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Everything posted by GTK

  1. Full Metal Alchemist, episode 25 T_T [spoiler] The entire end half of the episode with Hughes dying... It also made me hate Envy ^^; but it was like if just got worse as I kept watching... first Hughes is killed by Envy, then his daughter going "Why are they burrying daddy when he said he had a lot of work to do?" at the funeral, and then Roy crying T_T and saying "It's starting to rain" to hide the fact he's crying >_< [/spoiler]
  2. my most expensive hobbies would prolly be cosplay/costumes and super dollfies ^^; but I like playing around in photoshop too, working on websites, drawing, videogame, and so on. I can't do origami XD but I wish I could *laughs*
  3. [QUOTE=Onikage]you guys have got to be kidding me, you guys already hate Funimation's version of FMA just because of a voice that doesn't sound right?? you people are such an idiot, either that or you people watch to many FMA of the japanese version. I think Funiamtion did a great job at dubbing the show. Hating the show because of a stupid voice that you don't like is just plain idiotic... [/QUOTE] I never said I hated it because of Funimations dub (I've watched the whole series already and I love it XD). I just found it horribly depressing. I mean, I am seriously thinking about pre-ordering movie tickets to see the movie IN JAPAN. I still love FMA (enough to go all the way to japan in the summer to watch the movie ^^; how's that for being a fangirl?) I was just really hoping Funimation would do the series justice with their English dub and they let me down. T_T I am, however, buying the DVD as soon as it comes out~ (if there's the option to watch it in Japanese anyway...) and, in my opinion, the Dragon Ball series is where they dump all the voice actors who are just starting out ^^; I mean, Crispin Freeman once did the voice of Goku, if I remember correctly.
  4. out of what was already mentioned, I like Gravitation, Fake, Legal Drug, Tokyo Babylon, Loveless, Juvenile Orion, and Stigma (which I paid too much for, but it was well worth it) Not sure if Fire Candy counts O_o as there's lots of girly fanservice too, but [spoiler]it was still really funny to see Haru all over Leo, and then Leo's reaction when he realized Haru was a guy.[/spoiler] I haven't read Erie Queerie T_T I sort of thought of Demon Diary as shounen-ai, but it depends on how you look at it. Not sure if Count Cain/God Child/whatever other titles it has counts either, but it's really good anyway~ Riff and Cain's relationship is horribly cute~ and I figure X has enough fanservice to at least mention XD;
  5. [quote name='Dagger IX1']In my opinion, the best dubs currently airing on American television or being released on R1 DVD are Last Exile, R.O.D the TV, Fullmetal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Wolf's Rain and Yu Yu Hakusho. I've mentioned most of those anime before, but I thought I'd throw that out there in list form just to see who agrees or disagrees.[/quote] I'll give you Last Exile, R.O.D., Wolf's Rain, and Yu Yu Hakusho... but FullMetal Alchemist is just really bad T_T I refuse to watch the show in English now, as I'm scared to see how badly they'll butcher other characters. (I found the dub so bad that I almost decided -not- to cosplay as Edward, as I'd planned to at an upcoming con. ^^; which would have been bad, since I've already spent so much on the costume even though it's incomplete) I do like Wolf's Rain, though hearing Johnny Yong Bosch as Kiba took me about 4 episodes to get used to O_O Thinking about other english dubs, Noir isn't too bad (though Chloe sounds super weird T_T) Gungrave is okay... except for Brandon/Grave's voice T_T which is really sad, because the dub would've been great if his voice wasn't so bad. The Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex dub is really good as well~ The King of Bandit Jing dub is sort of nice too (though I really like Kir's Japanese voice). Then there's Loddoss War, the Slayers, Ninja Scroll, Texhnolyze (though I prefer it in Japanese... the english bloopers are funny though), Yukikaze, and GTO There are more that have already been named too, but I won't mention them. and for more bad dubs XD; Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei had a yucky english dub (yesh, the ducks are irritating in Japanese, but it's really, really, really weird when in Japanese they had high pitched, child-like voices and in English one of them had a really deep voice and the other one sounded just weird) I like my girly boys to sound girly, as it's weird when they look girly and sound macho (which is why I hated Yuki's english voice in Fruits Basket). Hisoka had a really weird deep voice in English T_T he was no longer cute... and Muraki was totally butchered *cries* and sounded like he belonged in a bad sci-fi movie. Haibane Renmei was sort of okay, but some of the characters sounded really weird T_T Rakka being the most irritating. Knight Hunters/Weiss Kreuz was so bad I actually stopped watching the show completely. Which is sad, because I'm a rabid fangirl, but the dub was so horrible that I could no longer watch it. Though I don't know if the Gluhen series is any better (forgive me, but I don't know what the 2nd series is called in English) Other bad dubs include~ Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Nightwalker, Saber Marionette, Tekken (though the anime was pretty horrible as well), the X movie, Ceres: Celestial Legend, Earthian, Fake, Excel Saga, Gundam Wing, and The Heroic Legend of Arslan (Arislan?) And I could probably name more ^^; but won't
  6. [QUOTE=Miryoku]Hi world is thare any one else out thare that finds gackt absolutely irresistable? I do he is so cute in a some what forbidden kinda way. I want to be his personal assistant if you know what i mean. the fun part is i'm a guy tehehehehe how naughty :love:[/QUOTE] I'm amused way more than I should be But, yes, Gackt is too irresistable for his own good.
  7. [quote name='ice-kitsune'] i keep things bottled up in side and i smile all the time. every one thinks im really nice and friendly (which i am) and very jolly happy. always smiling, having the perfect parents, living a perfect life and that im rich and all. though they never really know me well enough. i had cut my wrists before... though i wasnt sure if i was trying to suicide. (not sure if youd call this going through depression) i then was caught cause one of my friends told the counsler that i had brought a pocket knife to school. i wasnt going to use it on others i just brought it cause for some reason... it made me feel calm. it made me feel safe to know that i had it there. i was told to not do it again and that its not good. my parents really werent mad about it, they just told me they were very dissapointed. (same old parents talk) then i did stop for a year, but then it came back again and now ive continued to just scrape at my wrist every now and then when im very sad or upset.( though it rarely happeds) im still alive so thats what counts i guess[/quote] If you seriously think you have a problem and are keeping it bottle up, please seek help ^^; it's actually a bit scary how much we seem to have in common (I also carried around a pocket knife for no real reason XD; but I never got caught with it). But, anyway, point is I kept everything to myself and eventually snapped (and like really snapped. No, I'm not saying what I did, and no I didn't hurt anyone other than myself, only that the doc said my behavior was boderline psychotic even though I wasn't O_o) A lot of people don't want to see a doc and such, but it really helps. I spent two years on meds and now I'm off them and perfectly fine ^_^ So there's hope I tell you XD
  8. [quote name='OtakuSennen][color=navy']Are they even going to release it in the US? [/color][/quote] Currently, no one knows, but probably not. Japanese cell phones are really advanced when you compair them to US phones. Most US phones wouldn't be able to handle it.
  9. [quote name='foolycooly6363']it may not be out yet but the previews and special exclusive viewings all point to the fact that prince of persia wrrior within is even better than sands of time. first of all it is now an "M" rated game compared to "T" like sands of time was. the violence is more intense making the action and adventure much better. somepeople thought it was bad timeing for the game to come out due to HALO 2 ( also an eccelent game) coming out a few weeks earlier. But from what i see it's the perfect time to release it. so get your hands on a copy 11/30/04.[/quote] The original was horribly overlooked already ^^; But way too short T_T still worth the money I paid for it though... I'll buy the new one, but will probably wait for the price to drop (if it's as short as the first one, I'll cry)
  10. [QUOTE=xmystic_silverx][size=1] It made you cry? ;.; That's pretty sad because I thought it was okay. Al is weird? I though his voice was adorable and I have heard comments of people saying that Ed's voice sounds like a surfer but I don't think it's that bad. I really like the show and I get disappointed when people say the dubbing is crap. You don't like Fruits Basket? 0_0 Now I think you're mad. I mean, I love all their voices, except for those annoying fan girls and maybe Tohru's but they're voices really fit the characters really well. ^_^; I think FUNimation does a great job on dubbing, but not so much on DBZ and that's probably because I don't like the show. [/size][/QUOTE] Al is ten times more adorable in Japanese, but that's my opinion. I really like the show too, which is why the english dub is so disappointing to me. Then agian, I watched the whole thing in Japanese already, which probably has a lot to do with it. I'm used to the Japanese voices, and I think they fit better. Fruits Basket was just weird. Yuki had such a sweet, cute voice in Japanese... and then it was weird and deep in English O_o it was a big change, so I refused to watch it after that XD; And hearing "sissy" isn't as cute as oneechan (which I probably spelled wrong) But I've always hated FUNimation, so there you have it. More so now because they have a larger "life size" statue of Al in their office. I've seen pictures T_T I shall steal it from them. [quote name='Dagger IX1][size=1'] Another reason I frequently prefer dubs: no Engrish! [/size][/quote] I actually like Engrish, when it isn't too horribly done. It's cute ^_^ Though I guess it depends on what's going on at the time. Though I prefer Engrish on my clothes rather than in my anime. A -ton- of people say they don't like subtitles because they have to read rather than focus on what's going on. At first, it's weird. But you pick it up pretty fast and I have no trouble keeping up with subtitles and what's going on. It's not nearly as complicated as some people make it sound. I generally like subtitled anime better, but if I buy the DVD and I can watch it in English, I usually give the English a try -fjrst-. When it starts and I decide it doesn't fit the characters, I switch it back to Japanese. I do really try to watch both if I can, though I've been watching things fansubbed lately so I don't get that option XD;
  11. GTK

    please help

    [QUOTE=asukachieri]Hi, today I received a manga from a friend, but it is in japanese and I can't find any translation for that. The title is "Oniisama E" (Brother, dear brother). So if anyone could tell a link where I can find english text for it, I would be very grateful! It is such a pain when one has a 900-page manga but can't read it... Hugs ~Asuka~[/QUOTE] [url]http://www.anime.in4mation.org.uk/ikeda/translation.html[/url] googled it I think that's just the first chapter though...
  12. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]What's with all the FMA dub hate? I think Ed's dub voice is better than the original, and the overall cast is definately passable. [/QUOTE] I think you're mad O_O The FMA dub made my cry, though I could only tolerate one episode ^^; Ed sounds way too old, Al is just weird, Roy makes me cry, and Winry is really shrill T_T and Pinako sounds really scary I didnt' like Fruits Basket either... The Japanese voices were much cuter ^^ in English, most of the female cast sounds the same and I kept getting confused O_o I do really like both Cowboy Bebop and Trigun though (Bebop more.. Legato's japanese voice is just way too cool XD) Berserk I like either way~ they did a good job casting that one ^_^ (and the outakes are really funny) Galerians: Rion (which isn't really anime, but close enough) also had a horrible English dub (but I really like Akira Ishida ^^; so I'm biased)... and a English soundtrack ~_~ why they redid the soundtrack is beyond me, but it was yucky I think I can name more english dubs I hated rather than the ones I like ^^; but I'll stop there~
  13. [QUOTE=Miyoko-chan][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Arial]Heh. . . Looks like I'm gonna have to get a program to screentone my manga. . . So, what program do you guys think is the best? Oh, and thanks for the links they were very usefull! ^_^ If you want to see some of my art, go to: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/artist.php?user_id=46921[/url] That was all done in pen or pencil though, no comps involved except for resizing.(unless the pic says otherwise) The ones from the manga I'm wanting to screentone are Tsuya, Nica and Kinari, The two forms of Atsuko, Tsuya 2, Demon Girl, Atsuko, and demon. Let me know what you think! ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'd recomend adobe photoshop (yeah, it's bad, but you can get on Kazaa or something and download it for free instead of paying like... a crapload to buy it) And it's a lot cheaper to start out doing tone with a program instead of buying it (cause if you mess up by hand, that's wasted tone you'll have to replace) you can't normally use screentone over pencil drawings either (because of lead and dirt, it doesn't stick well), so if you do it with a program you won't have that problem
  14. Since someone mentioned The Noose, I have to say that song so reminds me of Haibane Renmei O_O So I'm adding Darkness, by Disturbed (it makes me angst XD and it's rather impressive, since Disturbed doesn't normally do songs like it). And Fiction by Orgy (because it's about how attached people get to fictional idols and that obsession can get out of hand.) I could name a lot more, but won't (like Eva, by Orgy... which is really sad T_T) "Darkness" Don't turn away I pray you've heard The words I've spoken Dare to believe For one last time Then I'll let the Darkness cover me Deny everything Slowly walk away To breathe again On my own Carry me away I need your strength To get me through this Dare to believe For one last time Then I'll let the Darkness cover me Deny everything Slowly walk away To breathe again On my own "Fiction (Dreams In Digital)" she's lost in coma where it's beautiful intoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleep do you wonder what it's like living in a permanent imagination? sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that guilty by design she's nothing more then fiction. she dreams in digital, cause it's better then nothing. now that control is gone, it seems unreal, she's dreaming in digital. she dreams in digital. and your pixel army can't save you now my finger's on the kill switch i remember i used to compose your dreams control your dreams and don't be afraid to expose yourself before i shut you down you made some changes since the virus caught you sleeping guilty by design she's nothing more then fiction. she dreams in digital, cause it's better then nothing. now that control is gone, it seems unreal, she's dreaming in digital. she dreams in digital.
  15. [QUOTE=OtakuSennen][color=navy]AnimeBooks.com is another good resource for manga supplies in general, and they have a few "manga starter kits" which provide all of the necessary tools. I got one last year, and it came with pretty basic ones. Just solids and gradients. Maybe it's the way I'm using the tool, or maybe the blade is messed up, but I've never really figured out how to do screentones [i]well. [/i]I've never intended on using them in excessive force, though. My work gets cluttered enough before screentones are thrown into the mix. Maybe if I had a decent manga program, I would toy around with it more, but for the moment I'm just cheap and lazy.[/color][/QUOTE] really? O_O that's a bit odd... do you have any examples of stuff you've done with tone? I'd like to see ^_^ this sounds really silly, but when I've talked to friends who are having trouble using tone, the most commom problem seems to be putting too much force on the blade when cutting or etching.
  16. I'm suddenly reminded of Battle Royale *laughs* I probably wouldn't shoot anybody. If you kill someone, your options are pretty much go to jail or kill yourself. Which is boring, either way T_T But if I could actually kill someone I hated and get away with it, I probably still wouldn't do it. I'm way too nice *dies*
  17. personally, I liked it. I have a friend who's really into Final Fantasy and he loved it (and got me into it). However, I have another friend who likes the FF series just as much and he hated it. I guess it sort of depends what you like in anime. What makes most people dislike it seems to be the two children as main characters, Ai and Yuu.
  18. Went and hunted down some random links. the artist who does the comic Next Exit does all the tone for her comics in ComicWorks (which I think is sold by Deleter, but I could be wrong because I'm too lazy to look), so you might want to check that out (it's a great comic anyway XD) An example of tone by her can be found here-- [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/11606357/[/url] check our her deviantart gallery for more examples ^_^ Here's an example of tone done by hand though [img]http://redvoid.com/commision/fin/inuyasha.jpg[/img] my tone work is so bad next to her's *dies* but it's to prove you can get pretty much the same results if you really worked at it T_T My example also shows that tone typically does not look good if you shrink it (though the dot patterns don't like to be resized at all... I think it's called moire or something when it looks bad...anyway, you'll have the same problem with a scan of the real thing and stuff that's done with a program) So if you do tone with a program, make sure it's the size you want it to be before adding tone to it random links to find tone for psp and such online (you could also make your own fairly easily, but if you're lazy like me...)-- [url]http://psychobob.xepher.net/screentonez/[/url] [url]http://gui.walraven.org/scre[/url] [url]http://www.ashuramanga.com/tone.htmentone/[/url] [url]http://www.operafloozy.com/digitone/[/url] tutorial on for to make screentone for photoshop- [url]http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/halftones/tone1.htm[/url] I've got more brushes, but they're on my other computer T_T so I currently don't have the source. If anyone wants them, I can post links later (for random stuff, like word bubbles and sound effects and different patterns) and if you buy tone, fyi, it seems to average $2 a sheet (though I've seen it as cheap as $1.75 and as much as $4-something... but those were larger sheets)... tone is super fun to work with by hand though (but it could just be me) Whee, hope that was helpful ^^;
  19. I usually buy my tone at cons ^^; I also saw a demo at a con, so that's how I learned how to use them. How to draw manga.com sells tone... I used to buy it there, but I think they're going to stop O_o or at least no longer keep as much tone as they used to in stock Deleter sells a CG program that you can use for tone, but I've never used it. They also sell sheets of tone (on the site as deleter screen) [url]http://www.deleter.com/eng/[/url] the how to draw manga book on how to use tone is also very helpful, though some of the art is borderline hentai O_O there's also a version of it floating around that comes with tone. But i totally recommend the book ^^ If you want to use tone in photoshop, instead of doing it by hand, you can probably look up some places online that have patterns/brushes you can download (I'd include links, but i'm currently not on my normal computer T_T) if you looked, you could probably find a photoshop tutorial as well. If you buy tone, you could probably scan it to make your own brushes as well. I could probably do a mini tutorial on how to use tone by hand if you wanted though ^^
  20. I'm a shameless fangirl, yes I am. I'd name the source if I knew it T_T it might be an altered screenshot off of adventchildren.net though
  21. a really cool Japanese punk band is Peelander-Z~ check them out XD
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