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i just found out that tarnantino is making a new movie. If you look at the title of the thread you can see that it's name is hero. from the previews it's a samurai movie . I was just wondering who will see it when it come out Aug 27
"Bye madison" Said kite like a little kid He turned to the rest of the group and said "she's tall","And it scares me a little." then kite adressed sora "well hello sora my name is ummm..."As kite looked at the palm on his left hand "Kite" And as far as the keyblade goes i have'nt a clue i don't even rember how i got here All i can remmber is being beaten to a blody pulp, by a family of midgets untill a nice lady named tiffa helped me, More like saved me that is. She even gave me a job at the blue heaven a bar/club she own. "I'm sure if i sweet talk her she will let you stay there for free I was going to tell that one girl but she left allready","Oh well not like i care."
OCC: sorry i've been in bed with the flu [I]"Let go", Emily Screamed As mysterious hands dragged her in the the car.[/I] "Not another" Groaned Jim as he slowly rised out of bed only to realize his alarm Was going off like crazy. "Ahh i'm gonna be late for work"."This I'll get fired for sure" yelled jim as he was trying to put his pants on only to fall flat on his face. As he layed on the bedroom floor he saw the invitation to beck's pool party. "Like i was even gonna go", "Man she's become a real bitch" Finally as he was dressed he ran out to his love bug. As he sarted the enging he realized he had no gas. He hopped out of his car and kicked the weel. Suddenly he heard a hissing the tire was flat. As he started to lock his door he thougth [I]Man no one going to to steal this pice of juck, Maybe if i run i'll make it to the club on time[/I] as he started to run.
Could some one make a banner that has the Kingdom keyblade on it, and The kingdom hearts logo on lower-left.
Here's mine okay me and my sister are in the living room of our house. Suddenly some people bust in two grab me while one takes my sister and drags here screaming and kicking. She's screaming my name begging for help I run out of the house and see her ,but the dude changed into a cross from Jeepers Creepers, Alien,and Pumpkin head the thing is I catch up and I try to stop him by punching him and kicking him. while my sister's still screaming. he turns his big head at me. Then asks if i'll take here place and I yell yes so he drops her and drags me on the asphalt. I'm screaming becase my skin is being slowly burned of as he drags me. He's doing it in broad daylight. He's mocking me i know it he's telling me nobody cares a bout me. there are all of these Middleaged Old hags smilling and waving at him, and he waves back to. Well we get to the cave and he starts to eat me ,but then i see my sister and she laughing in my face Calling me an idiot let me ask you do, you think i was stupid for giving myself up so my sisterr could live?
[COLOR=Blue]People who think there better than than you becase they have more money than you. actually that's all that comes to mind right now[/COLOR]
Mine is a Recurring dream. i'm skating in a pair of bright yellow skates. Don't know whiy i don't own a pair. well i'm going pretty fast i reach a cliff that has is a perfect 90 degree angle it's completly pave no bumps or anything. i bend my waist, and keep my arms sread as i go down the cliff. i jump off and suddenly I'm a hawk flying throught the skies. And I can see my arms within the wings them self. I love that dream :love:
To me it was one of the greatest animes ever. I have only one regreat i never found the manga because i was told they had diffrent endings. It was good break from all the other Predictable animes out there.
like a lot of people else i saw IT when i was young and that led to alot of dreams that i'm Tortured by clowns. but i'm afraid of pools becuase my brothers thought it to be funny to hold my head under the water till i couldn't breathe. when they did it i nearly drowned once or twice.
Mine would go like this. I'm forced to sit in a desk. By people wearing clown masks as they tear of my finger nails. But that's not the worst thing they bite of parts of my figures off till I'm fingerless then next go my whole hand. The keep me alive so I can fill the pain. Then, from my wrist to my elbow, then to the shoulders. Till finally the take mercy and shoot me in the head ending it all . I think they wanted me to beg for death. Welcome it with open arms. Now That's my fear :laugh: But i still have other fears involving clowns from hell :devil:
What is there to say that has't been said about your song i just love the way it rollls off your tounge
so far i've read only the first chapter ,but i must say i love it :love: . i especially like the whole miroku meets frying pan incident. :laugh:
On the other side of town. "Man do those things ever get tired of chasing me!" Exclaimed an out of breath Kite. Kite had been running for dear life close to an hour now. Trying to get away from a group of heartless. This Group recently showed up in Travers town. Incoherent noises can be heard from the background. "Guess not." Taking one last deep breath before running again. He looked up at the sky only to see a figure jumping from roof to roof. Suddenly out of nowhere an ideal came to him. Why not take a page out of his book Taking his daggers out he started to climb. Using the daggers to help me climb was a brilliant ideal, Thought Kite As soon as he was on the roof he looked down the see the heartless trying to climb up the wall, but with no success. "Hahahaha you freaky little midgets can?t get up here can you?", Kite gloated. That was of course till he noticed they were forming a human latter. "Man do I ever get a break around here", He complained as he started to jump roof to roof.
Well see i've watched all of the i love series ,but i'm more Interested in the 90's since i was born in 1990. Michael Ian Black is pretty good ,but I like Hal Sparks a bit more . There both really good at thier jobs if you ask me
Name: Jim Hawking Age:16 Gender: Male Apperance:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/7-10.htm]Jim[/URL] b Bio: Jim was one of Emily more unsderstanding friends. He was the one she asked what to do. he told her to tell the girl how she felt. what he didn't know was that it was katie who emily fell for (excuse the pun) but when she died he got into a deprission and started to do drugs to ease the pain He allways blames him and his stupid advice for her death. he started to see here evrywhere he went so his mother sent him to see a docter. who gave him pills for the deprission it worked for a little while till he stopped taking the pills.his said it was his own pesonall hell that he would have to live with it for the rest of his life
Name: Kite binzur Age:16 Gender: male weapon: two finely crafted daggers (Volcano key) it looks like the kingdom key but during a batle the saft burns bright red then turns into magma Apperance: [URL=http://www.dothackenemy.com/Images/CardImages/HACK-EN01T09.jpg]Kite[/URL] Personalty:acts likea little kid but deep down he is ruthless but only when he is in a fight Bio: when he was seven Kite's world was destroyed by the heartless during the battle he was knocked out when he awoke he was in a rowboat with the key blade and his daggers. on the island he prentened to lose his memorey she he wouldn't be asked questions he grew up with madison wit a brother sister bond
Can someone please make this into an avatar and tell me how to use it? [URL=http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/17477/images/hack_kite.jpg]kite[/URL]
Name: Astos Age: 16 Race: Human Class: magician, Weapon Type:His staff and a Branch. The branch is all that gives him his power if it is stolen he losses his magic Spells: His spells favor illusions and Nature Bio: Astos was abanded by his parrents when he was seven. He holds no anger toward them for if that had not happen He would not have met his mentor faust the magician ,or learned his spells but he also had other students ones who just wanted power instead to entertain and delight. so some students killed him but astros took the branch before they could get it. So he could hid it. It holds so much magic just waiting to be untapped Appearence: [URL=http://www.spacecoyote.com/art/original/astos_12.jpg]Astos 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.spacecoyote.com/art/original/astos_water.jpg]Astos 2[/URL] could you pm me and tell me how they meet and,or if there is something you want me to change
Name: Eragon binzuru Age: 16 Apperance: [URL=http://www.spacecoyote.com/art/original/binzuru.jpg]Eragon[/URL] Islander or Chaos: Islander Dragon: [URL=http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/053.jpg]Flare[/URL] Pesonallty: he's a stone or that's what people think. has very few friends ececpt for flare Bio: He does not know anything about Jin or his mother. his father told him she died giving birth. when he found out about the others and thier plans he decied h might be able to make some new friends if he went with them.