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Everything posted by SnowFlame

  1. I think GreyFox is my favourite. He was just an awesome character. I also liked sniper wolf, she was a great sniper and a babe and Physco Mantis was pretty neat overall But GreyFox is the best in my opinion.
  2. Out of all my favourites I'd have to say Cowboy bebop. I just loved that anime. The characters were cool and Ed was funny and the villains were well done too.. It had great music that went well with what was happening like the "Real Folk Blues" on the finale. The plots in the episodes were also very good. Cowboy bebop you also many different people from many different places(example black white jamaican chinese). You dont see that much and i that that was cool. as for least favourite I'll have to get back to you on that. :D
  3. 1.Fansub Request- Post your requests for any fansubs 2. Members sites- Have a webpage of your own? Show it off!! Post your link here! 3. Headache fun- A place for all the jokes and forum games. 4. Ava/banner request- self explainatory
  4. Which anime do u think had the best music. I thikn record of lodoss war, cowboy bebop,wolfs rain.
  5. I think there should be a place for new members to intorduce themselves.
  6. LOL ive been watching this series for sometime now i want the dvd. i wish they would keep every episode on the site.
  7. I believe in that sort of thing but im not to sure that was real. People think those kids did that for they could run away and start a new life. What gets me is when ashes are udisturbed for about a 100 years the ashes turn in to layers of ash and when they found the tape it was covered in ashes that were layered which means its had to have been there for a hundred years which makes no since.
  8. Those are really good expecially the first and i liked razors hair keep up hte good work
  9. I would like to see GTO and Blue Heaven animated [COLOR=Navy]GTO has already been animated. :) In any case, since you didn't justify your choices, this post is basically spam. I would be greatly obliged if you explained why you think GTO and Blue Heaven would make good anime. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
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