For All .Hack gamers who need Info. All who dont know the connection between Cubia and Kite is that [spoiler]Cubia and the braclet are the opposite sides of the same coin. Cubia is a shadow. When there is light buring in the darkness a shadow is born. So that is how Cubia came to the world when Kite got the braclet.As Kite gets stronger so does Cubia and Cubia keeps running away so Kite cant finish him off.Cubia can only be destroyed if Kite kills him or....... that Kite destroys the braclet. Either way the braclet and Cubia would be destroyed. And that on all the eight phases, Skieth , Innus, Magus, Fiddchell, Gorre , Macha, Tarvos, and Corbenick, they all have a eye on them if you've notice. That eye is Morganna's since she created the phases along with " The Cursed Wave". Also in the Eptitah, Alba's lake is where Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground is and the shadow one is Aura. And also, all who r wondering about Mia, she is a phase , a phase hidden in disguse as a illegal cat player. During the 3 and 4 game she and elk have gone AWOL but they make some appearances.[/spoiler] And if any of u people need more info just post something. And...... IF ANY ONE HAS COMPLETED THE ITEM QUEST IN THE FOURTH GAME PLEASE POST AND TELL ME WAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!
Luvs much xoxoxo,
BTW the game gets really interesting if u played the1,2,3 volume.
[size=1][color=blue]Added spoiler tags. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
Can anyone hear at the beginning of .Hack//Quarantine ,where they show all those clips, " the barriers have been lifted their all gone, we can go back and forth freely now" . Can anyone hear that????? Plus can u hear " No!! I want to stay as me!!" . Can u hear that too???
[color=indigo]Combined the double post. In the future, please use the Edit button instead of posting twice in a row. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]