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Everything posted by Aura_Star
OOC: This gives a little of Talan's( Ren's) family and past( not so much of that more of family.) IC: Talan sat on the roof of the building watching the fight below. He had heard his name a few times, but didn't bother paying attention. He sighed part of him wanted to stay on the roof away from the small battle, but his other half wanted to go down and fight along side the other Satanics. Closing his eyes Talan moved his head towards the Heavens and smiled. He then stood and began leaping from roof top to roof top until he reached his destination. An abandonned building that's windows were broken out and was slowly failing apart. He jumped through a window and landed on the dusty floor. A knife flashed against his neck and a ruff voice whispered in his ear, "You should be more careful Ren, you'll get hurt." The knife was pulled away from his neck and ne turned to face the face of a haggerd old man who had grey eyes just like him. "I see you survied." "I've been through worse, though the fight was tough." The man sat down on a ratty chair and stared at Talan, "What's wrong boy." "I lost mum. She's dead and I couldn't stop it." The man looked away and then looked down and the ground, "She was a great Earthian." "And your a great Celestial! Father I'm sorry I tried to get there, but that damn Celestial lied!" "You lost your temper and killed them. Right?" Talan looked down and sighed, "Yes." "Did you forget everything I thought you!" The old Celestial stood angerly and slapped Talan. Talan stood still and then walked towards the window. "I need to get back there's a street fight and I'd like to see how it ends." With that he leapt out of the window and walked slowly down the street towards the ally where the fight was taking place.
"Well Jason everyone does things that there not proud of and I believe that you don't need to know my reasons behind joining the Satanics." Talan stared deep into Jason's cold hating eyes and he grined. Ice began to coat his neck and travel onto Jason's hands numbing them. Jason let Talan slump to the ground and turned. "I want an answer Talan." Jason spoke coldly as he stared at the ground. "You want an answer well then I'l give you one, Shut and go to hell!" Talan's voice became very dark and malovent as he spoke. He then turned and dissappeared into the shadows leaving the others to thereselves.
"Helie does have a point. They can still fight and if the Earthians and Celestales join together we might have a big fight on our hands." Talan spoke quietly and the others looked at him. A small smile appeared in Halie's face, but dissappeared as the others looked at her. Talan sighed and began speaking again, "I'm only trying to be honest. We shouldn't celecrate just yet. Oh and Jason stop playing with that, you don't were its been and can't you see that it's already in inof pain." "I like the sight of pain, Talan, so just shut up." "Well I can't help my pasifist nature." Talan ended the conversation and walked over to Helie putting his arm around her and sighing into her hair.The sweet smell soothed him and he smoothed the out of place hairs, giving her a smile.
"T'kure, try not to hurt them. They are only human." Talan spoke as he watched the ice on his arm retreat to the safty under his shirt. He pushed his silver hair out of his face as T'kure sneered and stalked off. When he was gone Talan walked over to the human and placed his hand over the mortal's head and a blue light emited from it. The wound on his head dissappeared and Talan returned to the shadows. He sighed sure they had won the battle, but there would be more fighting, much more. Leaning against a sturdy brick wall and looked up away from the blood soaked ground, coated with the blood of innocent humans and bodies. THe starry sky soothed his aching eyes. "Forget about it Talan, remember no one is innocent. Everyone is guilty of something at one time or another, no matter how trivale." He closed his black eyes as he reasured himself that what he had done was right. Still in his heart of hearts he knew that murder was wrong, even though he was a Statnic it felt wrong. He was different from the others and he knew it. "I hate your attitude Talan. Lighten up we won and its over, so stop being a baby." A voice said coldly to him as he slowly opened his eyes. OOC: The person can be anyone. I don't really care.
[B]Name:[/B] Zelle [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00159.jpg]Zelle[/URL] What you can't see, her outfit is completed with a pair of tight jeans that have holes in the knees. She also wears [URL=http://www.marchenoir.com/daggers3.jpg]these[/URL] earings in this form and in her true form. The middle piece is a necklece that was given to her by a special someone(hint, hint). The necklece also is kept in her true form [B]True Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otaku-forum.net/galleries/yukirin/09-.jpg]The true Zelle[/URL] Were it's gold make it silver and were it's white make it midnight blue. Add a vertical scar straight across her face going left to right downwards from her temple to a little above her chin. It also goes across her nose. Her nails are longer and her wings are black. Her eyes are a pale blue and she wears the same earings and necklece that she does in her regular form. [B]Weapons:[/B] A pair of Daggers called the [URL=http://www.medievaltimes.com/giftshop/600/26%20conan%20dagger.jpg]Chasms[/URL] [B][B]Race:[/B] Sinner Class:[/B] Summoner [B]Abilities:[/B] [U]True Sinner[/U]- Short horns extend from her brow and have two small silver rings hanging from the tips. Her nails become harder and a pair of demonic angel wings sprout from her back. Her sight and hearing becomes shaper and her aim is ten times better than her regular form. [U]Summoning[/U]- Zelle can summon beasts from hell( hellcat) and heaven(fairies) and also from Spirta. The creatures she summons are only spirits that possess her daggers or herself. The creatures can appear in a ghost form and attack their enemies mentally. She can summon the beast phicycally, but this saps much of her energy and some on the beasts can't survive inn the world that she summons them in. Other summoning skill that she has is summoning the spirts of the elements to aid them in battle. She can onlt do this in her true for, but she can summon the essence of the elemental spirits. [B]Motivation:[/B] Zelle was once in love with an angel who returned her love by presenting her gifts(her earings) and his body. The love they shared morphed her wings and gave them more of a angel like look, but they still remained black from her demon blood. In the battle Zelle was tramtized as her lover was killed by the demon general himself. She seeks revenge for her lover and will do anything to avenge him even if she has to kill herself. [B]Personality:[/B] Zelle is the most outspoken of the Sinners, and always makes herself heard. An optimist in every bone of her body, she?s never willing to give in and admit defeat, which can prove to be both a strength and a weakness. A pair of daggers named the Chasms are her weapons. She has gained the ability to summon creatures to aid them in battle. [B]Character Exerpt:[/B] The sweet smell of angel blood was soon sufacated by the stench of demons. Zelle stood beside the body of an angel who's wings were a depressing grey as the holy light faded. THe blood drained to the ground, seeping into the rotten Earth of Hell. Blood covered her white pants and the bottom of her floor lenght silted skirt. Tears rolled painfully from her eyes as she dropped down beside the limp body and she muttered, "Hamous..." "A lost lover, oh how sad, boo-ho." THe Demon general laughed wickedly and Zelle turned to face him. "How could you! You promised you wouldn't harm him if I cooparated." "My girl, didn't anyone ever tell you, 'Don't make a deal with a demon'?" "Bah! You, you bastard! I despice you!" Metal, warmed from the blood of angels cut across her face. THe blood and tears mixed causing the salt in the tears to burn the wide cut. The demon leaned next to her face and spat in it speaking, "Your right I am a bastard. That's why I enjoy opening closed wounds." Zelle looked at him with a lust for blood, his blood, in her eyes. "Yes I know about that old scar, hidden by the magic of your little friend. Unfortanly it will never heal fully now, no matter how powerful the magic is. Now you will always remember this day!", He laughed evily and whispered in her ear, "And don't look at me like that either girl." With that final statement said, he brought his foot up and threw it into her face, knocking her onto the ground next to her lover. He left leaving her for dead and laughed as he walked away. As he walked towards the other demons a pure white flower sprouted from the ground that was drenched in angel's blood and brushed against her cheek as if giving one final kiss goodbye as he moved on to the next world. In one last effort, Zelle grabbed the flower tightly so that the petals fell into her hand. She tucked them saftly in her bosom and fell into a world of unconionesses, waiting for an awakening. [B]OOC:[/B] Tell me if I need to change anything.
Name: Janel Affiliation: Demon Age: Appears 24 Appearence: [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/Angel/Angel-00006.jpg]Janel(imangine with black wings)[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/Angel/Angel-00018.jpg]Janel's Clothing[/URL] Personality: Janel is different from other demons. She's socialble and care-free. She dosen't care that the other demons just want to rip her head off. She's loyal to her codes and never fight somebody weaker. Even though demons hate her, they want her respect, which is something that she doesn't give to many demons. Shhe was upset when the Blessed Army?s greatest soldier was killed. Even though she never meet him he was one of her greatest heros. Her pride got the best of her and when she heard of what The Demon General had done, she lept and attacked him. A hour later she was pulled off and beaten by many of the demons who wanted revenge on her, the beatings also includes branding and rape. She was then cast into Limbo barely consious and badly wounded. Weapon: Crossbow Reason for Being Placed in Limbo: To kind-hearted and mercyful. Also noted as a traitor. Sees herself as a matyr. The Meet: Janel was found by Dain laying almost dead on the ground of Limbo, barely breathing. She was saved by him and has followed him, not knowing of his hertiage, in a blind matter of love. She doesn't care that he is half angel either and only wants to hear three words from him. Even though she hasn't told him of her feelings, but the way she clings to him and protects him is a sign. OOC: Tell me if I need to change anything.
Name: Ren Nick Name: Talan Age: 20 Gender: Male Power: Ice( He gets his nickname from his power, which he morphs to fit on his hands like gloves. He extends the ice to from claws and attacks his oppentents) Group: Satanic Personality: Talan is mercyful unlike most of the other Satanics, but if you really tick him off or if he respects you then prepare for the worst. He is a geantleman and always stays by his codes. Talan doesn't favor fighting which makes him stand out, but just because he perfers not to fight doesn't mean he can't. He is actually a very powerful oppenent. He is known to cure his allies as well as his enimes out of respect. He is also a bit of a casonva, or flirt and spends lots of his free time with the ladies. Appearance: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/blog/loversdreams/ayashi/t1.jpg]Talan[/URL] completed with black jeans and converse.
Can somebody make me a banner with a matching ava of Lirin from Saiyuki. Any picture is fine but I'd like one of her dressed punk(if i can find a pic. I'll post it). If you can find a good quote that would help. Request 2- Another Saiyuki banner/ava combo I'd like is one with Homuru on it. THe ava I'd like a close up of his eyes(I have an obsession with eyes). On the banner I'd like a good picture of his maybe two. Quote- "Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense."
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Tala sat quitly on the stump question wether to get up and walk away or just to stay here. Never before had this many people came this close to her before. Mondramon looked up at her worried face. "What's wrong Tala?" When she asked this question the three other girls who were having a conversation turned towards Tala and Monodramon. Tala blushed and looked down. "I'm not really a people person." "But, why? They all seem nice. So why are you scared?" "I'm not scared!",Tala stood up with a flame in her eye,"I just don't want other to get hurt!" Rae, Sally, and Elanor just stared at her like she was crazy. "Your not hurting us, right roo." Rae said with a smile and walked over to Tala. "Not yet but, sooner or later. That's how it always was at scholl and home and everywhere else." "Well were not there. Where here and I'm not sure if were even cpnnected to the real world." Tala stared at the kind face of Rae and gave her a faint smile. Monodramon hugged her leg and look up at her. "I won't let you hurt anyone. Or the other way around. That's what I'm here for after all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]THe banners are alsome. I do have to agree that thte text is a little hard to read. I just love the goyjo quote and the way that you made the word red, well red. I toke me awhile to figure out what the Hakkai on said. I think the quotes you picked give people who have never seen the show a feel of what the characters are like.(Hakkai's my fav!) Goku Quotes- "Since the day I was born till the day I die, the only side I'm on is mine!" "He took me out from the darkness and brought me to a world brighter than the sun..." "If this was deep underground, then I wouldn?t have wished for the sun. If this was deep underground, then I wouldn?t have known what freedom and loneliness were." "Your hair... I thought it was hot 'cause it looks like fire..." "Don't take out you're eyes! I was just thinking how beautiful they were!" [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Zeke Yukcomo Age: 17 Gender: Male Element: Breezy Wind Appearance: See attach. When he's not in his school uniform he wears a tight black muscle shirt that shows his well worked six pack. He wears his black leather pants and black and silver combat boots also when he's not dressed for school. Personality: He is vain and a little short tempered but normally acts cool and colected. Zeke is a casinova with no respect for attorty. He could care less if he gets put in jail or suspened from school. He hates goody two shoes and defines the term slaker. His bad boy demener atracts girls towrds him and even though he doesn't care who he's going out with he won't let anone walk over his 'girl'. Bio: Zeke's homelife may be the russult of the way he turned out. He practley worshiped the ground his mother walked on and always wanted to protect since his father was barely at home. His father was a hard worker but always found time to play with Zeke when he was younger. How could a loving caring home life turn a gentle natured kid into a punk who loves the ladies and hates school( exept for the girl's short skirts). Like all teens Zeke wanted space but, his parents wouldn't give it to him. Zeke became a rebal and started of by skipping his curfew and slacking off with school work. This was as far as he got other than his moterbike. When he staied out late he never went to night clubs instead he walked along the shore and feel in love with the gentle breeze. Zeke that the breeze descibe his life perfectly. With its gentle start the wind could change moods quickly. Flowing from calmness to harsh unpredicableness. Zeke still loves his mother though and tries to restarn the call for the wickness that he seeks only for the sake of her weak heart. Attacks: Neddle Wind- The wind around his oppenet froms together and stricks oppenet contensly. Gardian Wiind- Wind swirles around Zeke acting as a sheild for him and friends. Twister Whip- (his weapon) when this weapon stricks the air small twister are formed and plow down anything in their path. They only last for about one minute though. This whip also gives him control of the wind. OOC: I hope thats okay. Tell me if I need to change anything please.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]A small purple head sat on Tala's chest string at her still body. A moan escaped from her mouth and she sat up . The little head jumped off her and hide behind a nerby bush. Looking around Tala saw four other unconisous kids laying on the ground just a few meters away from her. "Ugh, were am I am?" Tala rubed her head and saw an odd argrament of trees and weird looking flowers. Strange beasts were flying in the air and looked as if they were searching for something. "Your in the digtal world." A voice answered from a bush that was near her. "What", Tala asked she looked around,"Who's there?" A purple tear-dropped shaped head with a yellow diamond on it's forehead. It had fin like arms and two spikes running up its back. Yellow marking were under the fin like arms and on on top and bottom of little creature. "Uh? And you are? Wait, don't answer that your a digimon right?" "Yup and I've been waiting for you." "How did you know I was coming?" Tala asked still confused about why she knew what the creature was. "Because it was told but, we better get out here those digmon up there will be down any minute now. And I don't want you to get hurt okay Tala?" The little didgmon nudged Tala to move towards the protection of the forest. "Wait how do you know my name? I don't even know yours." "I told you I've been waiting for you. My name is Hopmon though." Tala flowed Hopmon into the woods and sat on a stump. Hopmon jumped on her lap and looked up at her with beaming eyes. "Why are I am here and why awere you waiting for me? Hopmon." "Your here because this is were you belong and I was waiting for you because I was told to. You have a digvice don't you?" "You mean the little thing that fell into my lap?" When she metained the divice she pulled it out of her pocket and on the screen, that was fuzzy when she first got it, was an orange sun like shape. "That's the only proof I have if you didn't have it you wouldn't be here. You understand?" Tala nodded and looked up at the trees and saw a ball of fire hurtling at her. Hopmon pushed her out of the way and toke the blow. "Hopmon!" Tala ran over to the crumlped up digmon who just smiled at her. An orange dinosaur with a black skull covering his head charged at Hopmon and Tala. Spreading her arms infront of Hopmon she watched her jump towards the raging digimon. Her eyes widened and as the bigger digimon ran towrds Hopmon. "Nova Blast!" Hopmon stopped and faced fear in the eyes and Tala ran to cover him. "Leave Hopmon alone!" The digvice at her side began to glow and so did Hopmon.Tala backed away watched Hopmon grow to a larger size. She transforned into a purple dinosaur with a fin like tail. "Beat Nuckle!" The purple dino began to punch the orange one over and over again untill in fell to the ground causing the earth to shake. The new digmon turned towrads Tala," Thanks, Tala! I knew you could do it." "Do I know you?" "Yes and no. I'm Monogramon the digvolved form of Hopmon. You better get used to me because I'll be like this for a while now." "I think I understand. Why did you digivole though." "Because you had the courage to save me and that's all it takes."[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Now we meet our digimon( in their in-training form). Just make sure you incounter a digimon and your digimon digivoles. Also make sure your character meets up with mine.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=2][U]Background[/U]-[/SIZE] Long ago the digital world was kept together by eight very unique stones. They were known simply as, The Destiny Stones. These Destiny Stones were created to montier the destiny of all digimon and humans who came to the digital world. Unforuturlly the stones were destroied by a digimon who was born of evil. Yet he had a heart. His name was BlackWarGreymon. He caused pain as a form to rid of his own pain. He wondered why he felt the pain of his victims. Questioning himself he looked for an answer when he found his answer he was amazed. He knew his purpose but, wasn't sure why. He found comfert in being the strongest. His goal was to find an openent strong enough for to face him. In is quest he destroyed the Destiny Stones to find his rival but, found a weakling instead. Realizing his errors he worked to fix his mistakes by helping the greater good. He still was not trusted but, worked against his creaters. He tried hard to redime his self. When he found that there was only one way he toke that road. He sacfirced himself to help comptle the gate to the digital world. People pined over his death and wished that they would of trusted him and helped him in return. The children and the digmon thought that the destiny stones were lost forever. But they were wrong. Twenty years from the destrution of the Destiny Stones they were reborn. But, not in the way you would think. The eight stones were reborn in eight children who were all unique and very different from everbody else. They always felt that they didn't fit in almost as if they were from another world. Now they are about to find out what sets them apart from everyone else and meet others like them. but something is out there ready to destroy the Stones for good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cast- Courage- Untied States- Aura_Star Friendship- Austrailia- Blanko Sincerity- China- Reliabilty- Brazil- Duskmon Love- England- Ozy Jones Hope- Japan- Ohkami Light- New Zealand- Darksbane Knowledge- Eygpt- Phayt[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tala layed on the clinic cot with her eyes shut breathing in the stail oder of the room. THe nurse sat at her desk peaking away at the computer and gluing her eyes to the bright screen. Turning her head, Tala looked out the window and saw the other children hanging around the school yard. This was her norrmal rutine during afternoon break. They all seemed so happy and care-free, talking with eachother, oh how she hated it. "No!" Tala shouted as she sat up causing the withered nurse to jump. "Bless you child, ahts wrong?" She walked over and placed her smooth wtinled hand on Tala's forehead. Tala's dark green eyes examined the kind elderly women who never cared when Tala came into her office to lay down. "OH, you poor thing, you got yoursself a fever and I just ran out of toweles. You lay down I'll be back in a flash." She smiled and turned to leave when another student entered out of breath. "Nurse Maple! A kid just fell down the stairs and he's not moving. I think he broke something." The girl said in a rushed tone and gave Tala a nasty look filled with hatered and fury. She was used to this though everyone at the school gave her looks of disgust. "Oh dear, Tala, sweetie you stay here I have to go help that child." Maple said and left with the girl running down the hall. Tala sighedd and stood up. She walked over to the computer and sat infront of the screen to see what the Nurse had been working on. On the lighted screen a chat room website laided open. Shaking her head at the dirty converstaion the nurse was having with someone by the name of,SexyCaliGuy00, Tala sat down and began to play around with the site. A link caught her attention though and looking around she click on it. A chat room appeared with the title, Lonely Life, under the tatle another caption sat that surprised Tala. "Ever fell like you don't belong in this World?" Tala said to herself. When she spoke the screen light up and she closed her eyes and something fell into her lap. Looking down she saw a dark blue and marine blue device laying in her lap. PIcking it up she examined it in the light of the computer and looked down at her feet and saw them dissappearing. Eyes widening she was sucked into the computer and knocked out. She laid on unfailiar ground, knocked out and not knowing were she was. The chat room had a name typed in the box with the words I don't belong here after the name of, Courage_of_Destiney. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay there it is. Make your first post include finding the chat room and descide your digvice. in the next post.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]OOC: I'm so happy that people like my idea. I didn't think anybody would sign-up with me being new and all but, guess I was wrong. Name:Tala Babcock Age: 15 Appearence: see attach Country: Altanta, Georgia- U.S Crest: Courage Bio: Tala was born in Flordia but, her family moved when she was ten because of her father's jod. She left the few friends that she had and ever became a Georgian. After mving it became hard for Tala to make firends one being because her hair color was so strang and another being that she just seemed to cheery. As hard as she tried making friends the harder it became. She blamied her father for her lack of friends and began to break down slowly. First she started wearing darker colors. THen she became quieter and more reserved. She also cried saying that she didn't fit in. She tries to keep a good attiude around her parents and teachers so that they didn't worry. This became harder and harder untill she started having dreams. Dreams of a different place were she seemed to fit i. Others she had at school. They were of her beating up the other students and cussing out teachers. She didn't like those dreams. Yet it only got became worse when she awoke from one of her violent dreams and saw that she was actually doing what she was dreaming. She had dropped the boy but, not without hearing his comment that made her insides freeze. "Go back from you came! You don't belong here." Of course the boy had only meant for her to go back to her home in Flordia but, it awoke something inside Tala. Tala began to ponder, was she really from another world? One thing was for certain she looked nothing like her parents, so maybe she was from another world. She put the thoughts of another world aside not knowing how right she was. Digimon: Monodramon Baby- Ketomon(Bubble Blow) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/kl/Ketomon.gif[/IMG] In-Training- Hopmon(Hop Hip) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/gh/Hopmon.gif[/IMG] Rookie- Monogramon(Beat Nuckle, Cracking Bite) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Monodramon.gif[/IMG] Champion- Depthmon(Bubble Bomb, Marine Knives, Sargasso Drag) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/Depthmon.jpg[/IMG] Ultimate- Mermaimon(Earth Needle, Aquari Pressure) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mermaimon.jpg[/IMG] Mega- Ancient Mermaimon(Great Maelstrom, Crystal Pillow) [IMG]http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/AncientMermaimon.gif[/IMG] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=3][U]Background[/U]-[/SIZE] Long ago the digital world was kept together by eight very unique stones. They were known simply as, The Destiny Stones. These Destiny Stones were created to montier the destiny of all digimon and humans who came to the digital world. Unforuturlly the stones were destroied by a digimon who was born of evil. Yet he had a heart. His name was BlackWarGreymon. He caused pain as a form to rid of his own pain. He wondered why he felt the pain of his victims. Questioning himself he looked for an answer when he found his answer he was amazed. He knew his purpose but, wasn't sure why. He found comfert in being the strongest. His goal was to find an openent strong enough for to face him. In is quest he destroyed the Destiny Stones to find his rival but, found a weakling instead. Realizing his errors he worked to fix his mistakes by helping the greater good. He still was not trusted but, worked against his creaters. He tried hard to redime his self. When he found that there was only one way he toke that road. He sacfirced himself to help comptle the gate to the digital world. People pined over his death and wished that they would of trusted him and helped him in return. The children and the digmon thought that the destiny stones were lost forever. But they were wrong. Twenty years from the destrution of the Destiny Stones they were reborn. But, not in the way you would think. The eight stones were reborn in eight children who were all unique and very different from everbody else. They always felt that they didn't fit in almost as if they were from another world. Now they are about to find out what sets them apart from everyone else and meet others like them. but something is out there ready to destroy the Stones for good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay there is the background. I hope you all like it. This is my first RPG here and I want it to ROCK!!!(heh-heh) Next up is the............ [SIZE=3][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/SIZE] Name: A mix please the kids are coming from different countries. Age: Average age for digidestioned Appearence: Country: include city too Crest: don't make them up(just to let you know courage is mine(sorry)) Bio: Digimon: From in-training to the last stage(don't know if it's mage or ultimate). Label too. If you made the digimon up have pictures and if you didn't. The chains don't have to be correct(PM me if you don't understand). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That is it! oh and here is the crest and coutry list- Courage- Untied States- Aura_Star Friendship- Austrailia- Blanko Sincerity- China- Reliabilty- Brazil- Duskmon Love- England- Ozy Jones Hope- Japan- Ohkami Light- New Zealand- Darksbane Knowledge- Eygpt- Phayt If you want to change the coutry PM me. And I won't be reaserving spots. If someone toke the crest you wanted sign-up for it and put your second choice, that goes for everyone. Only the crest please. I hope you all like this.[/COLOR]
Can somebody make me an banner using the attachment? With a matching avitar. I want my name on both in a fancy yet evil font and it the lower right hand corner. The color dosen't matter as long as it matches the picture and looks great. For the avitar I really don't care what you do. And if its not to hard can you think of a quote to put on it in the upper left corner? Please and thank-you!!!!!!!
Can someone make me an X banner with matching avi? I would really greatful to whoever makes them. I bascilly want the banner to have a Kamui on it. I'd like to have his angelic wing and demonic wing showing. It be great if the picture was of his back with the wings coming out of his back. Oh and I want the text, The Angel of Our Salvation on the side with the angel wing in a real pretty and flowing text, soft color. On the side with the devil wing I'd like the words Devil of Our Destruction in a rough evil text, dark color. In the middle of his back I want the word or. And if you can fit my name please do. For the avi. I want a picture of Kotori crying or a close up of Kamui with an evil or sad look on his face. If somebody knows how to animate I'd like it to flash pictures of Kamui and Kotori and Fuma with text in between the flashes of pictures, The Choice Is Yours. Or if you have a better way of phrasing the words go right ahead. Please and Thank-You!!!!!!!!! :love:
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Hiro Hyoushon Age: 18 Gender: Male Side: Neutral demon: Human Main weapon: Long Spear Side weapon: Crossbow[/COLOR]