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Everything posted by Kamui

  1. I love this show so much. I started watching it since episode 1. I think the voices for the characters in the show are great too. I know some of the voices of the characters because I have heard them from other show. I can't wait to see the whole series when they air it on T.V.:catgirl: I like Tokko too. The show is bloody and has a lot of action and fighting creepy monsters, cutting up people control by these monsters. [spoiler]Also I think its cool that the only way to kill these monsters are with weapons instead of guns. I think Suzuka's weapon is cool because she used a three blade weapon to cut up the monsters into little pieces. Sure I think Sakura's weapon is cool too. She uses a sword to kill the monsters. I guess I would like the other members weapons too if they ever used them or see them using it to kill the monsters. You mosly see Sakura and Suzuka kill the monsters and saving Ranmaru.[/spoiler] I also can't wait to see the whole series on T.V. too.:catgirl:
  2. Maburaho is one of my favorite series.:catgirl: [spoiler] It may be kind of weird show that three girls want Kazuki's gene so bad that they make up all these plans to get them some how, but never work in the end. :animestun Yuna, one of the three girls, clams to be Kazuki's wife because when they were little Yuna wanted to see snow before she moved away. So Kazuki, being a nice guy uses one of his eight magic usages to make snow in the summertime for her to see. Kuriko is from a rich and power family that too want Kazuki's gene to make her offspring have these great powers from his ancestors. Rin is from an old and loyal traditional family that want his gene just like Kuriko's reasons too.[/spoiler] I wonder if anyone has seen the last episode, if they did I would to discuss about the ending with you. Do you think you like it or not and also do you think there will be a second season?
  3. I have watch a sports anime called Hikaru no Go. At first I was so excited to watch Hikaru no Go and play actual game Go. :catgirl: After the 40th episode it started to be predictable on what going to happen. The main character will always win against the Go challengers and will struggle to win the game. All the main character does is play Go throughtout the series either in school or home. All the characters in the series play go all day long, but it is more fouces on the main character. You never see them in class learning, doing classwork and it seem they have no homework to do.They spend there free time to play Go. Go seem to be the main sorce of their lives. :animesmil
  4. [QUOTE=TrickyNicky][color=orange]Hey, if you're interested, Shinzo is on British Fox Kids at 7:30 every weekend night and repeated on Fox Kids+ at 8:30 (I'm not sure about American or otherwise TV). [/color] It's a really good anime and I'm hoping we can get a subheading in this section if we can rally enough support. [color=orange]So for now, we could use this thread to discuss Shinzo, tell new viewers about the characters, and basically have somewhere to talk about it.[/color][/QUOTE] I love watching Shinzo when it use to come on ABC family and Toon Disney. It is about Yakumo, the last human on earth, finding Shinzo, where suppose of the rest of the human race is there. The earth are taken over by genetic race that humans created to fight off deadly diseases, called Enterrans. On her jouney to find Shinzo Yakumo mets Mushra, Sago and Kutal, an enterrans. They help Yakumo to find Shinzo and protect her from bad enterrans. She tries to maintain peace with all enterrans and the bad ones trying to kill her.
  5. I have seen the X: The Movie, X the t.v. series and read some of the manga. I really like the movie when I first it.[spoiler] I didn't like when the characters heads were cut off which scared me. Even though the main characters died one by one, while to stop the Dragons of Earth plan. Karen got crush by a train while fighting aganist Nataku, Aoki fell off a building while he was fighting Sugo,Yuzuriha dies protecting Kamui from Yuto's attack, and Sorata and Arshi died from Fuma. these were really sad deaths. Only Kamui survive holding his best firend, Fuma(other Kamui) head. this was one of the saddest movie I ever saw.[/spoiler] The t.v. series was much better. We learned more about the past of every characters, that the movie didn't have, they just mention it. The story was more develop and the same fate didn't happened for some of the characters as the movie show. I even felt sorry for the Dragons of Earth after knowing their past. I have seen Tokyo Babylon the ova. It was short, but I love it.[spoiler] Subaru is in his teenage with his twin sister Hokuto and their freind Seishiro to help them on their job as a appartion. Subaru is in love with Seishiro and Hokuto with both of them [/spoiler]
  6. I watch the whole series of Soul Hunter a few years ago. I love this series and is one my favorite animes. Taikoubou is so fuuny, but has a sad past. When Nataku and Raishinshi are in a fight with each other is such a funny fight.:animesmil My favorite character is Nataku too. Questions: >Is the immortal world good or bad? After all they keep on reviving Dakki to the living world. >Do you know how old is Nataku and Raishinshi? >How long has Taikoubou and friends has been traveling to collect the evil spirits and to defeat Dakki?
  7. When I was younger Pokemon was the greatest thing that I ever saw on t.v. But lately the new seasons are reaaly bad. Bascially the whole series is to prediectable. Ash and friends travel the Pokemon world to become a Pokemon Master. To make the series exciting Ash loses to the Gym leaders once in a while, but the gym leaders give Ash a second chance or Team Rockets disturb his battle. Ash Katch'em always win his battles. Even when Ash gets the greatest Pokemon ever like when his Pigiotto evolves into a Pigiot. His Pigiot could fly Ash and friends anywhere in the Pokemon World instead of walking. Ash and friends take a really long time to walk to the next gym battle town. When Ash finally get to a town it only takes two episode to defeat the gym leader and leave the town. :animeswea In the movies it is all the same. Ash and friends meet new friends and reallly cool awsome pokemon, but as always at the end of the movies Ash and friends say good bye to their new friend in a tearing crying mode. Also Ash never catches the ultimate pokemon he see, he lets then go or escape like Lugia, Slowking,Mew,Mewtwo,Jirachi, ans Dexoys. If he caught these Pokemon then he would be the unstopable Pokemon Master. Ash never became a Pokemon Master. :mad: :animeangr :animedepr :animeknow
  8. Did you ever watch an anime where the girl is from Japan and her boyfriend or husband is from a different culture. The same goes for a boy too.These kinds of couples I think should not be put in animes. I think the people of the same culture should get marriage or fall in love in animes. Can anyone give me a good answers why these couples should be put in animes or not. The answer can not be that they are in love or childhood friends. Also tell me what anime you are giving me the answer to my question from. For example: In Cardcaptor Sakura, Sakura from Japan and is in love [spoiler]with Li from Hong Kong(China). Li is a transfer student from Hong Kong to Japan, so he could capture the cards Sakura release by accident. I think Li fell in love with Sakura because of her magical powers, just like Yukito(Yue). After all he is engage to Mei Lin since he was very young by their parents. I don't think Mei Lin would of gave up on Li so easliy in real life. But in the anime she did. Or Li's mother just letting him love Sakura of maybe in the future get marry to her.[/spoiler]
  9. I think the best weapon is flying needles Haku uses in Naruto. The best technique is "Makyou HyouShou HiJutsu" and "Souja Sousai no Jutsu" from Naruto.[spoiler] "Makyou HyouShou HiJutsu"(Demonic Ice Mirrors) is the technique Haku uses which I think is reall cool. He goes inside the mirror and can move really fast to hit his enemys, which makes the enemy think there is more than one Haku. The second best technique is "Suiton Suiryuudon no Jutsu"(Water Dragon Blast Skill) is the technique Zabuza uses to fight Kakashi. It looks like a dragon made out water, that come out of the water, and hit the enemy as if he is in world pool in the water.[/spoiler]:animedepr
  10. Kamui


    S-CRY-ed is one of my favorite anime series. I seen the all 26 episodes of the series a month ago and I have to say it was one of the coolest anime series I've seen in awhile. :catgirl: My favorite characters has to be Kazuma, Ryuho, Tachibana, Courger, and Ellion becuase they have the coolest alter power and they are the strongest alter user in the Lost Ground. [B]Major Spoilers, only read this part if you finish watching all 26 episodes of S-Cry-ed:[/B] I really hate the [spoiler]main bad guy toward the end of the series Kyoji Mojo beacuse he made the innocent alter users, HOLY captures to test on them on the main land to become inhance alter users and his body guards.[/spoiler] :mad: :animeangr I hope there is a second season of S-Cry-ed. :animesmil
  11. [quote name='blacklightning']i love beyblade kai is the best but ray is cool too does enyone out there a really big fan . we could chat some time[/quote] I'm a really big fan of Beyblade. I seen all 3 seasons and I love all the seasons. The characters designs don't bother me at even though the characters designs changed in every season, but each season I like the characters design better. I really like the designs for the characters in G Revolution the most. :animesmil I would like to chat with you Blacklightning about Beyblade with you sometime, send me a private message. :catgirl:
  12. I saw Howl's Movie Castle a few days ago in theater.:catgirl: I really like the movie, but I shouldn't spoil anything for those who didn't see the movie. If any one has any questions for me about the movie then send me a private message. :animesmil :D For those who saw the movie:[spoiler] I think Howl recognized Sophie as the person in his childhood when he first saw Sophie in the ally getting mistreated by the soldiers, while she was going to visited her sister at the bakery.:catgirl: [/spoiler]
  13. The most violance anime I ever seem has to be Ninja Resurrection, Curse of the Undead Yoma(Blood Reign),Vampire Hunter D, and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. Ninja Resurrection has alot of blood and gut in almost every scene in this movie.[spoiler] In one scene the leader of the Christian group promises to surrender to Jebi(the assassin who was asign to kill the leader) if he would not kill his group members that are hinding in the main house and Jebi agrees, but the bad guy kill two little children and cut off their heads just to show the leader of their christian group to make him mad at Jebi, to think Jebi kill those kids, but he really didn't. The leader get mad and becomes evil.[/spoiler] Curse of the Undead Yoma(Blood Reign) has loads of blood and gut in every scene in this movie too.[spoiler] It is about a man named Hirage who has to killed his friend because he is the child who was born from the undead(he came out from under the ground) and he is evil. He sends out monsters to killed people for fun and eat them too.[/spoiler] Vampire Hunter D has lots of blood, guts,[spoiler]and some nudity in it. It is about a country girl who got biten by a vampire. She hires a vampire hunter to kill the vampire that bit her on the neck. Also to save her from being married to the vampire that bit her.[/spoiler] Last is Vampire HUnter D Bloodlust is the second movie. It has major lot of blood, guts[spoiler] and even cursing in it. It is about a rich girl who is kidnap by I think a vampire that she is in love with and he is in love with her. So D is hire by her parents to find her and kill the vampire that kidnap her. But this vampire can bring people back to life as a zombie. The reason the vampie kidnap her is because they wanted to go somewhere they can be alone, get married and live happily ever after on the moon.[/spoiler] I think people should not watch these anime unless you like these kind of things, but I still like them even though they first scare me. After watching it a few times it not so scary to anymore.
  14. Here are some anime I know that are not well know: Legend of Crystania The Movie :catgirl: Chobits :catgirl: Y's Legecy :catgirl: Legend of the Last Labyrinth :catgirl: Marriage :catgirl: Gestaly :catgirl: Black Magic M-66:catgirl: Patlabor:catgirl: City Hunter:catgirl: Cardcaptor Sakura:catgirl: Landlock:catgirl: Infinite Ryvius:catgirl: Appleseed:catgirl: Blood: Last Vampire:catgirl: Blood Reign (Curse of the Yoma):catgirl: Cat Girl Nuku Nuku:catgirl: Nuku Nuku Dash:catgirl: Fancy Lala:catgirl: Real Bout Highschoo:catgirl:l The World of Narue:catgirl: Descendants of Darkness:catgirl: His and Her Circumstances:catgirl: KO Beast:catgirl: Nadesico:catgirl: Princess Nine:catgirl: Wild Arms:catgirl: Sugar:catgirl: Robotech:catgirl: That is all I can think of right now, but I have alot more. :animesmil This symbol :catgirl: at the end of the title means you must watch because I like them maybe you do too.
  15. My favorite anime movies are: Escaflowne The Movie because it is similar to the t.v. series, it has alot of fighting,sad,romatic, and the characters drawn are really cool, they arent drawn the same as the t.v. series. X The Movie because the fighting scene are really cool, [spoiler]and it is sad that everyone dies in the movie except the main character.[/spoiler] Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie and Cardcptor Sakura The Movie 2 because they both are a cute, all the different cards Sakura uses have cool powers, romatic, funny, and the characters cute outfits they wear for battle. InuYasha Movies because there is alot of fighting, and the really cool monsters InuYasha has to fight.
  16. To everyone out there who watched anime. Do you know the animes that came on Toonami and Adult swim in the past? Tell the title of the anime and give a description about the anime for those who never heard of or seen that anime. Also tell if you like the anime or dislike the anime and why. Last tell if that anime was on Toonami or Adult Swim. Here are a few to get you guy started: [B] Sailor Moon[/B] is about an ordinary 8th grade girl named Serena, who one day finds a talking cat named Luna.[/spoiler] Luna gives Serena a magical brooch(big pin) that transforms Serena to Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon fights the forces of evil with the other Sailor Scouts(Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupter).[spoiler] I like this anime because it is funny, alot of crime fighting against the forces of evil, and show you friendship. I dislike about this anime was that they change the voice of Serena alot in the english verson. Sailor Moon use to come on Toonami. [B]Tenchi[/B] is about an ordinary boy who has 6 girls[/spoiler](Ryoko,Ayaka,Sasame,Kione,Mihoshi, and Washu) living with him in his house. Ryoko is a space pirate, Ayaka and Sasame are princesses of alien planet, Kione and Mihoshi are Galaxy police who were suppose to cature Ryoko, and Washu is a Mad Scienist and Ryoko's mother.[spoiler] All 6 girls compete against each other to win Tenchi's heart, but they're still friends. Also Tenchi fights alot of bad guys throughout the show. I really like this anime because it is funny, the interesting fights with the different bad guys, and how the 6 girls compete for Tenchi's heart. Tenchi use to come on Toonami and Adult swim. [B] Cardcaptors[/B] is about an ordinary 10 year old girl, who one day finds a magical book in her basement. When she open the magical book she release all of the magical cards. Now she has to become the Cardcaptor to collect all the missing cards before the cards destroy the world. I really like this anime because it is really funny, and it interesting to see how she collects the different cards. Cardcaptors use to come on Toonami.
  17. I was wondering everyone out there who watch anime. Do yo know what animes came on Toonami and Adult swim in the past. Also explain if you like or dislike the anime for some reason and why. Last also give a description of the anime too for people who forgot or never saw the anime before and tell if the anime came on Toonami or Adult Swim. Here are anime just some as an example: [B]Sailor Moon[/B] is about an ordinary 8th grade girl named Serena who one day finds a black cat that can talk named Lunar.[spoiler]Lunar gives Serena a magical brooch(big pin) that transform Serena to Sailor Moon to fight the forces of evil along with the other four Sailor scouts(Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter). [/spoiler] I like this anime beacuse it was funny, the monsters were entertaining and the bad guys, and it show friendship and love in the show. This show came on Toonami. [B]Cardcaptors[/B] is about an ordinary 10 year girl who one day find a magical book that contains magical cards. When she open the book she release all the cards. Now the girl had to become a Cardcaptor to collect all the cards before the world is destroy by these cards. I love this anime because it was cute looking how the characters drawn, it is really funny, and I like her adventures she goes on to capture the cards. I dislike about the anime is that the characters names are not the original names in the Manga and I hate there voices in the show. This anime also came on Toonami. [B]Tenchi[/B] is about a boy named Tenchi who has 6 girls[spoiler](Ryoko,Ayaka,Sasame,Kione,Mishoshi, and Washu) that are in love with Tenchi. Ryoko is a space pirate,Ayaka and Sasame are princess of an alien planet, Kione and Mishoshi are Galaxy police who were suppose to capture Ryoko and Washu a mad scientists who is also Ryoko's mother. Tenchi fights with alot of bad guys and learns about his secret past.[/spoiler] I like this anime because it is funny, alot of fighting, and the competition to win Tenchi's love. This anime also came on Toonami and I think Adult Swim.
  18. Another anime that I think should have a second season is Gravitation. Gravitation only had 13 episodes.:( I like how the characters are drown and I like the voice actors for all the characters.:) From here on down is major spoilers if you didn't see the few episodes in Gravitation.[spoiler] In the last 3 episodes it got more excting because you learn more about Yuki's past. When Yuki was I think 16 went to New York to go to school. Yuki didn't look lie a reguar japanese boy because of his hair color and how his eyes are shape, so Toma took Yuki to New York. Also Toma hire a teacher for Yuki in New York to help Yuki in his studies. Later on you find out Yuki kills his teacher because his teacher was a bad guy that was selling Yuki for 10 dollars to these bad guy that are trying to kill Yuki.:( Also there are some questions they have not answer like Do you ever get to see Shuichi's family, Does Bad Luck get to be number one band in the world like Nittle Grasper, I want to see more of the relationship between Yuki and Shuichi, and Hiro and Ayaka. [/spoiler]
  19. I just finish watching the whole series of The World of Narue. I just love this series. :catgirl: Has anyone seen this series? It is one of the weirdest anime I ever seen. It is about Narue[spoiler] who is an allen from outer space, who lives on Earth with her father who is an allen too.[/spoiler] Narue is[spoiler] half allen and half human because her father who is an allen married a human woman on earth who is Narue mother.[/spoiler] Narue's mother died when she was young. The whole series is about how Narue and her human boyfriend, Kazuto are trying to have a normal relationship even though[spoiler] allens attack them, just try to bring back Narue and her father back to outer space. :animestun Also Kazuto knows Narue's an allen and her father too, but he still loves Narue. :catgirl: [/spoiler] Have you seen any other werid series like The World of Narue?
  20. Kamui

    Best Death

    Another sad death in anime is in Gundam SEED.[spoiler] In episode 29 "Turning Point," the Archangel leaves orb and set off to Alaska. As the Archangel reaches the boarder line of orb, ZAFT(all 4 Gundams) start attacking the Archangel. Kira in the Strike Gundam starts to attacking ZAFT and Kira manages to knock off the Dual, Buster, and Biltz gundams off the think their flying on I forget the name. Athrun and Kira are fighting on the ground while the Archangel trying to escape ZAFT. While Kira and Athrun's battle Athrun's gundam loss all power and Kira was about to destroy Athrun in his gundam with his sword when Nicol in his Blitz Gundam comes charging at Kira with his I think sword, when Kira by accident hits Nicol's gundam with his sword and the Blitz Gundam explorode and kills Nicol.:( I cry alot at that part. :( [/spoiler]
  21. 1) My favorite gundam series is Gundam SEED. I like the storyline for all the gundam series, how the characters were drawn and the voice actors for all the characters in every gundam series I have seen. It is a long series with 50 episodes. Also the battle scene. I would give Gundam SEED a 10 out of 10.:love: 2) My second favorite gundam series is Gundam Wing. It also is a long series with 49 episode. I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 3)My third favorite gundam series is 8th MS Team. It was short with 12 episode. But in each episode show breath taking action, heart breaking love and devotion to each characters for all the gundam series I have seen. I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 4)My forth favorite gundam series is Gundam 0083. It was short too with 13 episode. I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 5)My fifth favorite gundam series is Gundam 0080. It was shot too with 11 episode. ([spoiler]It was sad when Bernie died in the last episode by Chris who was piloting the gundam. Chris is a girl who was in love with Bernie and he was in love with Chris. But when they fight in the last episode they did not know that they were in the cockipit of their moble suit. Bernie was the bad guy :(.[/spoller] I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 6)My sixth favorite gundam series is G Gundam. It is a long series too with 50 episode.[spoiler] I like seeing all the different kinds of gundams form different nations battle in the tournament.[/spoiler] I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 7)My seventh favorite gundam series is Moble Suit Gundam. It is a long series too that I haven't seen all the episode yet, but it is a preety good series, even though it is the first gundam ever made. I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: 8)My last favorite series is SD Gundam. It was long too and I don't know have many episode are there even though I saw them all. It is a cute series[spoiler] where all the gundams is little and the animation look weird.[/spoiler] I still like the series. I give it a 10 out of 10.:love: I gave all the gundam series I saw 10 out of 10 because I though all the gundam series were really good even though some had alot of episodes and some were short.For the short series I wish there was more like Gundam SEED, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, SD Gundam, and Moble Suit Gundam that had 50 episodes and more storyling.:love:
  22. I think .Hack//Twilight of the bracelet should have a season because :love:I like all the characters, how they were drown,I like how the english voice acters do every characters,I love the beginning and ending song, and it is only 13 episodes and the last episode didn't make alot of sense[spoiler](where Shugo and Rena have to destroy their characters(kite and Blackrose) to save " The World", right after they got reunited.)[/spoiler] Also there was alot of questions that I had that the show didn't answer like[spoiler] (1) Did all the comatose people that play "The World" wake up? (2) Do Shugo and Rena ever get to see get other in the real world? (3) Do Shugo and Rena's parents ever going toget back to gether? Last do you ever get to see Shugo, Rena, and the others from Shugo's team(Ouka,Hikaru,Sanjiro and the rest can't remember their names) in the real world or meet each others in the real world?(like in .hack//SIGN at the end of the last episode, where Tsukasa and Subaru meet each other in the real world after Tsukasa could log out of "The World".[/spoiler] That's why I think .Hack//Twilight of the Bacelet shoul have a second season in my opinion.
  23. [quote name='Youko Minamino']Anyone else seen this series? If so what do you think about it? How far are you into it? Who is your favorite character? Know any good sites to find info on it? I'm close to finishing it, but haven't finished it. I have one more DVD to go, and a few volumes of the manga.[/quote] Yes I have seen Soul hunters and I really like the series because it's funny(Taikoubou jokes around and Nataku and Reishinzu(sp?) fight with each other most of the time, I like the opening and ending theme song, the Chineses mythology, I think the english voice actors fit the characters well, and how the characters are drawn. I seen all 26 episodes and have all the 5 DvDs.Soul Hunters is one of my favorite anime series. My favorite characters has to be Nataku, Taikoubou, Shibu, Youzen, Reishinzu(sp?), Tenka, Ko-Hiko(Tenka's father), and Bunchuu. Last I know some site about Soul Hunter but I can't remember them right now. I'll send you a private message about the websites alright. :)
  24. Kamui

    Best Death

    Another sad death I saw in anime was in "The Dog of Flanders."[spoiler] It all started right after Nello Grandfather die of old age or he got sick. :confused: Then Nello gets accuse of setting the windmill on fire (which he didn't do it). Next Nello loses his job as a milk carrier and now Nello and Patrash(Nello's dog) have no money for food, so Nello last hope for surivival is the prize money from an art contest, but Nello loss the art contest to a rich boy. :flaming: Now Nello and Patrash wonder to Mr.Coset's house and they find money in the snow which belong to Mr.Coset(he's one the people who accuse Nello for setting the windmill on fire and he's not very nice to Nello throughout the movie). So Nello return the money to Mrs.Coset becuse Mr.Coset was out in the snow looking for his money he drop. Mrs.Coset thank Nello for returning the money to them and Nello leaves their house and goes off to try find shetter becuse Nello loss his house (he couldn't keep up the rent(Nello loss his job and his Grandfather die). Last Nello and Patrash goes in a church and fell asleep in front of Ruben's last painting and both Nello and Patrash die of hypothemia.:( After watching this movie I cry for alot, it is really sad movie and I hope everyone could watch this movie and fell sorry for Nello's family, I do.:([/spoiler] I think in my opinion this movie is one of the greatest movie I ever saw. :) FEEL FREE TO PM IF ANY QUESTIONS ON THE DOG OF FLANDERS, YOU CAN ASK ME. SO DON'T BE SHY! :)
  25. I love the anime InuYasha. :love: I like all the characters and I watch the show every Saturday and I never miss any episode so far. I like the songs in tthe beginning ang ending alot. :) I have a question that I hope that anyone can help me with on the show so far.[spoiler] My question is Kagura going to help Inyasha defeat Naraku? If not, why is she still alive in so many episodes?[/spoiler] Can you please give me your opinion as soon as possible.:)
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