Sailor Ganymede
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tell me how can you get ytv? I don't think I have it on my TV, and I am a major otaku. Anyways, the first episode I saw of Inuyasha was episode 10 (Phantom Showdown!) and it rocked! ^^
Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Case Closed and Rurouni Kenshin have the best music. "Tank!" is so catchy, I get it in my head everytime I watch CB!
Anime why dont people put anime movies in theatre!!!
Sailor Ganymede replied to mr dude guy's topic in Otaku Central
*sigh* people just don't know, do they? :frown: I'm an otaku, and if they release the first Inuyasha movie (release date Sep. 7) in Albuquerque, then I'll get SOOOOOOOO hyper that I'll get at least 100 sits from my brother. but it'd be worth it! :D -
It's called "Josh and Alana" but it's a MAJOR ripoff of Inuyasha, but hey, I'm learning! Somebody please read this! EPISODE 1: THE FIRST ADVENTURE /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (the Strotin Realm, an alternate universe of Tokyo) Narrator: In the Strotin Realm, there was a legendary mirror. The Shetso Mirror was legendary for its mysterious powers, and was protected by the priestess Adriana from anyone that may want to steal it or use it wrongly. It was protected for time, until a demon called Jetsujin attempted to steal it in 2002 A.D. Adriana died fighting Jetsujin, and the Mirror shattered during the battle. Two people are destined to search for the Fragments of the Mirror and defeat Jetsujin. But who are they, and when will they come? 2 YRS. LATER.. (Tokyo) Alana is sitting with her friends at a diner, chatting. Alana: Okay, guys, I gotta ride. My mom will kill me if I don't get home soon. Friends: Yeah, laters, Alana. Alana gets up and leaves the diner, running as fast as she can to her house. Mrs. Saotome is raking leaves on the front lawn. Mrs. Saotome: Oh, good, you're home. Alana: Right, Mom. Mrs. Saotome: You need to talk to Abby again. She tried to go near the tree again. Alana: *sigh* Sure, Mom. But instead of going to her 8 yr old sister Abby's room, she goes out to the backyard, where a tall tree stands in the corner of the fence. She walks to it. Alana: Come on, tree, what's your secret? *touches the bark* A hole opens up beneath her. Alana: *looks down* Wha-? *falls* AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH! A reddish-pink background is all around Alana for a few minutes then Alana falls to the ground in a strange world (the Strotin Realm, though she doesn't know it yet) Alana: *looks around* What? She gets up. Alana: Owowow. She looks around some more and sees a boy about her age asleep, pinned to a tree with an arrow. Alana: *walks to him* What? *pulls the arrow from his body* Is he..real? *runs hand over his face* The boy wakes up and scowls at Alana. Boy: Adriana? Alana: *shakes head* No. Alana. Boy: Josh. *looks around* Uh, what year is it? Alana: 2004. Josh: So I've been stuck here for two years. Damn Adriana. *struggles to get out* Alana: Here, let me help you. *grabs his arms and pulls with all her might* Josh: *looks at the Maka Crystal around Alana's neck* Wait a sec.. Alana sees a Maka Crystal around Josh's neck. Both: You have a Maka Crystal, too? Josh: Oh..my..God..you're the other destined one. Alana: What are you talking about? Josh: Help me out of here and I'll explain. Alana pulls Josh out with all her strength, he gets pulled out, Alana falls back, and Josh falls on top of her. Alana: Get off me! Josh: With pleasure. *sniff* You're SURE you're not Adriana? *gets off Alana* Alana: Who's Adriana? Josh: Never mind. Alana: So what's this about me being the other destined one? Josh: I'm not sure I want to spill. But, here goes. You and I were destined to find the Fragments of some Mirror and defeat some demon called Jetsujin. Alana: Destined? With you? As if! I don't even know you! Josh: Well the priestess of my village said it was so. The teens with the two Maka Crystals were the destined duo. Alana: O_O Josh: Do you have a star tattoo on your right wrist? Alana: *nod* Josh: Then we're the Jukai no Shukumei. I have one, too. They both shudder. Both: *thinking* That's just scary. We'll be right back.. //COMMERCIAL// And now back to the program. (in Josh's village, the Niva village) Alana: So......what's this place again? Josh: *glare* For the fifth time, it's my village. Well, it WAS my village before that ***** turned on me. Alana: ~_^ Josh: Okay, I'll just shut up now. Roaring in distance. Village priestess Sao: EVERYBODY, EVACUATE! Josh: 0_o. Uh.what's been going on? Sao: Since ye've been gone, a demon has been wreaking havoc here. Josh: I'll take care of it. *grabs a tiny red Frisbee out of his cargo pocket, it immediately enlarges and curved blades pop out* Sao: Thank ye! Thank ye! *runs off* Alana: Uh. Josh runs into a shed, rummages around, and throws Alana a golden Staff. Alana: Hey! What am I supposed to do? Josh: That Staff can turn into any weapon you want..I think. Now transform it into something and let's go! Alana looks at the Staff and it turns into a sword. Alana: HEY! WAIT UP! *runs after Josh, who had a head start* Catches up, panting. Alana: Man, you sure do run fast. Josh: I'm a hanyou, what d'you expect? Alana: o_0. You don't look like a hanyou.. Josh: Well, I am. Now can we focus on the more important thing here?! Roaring gets louder and closer.. Alana: So what's your plan? Josh: Uh. Alana: YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN?! Josh: Hey, I haven't fought in two years! So sue me! Alana: Yeesh. TOUCHY. Roaring gets even louder and closer Alana: Do you have a plan NOW? Josh: Do me a favor and shut up! We'll do this spontaneously. How good are you with a sword? Alana: Pretty good. My dad taught me a bit. Josh: Okay, that works. Let's get that demon! A large..raptor demon appears out of the trees. Josh: DAMN! It's a raptor! Alana: No duh! Josh: I never encountered raptors before. Alana: Oh THAT'S a lot of help! Josh: No time to reprimand! We gotta defeat this thing! Demon: *RRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!* Josh: *rubs his ear* Damn, that thing's loud! Alana: Just what kind of hanyou are you anyway? Josh: Wolf. And I guess it's a full moon today if I don't look like a hanyou. *poses to throw the Frisbee thing* GO, HETHUJIN! *throws it* Alana: Hethu-what-y? Josh: My weapon's name. Just watch. Hethujin cuts the demon's face bad and then "flies" back to Josh's hand. Alana: O.O Josh: Yeah, I know. Let's just say demon not be happy.. Demon: *RRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!* Alana: *grips sword, thinking* Dad, be with me when I wield this! Alana runs up to the demon, and slices the sword through it with all her might. Instead of falling in two pieces, it disappears with a flash of green light and a small glowing white thing falls to the ground. Josh: A Shetso Fragment! *runs to the Fragment and picks it up* Alana: THAT'S a Fragment? It's pretty small. Josh: Small? FEH! Don't be fooled by its size! Alana: Well, we found a Fragment, so I guess I'll go home. Josh: Wait, stupid! We have to find ALL of the Fragments! And besides, you don't know how to get back to your world! Alana: -_-v Oh yeah, NOW that helps! Josh pulls a bottle out of his cargo pocket and puts the Fragment in it, along with two others that are in there. Josh: Let's go back to the village. Alana: Fine by me. We'll be right back.. *COMMERCIAL* And now back to the program (back at the Niva village) Sao: Thank ye so much! Alana: Uh. ^_^v Josh: Okay, people, enough groveling. It's gone, end of story, sayonara! Alana: Yeah. *bolts* Josh bolts after her. Josh: Cripes, baka! You still don't know how to get back to Tokyo from here in Strotin! Alana: *sigh* Okay, how do I get back? Josh: Simple. *walks to the biggest tree* You just touch the bark and then you'll go home. Alana: Do I do the same to the tree in my backyard? 'Cause that's how I got here. Josh: I would guess so. Alana: Okay, thanks. *touches the bark* Josh: Come back soon, okay? Alana: Uh, okay. *falls in the hole opened up* Josh: *looks on* Judai no Shukumei, my foot! She's just a girl! *walks back to the village* So whaddya think so far?
Let's see, the whole Inuyasha gang, except for Miroku, he is a HENTAI!!! :scream: And Kenshin and Kaoru, and Sailor Mars (Raye), um...who else? Oh yeah, Ed (we are so alike :D) and Spike, maybe. Uh...who I DON'T WANT as a roommate: Miroku (HENTAI!!!), Yahiko (I think my little sister's annoying enough!), Kuwabara (dimwit), and who else? Gah, just lost it. oh well. :D
Anime why dont people put anime movies in theatre!!!
Sailor Ganymede replied to mr dude guy's topic in Otaku Central
the bakas are just too damn lazy to put anime in theaters becuz to them it's too tiring to dub the stuff and publicity and stuff like that. Hey if they can do it with the first 3 Pokemon movies, the Digimon movie, and Spirited Away (which I think got a 2002 Oscar for Best Animated Feature), why not other stuff? :flaming: Ok, I think I'll calm down now before my brother sits me... -
Anime Best and worst anime(s) and why
Sailor Ganymede replied to Chibi Devil Me's topic in Otaku Central
My favorite animes are: I MUST PUT Inuyasha on the list, because the storyline, music, characters (doesn't hurt Inuyasha's hot :D), everything about is so frikin cool! It is my most favorite anime, and I love the manga, too! :love: MUST ALSO PUT Cowboy Bebop on the list because it's the music, the characters, the animation, well, pretty much everything with this one too. My fav char. are Ed (MOST DEFINITELY ED!!! see avatar!) and Spike. My fav session is Mushroom Samba (S. 17) :love: AND WHO'D FORGET Rurouni Kenshin? Action, romance, and humor mixed with some kickass stuff by Kenshin is pretty cool! And does it hurt either that Kenshin's kinda hot? :D Ranma 1/2 is also a favorite of mine, but only because it's hilarious. :D Pokemon I have LOVED since I was 8. :cool: Sailor Moon is also really cool and funny. My bro hates it though. Keh, he's a guy, so go figure. I loveitloveitloveit! (I luv it so much I made myself a Senshi, see login name and signature) :love: And I can't think of anything else right now. -
I like reading any kind, just depends on the synopsis but my most favs are: 1. Inuyasha 2. Ranma 1/2 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Rurouni Kenshin 5. YuYu Hakusho 6. Sailor Moon 7. Yu-Gi-Oh! :D