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Everything posted by Aura_Star
Celia stood outside a office in Central. She was at the State's Main head quaters and she was hating it. She toke a deep sigh and frowned at herslf, [I]How could I be so stupid! This is the worst thing I've ever done.[/I] One of the male State Alchemists walked by and did a wolf whistle. Her face reddened and she stood up away from the wall. "Watch it you jerk!" The alchemist turned and a look of fear over came him. Celia's eyes were aflame and she snapped her fingers creating a flame. "Hey, I didn't mean it I swear!" Beads of sweat began to roll off the alchemist's forehead and he backed away trying to get away from her fire. "Then next time don't pull any crap like that!" She shouted and let the flame fade. Celia then turned and walked down to halls giving all the male state alchemists a glare that could kill. Once she got ouside she toke deep breath and begant to run through the large city. She hated this uniform and she hated Mustang for making her join. Her long brown hair bounced after her as she ran down the crowded road. Reaching the shotting range, Celia stopped by and cheacjed out a pistol. Putting the thick head phones so that she wouldn't bust an eardrum. She toke aim and fired over and over untill her built up rage was gone.
Can someone make me a banner with Satella Harvenheit from Chrono Crusade? If you take up the challenge can you put these words on it: [i]Erscheinen! Ritters Juwel![/i] If you can could you make the words flash or kind of light up one by one and then at the end flash twice. Please and Thank-You! EDIT- The size doesn't matter cause I want to use it for another site. If you wish you can make it a size that fits Otakuboards stanards because I might use it for this site too.
[spoiler]Yes and no. Ed is killed in one of the last three eposiodes I'm think number 49. The homunculi that has Ed'd arm and leg stbs him when he comes out of some weird gateway thing. Anyway Al being the Philosper's Stone brings his brother back to life. Ed goes back to the gateway and does something weird. Then some more weird crap happens and somehow Al gets his body back and the homunculi are all dead. Al wakes up in their hometown and is playing with Winrey's dog. Winrey sees him and wonders were Ed is and more importantly why Al looks the same he did before the accident. Meaning he's still seven years old. Al has no memory of anything that happened after his mother died and wants to know what happened. Winry tells him and he makes a promise to find his brother and meet up with him again. He finds their teacher and gets her to teach him alchmey. Mean while Ed has reloacted to Tranvalnia to do something but, he also makes a promise to find and meet up with his brother again. This is all I rember from the guide that I read. It was really through and the ending is SO sad. I got teary eyed while reading it.[/spoiler]
"I do have a plan but, like most plans it will be hard to get it to work. First off it is important that we get a Grand Musician very quickly. I'm about o tell you all a deep and very dark sercet consiring the truth behind the purpose of the Grand Musician. Some of you may of noticed that plants have been dying and that the soil is becoming impure. Mudianian is kept alive by music, music is not only our souls but, also the soul of this land. Long before when our ansenters first found this land do you know what they found? If you think they found a beautiful land full of lush greens and rolling hills then your wrong. This land was crap before they found what the land wanted. This land has a soul, a soul that wishes to be fed. Be fed what though? One of the founders was a muscian and started playing insently the grass started to grow and flowers began to bloom. Birds came down from the sky and rested on the now living oak trees. This land is slowly dying now and our most imporant task is to get a new Grand Musician. Most of you do know that the Grand Musician has an appreantice. Grand Musician has been moved across the border, along with the rest of her family, and by the time we get back the land would be beyond repair. I do know that the Grand Musician's appreantice is still over here in a low serciuty prison that isn't to far from the castle. The appreantice is still young and will need a teacher a few guards to protct the castle from attack. We can kidnap a teacher a some guards fromthe same prison and take them to the castle so that we can assure their safety. As soon as we secure the new Grand Musician in the underground camber we'll leave and start on our real quest. To save the real Grand Musician." Suzun toke a deep breath. She knew the plan was going to be hard but, she knew these people would stay by her side and help her. Even though the Grebcosen would be after her soon. They had already killed her master in trying to find her.
Suzun stood and slammed her fists down on the heavy oak table making the other end rise off the floor. The papers that had been resting on it feel to the ground and the people who had sitting their jumped back. "Enough! This is a time of high tensen, I know but, hold your playing for now." Suzun shouted at all of the people in the room. She turned her haevy gaze to each of them in turn staring at them for no more five seconds. Once the room was silent she spoke again. "If you all plan to fight right now then this will be a very long quest for all of us." Suzun looked around again and let the table fall those who were getting comfertable jumped again and looked around.
"My father gave it to me and well we aren't on good terms. I respect him like a son sohuld but, I don't love him. The only reason I'm exist is because that damn Celestal raped my mother." Talan turned and picked up a small rock. He stood up and threw the rock as far as he could and he heard it land after a few minutes. "Tell me if you need to be healed." Talan spoke without looking at her. He had never spoke of his father to others before and wasn't sure how she was going to react after hearing that his father was a Celestal.
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
Aura_Star replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray]YES! Finally someone that agrees with me about Kagome/Kikyo. Everyone always tells me, "Oh, Kikyo is such a biatch, she's trying to steal InuYasha from Kagome and blah blah..." Okay, 1.) Kikyo had InuYasha first, so technically, Kagome is trying to steal InuYasha from Kikyo. 2.) Kikyo, may I remind you people, is the [I]original[/I], and nothing gets better than that. And besides that, I just hate Kagome, and I love Kikyo. Quite simple, really. XD [/color][/size][/QUOTE] Yes Kikyo should just kill Kagome. I mean its obvious that InuYasha still likes her and he will always like Kikyo more than Kagome. The main reason I think that's true is because does Kikyo have the power to say a word and InuYasha crashes into the ground? I think not. Anyway to the times I root for the badies to win. That's quite often actually. I mean it gets soooo old with the same storyline, good guy loses(YAY!), good guy wins, good guy brags and wins some moe. That's how most storys go. I mean would it really ruin the world if the bad guy won? Come on people thnk about sure they would kill people but, hey what's the problem? Onto the villians I root for. Kougaiji- He's the hottest demon in Saiyuki and plus he has VERY goo reasons for being bad. All he wants to do is get his mommy back. I mean he doesn't really support his dad's goals and loves his younger sister. I just want to jump in there and kill Sanzo(ole droppy eyes), Goyjo, and Hakkai(*dodges sporks thrown at her*). Goku can live because he's the second hottest male chacter on Saiyuki. Homuru- I have a thing for bad guys with a good cause. He wants to create a new earth and destroy the heavens. What is soo bad about that I mean look how they treated poor little Nataku(LOVE HIM!!). He's eyes are also pretty dare cool. Lirin- Okay so she's not really a bad guy but, neh she ROCKS!! He stupid plans to get Droppy Eyes to play with her. When she gets pets it's sooo funny. Lirin- "You can be Spot, and your Fluffly, and you can be Porky" Fluffy- I already have a name though..... Spot- *to fluffly* "Be quite, she'll kill us." Porky- "Porky....?" -
OOC: Israfel can you make your posts a bit longer. A least a paragraph, please. IC: Suzun turned and looked at the person. She stared at him hard and then lightened her gaze. "I don't care about who you are are or what your true intentions are. I just want my sis..the Grand Musician to be safe again." She turned and began to rings her bells a little bit and smiled at the sweet meldoy she was creating. She felt a gaze on her and turned seeing the viloinest's eyes on her. She gave him a faint smile and stopped. She didn't want to make people angry at her now, she needed their help and couldn't waste good help in saving her sister's life.
OOC: My chacters name isn't spelt Suz[B]a[/B]n, its spelt Suz[B]u[/B]n. IC: Suzun's ears tingled as she heard the bells on Sohpia's shoes and she turned towards her. She watched her play an sighed. "Don't you think vultures are too much they might really hurt him?" Suzun said. "Don't worry once the music stops the spell only last 15 seconds." She said sitting on a chair. Suzun smiled and turned her glare towards the clocked person and the female Grebcosen. She looked down thinking that she could never trust her. She was after money and if she was offered more money than what she was giving her she could just say goodbye to her plan and life. She only had one last wish incase that she couldn't save her sister. She wanted to she Morgana again and tell her how much she ment to her and the people of Mundian.
[B][U][SIZE=3][CENTER]The Grand Musician [/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B] A small poorly light room was filled with a group of people, ranging from young to old. They all were there for one reason, to save their land. One girl stood out though. She had long brown hair that stopped at her theighs and was tied in a loose ribbion near the end of her hair. She wore a tight white shirt that formed around her body and stopped at her middrift, over her shirt she wore a balck leather kacket that had metal shoulders. Her short black leather skirt was very tight and her black boots stopped at her knees. She suddenly slammed a gloved fist on the hard wooden table in front of her and she stared hard with her brown eyes at the crowd that was begining to quite down. "The time has come to rise! We must attack back and save the Grand Mucisian." The girl shouted. A few poeple murmered amongst their selves. One man srood and spoke, "I heard a rumur that your the Grand Musician younger sister. Is that true?" She sighed, "That is true." "Then why are you trying to save Grand Musician Morgana now? When you could of saved her from becoming sick a while back, then we would never be in this mess." The girl, who's name was Suzun looked away and then looked at the worried faces of the crowd. "I had my reasons but, now we must fight against them all. Don't you all want your land back. Come on people let's fight. We can do this if we try hard enough." Suzun looked at the faces and a few stood out. Ones that looked like they were ready for the bsttle to come. She spoke again, "Those who aren't up to the challenge please move to the other room," She pointed to the door at her left, "THose who are ready to fight go into that room." With that she pointed to the door on the right which she was heading to. "I'll be waiting for those who come." She turned and her hair swirled behind her as she entered the room. Sitting on the table with her legs crossed Suzun waited for the Rebels who would join her. OOC: Here we go! All the rebels should be at the meeting and the neutrals can chose to be at the meeting or at somewhere else. Have Fun!!
Okay here's the final cast [CENTER]Sister of the Grand Musician- Suzun(me) Rebels- Sophia Oroiby (digiX), Kiyoshi (Israfel) Neutral- Danath (Lord Rannos), Rinoshi Motana(Lyuann)[/CENTER] Those who's names are not on the list did not make the cut. Sorry to those who didn't. Those who did congrats. Grebcosen officers are npc charcters. I'll be puting an underground thread up with the officers descriptions and shat not. Sign-ups will remain open for till next Tuesday. The open spots are Offiers and three more rebels.
Sign Up Full Metal Alchemist: Broken Alchemy [PG-VL]
Aura_Star replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
OOC: Ya! It's back. The fifth and sixth paragragh in her bio is the new stuff. Subject to change and how many years has it been since the chapter one? [B]Name [/B] Celia [B]Age:[/B] 19( birthday) [B]Side:[/B] State/Ishbal [B]Job:[/B] Alchemist(State)/Apothacary [B]Alchemist Name:[/B] The Firecat Alchmist [B]Description/Pic:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/words_worth_99_292_1.jpg]Celia[/URL]. She also wears [URL=http://www.marchenoir.com/daggers3.jpg]these[/URL] earings . The middle piece is a necklece. She also wears the State uniform but, only in the begining of the the story. [B]Personality:[/B] Celia has had a hard time since her mother's death. She lived with her crazt aunt who hated anything that dealt with alchemy. She is a hard worker and acts cheerful and carefree even though she is very lonely on the inside. Celia tries her best to hear both sides of a story before making a descion.She is very a very caring person because of her job. She had to learn to care for others and doesn't like to see them get hurt. Celia is very easy to talk to and likes to listen to people in hoping that she can solve their problems. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Two [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]daggers[/URL] that can be used to throw and throwing needles (they're the things in-between the daggers) dipped in a special home-made posion. [B]Bio:[/B] Celia's parents were both State alchmists who feel in love at first site. They married and a few months after the wedding her mother became pergent with her. Because of the pregency her mother had to take a break from alchemy. As the body prepared for the birth of Celia her father started becoming more reserved. Nine months later Celia was born and her mother was sent on a misson. As Celia's mother worked her father fooled around with other women in the village. When her mother heard of this she killed herself from the shock. When her father relized what he had done he left young Celia on his sister's steps and went to away. No one ever heard from him again. Celia's aunt was kind and gentle at first raising Celia as her own. That is untill she found out that Celia had an intrest in alchmey. Her aunt tried to give the know ten Celia to her mother's brother, Mustang, but he refused. As Celia grew more fasintated by the art of alchemy her aunt went deeper into insanity. She begane to beat her every night she practiced the art untill she finally gave it up. Or so she thought. Celia pretended to be an ordinary apothacary but during her down time she practiced and read from her father's large library of alchemy books. She studied to become one of the best alchmist and made a vow that she would use her powers to help people. But as they war came closer to her home her secret became harder to hide from her aunt. When her aunt finally relized what Celia had been doing in the dead of the night she cut Celia giving her a large scar across her face. As she left Celia in her blood she had muttered something under her breath that upset Celia very much. She had said, "No good will ever come from the child of saten worshipers." All the years of secret training and hidden hate caused Celia to erupt in an explosion of anger. She had passed out and reawoken with her aunts mangled dead body of the ground beside her. SHe looked in horror and saw that her own hands were stained with blood. Celia began to cry out for what she had done was cruel and distasteful. In the back of her mind however, a small feeling grew. One of comfert and happiness. She was now free of the chain that had wrapped its rusty links around her throat so thightly in her years of youth. Shortly after the war finally reached her hometown and ravaged it completly. Celia and a few lucky others survived together they worked to rebuild the town smaller though because ofthe lack of people. Celia did most of the work with the aid of alchemy and had saved a few lives in hope of repenting for killing her aunt. Mustang came to the town to see if Celia had survied and after witnessing her skills in alchemy tried to get her to join the State Alchmist. She refused saying, "I rather die than join the orgination that lead to my parents demise." After her statement she left the village taking with her a promise and an oath. Celia is now a State Alchmist but, only by blackmail. She never toke the money from Isis and decided to ask her uncle for money. He said yes but, only on one condination , she had to join the state alchmists. He told her that she would be a shoe -in for the state. She was hestite at first but, gave into his demands. He was right too, she was easily expect and given the name the Firecat Alchmist for her temper and her use of fire when she performs alchemy, just like her uncle. Not many alchmists know of the relation between the Flame Alchmist and the Firecat Alchmist and they both keep the sercet well hidden. Another reason she was given the name was for the alchemy she used during the feild test. She had connjured up a flames in the shape of a lion. She id known to conjuor up firebirds to and use them as transportation. She is immune to the flames so she does not get burned. Celia is also half Isbalian due to her father. Her father was alive during the Isbalian Massacre and escaped with his younger sister. To hide their identies they went to an ahlcmist who altered their eye color though he could do nothing about the skin tone. No one knows that Celia has Isbalin blood flowing through her veins. Since joining the State she has forgotten about Isis and has increased her realtionalship with Tai. [B]Original:[/B] Yes -
The srongest emotion I ever felt, well let's see. Mine would probley be anger, the hate kind. I have to incedents of my anger coming out. I'm not a very violent person and it takes alot to make me so mad that I would actually do something. The first time was in sixth grade, gym class. We were playing flag tag and all of a sudden this girl starts singing, the on top of my spagitti song, which I find the most annoying thing in the world. I asked her stop and she does to most kindergarden thing. She replies with, "Make me." I was a little ticked off because I got my flag stolen in the game and plus it was like 90 degrees and I'd been running so under mt breath I said, "If I had a knife I would." She rolled her eyes and left I also moved. A minute later she has a friend with her and they're bothe singing the song right behind me. I moved again and she got two more friends and they find me and start singing the song. I walk over to my firends and talk with them for a few minutes and next thing I know there they are. There were about seven of them now and they were singing. I broke turned tried the kick the main girl and missed she runs and tells the teacher that I kicked her. Which I didn't and when I missed I didn't even hit her any of her friends. The teacher called my over, luckly for me I was the teacher's pet. When she relized that I wasn't going to get in trouble for kicking her she brought up the threat that I said at the very begining. Now if I was her I would of told right away rather than bothering me over and over. The thing was I didn't even know her, which I find just plain retearded. I got written up talked with the assistent princpal, who I pleaded my side of the story with. Of course like everytime I'm not heard out. I told my mum about it when I got home so that she wouldn't be to suprised. She thought the girl was in the wrong so she bitched to the ap and told the ap that the girl needed punishment too. As far I know she didn't and I got three days In School Suspetion(ISS). The other time I snapped was on the bus just last year in eighth grade. THe boy I was sitting with was being a complte idiot about our seating agrrement. He wanted to sit on outside so he could talk with his friends in the seat across from us. I told him no because I got off the bus before him and my stop was the first one so he could last a few minutes with out talking to his firends. But, oh no the boy couldn't stand it. He bitched and wouldn't get in the seat. I finally gave up and sat on the inside. He then said something rude and that made me snap. I clawed the back of his neck and pulled a pen out of my backpack and stabbed him a few times in the arm with it. I made him bleed and cry. I didn't regreat what I did because I knew what I did was overdone. That time I didn't tell my mum and she still wasn't angrey when she heard about it. My punishment was that I was suspened from the bus for a week and had five days of ISS and if you can call it a punishment my seat was also moved. Well those are my two events of intense anger. I think the second one was a whole lot worse but, I still hate that little b******.
Sign-ups are great. If we can get at least one more rebel/neutral and at least one Grebcosen well start this. I really want this one get off the ground so gather friends and tell them to join!
I would have to say my fav Clamp maga is a tie between Angelic Layer and Wish. Angelic Layer- A cute youth manga with an average girl who just moved in with her aunt. She becomes entranced by fighting dolls and gets swept into the world Angelic Layer by some crazy sceince dude. How can you not love this story. A girl who wants to see her mum, [spoiler]and ends up fighting her at the end without knowing [/spoiler]. Wish- What can I say, it toke me a while to pick up because the ad for it look corny but, I finally picked up a copy and didn't put it down till I finshed it. It is the cutest love story in the world. I'm hoping the do a sequel but, that would most likely ruin the story and like most sequels they're never as good as the orignal. Expect for a few.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Thanks for signing-up and please tell your friends! Here's my sign-up [U]Name[/U]: Suzun [U]Age[/U]: 20 [U]Gender[/U]: female [U]Appearance[/U]: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/tifa3_b.jpg]click here[/URL] [U]Side[/U]: Rebels [U]Instrument[/U]: [URL=http://www.zarasemporium.com/3600BS.jpg]Bells[/URL] [U]Skills[/U]: The ringing of her bells distractes her oppentes while she goes in for the kill. She attached some of them to [URL=C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1A7GTQ3]needles[/URL]. She throws them and the bells create mini vibrations that make that bells sound as if they are coming from a different direction. She has bells attached to her clothing and they keep her in contant training. No mater how she moves she is completly silent, and her bells don't make a sound. Also her bells bring butterflys to her. [U]History[/U]: Despite her tough appearence Suzun is actal not all that tough, in personalitly. She tries to control to many things in her life, which always ends up making thing worse. She always wanted to follow in her elder sisters footsteps.[URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls149.jpg]Morgana[/URL] was Suzun's idol and she would do anything for her. Though the siblings had their difference their bond was close, Morgana was proper and very lady-like while Suzun was wild, spunky, and a bit of a tomboy. When Morgana was summuned by the previous Grand Musician and told that she would take his place. Suzun was proud for her sister but, begane to fell that what she did ws inferior to her sister's talent. That was when Suzun decided to go to the mountians to train and become stronger so that she could impress her elder sister. The location of her master's home however cut her off from the events of Mundain. Her master instruted her that she was not aloud to comuncate with others, she hestated but, decided that it was for the best. Suzun underwent strict and rigrus training that at one time almost killed her. Since Suzun was shut off from the rest of the world she knew nothing of her sister's tramas. Suzun became susupes when she saw outsiders in the very small village oon the side of the mountin of which she trained. Her training finally proved its effect when she had a dangerous encounter with one of the outsiders. After a narrow escape she rushed to her master's home and found it in ruins. Saddened she saw more outsiders nearby and witnessed the beheading of her beloved master. As she slipped away into the woods she overheard the outsiders speaking. They said something about a Grand Musician and a sibling, capturing them, one already other still lost. SHe then ran fled with tries streaming down her face when she heard the outsiders talking about their homeland. According to them Mundain was under seige and the Grand Musician, her sister, was ill and captured. Plus her master was dead because of her, she wipped her tears thinking of her master's word that a warrior never cried. She snuck into hiding plotting a way to save her homeland and more imporatly her sister.[/COLOR] OOC: that's strange they all work for me, well expect for the needles picture but, they look like regular throwing needeles with bells attached at the oppiste end of the pointy end. I'll attach the character pictures.
23 manga's according to the tokyopop web site. I have one question though what do you think of a Dragon Knights anime? Soem of my friends have been talking about it and personally I don't like the idea. I was wondering what others might think. Main thing I fear is that the voices won't match the characters or they'd change the voices in the middle when things get darker. Neh :animestun . I think Dragon Knights is one of those manga's that should stay a manga. I mean some animes got a manga(like Cowboy Bebop*shiver*) and they weren't all that great.
[COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Music is power in the land of Mundain. Will you take up your instrument and join? Only you can answer that question. [SIZE=5][B]BACKGROUND[/B][/SIZE] Music is everything to the people to the people of Mundain. It is the air they breathe and the wings of their hearts. Everyone has a musical talent that is unique to them. Others may play the same instrument as them but the sound they make is as different as the strips of a zebra. Music is in everyone?s hearts and poured out since their birth. As newborns their cries were harmonies and the pots that they banged created a symphony. Yet out of all of the musicians stood one, whose music was grander than any others. The musician was given the title, The Grand Musician. Their job was to hold all the music together, to feel when one?s was fading, along with a life. But most importantly to defend the country from attacks. The Grand Musician?s music formed a barrier and kept attackers at bay. The Grand Musician was to play their music all day and night without rest, outsiders might think of this as punishment but, it was a great honor and because The Grand Musician was such a great musician he never grew tired of playing. Because the position was a great honor many young musicians strived to become that person. At the time, The Grand Musician was a harper. Their fingers stroked the strings of the instrument with such care. People came far and wide to ear the music of The Grand Musician. She was known as The Grand Musician Morgana. Morgana was young, around thirty, and extremely talented, she could hear the call of the instrument and which string wanted to be plucked. Her music was so pure and she was also. Her voice complemented the gentle melody of her harp perfectly. However, The Grand Musician Morgana fell ill and it became harder for her to play. As the shield weakened, citizens became troubled. They knew that news of the shield breaking would reach the other nations soon and they would soon come to attack. The army was prepared, but not for what was to come. As the barrier became weaker and weaker Morgana became weaker and closer to death. Her parents were dead and the only person she had left was her younger sister who no one knew of her location. Morgana became more and more desperate until the most unbelievable thing happened. She was kidnaped by the nation of Grebcosen, a nation known for their advanced energy technics(chi blasts). Mundain began to slip under and lost control. People didn?t know what to do, they tried to fight back but, without The Grand Musician?s music guiding them they lost. Grebcosen expanded their borders and keep a careful watch over the Mundainen?s actions, checking for any signs of rebellion. Yet, even though the watched a group of people rose up to ready to fight against their countries invaders. Their plan rescue The Grand Musician from her captives and restore Mundain to its former glory. Their skills varied but, they were all up for the challenge and ready to risk what they had. One of the members of the rebellion was the younger sister of The Grand Musician. Why did she appear now? and were was she when her sister needed her? No one knows though the classify her as a traitor to her people and think of her as the true cause of Mundain?s lose in power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [U][B]SIGN_UP[/B][/U] Name: no explanation needed(i hope. if you need one then your worthless) Age: 15-40 Gender: male/female Appearance: pic or written descripion. if typed please be descriptive. Side: Rebels/Grebcosen/Neutral Instrument/Weapon(if Grebcosen): not everyone pick the same. Skills: NO ELEMENTAL(fire, water, ect.) SKILLS.unless the element ties in with instrument, ex= drum/earth, pipes/wind, I'll tell you if you need to change it. Try to tie the skills in with you instrument witch is your weapon. History: one paragrah min. three para max. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]CAST[/B] Sister of the Grand Musician- Suzun(me) Rebels(limit 5)- Sophia Oroiby (digiX), Kiyoshi (Israfel) Grebcosen Officers(limit 4)- Neutral(limit 2)- Danath (Lord Rannos) OOC: I reserve the right to say who is acpected in the rp and who is not. Anyway HAVE FUN! Hope this one works Tournment of Lost Souls didn't work that well.[/COLOR]
RPG Full Metal Alchemist: Blood of the State [PG-VL]
Aura_Star replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
Celia let the fire die and followed Isis into the tent. Celia frowned at him and placed her hand over her eyes. "Isis I have something I want to tell you." "What?" Isis turned towards her and looked at her strangly. "Your friend, Itsu. Well she isn't the only one with Ishbalin blood flowing through her veins." "What do you mean Celia?"Isis was now intrested and strared hard at her. "Come on you mean you haven't noticed. Look at my eyes!" Celia moved her hand to revil her red iris one of the main character traits of Ishbalins. "So what if their red?" "I'm half Isbalin myself! It's because of my mother that I don't have a darker shade of tan skin. According to my father that was her last gift to me." "If they were part of the State why didn't anyone find out and why aren't you being chased?" "My father and my aunt, his sister, under went a surgry to change their eye color using alchemy. My aunt wasn't happy about it and left to find her own line of work while my father became intranced by alchemy. People are curious about my eye color but, they don't question it since I don't look Ishbalin. I'll explain more later but, you aren't the only one with an issue, remember that." Celia finshed as she walked out of the tent looking down but, she was stopped when she walked into Tai who looked shocked as he looked down at her. Celia steeped back away from him as she stared back at him with her ruby red eyes. -
RPG Full Metal Alchemist: Blood of the State [PG-VL]
Aura_Star replied to Sir Gawain's topic in Theater
Celia stood back and watched the fight she fumbled around with bottle as one of the Humonculi's came towards her. The bottle fell and broke causing a green haze to form infront of her. Creating an transmution circle under and snapped her fingers together creating a flame. She manipulated the flame and shot it into the green smoke and the area infront of her blew up. Jumping back Celia saw the Humonculi surrounded by flames. "Hope you like fire. Learned that from my uncle and modified it to my taste." Celia looked over towards Tai and thought she saw her uncle but, relized that it was Tai not Mustang. A sudden emotion washed over Celia as she stared at Tai. It wasn't hate it was the oppsite. She turned quickly and stared hard at the ground as she formed a sheild of fire around her. Even though the fore was sorching hot she felt warm and protected. Through the flames she saw the Humonculi staring at her and Celia turned away from it and concertrated on keeping the flames up. -
Talan looked down at the waking Rin. He laied her on the ground and sat next to her staring after the fading form of T'kure. Talan pushed his hair back and looked over at Rin who was begining to rise. "You okay?" Talan asked as he glanced at the cuts on her body. "I'm fine this is nothing." "Good." Talan stood and walked over to the edge of the debris. "Is Talan your real name or your code name?" Rin asked as she stood. "Code, why?" Talan replied without looking at her. "Well, everyone else is known by their real name not their code." "I made the choice to be called Talan over my real name", Talan paused and added in a whisper, "It's better than Ren."