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Everything posted by arjem27

  1. [QUOTE=Hevn]Well, I don't know how many percent of any culture I am, but I am a Filipino and from what I know, Filipinos are a mix of a lot of things like Chinese and Spanish. The Filipino langauge/Tagalog actually contains Spanish words spoken and spelled differently as the years passed. It's safe to to say Taglish is a mix of Tagalog and English mostly used for casual writing and speaking. :)[/QUOTE] woah. its called taglish? never knew that. well i've heard a lot on tfc.
  2. [QUOTE=InuYashasV]i want to get a tattoo, but i'm a little wary. i have a sensitivity to nickel and my father had a tattoo and had to get it surgically removed when it got infected. if i do get a tattoo, i want a japanese dragon on my lower back.[/QUOTE] -gasp-O___O thats just what I want---not old enough yet- :animeangr
  3. [QUOTE=Ai.sAkUrA.chan]I luv My Chemical Romance (yea "MCR" is alot shorter). Although i prefer their old songs more. Alot of people in my school only know them for their NEW songs...sucks :animesigh . My favorite song would have to be Vampires can't hurt you and Headfirst for Halos. Ghost of you and Cemetery drive are too nice songs...i guess. Oh, yes, Gerard Way is...MINE.[/QUOTE] I really loved: demolition lovers, vampires will never hurt you, our lady of sorrows & early sunsets over monroeville.
  4. currently obsessed w/: closer-nine inch nails todayi i woke up in the rain of blood-combichrist monster-meg & dia perfect situation-weezer hate me-blue october too many too name.... :-/
  5. arjem27

    The Strokes

    [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]Or on Much Music or MTV. I mean, it's a good outlet to get into these sorts of bands, because ever since bands like Green Day and Good Charlotte and Simple Plan got all huge, people are starting to pay more attention to punk. Even though I consider all these bands to be poo in my ears, at least it gets people into it. I know I got into punk through Blink 182... who's older stuff isn't bad but when I got into it, that's probably around when the punk scene started becoming more mainstream. Of course, I don't listen to them anymore, I've honed my tastes since then :animesmil But I guess you got to start somewhere. Right... Another Strokes song I'm loving right now: Vision of Division.
  6. The phantom of the opera-new version the wizard of oz moulin rouge annie
  7. [quote name='Skeith92']In my opinion, the new MCR cd isnt really emo. But I have to say that their first cd was very emo.[/quote] I agree. I think their 1st cd was better than their second. ooh, aren't they going to release a new album sometime this march? I love em. Since Nov. 'o4 . I've got to have their new cd, but it'll prolly run out before I even get to see it. -sigh- :animesigh
  8. [QUOTE=taisiakuno]I have searched everywhere and I am finally at my wits end trying to find this song. Now odds are I'll never find it again because I have absolutely no information on it except for small little details. But maybe a real Otaku out there might know it. This is what I have to go on. -It was an Anime Music Video a few years back -The singer was female and japanese. Her voice was very medium; not high but not deep either -The video and song itself was six minutes long (give or take a few seconds) -The video was very dark with what seemed like alot of blue tints and also a few graveyard scenes as well as crosses *anime of course* -I believe the video came from one of the various Adult Swim/Toonami anime's at the time IE: Outlaw Star, Tenchi, Blue Sub Number 6, and so on. -It was an online video and could be downloaded from a website directly to Windows Media Player -The song is not upbeat but very sad, gentle but has some uplifting parts especially toward the end. Very emotional Like I said, I have no information whatsoever about who sang it or anything along those lines. Even if you send me random names that MIGHT be this song, I'd be greatful because it's alot more than what I have now. I'll know the song only by the ending since that's what sticks out the most in my memory. I appreciate anyone who has a vast anime music collection and who might know of what I'm talking about to post and give me a word out on a possible title. Whomever finds it... well I'll find some way of rewarding. I'm an artist so I suppose I could do a free commission if you would like one. Thank you so much everyone for trying to help a girl in need![/QUOTE] Hmmm. Sounds to me like... Kikaider. The end song for Kikaider the anime that aired a couple yrs. ago on AdultSwim Kinda fits the description, lol.
  9. arjem27

    The Strokes

    [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]I'm definately going to have to share my playlist with you! The Strokes, NOFX... I'm so stoked that there are members of the younger generation that actually like good punk! Other great artists (in my humble opinion): SNFU, The Vandals, AFI, Anti-Flag, Thought Riot, Alkaline Trio, Guttermouth, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Strung Out, Suicide Machines, My Chemical Romance... :catgirl:[/QUOTE] younger generation lol. ah so we're going to share our lists of music eh? i'll wait till you guys post. anyone listen to nebula-h?
  10. heh, jumping around, eh? Nice excuse. Oh, so they're left... Hmmm.. Yep, Santino's a jerk all right, gotta love his impressions of Tim, though.>...>
  11. [QUOTE=Sui Generis][COLOR=Indigo]Ok; so the only complaint I have is the fact that Nick got kicked off, on the "Complete Makeover" episode, because his suit didn't have jackets. Yet if you look at Santino's outfit for Kara...it was falling apart, and it was absolutely UGLY! Needless to say, I"m absolutely obsessed with Project Runway; in fact I just spent six hours with my love watching the Project Runway marathon on Bravo. Unfortunatly I work Wednesday, so I have to tape the finale. If Santino wins I'll have to go and cry!!![/color][/QUOTE] ---Ok; so the only complaint I have is the fact that Nick got kicked off, on the "Complete Makeover" episode, because his suit didn't have jackets. Yet if you look at Santino's outfit for Kara...it was falling apart, and it was absolutely UGLY!--- Yeah it was. So the most recent episode... I missed it, again. Who got kicked off? Who's left? I absolutely love Daniel.
  12. arjem27

    The Strokes

    [quote name='Skeith92']I am really into the strokes right now. I love their sound and the lyrics. Does anyone else here listen to The Strokes at all? If so, what do you think of them?[/quote] I like 'em. I think they're ok. So what else do you listen to, eh?= ô___ô=
  13. arjem27

    Adult Swim

    [QUOTE=Qman1]Ive watched it from the start too. [I]FG[/I] is good, but I couldnt get into [I]Home Movies[/I]. [I]The Boondocks[/I] is AWESOME! and the second season of [I]GITS:SAC[/I] is good too.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I gotta say I've seen all the shows. Some shows I didn't like were: Super Milk Chan. Tom goes to the Mayor. Lupin the III. & a couple more. :animenose Well here's a list of all the shows I do like: :catgirl: The Boondocks. Inuyasha. ATHF. Case Closed. Witch Hunter Robin. Samurai Champloo. American Dad. Big O. FLCL. Home Movies. Harvey Birdman. Family Guy. FMA. Mission Hill. The Oblongs. Kikaider. Sealab 0221. Paranoia Agent. Robot Chicken. Venture Bros. & Stroker & Hoop. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  14. [quote name='kingN']I like rap, r&b, rock, jazz, and what ever sounds good.[/quote] I'll listen to anything, I give things a chance. I usually end up liking it, though =] hmmm. Rock. Experimental & what Keoni says is vocal trance.
  15. [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]My favourite colour is: Black ^.^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. I enjoy fashion & I love that show too. Also America's Next Top Model :p I have missed a couple episodes though. The most recent episode I have seen was the episode where Andre (& or Nick? whichever was more recent) got kicked off the show.
  17. arjem27

    Adult Swim

    [quote name='Qman1']Some shows were kind of dumb (Super Milk Chan, Tom Goes To The Mayor, etc) But, they do have a good selection of comedy and anime. This September will mark the 5 years that Adult Swim has been on the air. Hard to believe right? Adult Swim is the most watched late night televison. Adult Swim will never die :animesmil[/quote] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]I agree. ADULT SWIM WILL NEVER DIE! ... Super Milk Chan & Tom goes to the mayor. I didn't like those shows at all. 5 years eh? Spiffy. I've also seen Inuyasha & Wolfs Rain from the beginining towards the end. Very good animes. -Well, In my opinion =/- So anything special going to happen when the anniversary comes by? :animesigh[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  18. [quote name='Vash T Stampede']Ya the second underworld movie was better than the first one.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]=o I've only seen the 1st one. I thought it was ok. Every one was gorgeous. The whole vampires w/ machine guns thing kinda threw me off. & the Lycanthropes thing was so fake but I guess thats what makes it so funny. :animeblus [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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