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Manga What's the weirdest manga that you've read so far?
GTK replied to darkartic's topic in Otaku Central
If we're talking weird in a wtf sense, DOGS is sorta weird O_O I have no idea what it's about, but it's pretty XD I keep reading it even though it never feels like I learn anything new ^^; Omega 2-D gag doujinshi is really weird ^^; -
I buy all my patterns at JoAnn (sp?) fabrics... I think Wal-Mart carries a decent amount of patterns as well? Actually, most of my costumes are a mangled version of the same pattern ^^; since I like costumes that look like uniforms (the pattern I use is one of the period costumes, but I forget which one). If you look around at those little book things they have that list all the patterns, you can usually find something that is pretty close to what you want and just make up the rest of it (by adding things, making certain bits longer, leaving certain things out, and so on).
I've never really tried using anything other than pattern tones in photoshop ^^; but when working with tone the old fashion way *shot dead* what I do is take the tone I used for the "base" and layer it over the are I want darker and then move it around until it fills in the spaces between the dots (it's a bit hard to explain?). Basically, you use the same tone, move it just a bit so it's not lined up anymore and it makes the area look darker because the pattern of dots becomes more dense... does this make sense?
[quote name='ANBU kunoichi']And I didn't hear anything about this being in the OVA, but I'm praying that it is. Walter ownz! [/quote] During the end credits of the OVA, the last thing they show is femmy Alucard is that puffy white outfit XD (so cute! *dies*), so I'm guessing it's safe to say Hellsing Dawn is gonna be in there somewhere ^_^ Though I'm not sure why this thread hasn't been merged with the other Hellsing thread O_o since they are so close to being the same? [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I kept the two threads seperate because I thought the OVA should have a different thread from the series. But after looking at the Official Threads Directory, I concluded that you are right and these threads should be merged. So I went ahead and did that for you. ;) -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
Manga Manga Writers/Artists read: Manga do's and don'ts
GTK replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
no offense, but these all seem like really obvious no brainer things that people should know already ^^; unless they are living under a rock. And you can have ancient samurai manga with giant robots, so long as there is a -reason- for the robots XD *shot dead* I'm also agreeing that a lot of my better work comes when I'm pressed for time (not always though XD; but nearly 90% of the time I'm happier with stuff done last minute)... but you can generally come up with better ideas and cleaner work if you aren't all rush, rush about it. Though I thought I'd add to your #4 Do... thumbnails and story boards are great *heart* The way you first think of somethign may not always be the best way and redrawing it in a few different ways could make it totally different (and possibly way better). And on Don't #6... not everyone has the money for great supplies ^^; but that doesn't mean you should crap out and use bad ones either. If all you've got is printer paper and a ball point pen, you can make it work. -
Agreeing that whiteout is super bad T_T Lots of art places carry white ink, so it shouldn't be too hard to find (if you are really desperate, maybe a white gell pen would work if you went over it a few times? But I think maybe they are a bit yellow? I havent' used a gell pen in ages *dies) If I mess up while inking, I just scan the image and edit it in photoshop ^^; though, depending on the paper and the ink used you may be able to take an x-acto (sp?) knife and lightly scrape (not dig, just lightly scrape over the surface) until you pull up the fibers. I used some paper typically used for printmaking (BFK Rives) to do an image one and just scraped a mistake off ^^; It's a thicker paper (and might be cotton based? Can't remember) so you can do this... but you can't really do it with other papers, I don't think...so maybe this doesn't help T_T They also sell white screen tone (I know for sure they sell it in lines and in the dot pattern)... if they sell it without a pattern (just plain white), maybe that would work?
Has anyone else seen the first episode of Hellsing Ultimate, or am I the only one? ^^;;; [spoiler]I thought it was amusing that they tossed Dawn Alucard at the end of the credits XD everything is all dark and then you've got girly alucard is his cute white, fuzzy hat *squeee* It was defiantely better than the original anime, but now I'm all sad cause the first episode was pretty much like the first 3 episodes of the original anime only way cooler and more like the manga (covering the priest vampire/Ceres becoming a vampire through the first run in with Anderson)... I did sorta like how they made points funnier, like the in the manga... there was this crazy dream sequence and I kept expecting to see Harconnan (sp?), but alas! Not yet *laughs* maybe it'll show up later~ T_T waiting for stuff that is truely different is gonna sorta suck *impatient* [/spoiler] I still totally loved it and probably watched it 4 times the first day I managed to snag it X3
Some places offer classes in illustration or comics, and things from them could be applied to drawing manga style (though it's hit or miss on if the instructor actually -likes- this style ^^; I've had problems getting feedback from some, but most are generally okay with it so long as you get the assingment done ^_~ )
[QUOTE=Ms.BakuraIshtar][FONT=Arial] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]Do you happen to know where I could find Dawn translated or even just the untranslated version? It would really be helpful.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Sadly, I don't T_T (plus, I don't think this forum allows that sort of links XD; but I don't even know it to PM you) I might still have the manga on my computer though... but I don't think I have the whole thing? I can't remember... though I can check when I get home and see if I still have it. I'd be willing to toss it on my server for you and PM you a link ^_^
Hellsing Dawn is about a young Walter and Alucard (who is insanely girly in Dawn, omigawd, it kills me *heart*) It's been a while since I've read it, but if I remember properly [spoiler]it takes place in World War II. It's pretty much how Walter met the Captain (if you've been reading the manga, you'll know that he and Walter ran into each other again near the end of volume 7). Like I said, it's been a while since I read it... so I don't remember all the details ^^; I do remember Walter getting all kinds of beat up though~[/spoiler]
[quote name='goku8594']Well actually Chains Of Memories will tie the two games together that way you will understand just who some of the people in Kingdom Hearts 2 is. Also if you beat the game with Sora then you can play the game as Riku who as another story line. But both storylines connect Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 together. So i would recommend Chains of Memory if you dont want to be guessing who some people are.[/quote] Seconding this~ *heart* (plus I'm pretty sure the end of CoM is where KH2 picks up...?) I also thought it was pretty cool how the intro (at least I think it's the intro) to KH2 features some things from Chain of Memories~ (and speaking of the intro, kyaaa~ the new song is so great T_T *dies* squee for Utada Hikaru~ )
[QUOTE=ANBU kunoichi] As for your question on the mini busts, GTK, I know that the Japanese limited edition DVD of Hellsing Ultimate comes with an Alucard bust, (I don't think you need to pre-order it), but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for. Do you think you can post a picture of it so I could tell you? [/QUOTE] [url=http://rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g40117207] Piccy here~[/url] Yah for Y!J XD *dies* The Alucard mini bust I was talking about is indeed the one on the Hellsing Ultimate website ^^ Thanks for the info~ I may have to try and hunt down a place that sells the DVD now *shot dead* I'd only seen the Walter one for sale on Y!J though... It's 5,180 yen, so maybe if I wait, they'll get cheaper XD; (as far as I can tell from the auction, the Walter bust isn't released until may? or maybe I'm reading it wrong? ) wayofthewarrior--- It's 2000 for 10000 yen, and 20% of whatever over that. If it's 20000 yen or over, it's 4,000 yen for the 20000 and then 15% of the remaining value. ([url=http://www.crescent-shop.com/] here's the website for Crescent Trading again[/url]. You can only deal with them online. I believe you need to register on their site and ask them questions about what you what through a sort of email/message board system. I never ordered gun kits from them, since I ended up spending the money on rent, but I have ordered other things from them in the past and they are great to deal with ^_^ . And, for the record, I live in Indiana.)
[quote name='wayofthewarrior']THANK YOU :animesigh. I was looking for some help. I just kave one question; do you know of a distibutor willing to sell them to me for a reasonable price? I REALL NEED THEM, and mabye you could even help, if you live out of the states and are willing to get a check in the mail for shipping, handling, and purchase of the said materials ;) . It's a fairly simple altercation[/quote] Because they are hard to find, 200-somethign really is a reasonable price. I doubt you'll really find them any cheaper ^^; they only get more expensive, since they are sorta hard to find (and the silver one is no longer being produced). I also live in the US, and I know [url=http://www.crescent-shop.com/] Crescent Shop[/url] can get you any of the kits off of that website (that aren't sold out, of course). They charge you a fee for getting the item, which I think is 2000 for 10000 yen. This all depends on how hard the item is to find for them also. I don't think they can get complete model guns though... but I think they can send you kits (they told me it was okay when I asked about one anyway). If you want a cheap alternative, you could buy toy guns and paint them (both to look like Alucard's guns and to hide the orange plug). You can also probably find cosplay places around online that can make the guns for you (this is probably also on the pricey side though... but I can't currently think of anyone who does this).
[quote name='Sojio']I feel a bit out of place considering what you guys have been saying. I just finished PMK and i was dissapointed with the outcome. The story was not completed and the characters did not reach their full potencial. This would be understanderble if there was another series but I am unaware of such an occurance. Sorry Guys but it had to be said. But if you do know of another series please tell because it will be a great relief because this show has massive potencial to be a great classic. :animeswea[/quote] This is probably because the anime PMK is based on the two manga (Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker and PeaceMaker Kurogane, but mostly SIPM... as already mentioned in this thread). There are some confusing bits because they sorta tossed the two together. If you pick up the Peacemaker Kurogane manga, it sorta picks up where the anime left off. Only 3 volumes are out though (no idea if more are coming O_o; it's been ages since the release of the 3rd volume. Either ADV is taking forever, or it's been canned).
[quote name='alchemist102']i need some backround help i cant draw them at all any advice.[/quote] The only thing I can think of that would help would be drawing from observation ^^; Try drawing rooms in your house or at school or whereever, or things you see outside. example~ [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=72523]This image[/url] is based on a photo of myself in my mother's bathroom (taken by taking photos of a mirror). I sadly don't have a scan of the photo for comparison, but you can see that it really looks nothing like a bathroom XD; but looking at the photo did help me place the back of the room and things in it (the actual room I've drawn is based on the videogame Silent Hill, while only the way it's set up is based on the bathroom). Everything was also simplified, so you can do this and not make the background insanely detailed or exact. If you use photoshop, you can sort of "cheat" and make simple backgrounds pretty easily. In [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=47989]this image[/url], all I did was take an image of a moon I pulled off google and add a "brush" of a tree over the top of it (and then applied the watercolor filter to the whole thing). Ta-dah~ really easy background without doing too much work ^^
[QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue][size=1] I would suggest trying to pick up How to Draw Manga: Bodies & Anatomy to try and get you started on your own, though.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Actually, I think this book is horrid ^^;;; I'd recommend an artists' book on "normal" (real human) anatomy instead. You can apply the same thing to manga/anime drawing. It's a lot easier to draw a stylized version of the body when you understand what a real body should look like. I also agree with what was said about imitation being helpful in developing your own style. I started out the same way ^^; once I got used to drawing a certain way, I slowly started changing things to develop my own style (for the record, I started out imitating the style of [url=http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=satoshi%20shiki&sa=N&tab=wi]Satoshi Shiki[/url]. My art looks nothing like his now XD; )
[quote name='wayofthewarrior']I NEED INFO ON ALUCARD'S WEAPONRY. I AMGOING TO COSPLAY HIM, AND I NEED THE INFO. :mad: :mad: . GIVE ME THE INFO. one problem, i live in the u.s, and I cna't get the real guns for they are illegal due to gun control laws.[/quote] actually, if you can manage to hunt down one of the kits for his gun (or guns) you -can- get it in the US. They are expensive though. Japanese shopping services can help you. I was gonna do this for the Devil May Cry guns, which were $300 or so (I imagine Alucard's guns are around the same in price, if not more... since I think they are bigger. The site that sells the DMC guns also has the Hellsing guns, but I think they are sold out). Though the one I was looking into was a -kit- and not put together or anything, so I don't know how it would work if it was complete. And~ Does anyone know anything about the Alucard and young Walter/old walter mini busts? I saw photos of the Alucard one on the official site... is this something you can get when you buy or preorder the DVD? (I've seen them on Yahoo Japan auctions for like $50 or something T_T; I just want to know if there's any other way to get them) Edit--- [url]http://www.poseidon.co.jp/2F/g-jackal/bj1.html[/url] [url]http://www.poseidon.co.jp/6F/alucard/ar_1.html[/url] I decided to not be lazy and looked them up. The Silver gun (Casull?) is "out of print". Jackal (black gun) may still be available (and is 18000 yen, which is around $216)
If you add tone in photo shop, what I do is select the area I want using the polygonal lasso tool. I scan in all my tone patterns (from tone I buy) and then paste into and move it around or resize as needed (since I had the area selected and pasted into it, I can do this inside the selected area only). I know they sell programs are that specificaly for tone, but I don't own any T_T but you can find tons of tone patterns online if you look around~ But, like I mentioned, there's a tutorial on doing tone by hand in [url=http://www.artofotaku.com/]Art of Otaku.[/url] It goes over tools and the process. It's a bit hard to describe without writting tons about it, but you just have to work carefully ^^; and make sure all your tools are nice and sharp.
[quote name='damatte']It's a good thing I didn't get any Faber Castels @_@ I was looking for it but didn't see it, lol. What's so good 'bout Bristol paper anyways?[/quote] It's a heavier paper and can take a bit more abuse ^_~ It doesn't damage as easily as (for example) printer paper. If you use ink on it, it also doesn't bleed as much as thinner paper.
[quote name='damatte']Well what does everyone else use for coloring front pages and such? I've considered like copic markers, but I have a feeling they'd rip you off since so many artists use it, that and I absolutely hate markers...bad memories -_-;;;;[/quote] I actually rather like copic markers ^^;; but I don't own very many of them (I bought a small set to try them out). I like them better than most markers I've used, but I also use Tria. As for using colored ink, I always used them in washes... sort of like water color (I know Sho_u Tajima does the same thing and colors most of his work this way). It takes a while to get used to though, because you have to work with it quickly since you can't sort of blend it later (like you could with water color). You can shade with it really easily if you make several washes (light, medium, dark, whatever). You just add water to it. and I totally misplaced that soapy eraser thing I mentioned ~_~ so I can't find it to tell you what it is. I think it's called something really weird like "Kiss Off" or something like that. It's in a white sort of tubey thing with red letters on it.
[quote name='Syk3']Also, I'll note that if Tsurigane wants to use these in her signature, the animation is going to be a bit big, dimension-wise. We allow banners that are 500 x 100, and this is 150 in height.[/quote] I'm pretty sure they are for a different forum (I assumed they were for Gaia, based on the images) ^^ But I can pm her and ask.
[quote name='Renate'](Come on girls, it's a plus when they're gay AND pretty ^.~)[/quote] That's totally the only reason I wanna see it XD; But, for some reason, I totally didn't know it was Ang Lee O_O so that's sorta cool to know now (but I'm not forgiving him for the Hulk T_T) but it's good to hear some different things about the movie XD I'm totally gonna try and see it now ~
hahaha XD Most ink is sorta permanent. My hands are currently blue and black *giggle, snort* It'll come off pretty easy though, with some soap and water. There's this orange stuff called GoJo (I think) that works really well also. It smells yummy ^_^ If you are worried about getting ink on your clothes, there's this stuff that's sorta like a soapy eraser and it comes in a tube thingy sorta like chap stick only bigger. I don't have one with me at the moment though (in a library... but you'd think I'd have one since I just got out of class ^^; messy, messy). If you are really interested, I can check and see what it is when I get home cause it's really helpful (and saved my fave shirt *love*) I don't know who Emura is though O_o; Are you using actual ink (like out of a bottle?) or ink pens or some such?
[quote name='the_sixth_child']Those three things are what I need the most work on when it comes to drawing manga...what can I do to get better?[/quote] Practice XD;;; *shot dead* Inking just takes practice ^^; and nice pens always help. As for the other two, are you doing them by hand or with a computer? Can you be a little more specific with what you need help with? Art of Otaku has a tutorial on doing screentone, but it's mostly on tools and a quick run though on the process. Nothing super detailed.
I thought I'd randomly toss out that I went and bought some Faber Castel and still don't like them as much as Sakura ^^; Faber Castel bleeds when used with markers T_T so don't try it. Fuuuuuuuu. But to each his (or her) own, I guess. And squee for Bristol paperl XD all my really 'nice' images are done on it. (Though if you want to avoid doing the image in light pencil before inking, like Liam mentioned, you can use a light table. Though this only really works if your original drawing is a bit dark, since bristol is a pretty heavy paper)