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  1. To be honest my one greatest fear would have to be growing old and alone in this world. Without anyone to love me or love back, without any friends or family to comfort me. That's basically my greatest fear in life. :(
  2. I hate to say it but no matter what you really do or say in this situation isn't going to make things better. Overall things are just going to get worse.....there's no real way to break up with someone without them getting hurt. It's sorta happens in all cases so there's no real way to avoid it.
  3. I can't really think of a best underrated movie. However, I can think of one trilogy/movie that is highly Overrated and that would be The Matrix. No offense to any of the fans out their but these films ripped off a couple of other forms of film and media from other countries. And to top it off the storyline and acting for the last two installements was just dismal and yet still people praise this series and overrate it.
  4. Well personally I think the best anime music you usually hear comes from the Gundam Franchise...they tend to produce some of the best opening and closing theme songs of all time, and continue the tradition by signing popular artist to their titles. Another franchise that I think has a great line of music is from Yu-Gi-Oh despite the quirkness of the songs the last two openings Heros and Overlap are just great. :cool:
  5. Well to be honest...the basic problem why we don't see anime films in the theaters is based on the distribution companies that aquire the licensing and rights to animes. Most of these companies for the exception of 4-Kids Entertainment see releasing anime films in theaters as a horrible venture, they know for a fact that the only money it will aquire is that of hardcore anime fans which sadly isn't enough to generate the sales...that most companies would like to see in the theater because of that sole reason they head to direct video release in which they know for a fact sales will not drop but increase because it is targeted at a specific audience unlike the theater which is a more general audience.
  6. Well I didn't do too much for the 4th of July, I didn't get drunk :( , I didn't go see the fireworks display :( . Pretty much all I did was hang around chinatown for the major portion of the day and hung out with some friends playing card games. Btw, Happy Belated 4th of July to everyone at OB. :D
  7. Spider-Man 2 was by far the best superhero flick of all time, and I'm not just giving this flick a shameless plug. It had everything that most flicks of the year had been lacking. It had the perfect blend of action, drama, romance, but more importantly it was once again true to the comic. We could really feel the emotions of Peter Parker and his dilmea about being Spiderman.... Also Doc Ock, was by far one ot the best supervillans "special effect wise" in history, the tentacles really outdid themselves. I did have one minor disappointment with the flick....and that was on the part of Mary Jane, it seemed like this time around they didn't have many lines for Kristen Dunst which took away from the role...and they made Mary Jane seem a bit too much like a skank.... However once again, Sam Raimi (sp?) has outdid himself, and I really can't wait to see what Spiderman 3, 4, 5, and 6 have instore.....for us since they plan on making at least six movies... Lastly.....isn't it about time we got some Venom?
  8. I suppose love is real to some degree. It's just that in this day an age people often mistake lust for love, and crushes for love. Because of that people tend to swear off love thinking they've truly exprienced it when in fact they haven't. I'm guilty of this myself, as for how do we tell if where in love? Well that's a completely different story it varies from person to person...but they're some key signs you should look for, like sharing things in common, thinking about them every waking minute, and just being around them makes you happy even in your darkest days. >.> I'm sounding too much like Doctor Phil...so I'll end my rant at that.
  9. Well on a quick note since I'm kinda tired there are three anime series endings that come to mind that were terribly disappointing. The first one was Big O Season 2's ending...the last episode literally made no freaking sense to begin with then the ending basically was a hack job done by the writers in which none of the conflicts in that series nor characters had true resolution. A second series/movie, would be the two Evangelion endings, they are quite confusing and the fact that you can interpert the ending in 50 different ways doesn't help much. Lastly, Witch Hunter Robin by far...had such a let down of an ending...it seems like most quaility anime series have the biggest let downs or disappointments for endings. Oh, I just remember another good example, Nadesico the Movie: Prince of Darkness....a bunch of build up for a big conflict that ended to shortly with no resolution or hope for a follow up....
  10. Well it's alright to act on a crush...though from my couple of stints with experience in that department they can end up harsh or great. My first sorta crush I had on this girl really didn't go well she wasn't really interested in me and well I thought perhaps at the time trying to swoon her over would really work. Which really didn't end up making things better I ended up looking like a fool in front of many people. Now as for another time...this one more recent. There was this girl I liked named Blizzi (Vanessa) and for about 10 months.....*checks calendar* yeah for 10 months I had been madly in love or for better terms crushing on her. I tried everyday to try to appease her and find out how she really felt about me. Though, she took this sorta to her advantage....and kinda extorted me. Then at Anime Next, magic sorta happened and we finally got together or at least I thought so.... We kinda went out for like a week before it ended up in disaster...V_V It's exactly like a week since we broke apart now. However if you really have a crush on someone it's better to tell them and not wait too long...attachment can be a terrible thing so good luck telling that person you care, best wishes...
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