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Everything posted by SSJ TRUNKS 18

  1. Hey, how are you? :)

  2. Im kinda lost on this game. Does anyone know if there are level 10 weapons and if so how do I get them?
  3. This is a very simple poll. I want to know if you like rock in general or rap in general.
  4. I agree with satan on this one. Jessica seems to have no common knowledge about anything. She seems like the type of girl who was raised rich and given everything by her parents. Nick seems like a cool guy--with the exception of his music--and can relate with lots of normal people. They seem to be totally opposite. She whines all the time and he is a down to earth guy who doesn't want to show off money or complain about everything like she does. He does seem to like to do the work himself instead of hiring someone to do it for him. Overall I'd give the show a --3-- and thats pushin it.
  5. My family is Italian so whenever we get together we eat lots and lots of lasagna.
  6. I think I've heard some Ske before. Name some well known artists or bands. Emo is popular around my city.
  7. LOL dont worry about it. You made me realize what I really wanted to say. It's cool.
  8. I also hate the Yankees. The only reason they are good is because they have the money to buy the players they want to. Now if you ask me a perfect example of a real baseball team is the Minnesota Twins. They were a season away from getting sold and pulled it out. Though they didn't advance in the penant race, they do have one of the best defenses around and they don't have the money to buy the players they want so they rely on the talent they have. It doesn't hurt them that many of their players have stuck with em for years. That's just my opinion. And oh ya...Yankees suck!!!!!
  9. Ya. I try to follow the rules as often as possible. I guess what I wanted to know was what people's opinions were of Yellow Card and if they are worth listening to more.
  10. I guess your right. Sry about the stupid topic. It's been a few months since I been here so i gotta get back in the swing of things.
  11. I think they're pretty good too. The violins give it a different sound. The only song I've heard from them is Way Away so I can't be sure that they are good. From what I have heard they are awsome though.
  12. I don't want to know what it would be like to control my life. I like the fact that i don't know what lies ahead for me. It keeps me guessin.
  13. I was just wondering if anyone has heard of Yellow Card and what they thought of them. I dont know anyone else thats heard of em.
  14. i never said that he didnt have talent b/c he does. i just prefer not to listen to that music. and second i dont listen to atlernative for the way they sing. i like that the songs have points about life and i can relate to them. sorry to offend you
  15. josh groban sucks long live alternative rock. forget that soft rock crap
  16. BabyGirl I agree totally. If it wasnt for Saudi Arabia selling us oil the u.s. would have nothing to do with them. I really dont get why they cant settle their conflicts since they have been fighting for thousands of years, ever since the time of Jesus. The U.S. has an oil reserve in the Alaskan wilderness but congress wont let them drill there. In a way I agree with their choice because the land is so peaceful and full of harmony. But then again I think that we should drill so that we dont have to rely on other countries for their oil because they know we need them and son they can raise the prices as high as they want. As for corporate america, that crap doesnt surprise me at all. there are so many greedy people in the world that money is being laundered and embesseled all the time. People are just too stupid to check into it and when they do they either get payed off or in some cases get killed.
  17. sure he knew. the cia has intelligence all over. they knew long before. they didnt know the planes would be used as missiles. id better not write any more two guys in black suits and glasses just pulled up in a black car and are knocking on my door
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]I would go and trade my cow in, and once I'd been totally screwed at, I plant some MAGIC beans!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I'd climb up the beanstalk, and annoy my new neighbour in the sky by stealing his golden eggs!!!!!!!!! Nah, I'd really plant a red oak [/B][/QUOTE] D.Dark i find that very amusing:toothy:
  19. i would put one of every seed in the whole world in that one hole and see what grows
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B] hi, i'm your friendly state neighbor. I know how you feel. [/B][/QUOTE] me too i live nebraska :toothy:
  21. pyromunkie, you are the master either that or their incompetance in the area of punk rock makes your incredibly small mind stand out like a diamond in the rough
  22. 16 and live in nebraska home of the greatest college football team ever... the Nebraska Corn Huskers
  23. SSJ chic and goddess 21 i couldnt agree with you more all that stuff irritates the heck out of me
  24. i hate people from iowa and the milk thing also
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