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Everything posted by Persona

  1. [COLOR=Plum]^.^, it's Ayame from Furuba a.k.a [B]Fruits Basket[/B]. I love him, all because he's just too funny. So that's a plus, but overall I do think both avatar and banner (Signature) could be better, it's not bad though. The font doesn't go with it in my opinion, but eh. Overall I'll give it a [B]6/10[/B].[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen]I forgot about the whole see where other members live...I swear its just another way for poeple to stalk you (lol). But I posted myself in there and sadly I am a one woman show who lives in the tiniest place and most uneventful at that. But I did see members who live in a good range from my state. Once again [B]Frappr[/B] has claimed another forum.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]Chick on seat:[/B] -Thinking- Dude...isn't that the chick from The Ring?...Even if I die I still have better hair than her.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Pink]Favorite color, well you I have more than one. For instance, I love jade for its beautiful shade of green and to me it represents wisdom and nature...it's pretty corny but I was into those color represent a certian sign like, virtue, love, Joy...ectera. I also love ruby red, well it's my birthstone ^.^ and its a lovely red. To me red represents my cool and crazy sexy side. Last but not least sky blue, I simply love the tranquility of the color and representation.[/COLOR]
  5. I love Sanzo, so I couldn't help myself but make more than one..they may not be better than GTK (Lovely job)..but eh...I had fun making it. Set 1: [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/8515/s1avi8qp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/9174/s1ban8bp.jpg[/IMG] Set 2: [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/5504/image1s2avi54wz.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/6084/s2ban5dh.gif[/IMG] Set 3: [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/1738/s3avi6rw.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4607/s3ban0ai.gif[/IMG]
  6. [COLOR=Pink][B]Normal saturday:[/B] My normal Saturday would be awaken by my 8 yrs. old sister asking for her, "Moomoo" at 6 a.m in the morning. Then since she stays up, I hardly get any sleep, but still I try to stay in bed until 9 a.m (When everyone is up). After this dreadful morning ritual I get up make breakfast, give my sister her medication and clean. Once my chores are done I put in some quality time with good ole ps2 and watch a dvd or play a game. If I have school work I do that first (But since I have fridays off I usaully do all my work that day). Sometimes I stay all day home with the family or go out with my friends til 10 p.m. Sometimes I prefer staying in my dorm and reading my lovely books. [B]Perfect Saturday: [/B] Wake up at 12 p.m, taking my sweet time to get up. Dinner (I prefer dinner than breakfast in the moring or junk food) readt for me to eat while watching tv,having no chores to do. A nice peaceful saturday afternoon, then in the evening go out with my friends and have fun with no worries in the world. Then once the night is at its end, pick up a good book to read and once I'm done...fall into a nice sleep and dream happy dreams. [I]What a dreamer I am.[/I][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Pink]All your traditions are very different and fun. I am amazed at what everyone else likes to do with their friends...you would never think about it, you know? Anyhow, when i hang out with the whole group (If my calculations are correct: 5 girls & 7 guys), we always go watch a movie after a long hard discussion of what we want to watch and then we just hang out in the food court or some restruarant (Spellers block) to eat and have plenty of laughs...we usaully do this at least once every two months....it is a lot of money
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Well as for the hereo dilemma, I would say there are more cons then pro. Mainly because the whole hero thing is played out. In well basically in the majority of rpgs there's always these main heroes and the main bad guys of course, but to keep the originaltiy to your upcoming rpg...I would say that there should be hereos and villians, but not main ones. Characters that decide for themselves throughout the story to either be the hereo, villian or the village idoit. This I suppose in my opinion would keep the storyline going, because we don't know whos who...only the general idea of what the rpg is about. Is that understandable or not, if its not clear of what I'm saying...let me know (I'll explain it better...right now I'm going back to sleep...my day off).[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Pink]My, such a high class role play. The beginning passage is amusing and pulls the readers to...well read on. Strangely enough...well not strangelly the passage is very true in the majority. The whole wealthy people and royalty idea is unique in many ways and hasn't been played in the Inn (From what I know). This rpg seems to be a mix of suspense/Comdey (From the princesses stupidity I suppose) amd drama, one of my favorite mixes. Now on the whole three main character and minor characters thing...would be good, because to many major characters destroy the storyline and confuses the crap out of the rpgers. Anyhow I'm probably rambling, so I'll close up and say it got my interest in every way. I can't wait to see the finishing result and I look forward to signing up, when the chance comes. The Pink Hater[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ana had released the spell of Aimee and so she awoke to find the once a hunter turn into a vampire. Ana continued to laugh as he saw Lucifer black out. She than walked to him. "My beloved Aimee...what should we do with him...do you want him?", she asked. "I have no need for such a worthless thing." Aimee replied. "Very well we'll let him be and he'll suffer while truning into one of us...the hunter now will be the hunted." Ana said in a mocking tone. She kneeled down to where Lucifer laid and brushed her fingers into his hair. "Now now, I'll give you comfort for a bit...but once you wake you'll be out of here to suffer like we do." She picked him up and put him in the other room, cleaned up the blood stains and left him to sleep.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkPink]Nomad it's cool, it does take time for special things like that...but overall the most important thing that out dues a tradition is communication between friends. The tree house sounds fun, I laways wanted to make one when I was 10. If I did have one I might as well always been there for piece and quiet. Overall your friend and you built something, which is cool. Now Annie's was the most interesting...fire fighting! That must have been a good experience and exciting. This beats my tradition
  12. [COLOR=#ff6ca4]This game is very popular in many forums...well then I'll rate yours a 5/10 The picture is good...but the background just doesn't call my attention much and its too dark, but it's merely my opinion.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]A smiled appeared on Ana's flawless china skin face as she was approaching Lucifer. She noticed the movement of his arm and stopped. "What are you trying to pull human?...you think I'm [B]foolish[/B].", Ana said sounding a bit irrated. Lucifer didn't reply, he just stood there looking at her without fear. Her eyes softened and then began to walk closer to him. She gently touched his face and carressed it with such care. Her lips touched his as she wrapped her other arm around his neck. Ana had let out a playful luagh and was getting ready to bite him.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][B]Warning:[/B][/SIZE] If you despise or get sick when it comes to gushy stuff...this is not for you...you have been warned[/COLOR].[COLOR=Pink]xoxo[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Alright I had gone out just yesterday evening with my two best friends and we did something that made me think about things. So I wanted to discuss it with you lovely OB members. My question is do any of you members have a best friend tradition, if so what does it represent to you? Well I'll go first of course. When I usaully just go out with my two girls to the mall (Its a huge place and has the cinemas), we always buy something that represents us and take a picture to remember the moment. Well yesterday was a bit different, we usaully buy three things for each of us...but this time we got one thing. I don't know if you guys heard of, "Build a Bear Workshop". We hard a little trouble choosing a bear...
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]Let's be realistic for a moment, This is how it goes: Keep in mind You=Female/Male In my knowledge the person who asks the one they like out can be either the female or male, it just depends on the situation and who's willing to make a move. When your in your surrounding you will see that its mostly boys that ask the female out (They are more dominant when it comes to wanting someone or something...not in a bad way). But females ask males out too, they don't have to be [B]sluts[/B] just to ask a guy out. If she sees the the male shows interest in her and she wants to make a change...she'll go for it. We females are more sensitive to our emotions, so tend to shy away at times afraid to ask out....(we usaully use our friends to do the asking about how the guys feels). But overall it's whoever is willing to take a step, whether the results may not turn out the way you want it to be..you still take a chance...its better to know than to keep wandering. I don't know if anything made sense...I do know I repeated some things..but I hope it get's the point through. I'm not trying to be mean...so I just but this is simple (Hopefully) answers.[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE]?Previously on--? -Alan starts. ?Wow, this was so last year. You should?ve said ?Last year?,? -Alex blurts in. -silence, Alan glares at Alex- ?Do you really want to take this job, you jerk? I mean, I?m only reading the fuckin? cue cards!? -Alan shakes his papers at the cue card man, John.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Laughing with the opening. I simply love Alan and Alex duo in your stories?too funny. The rest of the intro was just flawless and humorous. I needed a good laugh before I went to bed and that was it, I didn?t even start the reading the chapter yet! Your explanation was also interesting to read as well (I usually hate reading the damn explanations). The first chapter is very good and detailed to a T (Is that how you spell it?
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]The childer Amiee could not move due to a spell Ana had casted upon her, obviously Ana had made her statement clear, no interferance. Ana bent forward to grad Lucifer by the neck and drew him close to her. She smiled and then whispered once more. [I]'Now be a good boy and come with me...you're desires...if any will be forfilled, if not you'll die'[/I] Lucifer took the chance to kick her, sending her a few feet waya from where she once stood. She landed on her knees holding balance and let out a feminine giggle. She liked to play around with her food, but with him she grew tired of it. Ana quickly moved and kicked him straight out the window. Lucifer landed in the bushes with a few scrathes, but a few ribs must had been broken. Her gaze was on him with her wicked smile. "What do you say?"[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ana didn't worry nor move one inch, until Aimee was in a attack position.'My beloved childer do not worry..you are in no condition, besides he [B]wants[/B] [I]me[/I]'. She gently laid the childer down and stood up to face the man who had started the fight earlier that evening. "So you came back to finish me off...", Ana said with a sadistic smile as she removed her left earring, which transformed into her weapon. The man who called himself Lucifer was ready to attack. With that Ana moved like air..unseen and deadly. Appeared behind him and attacked his backbone, but Lucifer was no fool...for he was an expert on Vampire tricks. He turn quickly before she hit and was able to make a thin line on her flawless face. Ana smiled with the thought of her cold blood running down her right cheek. Lucifer's face grew mad...she was playing with him.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]The childer Aimee fell into a deep slumber once agian...Ana actually smiled. She had a thing for childers...they who are taken young and stay forever in such a small fragile body, the body of an innocence. Ana may be cold hearted, but for Aimee...she made an exception. Ana didn't want to be the same for so long...she was allowed to have fun and so she will. "Sleep my childer...when you awake...your life will be better.", Ana whispered gently into Aimee's right ear. She began to sing a french song...one of folktail. Brushing the girl's gentle hair with her hand, she smiled bit.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]There she layed...on the infested cement floor. Sin just standing without a care...this was the scene Ana had entered, when she came back from her hunt. She was still in her dancer clothes and her hair was out and blowing with the wind. Her silvery red eyes pierced the dim fog. "[I]Sin[/I], leave her to me...I have an interest in the childer. Besides if you abandoned her in the first place, it meant she was nothing but somethnig to do.", said Ana in a low voice. She gently took the girl in her arms and dissapeared before Sin would reply. She arrived back in her place...vast and empty. She lay the childer on her silken sheets...the childers blood staining the white. The wounds would heal, but Ana made it go faster. She let the childer sleep, while she went to get the girl some nice looking gowns.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ana had only dissappeared on the top of the bars roof. She had her eyes on the lovely childer and wanted to see what would go down.'Man this is such a hectic night...and all I wanted was some fun and food'. Ana's mind then switched to a thought of the young vampire. "That girl...she smells of about 24...29? Urrghhh...I [I]wonder[/I] if I should take her in..I always wanted a childer...they're so adorable!", Ana murmed to herself. And with that, she decided not to watch...she wanted some food and that was more important...she'll see the girl again. Ana dissapeared once again into the dark mist of the night and began to hunt for her food. She always prefered young men and woman, never childred. I suppose the pureness was too much. Ana spotted a blonde female who looked about seventeen. Ana appeared behind the girl. "Hey...be a good girl...surrender.", She whispered in the females left ear. The girl was hypnotized once she gazed into Ana's silvery red eyes. Her fangs were noticable now and ready to bite. Ana punctured the girls neck and once she was done ripped off the girls skin. The girl's boy fell down with a loud thud and bleed to death. Ana walked away...she was pissed to have done that.[/COLOR]
  22. 0.o..is at a lost...Now now please make sure all characters are included. So read each post carefully. As for the hunter being turned Vampire..that's fine..it puts a twist to the story. I have yet to read the posts from my last visit.
  23. [color=darkred][b]Real Name-[/b] Victoria D. Garcia [b]Nick-[/b] Ri [b] Age-[/b] 100..okay 19 [b] Occupation-[/b] Freshmen College student and part time employee. (Major: Elementry School Teacher) [b]Favorite Anime-[/b] Gravitation, Last Exile, Texhnolyze, Pretear, Aquarian Age, FMA, Furuba (Fruits Basket), Lain, Chobits, Saiyuki, Decendants of Darkness, RG Veda, X (Series) and there are too many. [b]Favorite Manga-[/b] La Esperanca, Furuba (Fruits Basket), Angel Sanctuary, Peach Girl, Model, Girl Got Game, Othello, Gravitation, Hot Gimmick and I'm forgotting some. [b]Favorite Games-[/b] .Hack Series game, Kingdom Hearts, Crash Bandicute (spelled that wrong), FF games, Soul Calibur and Tenchu. [b]Favorite Movies-[/b] Interview with the Vampire, Broken Down Palace, Crazy/Beautiful, Odd Girl Out, Anastasia and Alladin (Yea I'm naming Disny movies). Probably more. [b] Favorite Books-[/b] Nora Roberts Books and J.D Rob Series, Weave World, Tithe, Midnight Predator (Sexy), Stephen Kings books and Blood and Chocolate...possibly more..I'm a book worm. [b] Hobbies-[/b] Drawing, Writing (Poetry as well), watching anime (I have a huge collection ^.^), reading and relaxing. [B]Me:[/B] Well what can I say, I'm me and nobody else. I'm my own person, pretending to be something your not is just..we'll leave it at that. My personality is pretty good, I do have a big heart and I'm always willing to help anyone in need. I'm seen as an advice giver and loyal friend. But don't get me wrong...I'm also known for my crazy cool side (Yea I'm the life of the party). I have a sexual humor (nothing grotesque) and I'm just funny. I do have a short temper and called agressive at times, but that' just me. During my school hours or in study mode I am very serious, but when I'm out with my friends..I'm just fun. Believe it or not I'm shy when it comes to talking to people at first and I hate giving presentations. I have a little sister whom I love and my mom is my best friend (Even though we have our differences), [/color]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Shorty [B]Gender (If Applicable):[/B] Female (Last time Shorty checked, she thought she was a dude) [B]Location:[/B] Newport [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable): [/B] [I]Height:[/I] 5?1 [I]Eyes:[/I] Honey [I]Hair: [/I] Waist length raven hair with red highlights. [I]Body: [/I] For being short Shorty?s skins is light tan with a pretty figure. Her ears are small and delicate as well as her hands. Shorty?s cheekbones are prominent with an average forehead and thin eyebrows. Her chin is has a nice shape and strong looking. She stands 5?0 and weighs about 120. Her lips are small and cutely curved. Her cheeks are red the majority of the time, she blushes whenever there?s a guy around (And trust me that?s 24/7). She does have short legs, which make it hard for her to jump and reach things. Hairstyle: See attached image Outfit: [URL=http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ochadokoro/g-chun-li.jpg]Oolala[/URL] [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Shorty is short tempered and aggressive. She is like a fox when it comes to get her way (Especially with boys). She also has a short term memory and damn proud of it. She hates preppy people and being preppy kills her, but for a hot guy she?ll be the preppiest girl out there. Shorty dislikes girls who get in the way of a guy she wants, but knows how to deal with them. Also one last thing?she thinks she?ll drown in a puddle like her mother, therefore she hates rain. [B]Personal History:[/B] Shorty grew up in a foster home in Newport, because her mother stared at her reflection in a puddle and tried to save herself, thus she drowned a heroic deaf?sadly she never got to save herself. Her father has short term memory, thus he forgot he had a daughter. One day at age 5, her father took her to the carnival and she went to use the bathroom. Shorty told her father to wait. When she came out, her father was nowhere to be found. So child services tried asking her who her dad was, but she couldn?t remember (She even forgot that she was abandoned in the Carnival. Foster care took her in and so she lived there. As a foster child they gave her pills, saying that it?ll cure her forgetfulness (But it was a sugar pill?apparently short term memory wasn?t her case?its just all in her head.). They worked of course, except when she forgets to take them at times. Shorty was the ring leader of the foster home, causing headaches and chaos. The name of her group were, ?The Potty Patrol?. There uniforms consisted of trainer underpants (When they?re potting training), a hot pink tank top (The boys looked funny) and a baby bottle (Which they used as a weapon). She grew up kicking butt, but soon that ended. She was adopted by a rich old hag. Shorty became spoiled and loved the finer things in life, most of all?the hotties. One thing though, she may have had a 38 D chest and a nice buttox, but she was short! She hated being short, because she can?t reach crap. But that?s what her hot guys were for...sex and slavery (They can reach for her in many ways -Wink wink-). Her profession is a martial artist instructor and only teaches hot guys. Since the owners found this out, they kicked her out (It was a disgrace to their clan) and now she's looking for something cool to do and Hero Patrol is it.But the better reason was for hidden revenge against those foolish [I]'Leggionares'[/I]. Now the first thing she wants to know is, "Are there any hot guys...and do I have to reach any objects higher than my hight?'. [B]Special Skills or Abilities (If any):[/B] [U]Chest Attack:[/U] This attack can be used against any guy and small chested females. The affect is horrible. For the males, they begin to drool uncontrollably and become hypnotized by them. In that moment she uses one of her martial arts attack (Kick in the balls). For the girls it causes extreme jealousy and defeat when she says, "CHEST!". [U]Forget me not?:[/U] This attack is of the mind, this special technique only happens when she forgets to take her pills. The affect of this attack is?she just forgets she?s in a battle and walks off. [U]Fox Power!:[/U] This is her specialty for hot guys. She acts like a fox to get them to be her next boyfriend (Poor guy). [U]Secret Technique Blackmail Jitsu[/U]: Whenever she has dirt on someone, she uses it to get her way.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ana made her entrance in the bar and all eyes turned to watch her grace them with her beauty.'[I]Tch[/I]...Humans are so easy to seduce...that's right [I][B]look at me[/B][/I].'. Ana searched the area and found no trace of the other two and that seemed to piss her off a bit. "Damn you Adrian and Sin...you guys always took your time.", Ana murmed to herself. To kill some time she adressed the bartender and asked to perform, she needed to feed after all. By dancing, the humans will be in a trance and ready for picking. She began to walk backstage and dressed for the occassion. Her atire consist of the colors silver, see through white, gold and ruby red. Her top is like a bra(except without the straps) that has thick gold rims that form around her breast and continues to rap around her upper stomache area. The thick gold rims crisscross on her back to the front of her waist area, that attachs to her long skirt. The middle piece of her skirt is white, while the sides of it a see through white that forms below her ass.Also in between her chest is a red ruby surrounded by gold and dangles from her top, the same with her skirt. her shoes have no heel on the bottom...its just a flat perfectly made whiter shoe for her. She...she looked like a gypsy and a damn good one, Ana loved the attention.[/COLOR]
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