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  1. GTK

    Cosplay tips

    How cheap is cheap? ^^;; There are always cheap costumes on ebay, but the quality is hit or miss (the cheapest Sakura costume was 25... there wasn't anything listed for Jin, as Samurai Champloo cosplay isn't horribly popular.. there was a Fuu costume listed, but it was $60 and I'm not sure if Jin's costume would be around that or not). For Sakura, the costume is easy enough that your friend could probably draft a pattern from something and make it (I attempted this once because a friend needed a sakura. I got about half way through the top before I decided I hated Naruto and pitched it XD;;; but crooked zipper down the front was the only challenging part... ) As for Jin, you could probably buy the pants somewhere if you looked around (and possible the top)... making it would be harder because they don't sell fabric long enough for kimono and there will be extra seams. They sell patterns for this type of costume also, but it's not horribly accurate (but it would probably work). The sort of fabric in the quilting section of fabric stores (at least at JoAnns) is fairly inexpensive, so that might be a place to start looking... though don't buy thin fabric just because it's cheap... buy something that's a decent weight so it will look nice ^_^ Fabric goes on sale fairly often, you just have to watch for it (actually, a week ago I got $60 worth of fabric for around $24 ^_______^ yah for coupons). Generally, it easier to -buy- costumes, but it's cheaper to make them yourself... I've never been happy with a costume I had made by someone else either T_T
  2. [quote name='Lunox'] So... I know the fingers/hand is totally messed up proportion-wise and finger-placement wise, lol. This picture gave me a hard time since it was my first time coloring a picture that was rather large. I guess coloring smaller pictures is just easier. :/[/quote] actually, despite the slightly off placement and stuff, I really, really like the way the hand looks. Something about it seems really expressive ^_^ but I really like that pic XD it's so great~ *heart, heart* Everything about it oozes awesome~
  3. [QUOTE=cherrypoison]Alrighty, I just wanted to ask whether or not people thought Integra was a guy when they first saw the Hellsing series. I am new to it, and I want to finish it before the whole OVA is out. But really, did anyone think she was a guy? I sure as heck did! [/QUOTE] I sorta thought she was a girly guy for a while, yeah XD; but I kept thinking through out the whole first episode "Is that a guy or a girl?" O_O Though, in both the manga and the new OVA I think her gender is more obvious~ (especially in the manga ^^;;;;; ) *hearts Integra*
  4. This is rather sad since I was planning on going to the next E3 ~_~ if it's getting scaled down, it's probably no longer worth the trouble, especially if it's just gonna be a bunch of meetings and such. Boo. Maybe it will at least -sound- better once more info gets released? It was a hassle for me to try to work in going anyway, but I sorta wish I'd gone this year instead of going to a different convention ^^;;;
  5. [QUOTE=swift blade]am i the only one or is hellsings new tv show not living up to expectations.The head of hellsing sounds like a guy!alucards voice....lets not go there,other than that its lived up to what one would expect.I mean they made a big deal about it ,and its not makeing the grade.Ii dont know mabey itll get better with time? :animecry: of course now i know it dosent,at least the show the books are a kicking. :D .How ever i could do with out thewhole nazi vampires,just thinking about that gives me the creeps.*shivers* as if they wherent mean already? :animestun [/QUOTE] Part of why Integra is so great is because she's like a dude (I mean, come one, I can't be the only one who thought she was a guy for like the whole first episode of the original tv series?) Though I don't see anything wrong with Alucards voice O_o It's the same guy, isn't it? (also, when it finally gets released in English, Crispin Freeman will be back as Alucard... as well as most of the original cast, I think.... Pretty cool ^__^) It's a bit too soon to pass judgment since there is only one episode out, but I totally heart the new OVA, mostly because I totally heart the manga (and hated the original tv series after reading it ^^; ) I can't wait for the Nazis XD they made better villains than most of the stuff in the original tv series anyway ~_~ Bleh Though the original tv series didn't really get different until after the Valentine brothers.... so, I'm guessing, the OVA whot get -really- different (though it already has been different enough, in my opinion) until the end of episode two or three... though Pip -should- show up by episode two, which I can't wait for XDDD Yah, Pip~ *heart, heart, heart*
  6. [QUOTE=Sangome]Actually, it's quite the opposite. They follow each other until anime episode 11 or 12, then it's starkly different. [/QUOTE] Oh yeah? Like I said, I didn't make it past the first couple of pages ^^;; is it worth reading then? I mean, if the story is somehow better, it might be worth suffering through the art for ^^;
  7. [QUOTE=Tical Blue]but my song is by a strange doom metal band entitled [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Type O Negative[/COLOR]. This song is very loud, fast, and angry making it great to rock out to and laugh at the lyrics. [/QUOTE] This song is actually from a movie ^^; Type O Negative just did a cover of it... though the movie, Hedwig and the Angry Itch, has several other amusing songs XD The movie is great~ (though I never thought of the songs as funny enough to laugh at, I found them amusing... maybe it's cause I've seen the movie and they make more sense that way ^^; ) [b]Peelander Z[/b] has some really crazy songs XD They've got one about a ninja highschool and one about steak, among others... I couldn't find a site with the lyrics though T_T and I'm not typing them myself, but it's pretty funny stuff (they also totally rock live XD the singer runs around dressed like a banana or something crazy) [b]Voltaire[/b] is amusing too... songs like, Sexy Data Tango, God Thinks, When your evil, and so on. I like the song brains XD Which I think was on an episode of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy? [i] Well hello there little boy. Now don't be shy. Step right up, I'm a reasonable guy. Don't be frightened by the look in my eye. I'm just your average evil meteor from outta the sky. Well, I'm just a little shy and scared in this place I'm just a fish outaa water from outer space You can see that the trip has left me tired and drained So why don't you be a pal... And bring me some BRAINS! Go down to your neighbor's place See the dull expression on his face you'd be doing him a favor if you brought him to me He's not using his brain he's just watching TV! Go down to Mr. McGee's He hasn't had a thought since '43. His brain is the portrait of atrophy. He ain't using it, why not give it to me? BRAINS, BRAINS, I won't lie, I'll drink their (her) brains 'til they're zombified. Sure they (she) might think it's deranged But they (she)won't give it a thought Once I've eaten their (her) brain. BRAINS, BRAINS, It's okay. It's not a matter if it isn't gray, And if at first they (she) think(s) it's strange, They (she)won't think twice If they (she)don't have a brain! Go down to the Wonton shop, My fortune cookie says that I just can't stop I'll suck the noodle right out of their heads And half an hour later, I'm hungry again! Creep into the donut shop Sneak in tip-toe past the cop. Pick me up a cruller and a cupful of tea. And any other sweetbreads you happen to see. Brains, Brains, I love em, I need um... My tummy jumps for joy when I eat um. Big ones, fat ones, short ones, tall ones, They're so delectable, especially the small ones. No time to cook em in a skillet. My belly's rumblin', I got a need to fill it. I don't fry em, the heat will only shrink em, i'll just grab my self a straw and drink em!!! Now you've been swell to go around And bring me every single brain in town But with all these brains, I can't help but think That there isn't one left out there to drink. Fess up boy, come on, Heck! Is there someone that you're trying to protect? Bring her down here to meet her end And i promise I'll be your bestest friend. BRAIN..... Bring me her Brain..... BRING ME HER BRAIN!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! [/i]
  8. I don't know of a site with information on j-rock bands T_T I wish I did though... I've missed several bands I totally love because I found out about them being some where too late ~_~ Though, for Japanese bands, I just try to check out sites with information about Anime Conventions (since, almost always, that's where they play). I knew about Diru because I'd heard a few rumors about it then googled it till I found an article about it on MTV.com ^^; and then I heard them talking about it on a local radio station, checked out their site, and Dir en Grey was listed there. I squeed *laughs*
  9. If you google it, you can probably find it (I know where to get it, but I'm sure it isn't too hard to find if you just look since I found the site doing a google search for a translated version of Air Gear) . I didn't like the art style of the manga enough to read more than a few pages of it though ^^;;;; but the anime and the manga seem to follow each other rather closely, from what I've read.
  10. it sort of reminds me of this one game, Demonbane Machina or some such, but I know it's not it ^^;; But, like Delta said, maybe a bigger pic would help? Maybe at least that way we could identify the artist? The image appears to have someone's name and/or a date on it?
  11. How much bigger do you want them? ^^; I could give it a shot if you'd be more specific?
  12. [QUOTE=Delta] [center][b]My OC: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/mitsu.jpg[/IMG][/center] Specs:[/b] I didn't have time to color it (or fix it, at least), but please make his uniform black. It's sort of based from those ultra-sexy black Nazi uniforms, yeah? Have fun![/QUOTE] Claim cause I love me some Nazi uniforms and I couldn't help it XD;;;; EDIT-- [IMG]http://redvoid.com/fanart/omgangstwtf.jpg[/IMG] I'm sorry he's all angst and woe ^^;;; (and the sketchiness because I suddenly became incapable of drawing hands, wtf, and couldn't bring myself to ink it T_T his tie is also sort of crooked *laughs*) Here's mine~ [B][URL=http://redvoid.com/ori/ghost.jpg]Boy and Ghost[/URL][/B] (and, wow, do I hate this pic, but it was a fun idea XD;;;;;; sorry it's so dark ^^; feel free to make stuff up if you can't see it well *dies*)
  13. Something like this? [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/yellowstonebann00.jpg[/IMG]
  14. I guess it depends on the story... certain manga you can go through in a few minutes and not really get anything out of it, and others you can get totally sucked into. Books are the same way. I guess it could also depend on if you just read the text and skim over the images or if you take in every detail of every panel. Either your focus is on the whole page, or aspects of it as you read. For example - Blame! Almost no text (at the start anyway... the amount of text and dialouge seems to be increasing as the series goes on). Rather than paying attention to text, you have to pay close attention to the images to understand parts of the story. In a way, it's simular to how you focus on the words of a book except you are focusing on pictures instead. Don't get me wrong, I love to read, but there are very few books I can get into ^^; But I also have the attention span of a flea and if something isn't interesting (novel or manga) there's no way it can keep my attention. I find that manga is generally easier pick up, you know? (though there have been some i haven't really gotten anything out of *cough* Rebirth *cough*) To me, pictures are a bonus in manga. If the story isn't interesting, then I don't look into it. I'm the same way with books. (though occasionally I'll buy manga based on how pretty the art is alone... sometimes this turns out to be bad ^^; and I never get into it. I hardly ever buy a book I don't end up finishing). Though, in a way, for younger people, I think they'd get more out of a book than manga. As a child, I read way more books than comics (since there wasn't really any manga readily available back then ^^; ). The words used are different, generally, and you can (in a way) learn more by reading a book instead of manga (vocabulary wise)... This is really the only thing I personally think novels have over manga. I think the stories in both can be just as intersting though. With manga, it's just told a little differently... and, in some cases, in a more tolerable way. I, for one, would never read a novel that as a love story. With manga, some how it's more tolerable because it's told differently (and usually in a more amusing way). Now I'm rambling and I think I've stopped making sense XD;
  15. Lineup also includes: Deftones, Stone Sour and Flyleaf I can't be the only one totally freaking out over this XDDDD Am I right? In my area (Indiana), this event is gonna be Sunday September 10... though I'm not sure about any place else. So, anyone else going? (or anyone else going -just- to see Diru? *laughs* I'll probably leave after they play ^^;; which is sad, really... I don't care too much for the other bands, but I can't pass up the chance to see Dir en Grey~ ) It's a bit crazy though O_o I can see Diru getting fairly popular, sort of like Rammstein (especially if they are still crazy live XD )... but I'm not really sure what I think about it. Someone told me you can buy Diru CDs at Hot Topic now too O_O Not that I'm complaing XD; I mean, I get to see Diru now! *dies* It's a lot cheaper than planning a trip to Japan ^_~ So~ Anyone else have thoughts? (and anyone else in Indy going? XDDDD )
  16. I've never really had a dream that I was -in- an anime or was an anime character or anything like, but I once had a dream where everyone was speaking in Japanese that was subtitled XD;;;; (and we were doing like...crazy normal stuff O_o it was just Japanese with English subtitles *laughs*) Though I think I've had a dream where I was cosplaying XD; which is sort of like being an anime character.
  17. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/kazumaavi00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/kasumaavi01.jpg[/IMG] There ya go ^^ let me know if anything needs to be fixed~ Yeah T_T it's really sad that you just basically find the same s-Cry-ed pics over and over in different sizes ~_~;;; I sorta wish I owned the DVDs so I could just screencap stuff to use from them.
  18. Couldn't find any pics of Straight Cougar T_T (well, I found some... but there were either small or not flashy enough to be of any use ^^; ) So here's Kazuma (I also didn't have the font you mentioned? So I just picked something at random)... couldn't really find pics of him with his Alter either ~_~ Booo. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/kazumabann.jpg[/IMG] Let me know if anything needs fixed or adjusted or whatever ^^; (though I'm sure if someone else tried, they could come up with something better XD;;;; )
  19. Whoa, Lunox, your art style totally rocks XDD I wanted to stalk you on MyO, but you don't have any art posted T_T Boo *stalked/added you as a friend anyway* *end randomness*
  20. [quote name='Tempest][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ya, I kinda figured you did have Holland in your mind, and yes it is Holland. Though I don't see the banner? Sorry I'm being so nit-picky. [/COLOR'] [/SIZE][/quote] It's totally fine.. I'll PM it to you, just in case the board is acting up or some such O_o; EDIT-- I also added it as an attachment just in case it's photo bucket that's acting up ^^:
  21. normally I wouldn't have done this since, for the Vincent one, it's like taking someone else's work and slapping some text on it ^^;;;;;; but I'm bored and in a relatively good mood, so I figured I'd do it this once~ [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/vincentban00.jpg[/IMG] I also did the text red and white to match the text already there, instead of red and black.. cause it looked a bit odd O_o and sorta stood out a lot. I'll add the DNAngel one later EDIT--- [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/dnangelban00.jpg[/IMG] I'm sorry the text is boring ^^; but the text you wanted was long O_o so this was the only way I could think of to keep it small enough so it didn't get in the way of the image and still be readable and fit it all (without it being animated or some such)
  22. Hahaha, sorry about that XD I found it amusing... plus I had Holland (sp? haha, is that even the right name?) in mind when I made the thing ^_~ [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/talhobannotext.jpg[/IMG] There ya go~ minus the girlfriend bit. Though if you want different text added, please let me know ^_^
  23. I've only seen like 4 episodes of Eureka Seven XD; [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/talhoban00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/talhoavi01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/talhoavi00.jpg[/IMG] I can adjust anything if needed~ EDIT-- oops, forgot you wanted your name on the avis~ [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/talhoname00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/talhoname01.jpg[/IMG]
  24. Did you want the Vincent Valentine text still included in the banner O_o cause it's kinda hard not to include it (and then to have to work in the text you wanted....) Or do you just want the same image used? And did you want the DNAngel one to focus more on Dark, Daisuke, or both of them? ^^;
  25. Agreeing with the top seeming less finished. I mean, there's a lot of white in the middle also, but it seems more filled than the white area in the top left. Does that make sense? (because there's that sort of black streak that breaks it up) maybe another shape would help break it up? Though, like jigglyness, I don't really know anything about abstract stuff or the programs XD;; I think the piece looks pretty cool though~
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