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Everything posted by GTK

  1. [QUOTE=Byakuya]I watch Hellsing just as much as the next. Matter fact, I'm watching it right now. Favorite character is Alucard. (no doubt) My truest opinion. If there was no Alucard, there's no Hellsing. He made the show for me. Animation is nicely done. I don't really pay much attention to the music. (Outside of the opening and ending themes) I do have a question though. What exactly is Walter? It's obvious that he's not a human. ^_^[/QUOTE] Are you talking about the anime or the manga? [spoiler] In the anime, he's perfectly normal. In the anime however, something recently happened and he's all brainwashed and crazy or something, but we gotta wait for the next volume to really figure out what ^^;;; and I'm not looking up spoilers just to figure that out~ it's prolly online somewhere though.[/spoiler]
  2. [quote name='Vykk]Hi everyone! I'm a huge Hellsing fan and I was just wondering if anyone has a link to the full trailer for the upcoming OVA. I've seen the short one at [url]www.geneon-ent.co.jp/rondorobe/anime/hellsing[/url'], but I heard that there was a 5 minute long trailer floating around...[/quote] It's prolly somewhere online, but as far as I know~ you can only see it if you pick up [url=http://www.shonengahosha.co.jp/special/index_hellsing.html]this book thingy[/url] that covers Hellsing Dawn (it comes with a DVD with the trailer) But I'm probably wrong. (randomly, I think someone sold it on ebay for like $50 O_o )
  3. [quote name='Kiba'sSoul']now all I have to do is figure out how to make this banner...go on..hehe..which..I cannot figure out.[/quote] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42879[/url]
  4. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/sanzo.jpg[/IMG] Not so great T_T but at least I tried XD Edit-- another one cause I'm a loser with no life *victory pose* [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/sanzo02.jpg[/IMG]
  5. omigawd, these are totally late because I've been very sick T_T I'm so sorry [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/tsurigane.gif[/IMG] Is that better? ^^;; [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/aviart.jpg[/IMG] This one was a bit hard T_T because most of the cursive fonts I have are really skinny and have to be really large to see well, so it sorta runs a bit more into the image than I would've liked. Fuuuuu (I also accidently closed the window the old one was in, so it's not 100% the same ^^;) again, sorry they are late T_T
  6. [quote name='Tsurigane']OMG! I love you! but can you make the text more readable?[/quote] on which one? ^^; but, yeah, I can totally fix it~
  7. Sorry, couldn't resist cause I totally heart Leon X3 [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/leons.gif[/IMG] it's so dark T_T
  8. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/Nashwa.jpg[/IMG] Will add the other one later~ Edit-- X3 [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/youdie.gif[/IMG]
  9. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/403aa2a0.jpg[/IMG] Not sure if it's what you wanted ^^; and my computer just wigged out and ate the avi, so I'm gonna redo that real fast~ Edit-- Fixed XD [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y105/redvoid/banners/purplerandom.jpg[/IMG]
  10. [quote name='darklore_x']thx but if i cant down load it im still loking for a book but thx ill try[/quote] It's available on CD now ^_^ and it does pretty much cover everything your are asking about (with the exception of maybe a super detailed tutorial on hands, but all the images that have hands are pretty detailed so you can see how they are done...there just aren't any specific instructions... though, if you really wanted, I could attempt to put together an easy tutorial on hands for you? though they take a lot of practice ^^) Other than Art of Otaku, it's a bit hit or miss... the only book I've really seen that covers -almost- everything you mentioned is the Antartic Press How to Manga compilation book one and I've never seen it sold anywhere (I grabbed my copy offa ebay) I think it's around the same price as Art of Otaku (though not nearly as long ^^; )
  11. [quote name='Grave Yard']A Getbackers fighting game that would rock. Each chacter has their own ability so specials arent a problem.Bans Snake Bite,Ginji going into Lighting Lord, Jackals Bloody Sword. There would also be a huge cast of chacters to play as. That would be a great anime based game. Unfortunly if it was made it would probly suck just like the Bleach Game.[/quote] I'm pretty sure there are a few Getbackers games for PS2, but I totally don't know anything about them. Though, since Bleach was mentioned, I sorta wish they'd crank out something other than fighting games ~_~ cause those get really boring really fast. In general though, anime based games have all been pretty bad... T_T which is a shame. I do sorta play one of the Evangelion games though (because I'm a huge nerd, hur, hur, hur)
  12. The only role done by Vic Mignogna I ever really liked was Tatsunosuke Ichimura from Peacemaker. Not sure why ^^; It's not that he does a poor job on all the others or anything... but I just thought he did a great job on Tastu. Though, like MajinVegeta, I really prefer Ed's Japanese voice (then again, I had already watched the entire series in Japanese before ever seeing it in English ^^; which prolly has somethign to do with it) I do find it fairly amusing that Vic does the voice of Kougaiji in Saiyuki because I never noticed until just now XD;;; (and Kurz in Full Metal Panic! squeee for Kurz~ )
  13. [QUOTE=damatte] does everyone else ink their drawings on another piece of paper?? I have a lightbox, so I guess I can try it out,but like...I'm not sure, since I'm not posting this from my house right now, doesn't sakura pens go through the paper??[/QUOTE] I always ink my drawings on a different paper because the paper tends to get dirty and doesn't look nice. The sakura pens won't go through the paper (unless maybe you go over a certain area a whole tone of times). In certain areas in might bleed through -slightly-, but never enough to cause any problems or tear the paper or anything like that. I also use a light box ^_^ (but if I don't have one, I just tape my paper together and then tape it to a window if it's still daylight out *laughs* or the TV if I'm really desperate XD; ) I have a super cheap light box XD; I bought it at Wal-Mart for like $10 I'm also gonna agree with RiflesAtRecess that Zip Milleniums are puu. The ones I have totally didn't even work very well T_T (but I got them for free, so...) But I've never heard of Faber Castel ? How much are they?
  14. [QUOTE=bellpickle][SIZE=1]Sorry for grave-digging through old threads, but I was just wondering if anyone is planning to buy DMC3: Special Edition? The extras on that game look awesome. Playable Vergil, Jester Boss Battle, Bloody Palace mode, and more? For only $19.99? I'm totally there.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm buying it too ^^; mostly for Vergil *shameless fangirl* but I'll prolly sell the first one to a friend of mine and use the money to buy the new one XD Seriously, Capcom is the only one who can make me buy their games twice T_T
  15. [quote name='Ms.BakuraIshtar][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]If you or anyone out there knows of any red haired female characters besides: Ayame from Inuyasha, Carmilla from Vampire Hunter D, Satella from Chrono Crusade, or Molly from Sailor Moon. Please tell me their name and what anime/manga they are from. I wouldn't mind a picture either, but that is completely up to you.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] There's Esther from Trinity Blood ^_^ I think she's awfully cute~ and her outfits would prolly work for Prom since they are fluffy dresses (you'd prolly just have to leave out the head gear?) Kairi from Kingdom Hearts also has reddish hair~ I can't remember where I saw it, but someone took some characters and made up formal outfits based on their normal costumes. It turned out pretty cool ^^ maybe you could try something like that?
  16. [quote name='kitsunekami'] i don't neccisary agree that you should do your whole outline sketch in .005 pens... [/quote] hahaha XD I totally practically use only .005 *shot dead* though if you use only that size, it dies pretty fast T_T I use .005, .01, .03,and .08 mostly This also may be a bit silly to ask, but are you drawing on the paper you are inking on? Sometimes when you erase it will tear up the paper (even if it doesn't look like it), so when you ink over it the line will bleed. I use printer paper also and have never had any problems O_o
  17. [QUOTE=Dagger]They weren't the only characters [spoiler]wearing that. Didn't everyone (well, the party members, that is) have something similar tied to one part of his/her body or another? I was under the impression that they were pieces of Aeris's hair ribbon...[/spoiler] I'm not really a Cloud/Tifa fan, but if you're looking for evidence in that direction, [spoiler]Tifa's ring[/spoiler] is pretty close to being genuine proof. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [spoiler]Cid was wearing one as well. I'm not sure about the others specifically though. I also thought it had to do with Aeris[/spoiler] Somewhat unrelated, but still sort of related anyway [spoiler] I liked Last Order as well... though it wasn't like if really provided any info I didn't know already... mostly I just did a lot of angsting at Zack... though the scene where Cloud comes to Tifa and she's all "you kept your promise" was pretty cute. It was fun to watch overall ^___^ and Squee Hojo! [/spoiler]
  18. It really depends on what you need help with. Rather than a manga book, I always recommend people check out how to draw "real" anatomy (rather than a manga book). It helps a lot ^^ It's easier to draw a person in manga/anime style when you understand how to draw a real person. Most books on real anatomy are pretty complicated though ^^; and I don't like the how to manga book on anatomy T_T But, to recommend a how to manga book... There's a series of books (I forget who they are by, i'm not sure if it's part of the how to manga series or if it's someone else?) that come in pastel colored covers... Ithink there are three of them? one is green, one is pink, and I don't know the other one (I think that's 2 and 3 XD; I don't own the first one) but it goes through how to draw various poses and some other things (I can't remember all of it since I don't have the book with me, but I know it covered expressions also) and various types of characters. I rather like them ^_^ and found them really helpful The how to manga book on screentone is amazing *heart* but prolly more complicated than you are looking for ^^; I've seen it come with and without screentone to practice with though (it's the same price, either way). But I found it tons helpful (and I love working with tone now XD). The art in it, however, is pretty much all fan service and might as well be hentai T_T if you can get past that, the book is great. When I buy books though, I always look at them at the store first XD; If I think it looks like it will help me out, I'll buy it. (but, so far, my faves have been the how to manga book on screen/comic tone and another book by someone else on various ways to color things...which included CG, copic markers, etc. I don't remember the name T_T)
  19. I always says this when people ask, but studying anatomy helps tons. Certain how to books help as well (it's hit or miss though. I wouldn't buy one without being able to look at the contents first). I just recently bought a few books on anatomy (mostly cause the images were so cool~). Understanding basic anatomy helps tons. Even if you are drawing anime/manga/whatever, your images will look tons better if you understand parts of anatomy (anime/manga characters are pretty much slightly distorted versions of "normal" people... you can't accurately draw a distorted person without first really knowing how to draw a real person). it might also help to focus on little things at a time if you are having trouble. For example, maybe you can't very well draw a full body pic of a person... so practice drawing just heads (or maybe the shoulders and up) and then move on to maybe trying to draw hands (look at your own hands for reference. It usually helps. I do it all the time. Sometimes you might need a mirror though). That way, you can sort of slowly move to drawing something more complicated. Since you mentioned not being able to really making people "come alive", I think studying anatomy will help you out a lot. Also practice various expressions (reference might help for this, if you think you need it... if not, make faces at yourself in the mirror or something XD;;;; ) Already mentioned, but practice helps. (since a couple of people gave out their sites XD; mine is redvoid.com if you want to check it out. ) If you have anymore questions, I can try to help out ^^
  20. Squee XD Glad you like them ^__^ (I was a bit worried since I couldn't find too many images ^^; ) And yah XD I get to live~ *victory dance*
  21. Banner added ^_^ Glad you like the avi and such though~ I still wish I could've found better images T_T
  22. Thanks alot ^__^ I'm glad you like them~ (I hope DaSilva likes them too *laughs*)
  23. Eee~ the art for Princess Ai is so pretty XD [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24066&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24067&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24068&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24070&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24069&stc=1[/img]
  24. Argh, it's huge T_T but, yeah... like Doc, had a bit of trouble getting the entire image in there. (this is almost the same as Doc's ^^; just a tiny bit different) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24064&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24065&stc=1[/img] EDIT-- Doc pointed out that banners can be a max of 100 in height, so I edited the banner a bit ^^; The text is a bit harder to read though T_T cry! I didn't save the original, so I just sorta shrank it ^^; Sorry T_T [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24078&stc=1[/img] (leaving up the larger banner for reference sake though)
  25. Still working on a banner ^^; I couldn't find any good images, so I have to edit the crap out of poor quality image to make it look good (which means I pretty much have to color the thing T_T ) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24062&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24063&stc=1[/img] The image on the avi isn't so great ~_~ Do you have any better images? ^^; (I'll edit this and post the banner later) EDIT FOR BANNER~ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24077&stc=1[/img]
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