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Everything posted by Aura_Star
If someone's up for the challenge I'd like a Green Day banner and ava set in celebreation of their new music video, which just so happenes to be my favorite Green Day song. Anyway here are the requirments: Text: In green(well it is green day right?) put, Wake Me Up When Septemeber Ends. The style of font really doesn't matter all that much as long as it looks good. No name please. For the text on the ava, just put Green Day. The pictures are attached. The one with leaves is for the background. Thank you to anyone who does this!
Sorry guys but, I'll take the prize here. Take a look, [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?ijwlia90yuc]click here to veiw image[/URL]. Yup, I do rule.
How do you resize a picture without actually cutting off the bootom on paint. Like making the orignal picture smaller but, keeping in every thing else? Expect a few more questions later but, this is my main one right now.
*raises hand*Question! Do all gods and goddess wake up in the desert, no matter what country they were a part off?
Name: Catherine(Cat) Age: 18 Gender: female Reincarnate of: Hecate Weapon: [URL=http://www.paganpresence.com/images/m-2053-01.jpg]Short sword[/URL] and a [URL=http://www.paganpresence.com/images/cn-23671blk-02.jpg]Switchblade[/URL] Description: [URL=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs6/i/2005/092/1/0/_H_is_for_Hecate__by_Tasuki_no_Miko.jpg]Click[/URL] [URL=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs6/i/2005/074/e/4/_B_is_for_Bia__by_Tasuki_no_Miko.jpg]Click for clothing[/URL] Personality: Cat is spunky and has lots of attiude. She doesn't care what people think of her and will speak her mind. At times she can be loud but, she knows when to be quite. Tick her off and you'll it. She has a dark look that can turn anyone to stone, not really though. Bio: I'll do later OOC: Do they all wake up in the desert?
Ceres. Why because she doesn't walk around in her birthday suit or look at her body parts like, "What's this?" I haven't seen either of the animes but, I have read the Hellsing manga. My friend wants to buy Elfen Lied and maybe when I watch it I'll get a different out-look. Plus most of the pictures I see of Luck/Nyu are of her nude or looking at herself. There's this one were's she's got her shirt pulled down and looking at her breast. Very weird, though Hellsing is weird in its own ways I have to go with Ceres.
How can you people like Rei? Winry has a whole lot more personilty and she's not a mute. My vote goes to Winry. I have to admit that will Evangelion is a masterpeice of an anime, its not my favorite. It's good to watch but, it gets old real fast. Both are sad animes with cool characters but, I perfer FMA over Evangelion any day. Therefore, Rock on Winry and kick that mutes arse!
Aaron nodded, he thought about his own intrest in women and turned towards his brother again, "You know I think you've been hanging around me to much." With that statement Jile laughed a little, "Maybe but, I'm not a fool so yuo don't have to worry about me. Or any girl I take." "Right. I won't worry unless you command me to." With that said Aaron stood and brushed himself off, "If you don't mind brother I might take a Grey Owl for myself. I like they're leader, if that's okay with you. I figure you have yuo eyes on the one you were carrying around." Aaron walked off leaving his brother sitting in the dark and walked towards Shina. She was pretty and tough. If he did decide to get serious with her then he wouldn't have to protect all the time. "Hello Shina, was it?" Aaron spoke in a comferting tone as not to surprise her. He saw her turn and look at him funny. "Yes and your Aaron, Blue Wolves. Right?" "Correct." Aaron smiled at her and countied to speak, "I realize our gangs have been a little hasty towards each other and I'm think since we're working together it might be time for a change."
Second that. I think the rules need to be updated with a part about not allowing intro threads. Unless an offical introdution thread is created and pinned. Though this suggestion may not be considered because of how OB would much rather have better posting quatily over post count, which I agree with.
Celia nodded, whatever drug Lust had used was done now and Celia was ready to do anything to get away from the state. Though, she would be sure to leave with a bang and possibly ruin Roy while she was at it. She didn't care what she did, even though joining the Broken Alchemist was pretty risky. She did however like the idea of being able to bypass the laws of alchemy. She decided that she would go with the majority and after that was decided she'd go and find Mustang and that ThunderBolt Alchemist and mouth off to Mustang and show that stupid ThunderBold guy that she could kick his ass. Of coruse this would have to take place after the decision to take up to offer given by the Chimeria Master.
I've finally broke down and set to trying to figure out the only program on my camputer that can make banners. I don't think I'm that good yet, considering the time and that this is my first attempt but, I plan to get better. Well here's my first ever banner. [IMG]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/7753/banner27su.jpg[/IMG] Please don't critzie me by going easy on me because its my first try. I want to cold hard truth. What do I need to change? Do you like? Does the text look good? And any other things that you feel like pointing out. Oh and tell me if the image doesn't show up.
Aaron looked about, there was no sign of a trap. Well an obvious one, sighing he looked over his shoulder at the blue haired person behind him. "I'm going in, if it is a trap then at least you'll live." Stretching Aaron turned all the way around and looked at the 'real' Blue Wolves leader. Seeing him node his approval Aaron walked briskly across the street and entered the tavern. He stood at the door way for a a few moments letting his haunting silver eyes take in the room. If this whole thing was a trap he had his escape route already figured out. Even though he was willing to die for his brother he wasn't really looking forward to feeling death's cold and clammy grip around his neck just yet. Aaron walked farther into the lighted area of the bar and chuckled, he was getting to use to hiding in the shadows. He looked over towards a table and saw the only female in the bar at the moment and saw that she was with a few other guys. From her rough appearence he guessed that she was the one who called the Blue Wolves here. The leader of the White Tigers in person. He didn't see any sign of the Grey Owls so he walked towrards the table keeping his hand firmly in his pocket in which a few throwing neddles where hidden, just incase. When he reached the table he spoke, "Leader of the Blue Wolves, present." The group at the table looked at him and Aaron quickly let the feeling of uneasyness leave him. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes this early in the game. Slowly he pulled his hand out of his pocket and offered it to the group.
Celia chucked to herself, Getting out of the State would be a blessing but, knowing Mustang he would keep her employed just to tick her off. She rubbed her wrists glad to free of the metal bondings. She leaned towards Isis reavling her clevage from the unbuttoned unifrom without knowing of his growing engima. "Don't listen to them Isis. I like it when you do things like that." She smiled seductivly and stood up strait again. She flicked back a lock of brown hair and looked around with her red eyes. Thunder Alchemist, she had to remember that name. When she saw Roy she'd give him a peice of her mind.
"Why should I listen to you, dog." She crossed her arms and looked at him with a hateful glare. "Oh, on another note don't tell me what I can and can't od. I could care less what your postion in the State is." Celia snapped her fingers and the transmution circle on her glove glowed a bright red as a spark lighted and she began changing the concentration of oxygen in the air. The spark grew into a larger flame and travel towards Tyler. The flame wrapped around him and began to wrap closer around him.
Celia saw that he wore a State Uniform and stood up, "Better watch yourself if you feel the urge to talk to me or my friends like that!" Celia barked at the alchemist. She clenched her spark cloth gloves and felt the heat form in her palm. She saw the others look at her like she was crazy for flipping out over the matter. Even though, Celia had a very short fuse for other State Alchemists, expect for Tai but she still could get huffy at him every so often, and wasn't going to let her repution go to waste. She glared at the Alchemist her eyes burning with the desire to catch that stupid uniform of his on fire.
Celia looked up at the metion of the Broken Alchemist. Her eyes grew drak and she spoke, "I wouldn't get involved with them. The Broken Alchemists are a group of alchemists who break the laws of alchemy." Celia looked up and saw the eyes on her and she shurged, "The only reason I know this is because there are some rumurs going around that they're the ones killing State Alchemists and some other people who get in their way. I'm pretty sure that the State knows whos doing this and the comand should go out pretty soon. That is if the attacks presiste." Celia had decided to let them in on the little information that she knew. She wasn't really wanting the group to fight even though she was almost certain that Isis was joking. However, Celia was hoping that Michael would tell them what he knew because she had a feeling that he knew a whole lot more that what she did.
Name: Cyri Bismend Mutant Name: Quake Age: 16 Sex: female Mutant Ability: Trigger earthquakes and move the earth. Cyri has little control over her power to create earthquakes. When she has any extreme emotions the earth rumbles. Her problem has made her keep her distance from close relationships because she fears being hurt which would cause her to make an earthquake that not even she could control. By moving the earth she can make it softer or lift it from the ground and make pillars of rock or dirt. Bio: Cyri never knew her parents all that well but, still loved them with all her heart. Both her paretns lived very busy lives and wer never home in fact Cyri once told one of her many foster parents that they had never sat down and talked to her or hugged her. The foster parenting started when Cyri turned seven. The child services had heard rumers about her and were watching the house to see if any adults ever came to the house. After a week and with no sign of her parents they came and toke her away from the house with a strugle though. Cyri was devasted and that was the first day she discovered her powers. The earth began to shake violently and pictures on the walls feel shattering. The child services thought it was just a consedence. They never suspected the weaping blond seven year old. She swiched from foster home to foster home untill she finally stood up and told the main Child Service directer that she could take care of herself. Even though Cyri has the potentail to create a large earthquake with just her emotions doesn't mean that she keeps herself bottled up. Cyri is carefree and fun loving, that is until she goes overboard. Cyri is confindent in herself and loves to party. However she doesn't like getting to deep in a realationship. If you were to describe Cyri in one word you would get the sword, sweet. She cares deeply about her friends and doesn't really like to hurt people but, will if she has to. Short Description: [IMG]http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00037.jpg[/IMG] Outfit completed with a pair of pink and white tennis shoes.[URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00037.jpg]Click if image doesn't show up.[/URL]
I'm in need of an update. As much as I love my eye evil ava/banner set I'm feeling ready to let go. No to say that I won't use it again but, any ways onto the request. I have two choices [b]Numba 1[/b]- For the first I'd like a banner and avatar with Temari on it. The colors don't matter but, try to make them dark if you can find a picture like that. On the avatar I want my name in a wispy kind of font and in purple. For the banner don't put my name on it. Instead put a quote that matches the pictures in the upper right hand couner. [b]Numba 2[/b]- Shikamaru themed. Something with cool calm, relexed colors like blues, whites or greens for the text and a wispy font. Try to find a good picture where he doesn't look too funny and put the quote Cloud Watcher. Put clouds in the backgroud and have him laying on the ground if you can find a picture of that or just have him with his eyes closed and the cloud background behind him. The clouds can be real or anime ones. No name on banner. For avatar just do clouds and put my name in a samll font. If you can get the clouds to move that would be great, on the avatar. Please and thank-you!
Name: Aaron Northwood Age: 18 Gebder: Male Apperance: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/blog/loversdreams/ayashi/t1.jpg]*clicking sound*[/URL] Completed with a pair of black leather pants and boots with silver buckles. Personality: Aion is mysterious and doesn't show his face very often but, when the chance to grab some goods he couldn't resist. He's a bit of a casnova and like to be around the ladies. Though he isn't really intreseted in forming a relationship. Gang: Blue Wolves Leader(the face and takes orders from Jile. Only member that knows who Jile really is.) Skills: Stealth, great hearing, and deadly aim. Weapon(s): Two [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]daggers[/URL] that can be used to throw and throwing needles (they're the things in-between the daggers) Bio: Aion tends to keep to himself when it comes to his past. He isn't however shy about his crimnal record. Arrested five times and escaped each. Never recaptured after his escapes. The captures happened before he joined the Blue Wolves. One day he met a guy named, Jile who hide in the shadows. Aion was asked to join his gang. He joined and became the 'seen' leader of the Blue Wolves. He takes orders from Jile.
Name: Zafira Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://images3.deviantart.com/i/2005/150/4/0/_R_is_for_Rhamnusia__by_Tasuki_no_Miko.jpg]Click[/URL]Without the wings. Props to the VERY talenet artist. Personality: Zafira is confindent and doesn't give a crap what people think of her. She can be overbearing when she's knows she's right and people are trying to prove her wrong. Her past has made her untrustworthy but, because people don't trust her she doesn't trust them. Biography: Zafira used to one of those people who made trouble on the net. She was known as a very dangerous hacker and thief. Another thing Zafira was known for was her deadly aim. She could, and still can, hit anything she set her mind on. in joining the team to save the cyber world she didn't have much of a choice. When she was finally caught by the net savers she was given two choices, be deleted or train to save the cyber world. Zafira had not yet finshed what she had set out to do in life and wasn't lookeing forward to deletaion so she choice to train. Her training was hard considering that no one really wanted to help her, because of her past but, she mangaged to advance. Zafira rose in the ranks quickkly and proudly. She let her pride show through to the others who had only saw her as a crimnal. Her speciality is her deadly aim and her sleath. Zafira can break into almost any facilty without being detected. Before the 'target' attacked Zafira was a sniper and one of the best. She looks forward to prove that she's changed from her dark past. Weapons: 3x Automatic Pistol 2x Magnum OOC: Tell me if I need to change anything.
Xiangha! Not sure about the spelling but, I love her and Soul Cailber 2. Anyways i give you a 10. The shinyness is so cool. I love it! The way the colors change and end up matching the picture. I really love this one!
There is a fifth season but, it hasn't come to America yet. I am hoping that Digimon does make a comback because it was one of the best show for children. On a sidenote the fourth season of Digimon was the WORST EVER! I personaly think season two was the best followed by the season one. The third season was okay but, not my favorite.
Celia looked away as she spoke she didn't really want to see Isis's or Itsu's reaction when she spoke, "Well the State isn't as bad as I thought it would be and well me and Tai have been getting closer so things have been going great." She kept on walking a little embarsed that she had told the duo about her relationship with Tai. She sighed as she balled her hand into a fist and looked back at the duo. She felt her face redden a bit and wished that it would go away. She didn't know why she was so uneasy around these two ,or was it just Isis? It seemed eaiser to talk to Itsu for some reason. She wished she could remember these two people. Even though she couldn't remember when they met she felt some odd connection to Isis like she knew him very well but, her m ind wouldn't let her recall her memories of him.
Celia began to crack up at the duo's antics. It seemed as though she couldn't stop until another State Alchemist walked by. She stood up and gave him a glare as he looked at her with a dirty look in his eyes. "Try it and see what happens." She growled at him raising her hand slowly. The man moved away quickly and didn't look back. Sighing Celia spoke, "Nothing really just trying to keep my dignaty in tact. Its so hard here when Tai isn't around. He got sent on some mission for the State he should be back soon. Then hopfully he can rmind those damn Miltray leeches to stay away from me" She looked at Isis and gave him a faint smile. "Has life been treating you two well?"
Celia had long left the firing range and walked down the streets wit her white gloved hands in her pockets. She toke one hand out and examined the normal looking glove when in fact it was very different. The glove was woven together with flint fibers much like Mustang's, expect hers had a lot more kick to them. She sighed and put her hand back in the blue State uniform's pocket and brushed against a person who was traveling the oppisate way she was. "Sorry" Celia muttered but, as she spoke she stopped. The person she had bumped looked very familiar yet, she couldn't pllace were she had seen this person before. She stood in on side walk watching the person who was walking with another girl. [I]They both seem so familiar, like I've met them somewere before.[/I] She frowned at herself for the fact that she couldn't place the two people, turning back around she keep walking towards her destination.