section in some site and it...how should I say,[I]'It reached out to me?'[/I]. Now to me this qoute talks about how no person is alike. We have our own mind and [B]we[/B] should use it. Individuality is what makes us, us; while some people who don't see that tend to follow others. We have to ability to make our own decisions, to show our own feelings and speak our mind (As stated in above qoute). I've always known to be me and only me, but the question was [I]'Can I be me?'[/I]. I've always had a facade on when I went to school, due to the fact that I didn't want anyone to know the real me. I had a hard life (I'm sure I'm not the only one of course) and I didnt want to bring that negativity to school. So I would always put up a smile and adjust myself to the enviroment. I'll admit, it did kill me inside; Yes, being pessimistic isn't such a favorable qaulity in someone, but at times it's good to let it out. Reason being, people do care who you are and would like to listen and help out. This is basically only an example of the qoute which I live by, so of course there are other examples (Which I won't state...the reader should have a clear understanding by now). Overall, this qoute should be on everyones list of qoutes to live by. It's a good reminder that [B]you[/B] are [B]you[/B] and [I]you[/I] should cherish that always.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I gave it a try...especially with the flash. One thing I do say...you used Dark mousy from DNAngel as a vampire?...Anyhow, either way he's sexy ^.^. Here's the banner and I do hope it is to your liking: Banner- [IMG]http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/1231/db2iq.gif[/IMG] Edit: Oops I think you wanted it to say, "An Angel, Dark Angel and A Vampre" just as is?...and the pictures in that order of the qoute?....if so I can redo it.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]Vector 2-[/B] Oh my, I think I'm in love...with your work that is (LOl). I simply love your second vector, not only for its colors...but the boxes! The boxes you created are creative in the sense that it's hanging from the clouds(Look...it's raining boxes!). That idea was genious I say and a bag of chips with some dip. This piece is like V.2 of the first vector you created, simple yet a bit complex. I do love this piece, but it does have its faults (In my opinion). Such as the lines (Where your quote is)...I think it would be better with fewer lines...or something else. But than again it does look alright (I really don't know about vectors...). Other than the boxes being my favorite part of this vector, I also love your qoute. I do say the [B]Be Free[/B] part was a nice touch in the bottom right corner. [B]Avi-[/B] I love the blue tone used and it's a good picture (Cloud right?). [B]Banner-[/B] Now in ths piece, I think that the picture doesn't go with the background you created. Now don't get me wrong...the background is very well done and random. The colors are blended well with the fonts you used, it's just the picture that seems a bit out of place. [B]Loveless Banner-[/B] -Screams like a girl who's seen a favorite singer- I love this banner...it's my favorite! Not only, because it's Loveless (The latest hit yaoi romance)...but the nice shade of pinkish purple (Hey give me credit with the naming) used. The picture is adorable and a nice fit to your simple background. Again the boxes I love it (The positions are excellent) and lets not forget the fonts used, very loveless like. [B]Other banner-[/B] Th picture is very funny as well as the qoute used, but I do think the banner is a bit crowded. I do like the little mech in the corner and the font with the fading background (however it's called). [B]Rock Lee Banner-[/B] Did I get his name right? Anyhow, this banner would be better if you would have done the bottom left corner different. Other than that it's a good mix picture and the qoute suits him. [B]Cloud Banner-[/B] Hmmm...the banner seems to be clustered and the brushes or itmes used for the banner doesn't seems to match with the pitures used. [B]KH-[/B] Ahhhh...I love this one very much. This banner seems so cute and dreamy. I do love the pictures used of Sora and the blue shades you used to make your banner. The text is very well placed and the fonts are nice. Me love it very much. Overall, I am now one of your biggest fangirls (I know you have many). You are very talented in graphics (Agian you have patience with the pen tool for your vector piece) and I do hope you continue to post more...don't let this thread die or I'll hunt you...okay I won't.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Wow to me that was just a dead give away. The screen caps are from the anime known as [B]Slayers[/B]. This show had a good quality of comedy and just plain old fun. I could never mistake those pictures for any other anime, because I have a thing for old animes and it was just [I]hilirious[/I].[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][U]EDIT:[/U] As Gavin would say, '[I]interesting, most interesting[/I]'. Anyhow here's the screen shot from one of my favorite animes. This anime is brilliant and has such beautiful art (Amazing details on the ships and such). This shouldn't be real hard and I hosted the image...so you can't get the site url (^.^): [URL=http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/419/gueess8az.jpg]Guess[/URL] [U]EDIT:[/U] [B]SyrusMatrix[/B] is [I]correct[/I]! P.S Tag your it... [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Great now I'm another screaming fan (Lol), why it is because I love the rain even if it's in graphics. Your piece is simple and clean, which is very good in my opinion. The raindrops are done perfectly and it has a good distance in each of them (Their not clustered). I also love the cloud/s with the stripes going across it. Now the only thing I would have to point out is the fact that I agree with [B]Illusion[/B] (Upon the text rain). The alignment of the second rain text seems a bit out of place or just shouldn't be there? Than again what do I know about vectors? Overall, you couldn't even tell that this was your first vector. You did a wonderful job and I commend your patience on making the raindrops with the pen tool. I do hope you make more vectors and share them with us. If I forgot to mention this, you have great talent with the graphics (I love all your work). [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]Well first off, baking is so much fun and yes baking is one of my hobbies. Anyhow, there was once a time where I had the urge to make a simple yellow cake from scratch. Now I had all the ingrediants...I just didn't realize I had taken out extra ingrediants (I guess I got carried away), to get to the point I had taken the chocolate hershey kisses (Wait....it wasn't an ingrediant..it was my candy!) and put it in the batter! See I was to into my song and baking that I failed to realize my good tasting candy was being smushed! In the end it came out looking like chocolate swirls and tasted real good (So creamy...I'm hungry now). To make it even more tasty, I had put sliced strawberries in the center of the cake (In my family we love strawberries!)...so basically that went right away. The sad part was that I was only able to have a small slice of my delicious [B][COLOR=Yellow]Yellow[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Straberry[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Kisses[/COLOR][/B] cake (They ate it all! Yes I did name my cake.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Pumpkin][SIZE=1][COLOR=#333333]I think many people can agree with me on one thing, and that is Otakuboards has amazing posting quality and more mature members then most anime related forums. The funny thing about OB, seems to be that the Anime & Manga lounge are not even the most popular parts of the forum, instead most people seem to lean towards the other categories, such as The Arena, Art Studio or the Otaku Lounge. There are even people that I know, that are here that don't like anime. It really attracts a variety of people, therefore making it more interesting.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]That statement is unquestionably true and sadly I can't say the same about other anime forums. Even though [B]OB[/B]'s main focus is anime, I have seen that its more about roleplay, art and general topics (Basically as stated above: The Arena, Art Studio/Request and The Otaku Lounge) and it's wonderful to see that its not all about the anime. This gives room to numerous discussions about important topics, great opportunities for members to show/share/discuss graphics and other types of art and last but not least [B]OB[/B] has the most organized Arena I've ever seen. Now I've been in [B]OB[/B] for about two years maybe more (I'm not sure) and over those two years I have joined many forums that fail in comparison to [B]OB[/B]. Such as, MiniTokyo, Anime Online, Invisionfree forums (Can't forget those...there are too many), ectera and they all have one major detail in common...organization in general. Members are a mess, topics are the same and pointless (You can find a few good ones)and most of all moderators taking advantage. Here [B]OB[/B] is a peaceful community with lots of intellectual conversation. Yes there are times when arguements occur and such, but these sitautions get taken care of quickly due to great moderation teams. [B]OB[/B] is not all perfect, but heck its good enough! P.S...how many times did I mention [B]OB[/B] and why did I mention it so much? That's, because I'm a proud member of [B]OB[/B] that's why! This was also my very first forum...I just wanted to say that. Also I do want to make clear that I mean no disrespect to other forums (It's just observation and opinion).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Another wonderful romance story...I also love ParaKiss (I have all 5 ^.^). I also want to see the anime
Avi- [IMG]http://img327.imageshack.us/img327/7482/pumavi6ug.jpg[/IMG] Banner- [IMG]http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/1074/pumban9se.jpg[/IMG] I gave it a go, hope you like it. I had this site as my favorites, do to the fact that I love peach girl and was one of my first manga ever! Read this about a few years back...still love it. Edit: I see them just fine
Well I tried something new..if you don't like it I can redo the whole thing again: [URL=http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/7757/winry9el.gif]GIF[/URL] Edit: I would like to try again but with another picture, if I can((or you can stay with that oe). I know I can do better
It would be a great help if you can give out more information abt your request, like the [B]size[/B]. Also if you want something on it or a render(Picture) that you would like to be used for a banner. The reason I'm saying this is, because I am interested in doing your request. ^.^ v
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Here my final result of your set. I do hope you like it! ^.^ Avi- [IMG]http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/7007/panicavi7tu.jpg[/IMG] Banner- [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6422/panicban9mw.jpg[/IMG] If you need anything fixed, please do tell me and I'll get right to it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]I love cowboy bebop and ed is also my favorite character, so of course I had fun doing this. I do hope you like it ^.^: [CENTER]Ed (Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV)[/CENTER] Avi- [IMG]http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/1084/skyban8xm.jpg[/IMG] Banner- [IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5426/skyavi5ty.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR]
I gave it a try, since I haven't done graphics in a while. [IMG]http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/189/jiggly6gb.jpg[/IMG]
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?
Persona replied to PaganAngel's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]The wierdest thing I've ever seen would be a url: [B]killsometime[/B] Now what I find wierd is that this site actaully exist for the sole purpose of killing time, which only includes video clips of stupidity. Basically a site for cheap laughs and sadly it kills time too. I just find it wierd that the url is actaully called: killsometime (Thinking to self: Is it wierd?). Another wierd thing was a guy getting it off with a deer (Male)...and that is aslo disgusting at the same time. Naturally there are too many wierd things online, but those two things above are the ones I can recall.[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=#bc4848][IMG]http://img314.imageshack.us/img314/899/gaar28tq.jpg[/IMG] Category: Naruto Name: Gaara [IMG]http://img314.imageshack.us/img314/236/gaara3ps.jpg[/IMG] Category: Naruto Name: Gaara [IMG]http://img322.imageshack.us/img322/4844/image122zl.jpg[/IMG] Category: Naruto Name: Itachi [IMG]http://img322.imageshack.us/img322/9461/wolfwood3dv.jpg[/IMG] Category: Trigun Name: Wolfwood [IMG]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/9973/legato5hc.jpg[/IMG] Category: Trigun Name: Legato[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well even though I'm really looking forward to this, I understand...so take your time and no worries. All I know is that I'll still be interested in the rpg no mattter when it starts.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]My dear Raya you never cease to amaze me with your talent! I simply love the set, it's better than I imagined it. Thank you very much xoxo.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]Well since I have brought the whole series, which I am happy since this show is one of my favs..Anyhow, I would like to ask any of you talented graphics artist if you could please make me a set using Amon and Robin in it. I don't want a quote, since I can't think of any (Unless you members can). I don't want to avi to have my name...just the pic of Robin would do and of course they have to match. If you need anything, let me know. Thank you in advance.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]Glad you like it and if you would like the banner too it (She really has time on her hands...), I can make it for you ^.^. But overall your welcome.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]I gave it a try and if you plan on using this set, please let me know if you would like anything changed.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/6540/kkcavi5mo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/7268/kkcban6fu.jpg[/IMG]