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Everything posted by Kamui

  1. Kamui

    Best Death

    The saddest in anime series is in X the TV series.[spoiler] In the last episode Kamui gets kill by Fuma/other Kamui because Kamui save Tokyo from destraction by Fuma/other Kamui and the others with his life. :( That is one of the saddest death and ending I ever saw in anime. Also I cry alot at the end of the series because Kamui died and I thought the series was the same as the movie but it isn't. It is alot different from the movie.:) But I still like both the tv series and the movie alot.:) [/spoiler] In the movie[spoiler] everyone but Kamui dies in the movie.:( Well at the end of the movie Kamui kills Fuma/other Kamui by cutting off his head on Tokyo tower crying:( . But everyone in the on Kamui team dies except him:( and everyone on Fuma/other Kamui dies too and everyone in Tokyo dies too.:( It's sad that Kamui is all alone don't you think.:( I do.[/spoiler] FEEL FREE TO PM IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT X THE TV SERIES OR THE MOVIE, YOU CAN ASK ME. SO DON'T BE SHY! :)
  2. Kamui


    That's not true at all Izumi Yagami there are alot of people who also fans of digimon. Well I'm one of those people who is fan of digimon. Now back what Solo Tremaine said about which season of digimon is my favorite and why. My favorite season of digimon has to be all 4 seasons. I love each and every seasons of digimon no matter who are the new characters and digimon.:love: I like season 1 because it sort of remind me of pokemon(I saw pokemon before digimon) Then I though it was pretty cool that the digimon digivolve into bigger and stronger monsters, fighting ohter digimon, kids controlling the digiomon, and the kids aslo become friends with their digimon. :love: I like season 2 because the you get to see the old digidestins and the new digidestins. The new digimons and how they digivolve with digieggs is pretty cool. The new kids go to the digiworld by going in the computer and they can also leave the digiworld anytime they wanted to go back to the real world.(In the first season the kids couldn't go back to the real world well not till much later in the story) :love: I like season 3 because it was different from the first 2 seasons. Also how Taccato created the red dinosuer (can't remember his name). the taimers use cards to control their digimon, and at the end of the series the taimers could be one with their digimon and fight the final bad guy. :love: Last I like season 4 bescause it is different from the first 3 seasons. Well the frontiers/kids could transform into digimon with their digimon spirit they found, there are trailmon races, and meet new and old digiomon.:love: That is why I like all 4 seasons of digimon in my opinion and I can't wait till season 5. comes on tv. :) :love:
  3. [QUOTE][quote name='thaiseraphfire']When I first saw the American series, I thought it was okay until I found out about the dvds, of course. I gotta say, tho, the movies were definitely interesting. I especially liked the ending of the second movie. (The Sealed Card, I think) Altho, it only came out not too long ago, so that probably means the third movie isn't coming out until for another long whie, right? Is there even a third movie? My friend told me there was, but none of the sites I've checked out says anything about it.[/quote] [/QUOTE] Yes, I agree with you that the english version was alright (just kidding I love the english verison, I guess it's because I saw the english version first, and then last year I got all 18 volumes of cardcaptor sakura(sub version). I finish watching the last volume two days and I have to say that I love the sub verison much better than the english version by a long shot because the sub version show you how sakura captures all 52 cards in more detail episodes,all of sakura and kero's battle outfits which I think all there outfits are sooooooooo cute! I just love the japaness dub. Last the sub version show more love/crushes between[spoiler] Li and sakura, sakura and yuki, tomoyo and sakura, and yuki/yue and toya, Li and yuki.[/spoiler] The english version didin't show how sakura capture all 52 clow cards, the episodes I saw were all edited, it didn't any signs that Li had feeling for sakura and I think the english dub eas alright.(not till the second movie!) I seen both movies, I love both movies very much and I like the english dub a little bit but I love sub dub much better. I think, but I'm not sure that there won't be a third movie because won't clamp have to make a 3rd season to cardcaptor sakura? (this is in my opinion) Also I suggest you to watch the sub version it's twice as better than the english version.(again this is in opinion) :) ------- [size=1][color=navy]Please don't double-post. I've merged your two replies; here's the second. - Dag[/color][/size] [quote name='Vengenceuk']ive herd a rumour that there going to do another series of the fabulous cardcaptors only sakura and madison are older 15 to be right anyway what do all the other cc fans out there think about this let me no[/quote] I think there won't be abother series of Cardcaptor Sakura, but if there is I will be watching it because:love: I love the Cardcaptor Sakura sub verision(japaness voices and uncut). It's one of my all time favorite anime, I love all the characters, how they were beautifully drawn by Clamp, and I think their japaness voices fits the character better than the english verision.(in my opinion) To answer your question, I know that there is this new manga that came out a while ago called "Tsubasa,Reservoir Chronicle" it is a alternate reality to Cardcaptor Sakura, but the character from Cardcptor Sakura and other clamp characters are in this manga, but they play different roles[spoiler](Sakura is a princess, Touya is the king, Shaoran is the main character and the rest I forgot)[/spoiler]. I haven't read it yet, but I really want to read it. :( If you have any questions PM(private message) me and I will be glad to answer your questions, so don't be shy. :)
  4. [QUOTE]Kare Kano (season finished, but the story just cut off?) : not only no ending, but no finale either![/QUOTE] I agree with you that there should be a second season to [B]Kare kano(His and Her Circumstances)[/B] too. The last episode didn't make any sense at all and I have alot of questions that they really didn't tell you the answer in the last episode. :confused: [spoiler] My questions are that (1) How did the play go? (Youkino's class preform) (2) Who won the class competition? (Youkino's class or Asba's class or matbe some other class?) ( 3) Last How is Youkino and Arima's relationship going to be in the future?[/spoiler] That is why I think His and Her Circumstances should have a second season in my opinion. :)
  5. [QUOTE][QUOTE=Monkey_Orange][COLOR=DarkOrange]I'd really like for there to be a second season to [B]Fruits Basket[/B]. The reason as to why there wasn't a second season was because the manga is still printing in Japan. BUT I think that once the manga is completed, a second season should be made *^^* Similarily, I think the same thing should be done for [B]Yami no Matsuei [/B] [Descendants of Darkness]. [/COLOR][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] I agree with you that there should be a second season for Fruits Basket and Descendants of Darkness too. I think[B] Fruits Basket[/B] should have a second season because I love all the characters and I want to see Tohru Honda[spoiler] meet the horse and rooster and I want to see who they are too in their human form.[/spoiler] Also I think[B] Descendants of Darkness(Yami no Matsuei)[/B] should have a second season too because I also love all the characters and[spoiler] I want to if Hisoka's curse will ever go away. Also I want to see Doctor Muraki died for real this time because he made alot of inncent people died or hunt them in some way.[/spoiler] That why I think Fruits Basket and Descendants of Darkness should have a second season in my opinion. :)
  6. I seen the entire series and I really like it alot. My favorite character in Knight Hunters is Omi.
  7. I started watching anime when I was 4 years old. The first anime I saw has to be Sailor Moon the first season when it first came on t.v. Then I saw Robotech and Voltron. Then when I was 5 years old I saw Galaxy Express 999, Fatal Fury, and Beautiful Dreamers when they came on the Sc-fi chanel for the first time on saturday anime. I have seen alot of anime throughtout the years and if I tell you all the anime I ever saw throughtout the years I would be boreding you. Well if you really want to know just send me a message and I'lll get back to asap. :)
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