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Everything posted by GTK
Request Mad Hatter and March Hare Banner/Avatar
GTK replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Creative Works
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/madhatteravi.jpg[/IMG] will add the banner later~ EDIT-- [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/madban00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/madban01.jpg[/IMG] Sorry they aren't better ^^; -
I use Derwent brand, but that's mostly cause you can buy them individually. I use another brand as well, but I can't remember what it is ^^; Just remember, watercolor pencils tend to get muddy/dirty faster than normal watercolor... so you if you'd like cleaner, brighter colors I'd use the stuff out of tubes or something. Watercolor pencils are nice for detail though (or in general, if you don't have a large work space or a place to store and mix watercolor ^^; ) And just make sure you use a waterproof ink ^_^ It's been a while, but I don't think sakura micron type pens bleed (I use them all the time~ and I can't remember them ever bleeding, so...) Hope that helps a little ^^; If I've remembered anything wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me XD
Mostly, nicely done~ I love the light effects~ I'm totally digging the one of K' *heart* but that's probably because I'm biased XD *fangirl* but he does seem awfully faded/washed out/something like that compaired to everything else O_o because the other elements are very dark. Because of the lighting, I feel like there should still be some darker areas on him. Does that make sense? The one of Angel and the pokemon (I don't know what it's called T_T) look really plain because there is a lot of negative space... I mean, there's space in the others too, but it's more interesting. They just seem really empty. The yellow bar on the pokemon one is also sorta O_o weird I'm not sure why, but I also find Dizzy's wing...er... things (I dont' know what to call them XD;;; ) rather distracting... maybe because they are so small and cut off in comparison to Dizzy? I also rather like the Ky/Balmung banner~ the space is filled nicely ^_^ and the text used there is interesting.
the outfit makes Rei look rather... *ahem* shapeless ^^; Perhaps some slight editing so her bust was more obvious? Also~ for more depth, try building up more paint? The paint on the walls looks very thin and streaky... those areas don't seem to have as much depth as other areas. The vending machine is handled very nicely though ^_^ as is Rei's face... her hair could use some work though (cause it's fuzzy around the edges, like a halo or something). Maybe dark blue instead of black outline on her hair would help as well?
Looks like The Boss is in, cause I sadly have to drop out T_T I ended up having to move out suddenly and most of my non-computer related artsy stuff is now packed ^^; Sorry about that~
WTF guys? You're complaining about not getting a character and now no one wants it? I claim Cloud's character just to get this thing moving again ~_~ (will get posted later tonight when I get back from work) [QUOTE=1nOnlyCloud] (sorry, I pulled the image so it wouldn't be posted all over the place ^^;; the thread is already totally image heavy) He has red hair and green eyes. His hair covers his right eye. your could do anything you want with the clothing.[/QUOTE] [img]http://members.lycos.co.uk/rvoid/oekaki/pictures/63.png[/img] My server is being wonky and won't let me upload it ~_~ Since it's an oekaki, you can scoot over [url=http://members.lycos.co.uk/rvoid/oekaki/index.php]here[/url] to see it if it doesn't work (you can also view the animation if you wanna see me draw it XD Complete with dorky comments because I feel the need to write all over everything when I draw... Bonus Get!) ALSO, I didn't mean to sound like an *** and I wasn't trying to be hostile, but jeez guys... enough with the drama, this is a game. Let's move on now? (I'm also not a mister ^^; but that's a different story) And now that I've written a small novel XD; *shot dead* here's my character~ [url=http://www.redvoid.com/ori/pinkgreen.jpg]Linky, linky - pink and green guy[/url]
There's a manga called No Man's Land that, design wise, is more accurate. But it's got demons and stuff XD so it's not realistic in that sense *laughs* but it's all kinds of cool~ But there are some things that are realistic/historically based about it... [spoiler] I mean, they even worked in Lincoln's assassination~ How cool is that? Not to mention accurate uniforms for the time period and other random things like that~ and one of the characters is sort of based on an actual outlaw. Fun stuff[/spoiler] Simular to Trigun in the futuristic sense, there's Riot (also RIOT against the World) by Satoshi Shiki. Only two volumes were released here (I've found up to three in Japanese. I can't figure out if it was ever finished though ~_~) Priest is western too... but I've only read one volume so I can't really describe it ^^; but it looks fun XD and I totally heart the art style~ [spoiler] plus robbing trains amuses me XD;; and that's how it starts out *laughs* [/spoiler] Again with the demons though ^^; No Man's Land is still slightly more realistic. I'm a sucker for anything slightly western XD regardless of how accurate it is *laughs* though I think, so far, No Man's Land has been my fave ^___^
You know, since it's Dokuro-chan... maybe you should warn people about content? XD;;; just a thought.
I wanna try XD [img]http://redvoid.com/fanart/HP/tombookbg.jpg[/img] links-- [url=http://redvoid.com/ori/kappa.html]watercolor and color monotype[/url] [url=http://redvoid.com/ori/harajukuboy.jpg]color monotype, ink, screentone[/url] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=109744]Ink[/url] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=118137]copic[/url]
*amused* This totally rocks XD Thanks~ *heart* (and thanks for the compliment =^-^=) And I didn't know there were official wallpapers either XD; So thanks for the link also~
Prolly not what you want, but I've got this [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/namine.jpg[/IMG]
Okay~ I was having horrible luck finding images and thought I'd toss this up just in case someone had better luck than I did ^^;; I want an avatar of Raiden -with the mask thingy closed- from the recent MGS4 E3 trailer. My computer hates me and I can't screencap the trailer T_T so I can't make one myself. If you don't know who the character is, he's currently on both my sig and avatar (with the mask thing on/closed) ^_^ I just would sort of like a different image than the one I have XD;; (I mean, it's sorta neat.. but it's his back ~_~ ) Thanks~
I sorta wished there had been more of them in the floofy dresses *laughs* it was really more amusing than it should have been XD;;;; [spoiler]Kyouya (sp?) made a surprisingly hot chick XD;[/spoiler] I also just got a text message from a friend telling me episode ten is up now XD squeee
Dragon Warriors entry - Totally amusing XD It also has depth to it (background wise). Something about the font used for the subtitle bothers me a bit though... the highlight on the letters, perhaps? Cause it's like...wow, bright and the rest is dark...which makes it hard for me to get past the text. I'm also pretty sure the scarf is, in fact, the wrong colors XD;;;;;;;;;;;; but who really cares~ Voldemort kills me though. But with all the text and all the figures all together like that, it's like, kyaaa, busy Cancer- I totally heart how the figures in the back look (the figure on the left is love). The central figure is so blah in comparison T_T BG seems flat though... some color change to imply more depth would've been nice (and mayber a darker grey?) Hard to decide, but Cancer gets my vote~
[quote name='cancer][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]bluemarble, I understand where you're coming from. I also believe you should learn to draw before learning to draw anime. I am doing this, however, to show people mainly how to draw anime. I have really been considering putting up a traditional drawing tutorial also. I think I'm going to. It will show you how to draw traditionally instead of just drawing anime; it will have its own thread most likely and will come later on in the year. [/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Agreeing with what you guys said... though, for drawing anime and manga, I tell this to everyone who asks XD;;; Taking classes on figure drawing totally helps tons... cause, I mean, you can't draw stylized people without drawing normal people first (and your prof will hate it if you even make the people look vaguely anime XD;; I used to get crap about it all the time, but I'm advanced enough now that no one seems to care *laughs*) Gesture drawing helps tons to. I was told that when you apply to work for disney, all they wanna see are gesture drawings ^^;; so I guess it's sort of the same thing, ne?
I'm guessing you'd prefer Alucard? But the 2nd image you have is of young Walter ^^; I'm gonna try anyway XD; EDIT-- [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/arucardavi00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/arucardavi01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/arucardavi02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/arucardavi03.jpg[/IMG] and here's some of young Walter/evil creepy Walter cause I'm biased X3 [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/walteravi00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/walteravi01.jpg[/IMG] Alucard~ [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/alucardban01.jpg[/IMG] With extra text [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/alucardban00.jpg[/IMG] (also, if you don't like the "bone" going through his shoulder, there's [url=http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/alucardban02.jpg]this one[/url]... I sorta liked it, so I left it in the top two) Walter~ [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/walterban00.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/walterban01.jpg[/IMG]
[quote name='cancer] [url=http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/LeoneMatteo.jpg']pic back here now, since I've already drawn it[/url][/quote] Claim, yo~ Edit --- [img]http://redvoid.com/fanart/leone.ilikecolorsv.jpg[/img] (line only version [url=http://redvoid.com/fanart/leone.lineonly.jpg]here[/url], since I like photoshop just a little too much *shot dead*) My chara~ This guy -- [url=http://redvoid.com/ori/skullfix.jpg]Plague Doc[/url] (non masky version [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=40854]here[/url]) Or [url=http://redvoid.com/opics/ori/328.png]this guy[/url] (tiny pic XD;; feel free to make up the rest of him)
[QUOTE=Andrew] Now that I've addressed the asked topic, I was kinda hoping (since it seems a lot of you know about the langauge) if anyone could possibly point out some websites or books I could pick up to help me learn Japanese (I was thinking something akin to "Japanese for Idiots/Beginners" ^_^).[/QUOTE] I think there's a CDRom type thing you can buy that is sorta decent (you play games or something to learn... I saw it at Best Buy... a friend of mine owns it). I recomend getting something that allows you to -hear- it though, as that makes a huge difference. I learned by taking a class though ^^;
I'm gonna give it an attempt also XD EDIT-- Version 1 - "Glow" around all gundam [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/gundam00.jpg[/IMG] Version 2 - No glow [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/gundam01.jpg[/IMG] Version 3 - glow at center only [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/gundam02.jpg[/IMG] Version 4 - diff version of above [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/gundam04.jpg[/IMG] I think it looks messy T_T the colors are all so simular to each other *rolls*
Dude, this looks like all kinds of amusing but I can't figure out who has been claimed and who hasn't O_o;;;;;; maybe editing the first post to include a list/link of all available characters and then marking them as claimed or not? (but you did mention that being a bit of a pain, so...) Cause I'm totally confused XD;;;
OB username: GTK Date you could begin working on tutorial: anytime XD I have no life, really *laughs* plus I'm done with classes for the semester (but I usually work on Tuesdays and Saturdays XD ) E-mail/Messenger: PMed you this info ^^; Preferences: Mostly I like drawing pretty boys XD *laughs* and weird costumes, mostly inspired by Japanese fashion cause I'm lame like that. websites - personal - (contains more finished art) [url]http://redvoid.com/[/url] My O- (mostly unfinished work and sketches, and some random stuff) [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/gtk/[/url]
I normally don't like anime like this, but a friend told me to watch Host Club and now I'm so hooked on it that I feel like I need to be shot XD;;; [spoiler]though in all honestly, I only checked it out cause my fiend mentioned "twins" and "acting gay" in the same sentence and I went XD[/spoiler] It is really creepy though... because my brother looks like Mori O_o;
[quote name='Monkatraz']While your on the subject, has anyone been watching Eureka 7? They pronounce it like Elreka and it is bugging the crap out of me. Seriously, whats how did they get an 'l' out of a 'u'?[/quote] I don't watch Eureka 7, but in japanese r and l are pretty much pronounce the same (example... my name is Liz, in Japanese it becomes Rizu). I think you may just be hearing it wrong ^^; because there wouldn't be both an L and R sound
I'd be willing to help out XD Though I helped with Art of Otaku, so maybe you'd like someone else ^^;; I think it's interesting to see how different people use different techniques anyway... Everyone seems to be saying looking at How To things messes with your personal style, but you don't have to follow tutorials -exactlly- ... I always used them to help me with things I didn't quite understand ^^ and once I figured out how to do it from the tutorial, I could work on applying my own style to it. Maybe instead of doing "this is how to draw an anime style head" sort of things, maybe you could do tutorials on things like clothing, or fabric (personally, I get people asking me questions about clothing and wrinkles a lot ^^; ) ... Things like that? So maybe it won't seem to people like the tutorials are drilling them to draw things THIS way, you know what I mean?