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Everything posted by anime-nikki

  1. it's pretty much fake if theres a sequel! i mean, what kind of idiots would watch the movie and say "hey idiots lets go to da witch woods with a camera and get killed!!!" seriously!
  2. remember when they had okemon the movie in theaters? it worked (i mean there was thousands of ppl at the movies where i'm from!!!!!). so why won't do it again?! i agree with the ppl who wanna know why they won't put anime in theatres.
  3. i'm starting to think that thi movie is just trying to change the voter's choice, i'm not seeing this movie for many reason, it's painful to me to remeber what happened that day on 9/11.
  4. think about it, they make us learn about this stuff since 4th grade, and taught us about sex in 6th grade, scares me alot about how many years of this i have to go through.
  5. when i was in 4th grade they taught us about that stuff. i'm not going into details cause it makes my stomache turn. and no one taught me how to use tampons, they just gave us a book and made us read it.
  6. ok so theres is this guy (i don't know if he is a member here or not) that i used to hate so much, then later on i kinda started to like him, which was creepy cause i hardly knew anything about, just that he was kinda annoying. now i know i like (i don't wanna say "love" cause its weird) him and he moved to his dad's!!!! what's up with that, i might not see him anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. spiders scare me, ask my friends!!! if i see even a little harmless spider i will freak out!!!!!!
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