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Everything posted by Aura_Star

  1. Talan covered his eyes as the dust swam around. [I]Damn I have to end this.[/I] Talan melted the remaining clones and formed them into a raiper. He twirled the sword around testing its sturdness and lunged towards the blurred shape that he guessed to be Kyle. When the sword made contact he was sure of it. Pushing it deeper into his flesh the winds died down a bit.
  2. Celia crossed her arms as she stared at fight. It seemed like a repeat of the pervious fight that had onlt taken place a few hours eairler. Since this battle toke place away from the village she didn't really care. I f Tai died sghe'd be free to go but, the way he looked at her when they first meet suprised her. He looked at her as if he knew her which was a lie considering that the only state alchmist that she associtated with was her uncle and that was it. For a minute Tai looked woried but his worry vanished and his mind went to work. She fixed her shirt since when he had pulled her it got lumped together. With her boot she drew a transmutation circle in the dirt underneath her just incase she needed a barrier.
  3. Talan covered his eyes and frowned the only way to get out of here was to fight.[I] I have to make this quick.[/I] He braced his body for the strong gust of winds that were erupting around him. He felt for thye water vapor in the air around him and with his mind he turning in into small ice crystals. "True you can't see wind with your eyes, but your eyes are your most usless sence. They decive you and let you fall victim to illiusions. The good thing about wind is that you can feel it and hear it just before it stricks." Kyle's became even more angry and the gusts became stronger. The ice crystals Talan had formed swirled around him and when they cleared Talan was gone. In a bright flash he reappeared but, with nine more copies that were all fully functional. They all spoke at the same time using the same tone and pitch, "Ice and water have their own uses to and like wind water is every were even in the driest of places."
  4. "Hey Its the Sand Squad!"- Naruto from [I]Hella Recess Style...That's how we do it![/I]. I gotta say Temari takes my vote this time. One she's as cool as Tsunade-Sama if not a little cooler. Temari's fighting stlye is kick butt and her attuide is the best. She is Gaara?s older sister and some people find her attractive, I don't being that I'm a girl and what not. Her fan is super neat and she's really smart and also as good of a strategist as Nara Shikamaru.
  5. Thanks so much for your comment! The genre is a more action/humor, but I haven't gotten to the action yet. It will most likely come in around chapter 2 or 3. There will be some love issues later on and some tragic drama. I hope to finsh with ch.2 by friday and either edit this post and put it up or if someone else comments I'll post it. Either way it will be up. THanks again for the comment. :animesmil
  6. Ceia looked around the trashed room and cowered, "Ah, damn it! WHy does this always happen?" Celia turned as she heard a knock at the door. "What's oing on in there?" A voice asked behind the door. "Um, nothing." "I heard a crash. Let me in!" Celia looked around and started towards the window before she left she placed her hands on the floor and a pot of lilies came up. "Give me a minute!" Celia said as she jumped out of the window and ran down the street towards the fight. The door of the room fell down and the innkepper's jaw gropped as he saw to room and the perfect bunch of flowers sitting on the ground. Celia sighed as she ran. "You bastard! Stop fighting already before you really ruin this place!" SHe shouted as he came into veiw. An orb went towards her and Tai pushed her out of the way. "What the? What are you doing?" She snapped as she was pushed to the ground. "Saving you!" Even occured to you that maybe I didn't want to be saved by a [I]State [/I] Alchmist?" She said the word state with a bitter distaste as she stood and brushed herself off.
  7. "NO! I refues to fight someone who has no respect for others. No wonder she left you. Your treating her like she's some torhpy in a contest, when that's not ture. Rin is a living person with feelings and you can't decide her fate." Talan let the wind blow and him but, he stood his ground. He wouldn't let this big bad wolf blow him down. He debated weither he should just leave but, he didn't really want to leave Rin within the grasp of him.The ice in his body began to twich and started to move, [I]No[/I], He thought to himself, [I]I have to stay calm I can't let him get to me.[/I] Even though he was wanting to fight he suppressed those feeling to forming a stragety to get both Rin and him away from this mad Celestail.
  8. OOC: This is the first chapter of a story I'm writing over the summer. I hope to finsh it before school starts and enter it in a writing contest by winter. I'd like creative critism so that I can improve the wrriting and story. Thanks to all who read this story and I hope you all enjoy it. If anyone as an idea for the title let me know, I have one in my mind but its just boncing around right now. I haven't decided yet. If I don't get any good ideas thatr's what it might end up being. IC: [U]Chapter 1[/U] [B]Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-lp[/B] A lightly-tanned hand reached out and slammed on the snooze button, knocking it down of the dark-blue bedside table. ?Dang it!? A voice from beneath the star-covered sheet muttered. A blonde head poked out from under the cover and looked at the glowing red numbers on the clock, the effort was wasted though by a shout form downstairs. ?Hikaru, I hate to disturb your beauty sleep because, you decently need it, but it?s going on 7:40 and in case you school starts at eight o?clock. Oh, and I won?t be driving you to school either.? ?You?re such a loving father!? Hikaru shouted back as she scrambled out of bed and kicked the clock under her bed. Downstairs a man with a gentle face surrounded by long brown locks of hair chuckled as he heard the constant running upstairs in his daughter?s room. Five minutes later, Hikaru emerged fully dressed, though rather sloppy, in her school attire, a plain deep gray skirt and white T-shirt. She grabbed a piece of toast and chewed on it while speaking to her father, ?Why can?t, munch, you take me, munch munch, to school?? ?I have an interview this morning, at . . . ? Looking toward the wall clock he frowns and grabs his black helmet on the table, ?8:15. Well look at the time, TTFN!? ?Talk about me being late.? She grabbed another piece of toast from the plate on the counter and decided to grab the last piece, Waste not, want not. Hikaru raced out of the door just in time to see her father zoom of on his yellow and black motorbike, laughing as he headed in the direction of her school, Sumei High School. She threw her backpack on the ground as she pulled on her clear jacket with an angered expression on her face. ?Dang You! You did that on purpose! I hope you get in an accident and die!? Hikaru shouted after him even though he was long gone. She sighed and picked her backpack up and put in back on. Taking a deep breath she thought, This is no way to start the first day of high school. Hearing a bell in the distance, Hikaru toke off, running in the direction of her school. In a few short minutes she reached the schools gates with her backpack still thumping against her back. A loud bell chimed four times as Hikaru caught her breath only to loose it again when someone snuck up on her and whispered in her ear, ?7:55 bell.? Hikaru jumped and turned to see one of her only friends standing behind her with a grin that was filled with sparkling white teeth. ?Hanna! You got you braces off! Why didn?t you tell me?? Hikaru said cheerfully as she embraced her friend. ?One you don?t care and two you were gone all summer.? ?I do to care and my dad toke me to the coast this summer. We stayed at his girlfriend?s condo.? ?The one with the annoying dog?? ?Yup.? ?I thought you hated her and I quote, ?I hate that stupid slut! I?ll never go anywhere with that arrogant woman.?? ?Yes I said that, but still she is nice once you get to know her.? ?What she buy you?? ?Nothing!? Hanna smirked at that and rolled her eyes. Hikaru then sighed and grabbed her friend?s hand leading her away from the gate and into the building which smelled of new textbooks and freshly wax floors. All over the school friends were reunited with squeals and hugs, chatter filled the air as the reminisced in old memories and new stories about the things they had done over the summer and the guys they had met. Hanna removed her hand from Hikaru?s and walked beside her. Hikaru soon became entranced by the flow of the stories that she didn?t notice the person who was in front of her until she ran into them. ?Oh I?m so sorry! I wasn?t watching were I was going.? She smiled at the person. ?No it?s my fault I shouldn?t of been standing in the middle of the hall.? The sweet and attractive male voice caused Hikaru?s eyes to jump to him face. Reji! Oh my gawd! His head reached out to caress her face and Hikaru just stood in awe. ?Are you okay?? Hiakru stood still feeling her face turn red as his intense chocolate brown stared at her. ?Uh-ng.? ?Do you want to go somewhere more private?? He grinned flashing his pearl white teeth. She shook her head and moved her loose hair behind her ear and smiled back at him. ?Okay, see you later then, Seri.? Reji turned back towards his friend and began talking again. At the mention of the name Hikaru?s jaw dropped and her face turned a bright red. Snickering came from behind her and she turned snapping, ?Oh, shut up!? Hanna smirked and spoke slyly, ?Your so into him.? ?Along with half the other girls in the school.? ?So you admit that you like him.? ?You like him too.? ?Actually no, he?s not my type.? Now it was Hikaru?s chance to role her eyes. They looked at each other and began laughing as they entered their new classroom. Desks were placed in perfect rows completed with the large mass of girls in grey skirts and boys in black pants. All wore white shirts of some kind: blouses, tee shirts, tanks with jacket, and dress shirts. Hikaru?s eyes scanned the room looking for the teacher. None was in sight, as the bell rang loudly students fled to desks next to their friends in the back. Hikaru calmly moved up to the front of the room and sat in the desk next to the window in the front. Hanna sat diagonal from her and placed her head on the her desk taking in the fresh scent of the desk. There was an empty seat next to Hikaru and behind her, but the one behind her was soon filled. The smell of cologne was familiar and Hikaru turned to see who was sitting in the desk behind her. ?Re..ji!? Hikaru gasped in shock. ?Yep, that?s my name. You know were the teacher is?? ?No, sorry. Why do care anyway?? Hikaru turned and hit her head with her palm, [I]Stupid! Now is not the time to be a smart-ass! [/I] ?Neat, I like a girl with attitude. The teacher?s new though. At least I think she is. Never heard her name before.? ?Oh.? Hikaru looked away and down as she turned a bright red.[I] Great now he probley thinks I'm some kind of freak.[/I] She sighed deeply into her arm as she layied them on the desk and propped her forehead on them. Her eyes went to the window and she watched as cars drove by on the street outside and a brid began to make a nest in the tree outside the window. [I]That's going to be annoying[/I], she thought as she turned her head back to the front of the class. OOC: Thanks again for reading and please give me your opinion!!
  9. This sound fun. I guess I'll give it a shot.....lets see how about.... [B]WhiteSalem[/B]- Your confindent and proud of the fact that you like pokemon still. You seem very creative and are very active. You are different and you know it and you don't let others get you down. Did I do good?
  10. Celia frowned as she walked out after he converation with Tai. She walked down the hall afraid for the men the alchmist were after. She let an empty bottle slip from her arm band and grinned. "He should have some 'pleasent' dreams tonight, if he can even fall asleep." SHe chuclked and darted out of the building and raced down the street towards a small shop. Once she reached it she opened the locked door with a key from her neck and walked in shuting the door after here. Herbs, pots, pans, and cauldrens were scattered arouns the room and she walked to stir a pot of green liquid. A remedy she was working on, it wasn't done yet but if her caculations were right it should be complete in a few hours. She grabbed a book on alchemy and sat down on the floor and began reading it while she awaited her potion to be finished.
  11. I don't wanna bash you, because the beastie boys are rappers. They were the first rappers that white people accepted. They're probley my fav rappers and the only ones I like, so I agree. I like the rap in Rich Girl by Gwen Stafini also. Enimien well he's just a poser, i think. Though he does have talent along with a guy at my school who almost got a record deal at my school and same age but, refused it because he wanted to finish school. He's 15 by the way.
  12. Celia looked at the large tip and sighed. She stood at the bar and follwed the poeple as they walked out the door. "Hey, Celia!" She turned towards a burly man with a kind face. "What, Caleb?" "Thake the rest of the day off. Things are slowing down and you've been working hard." Celia grinned and rushed towards the door and stalked out. The warm dry air hit her suddently as she exited. She grabbed a vile of a blue liquid from her side and drank it. The dryness in her mouth dissappeared and the air around came cooler and she walked slower. She grinned at her own remedys and saw the people she had served walking. She walked slowly behind them and looked around the street. Even though it was hot many people were out and about, young children were running around and playing with a broken water main. She smiled at the children's play as she followed the group.
  13. Celia looked towards the door as she saw a group of people enter and she sighed, [I]There goes my break.[/I] She stood and waved them over to a table and they all sat. "What do you want?" She asked the man at the end of the table who had two gunbs on his side. Normally she would be supsious but considering the tmes she thought of it as normal. Even she carried around weapons for another reason other than for her job as a waitress. Its only temporary, she reminded herself and thought back to early morning when the group of men she was serving tried to pull some crap. She had slashed one of them with her dagger and the others left. They had been State Alchmists not that it would of made any difference. She saw that they were staring at her and rembered that they needed menus so she grabbed some from the empty table behind her and tossed them at them. "Hurry up..., please." She sighed and stared at the ceiling and waited for there orders.
  14. Talan stopped glared at Klye and looked around. He sighed and spoke, "Guess you can't trust anyone anymore huh. I don't know why your trying to kill me but I do I have some theories." Talan crossed his arms and glanced up and then looked ast T'Kure with a cold look in his eyes. "Let's see I haven't harmed any of you yet, so it can't be revenge. Or could it for another reason. Hmmm, oh yes I get it now, emotions are such fragile things and unlike the fragile ice that I can control, I can't control the emotions of others. Wish I could though it would be a very powerful gift to have." "Shut up you bastard!" Kyle shouted. "Now that's not very nice considering that I do have a father and still alive to. Kind of wishing that he'd let life go already but can't change his mind." "I don't give a crap! It's hard enough to get her without you screawing things up!" "Would you really not care if you knew my father was one of your own. A Celestail, and a damn powerful one too." A few jaws dropped and Talan toke this chance to jump up and hang on the flag pole on the side of the building behind him. He swung up and landed on the roof as he stood he came face to face with Rin.
  15. thanks! i really like the graffiti text and the colors are really cool. Thanks bunches!!
  16. The ice retreated back into Talan's skin as he listened to the conversation. He sighed as he grew bored with the disscusion and decided to leave. "T'kure if you survie come and find me. This whole event is boring." Talan went to dive off the roof and looked over towards Rin and winked. He then jumped off and dove down head first. Just before he reached the ground he flipped and landed on his feet. He looked up and grinned at the sky and Rin who looked over at him. He walked down the street and whistled to himself.
  17. not really..there isn't really a set size so feel free to expirment. Just nothing to small, please. Don't worry about creat because I will give it and a link to this site under the banner.
  18. Can someone make me a sig and ava set for another web site. They don't have a section for sig and ava request. If someones up to the challenge I'd like it to have Kino and Hermes from Kino's Journey on the banner. The size of the banner doesn't matter but could you make Kino kind of louging on Hermes. Put the name, Mithrim on the banner please. On the ava I'd like Kino only. The pic doesn't matter just no riding goggles. The ava has to be 120 pixels by 120 pixels and no larger than 1024 KB. Please and Thank-you!!!
  19. Talan sighed and let his guard down as he turned back towrds T'kure. He kneeled down beside him and rasied his hands over his body. "If that is what you wish. I won't [I]kill[/I] them." A bright white light escaped from his palm covering T'kure with a heavenly glow. The light wrapped around him healing his wounds as Talan stood once again and faced the Celestals. Ice began to coat Talan's arm as he stared the Celestals down. The shimmering crytal like ice wrapped around his right arm and shaped into claws on his fingers. A deathly chill began to move across the roof. "Explain yourselfs or get ready for a fight. I don't want to do this, but I will if I have to."
  20. Name: Celia Orshima Age: 18 Side: Ishbalins Job: alchemist/apothacary Description/Pic: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/words_worth_99_292_1.jpg]Celia[/URL]. She also wears [URL=http://www.marchenoir.com/daggers3.jpg]these[/URL] earings . The middle piece is a necklece. Personality: Celia has had a hard time since her mother's death. She lived with her crazt aunt who hated anything that dealt with alchemy. She is a hard worker and acts cheerful and carefree even though she is very lonely on the inside. Celia tries her best to hear both sides of a story before making a descion.She is very a very caring person because of her job. She had to learn to care for others and doesn't like to see them get hurt. Celia is very easy to talk to and likes to listen to people in hoping that she can solve their problems. Weapon(s): Two [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]daggers[/URL] that can be used to throw and throwing needles (they're the things in-between the daggers) dipped in a special home-made posion. Bio: Celia's parents were both State alchmists who feel in love at first site. They married and a few months after the wedding her mother became pergent with her. Because of the pregency her mother had to take a break from alchemy. As the body prepared for the birth of Celia her father started becoming more reserved. Nine months later Celia was born and her mother was sent on a misson. As Celia's mother worked her father fooled around with other women in the village. When her mother heard of this she killed herself from the shock. When her father relized what he had done he left young Celia on his sister's steps and went to away. No one ever heard from him again. Celia's aunt was kind and gentle at first raising Celia as her own. That is untill she found out that Celia had an intrest in alchmey. Her aunt tried to give the know ten Celia to her mother's brother, Mustang, but he refused. As Celia grew more fasintated by the art of alchemy her aunt went deeper into insanity. She begane to beat her every night she practiced the art untill she finally gave it up. Or so she thought. Celia pretended to be an ordinary apothacary but during her down time she practiced and read from her father's large library of alchemy books. She studied to become one of the best alchmist and made a vow that she would use her powers to help people. But as they war came closer to her home her secret became harder to hide from her aunt. When her aunt finally relized what Celia had been doing in the dead of the night she cut Celia giving her a large scar across her face. As she left Celia in her blood she had muttered something under her breath that upset Celia very much. She had said, "No good will ever come from the child of saten worshipers." All the years of secret training and hidden hate caused Celia to erupt in an explosion of anger. She had passed out and reawoken with her aunts mangled dead body of the ground beside her. SHe looked in horror and saw that her own hands were stained with blood. Celia began to cry out for what she had done was cruel and distasteful. In the back of her mind however, a small feeling grew. One of comfert and happiness. She was now free of the chain that had wrapped its rusty links around her throat so thightly in her years of youth. Shortly after the war finally reached her hometown and ravaged it completly. Celia and a few lucky others survived together they worked to rebuild the town smaller though because ofthe lack of people. Celia did most of the work with the aid of alchemy and had saved a few lives in hope of repenting for killing her aunt. Mustang came to the town to see if Celia had survied and after witnessing her skills in alchemy tried to get her to join the State Alchmist. She refused saying, "I rather die than join the orgination that lead to my parents demise." After her statement she left the village taking with her a promise and an oath. OOC: I'll this ASAP. :animesmil
  21. Talan jumped up raced towards T'kure once he saw the blast aimed towards him. [I]What was that, more imporatly who did it.[/I] Out of the courner of his eye Talan saw the Celestals flying towards his fallen allie. [I]I have to get ther before they do, they seek revenge. With him down it would be easy.[/I] Picking up speed the Cesteatals left his veiw and he soon came to T'kure. L:eaning downhe turned him over and saw that he was still awake. "T'kure come on. THe Celestals are coming." He heard a moan and rolled his eye. Voices reached his ears and Talan turned to see the Celestals coming towards them. He turned and walked towards their landing site ready to fend them off.
  22. The sweet smell of angel blood was soon sufacated by the stench of demons. Zelle stood beside the body of an angel who's wings were a depressing grey as the holy light faded. THe blood drained to the ground, seeping into the rotten Earth of Hell. Blood covered her white pants and the bottom of her floor lenght silted skirt. Tears rolled painfully from her eyes as she dropped down beside the limp body and she muttered, "Hamous..." "A lost lover, oh how sad, boo-ho." THe Demon general laughed wickedly and Zelle turned to face him. "How could you! You promised you wouldn't harm him if I cooparated." "My girl, didn't anyone ever tell you, 'Don't make a deal with a demon'?" "Bah! You, you bastard! I despice you!" Metal, warmed from the blood of angels cut across her face. THe blood and tears mixed causing the salt in the tears to burn the wide cut. The demon leaned next to her face and spat in it speaking, "Your right I am a bastard. That's why I enjoy opening closed wounds." Zelle looked at him with a lust for blood, his blood, in her eyes. "Yes I know about that old scar, hidden by the magic of your little friend. Unfortanly it will never heal fully now, no matter how powerful the magic is. Now you will always remember this day!", He laughed evily and whispered in her ear, "And don't look at me like that either girl." With that final statement said, he brought his foot up and threw it into her face, knocking her onto the ground next to her lover. He left leaving her for dead and laughed as he walked away. As he walked towards the other demons a pure white flower sprouted from the ground that was drenched in angel's blood and brushed against her cheek as if giving one final kiss goodbye as he moved on to the next world. In one last effort, Zelle grabbed the flower tightly so that the petals fell into her hand. She tucked them saftly in her bosom and fell into a world of unconionesses, waiting for an awakening. ~ 5 Years Later ~ Cool grass brushed againsted Zelle's face as a slow and steady breeze blew across the area in which she was laying. Her eyes fluttered as her vison begane to adjust. She pushed up on her arms and plopped onto her butt. Zelle looked at her suroundings and saw a large amount of trees and nature. A frown grew across her face as she saw her enclosed space. She hated tight areas and much rather had been somewhere more open. A few twigs snapped in the distance and she stood. Noticing the tightness of her clothing. Zelle's eyes reached her outfit and she saw that she was dressed in a pair of tight jeans that looked worn and had holes in the knees. She also wore a white tube top covered by a jean jacket. She smiled as she felt her necklace and her earings. Walking over towards a spring she looked at her appearence and saw that she looked mortal expect for her horns. More twigs snapped and as she turned the water rippled behind her. Her hand reached for the Chasms at her side.
  23. Talan grinned it felt good to see tthe shocked looks on all of their faces. He couldn't expalin it, but a feeling began to grow in him, a warmth. One that he had felt when his gaze reached the girl. He turned to see if anyone was following him and then toke off. He ran with the wind wiping through his hair and wrapping around his body. The chill from the gusting wind felt good against his face and the breeze wiped through his hair; knocking the silver hair out of place. He stopped and looked around he was on the edge of the city and looked to his side to see his favorite hideout. The water tower had a few broken bars on the ladder, but he climbed up nimbly from years of pratice. Once he reached the top he lolled on the hard metal and gazed at the stars. His eyes shut as he heard the motors of cars racing by the highway on the ground beside him. Footsteps echoed as someone began to climb the old, rusty ladder. OOC: don't care who it is..........again.
  24. Talan stood outside the battle feild and watched as the other Satantics raced out. T'Kure saw him standing there and he lunged at him. "How long were you standing there? Why didn't you come and help?" He shouted as he slammed him up aganist the wall. "Only a few minutes and one I didn't feel like wasting the effort beacuse you all looked like were doing pretty good and two I just didn't want to. Though if you were in any REAL danger then I would of helped." "You bastard! What do you think your better than us?" "No I never said that." T'Kure released him and Talan walked off towards the battle feild. "Were are you going?" Halie asked frowing at his lack of support. "To clean up your mess." T'Kure snorted and his eyes followed Talan as he walked towards the ally. Talan sighed he only felt the urge to heal the Celestials because of his father. As he walked through the rubble his eyes darted among the Celestials looking for the most hurt when his gaze reached am attrative girl with brown locks of hair and a large gash sround her neck. He bent down and a blue glow flowed from his palms and the wound began to heal. As he healed her his eyes watched the Celestails and Earthians to see what they would do next.
  25. [COLOR=Green][CENTER]Tournament of Lost Souls[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Long ago shamans from around the world came to compete with there spirt guides, or partners. They all fought with pride and showed great strength with there own unique skills. As years progressed shamans had to hide among regular people or risk being killed. They were known as witches, warlocks, sorcerers, wizards, and sometimes devil worshipers. They were all mixed meaning that there was shamans who used their powers for good and others who used there their power for evil. A hundred years ago however, the tournament began to change. No longer did people come to fight for honor or respect among others of they kind, but instead they came with a lust. A lust for blood. Fights became acts of murder and wickedness as an evil spirt loomed over the stadium. Normally calm and peaceful shamans began to kill without thought. People turned mad attacking everyone in sight. This event was called the Tournament of Blood. The once-proud stadium was shut down and the contest was ended. It was sealed with powerful seals that kept the evil spirts in and morals out. For some strange reason shamans once again have been summoned to compete in this once banned contest of strength. The spirts once contained have been set free and have possessed young shamans of hopeful status. The older shamans who were alive to witness to tragic event of a hundred years past, weither as a ghost, spirt guide, or still living as a human, became cautious, but some still decided to take the leap and travel to the stadium for the prize for winning was something that no one could resist. For the victor a wonderful prize awaited them in the winner?s circle. The chance of immortality and the chance to walk the earth once again as a human for human spirt guides. Other spirt guides that didn?t wish to be human or couldn?t become human because they never were could be bond to their partner forever without a contract or be able to leave on their own free will.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Sign-Up: Shaman Name: easy Age: nothing to young please Gender: male or female Appearance: pictures are perfect and descriptions too Personality: Abilities: only one please Motive: Reason for going to the tournament Country of Origin: Weapon(s): no more than two Spirit Guide Name: easy Age: what age they appear to be or they?re actual age; whichever or both Gender: male, female, or neither Appearance: pictures are perfect and descriptions too Personality: Abilities: they go along with your spirt guide Species: can be human, animal, or elemental spirt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]My Sign-Up Name: Ren Makoto Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00067.jpg]The one on the left[/URL] She also wears [URL=http://www.marchenoir.com/daggers3.jpg]these[/URL] earings . The middle piece is a necklece. Personality: Ren is very a very caring person because of her job. She had to learn to care for others and doesn't like to see them get hurt. SHe is very easy to talk to and likes to listen to people in hoping that she can solve their problems. Abilities: Ren is an apothecary in her small village in China and works very hard at it. She uses her medicines and herbal mixes to cure the villagers and herself. Motive: She wants to see if she has what it takes to win. The immortally is just a bonus. Country of Origin: China Weapon(s): Two [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]daggers[/URL] that can be used to throw and throwing needles (they're the things in-between the daggers) dipped in a special home-made posion. Spirit Guide Name: Sarin Age: Looks around 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]Sarin[/URL] Personality: Sarin is carefree but, also very stract when in comes to fighting. SHe hates to lose and will do anything to win even if that means possessing Ren. Abilities: Sarin is a Water/Ice spirit and uses the water vapor in the air to form water or ice. Species: Elemental Spirit OOC: No bio is needed.[/COLOR]
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