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Everything posted by SSJ TRUNKS 18

  1. that is very sad and i will pray for his soul and his "murderer"
  2. anyone here a wwf fan i am its great
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]Alright I don't quite understand the Trinity thing. My church doesn't believe in the trinity, and since I've been in this chruch all of my life, I was wondering how excatly is it possible for Jesus to throw his voice into the sky and say he is his own son, when he was baptized. So if you would kindly explain to me how this works I would appericate it. P.S. I'm LDS(Latter Day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormon) :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] The trinity is not meant to be understood by anyone but God the concept is that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all different but are part of one being. i you cant understand it then dont worry no one can
  4. thats funny i was good in grade school and am trying to be as high schooler ;)
  5. i guess i am surprised too but they should advertise more about it so others can hear about it...Its extremely funny
  6. so whta you are saying is that if i go to the level and while in gameplay i can stand in a corner and do the code and it will work???
  7. when i take them off "secret agent" appears but when i put them onit goes away so i cant play it...?!?!
  8. thanks but i have those and if you turn them on then you can't go to the next one unless you beat the "secret agent" without the codes on
  9. was it anything like the game or was it totally different
  10. when new DBZ are to start again Im getting board with the old ones
  11. anyone follow the NCAA tournament? GO Blue Jays
  12. thanks all but i know how to beat it but i need help because it is so hard to get through so Squashed snail could you give me those cheats? they may help me thanks
  13. has anyone played goldeneye 64 and beat it if so i need help so please respond
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