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Hikari no Yugi

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Everything posted by Hikari no Yugi

  1. well, as everyone already said. it's good. especially since you did it on paint. blending the pics came out nicely and the style of text is good too. the text itself is seriously hard to make out clearly.i'd suggest choosing a lighter shade of red for the outline the banner so that's it's more noticeable and can bring out the shape more. also your banner seems to be missing a border line at the top.(either that, or the line is really thin) again, i suggest a lighter shade of red so that the border lines are more noticable. well, that's all i can really say. but overall good job Pawn =)
  2. hmm...i started when i was about 5 or so (ah...it all started with sailor moon XD) [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]When someone else is given a Moderating note, make sure it might not apply to you, too. As Asuka said only one post ago to someone else, please add more detail to your posts. Replies this short are against the rules at OB and are considered spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  3. Anime is fairly popular around where i live. our school has an anime club. but that kinda died out because all they did was watch subs of anime's
  4. ah, tough choice. for me, it's a tie between Spirited Away and the 2nd CCS movie^^
  5. well, i managed to upload all art that i've done onto another server besides myotaku. enjoy (please excuse my messiness in the art. they're all mouse-drawn *gah, i really don't like my mouse T_T*) [url]http://www.freewebs.com/hikari_no_yugi/artwork.htm[/url]
  6. I saw the movie. very interesting. great action to it^^
  7. well, i did the avi and banner, hope you like it^^:
  8. [QUOTE=Ashton]CLOWNS! OMG, those guys scare me. I remember the circus...I can't even talk about it without reliving the horror. :( Their painted faces! Their laughter! It sickens me. *Shivers* I'm afraid of clowns, yes...I just wanna take a hammer and... :bash:[/QUOTE] one of my friends is scared of clowns too. me, i'm scared of getting sick, and the sight of blood (real blood, not animated.) it just really upsets my stomach O.o
  9. in terms or looks. i look like Kikyou with my hair up and Kagome with it down, and i have a personality like Yuna.(usually speechless, sometimes indecisive. and secretive.)
  10. you mean the part where you go to fight Riku in front of the keyhole in Hollow Bastion right? for that, what i'd do is try to get close to him as possible and use arcanum. also, having the ability guard is very helpful. also use cura once so often during the battle to keep your hp high. and make sure you keep lots of ethers with you^^.
  11. well, right now. i'm reading D.N Angel and Chobits. i'm trying to get my hands on Tsubasa, cause i heard it was good^^ (i luv clamp sutff^^)
  12. ah, that a really tough question. usually i prefer the anime more, because it's usually the thing that gets me in the manga.^^
  13. i could make you a banner if you want. just send me an image, along with any quote or words you want in it^^
  14. ah, there's quite a few look alikes that i've seen between games and anime's: -Cloud & Matt (Digimon) -Shuyin & T.K -Yufei & Kari - Kairi & Kari (XD) -Sephiroth & Sesshomaru (i think it's the eyes) -Sora(KH) & Tai (the hair....kinda) yep, that's all i can think off^^;
  15. hi Adam, i know i'm a lil' late. (and i'm a new members too XD), but i hope you're still looking for help^^ i've been on myotaku.com for a fair amount of time. (was on since last year, but i kept going on and off) i'd love to help as a art moderator. experience? i'm a fanart moderator of another board. (for a while now, since last year. been helping out to delte stuff, and upload fanart for the webmistress. i also mistress 3 other sites that have some fanart on them) i always try to be as active as i can (right now, i'm on holidays. so i've got plenty of time. plus, i come on often during school times to check up on boards) well, that's really all i'm going to say, i don't want to ramble on and on too much. well, up to you. i'd love to help^^
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