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About Krycifer

  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  1. Let's see.My favorite Final Fantasy character would have to be Cecil.At first when he's a Dark Knight he does seem like the bad guy, but then later on in the game all that changes.He becomes nicer and kinder and stronger.I liked watching him get stronger as the game progresed.He also looked cool too.His dark knight outfit looks cool but, he paladin outfit is the one I like the best.
  2. Games I've killed the most time on are Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Symphonia, Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Earthbound. Tales of Phantasia I killed quite a bit of time just running around killing monsters and puzzle solving. Tales of Symphonia I just spent days on getting all the secret stuff and playing it over, and over again.Also experimenting with different party combinations and seeing what charactes I'm good at playing with. Resident Evil 4, I also spent a few days playing this game unlocking weapons and characters.Experimenting with weapons, killing enemies/bosses with strong/weak weapons.Playing through it a whole bunch of times.Trying to get some high scores.I did a lot more things on that game that I cannot remember. Super Smash Bros. Melee just playing versus mode with Roy.Taking out some level six through nine CPUs.Just kept using one repetetive move over, and over again.Completing some events and finally getting to the final one.Still trying to beat it though. Earthebound I just kept on leveling up my characters and playing around with my psi powers.Preparing for the final battle.Earning money for supplies and out of boredom. There you have it, the games I've killed the most time with.
  3. My favorite Soul Calibur 2 character is Yunsung.When ever I'm using Yunsung I feel unbeatable.I mainly like to use his grabbing attacks and kicks.I'm mainly comfotable with this character because it's easy to adjust when I use him.I usually get my highest hits and combos when using him.His weapons are pretty good.Like his invisble long sword which makes things to easy though.
  4. Yeah I hate when someone tells me to go to bed.Alls I want to do is stay playing on the computer or playing games.Me and my friend usually go to sleep around 6a.m.-8a.m. just to wake up a few minutes later.Even though I get told to get off the computer or go to sleep and I'm really tired with my eyes heavy I just go to sleep or stay up longer.I just get bored going to sleep early because I'm always wide awake when everythings off.And I get sleepy when I'm on the computer.I usually force myself to stay awake.Overall I just like to stay up late.
  5. This has to be the best Gamecube game so far!This game is incredible.Another good thing is the inventory system.Its better being able to carry more things.Buying weapons from the merchant is also fun in a way.Me and my friend are currently trying to beat the giant ogre.But if antone can give me a tip on an easy way to beat him it would really help.Me and my friend use the TMP and sniper rifle.Is this a good strategy or a bit stupid.But putting all that aside this is a great game I recomend playing this game if your a Resident Evil fan.But why put it only for Gamecube if it's coming out for the Playstation 2?
  6. The games I'm currently playing are: Metroid Prime 2:Echoes I'm still trying to beat this one just got to find a few more things.Like some keys that would probably take awhile. Tales of Symphonia Going through the game for the second time.This time the game feels way to short. Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door I'm at the last boss on this one.I must say the last boss is pretty hard. Animal Crossing I'm just fooling around in this game. And finally Viewtiful Joe 2 I've already beaten the game and it's kind of boring.
  7. Metroid Prime 2:Echoes looks promising.It looks better than the first one.The enemies look tougher.There's some new beaam weapons and suits.The first one was too easy at the end although Meta Ridley started getting on my nerves a bit despite that the first one was easy.I hope the second one is harder than the first one.And I'm looking forward to playing it in multiplayer mode.That should be fun!Now I can whoop my friends arses whenever they come over to play.
  8. I've beaten this game as of long ago.It suprisingly easy.The last boss disappointed me.What started happening in the end was kind of making me anxious to get to the end.The ending has to be the most part of the game.I'm trying to beat the game again this time with what I got with my grade points.It's a bit funner like that.The most common character I played as has to be Lloyd but sometimes I switched between characters for fun.One time Lloyd learned a skill that I was trying to get and the computer got it for me.It got me mad because I was trying to get that skill for a long time.
  9. I think I want to be an alchemist.I've been studying some things about looking for what I can find about it.I don't know what it is about alchemy but I want to be an alchemist now.Alchemy seems intresting to me.I've been looking for some pictures of some alchemy.I've found some real pictures and some drawings of alchemy.It's kind of confusing.I'm also trying to look for some pictures of transmutation circles.Like an example or something like that.
  10. Name:Strycin Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Strycin wears purple clothes and has orange hair and he has an exphere on his right hand. Weapon: Strycin's weapon is a Stilleto it's '3' to '4' ft long and it has no element. Spell casting ability: Strycin can use spells because of his exphere in his right hand. Spells: Strycin can use Lighting,Air Blade and Stone Blast OOC: PM me if I need to change anything.
  11. Hi and welcome to OB.You may want to read the rules before starting a new thread. You should include your introduction in your first post rather then start a new thread.
  12. I say do what you want to do it's your choice and no one else's.You don't have to listen to me if you don't want to though.
  13. My favorite games of the year thats a tough one. [COLOR=Black]Gamecube:[/COLOR] Harvest Moon:AWL:This game is fun and you get raise crops and animals.It also taught me a few new things.The first time I played this game I was thinking to my self this game is going to be boring.But I was wrong about that now I'm addicted to the game. Tales of Symphonia:I like the way you battle it's fun.And traveling is fun to.It may be hard at times but it's fun.It's another game I'm addicted to.And the voice overs to fantastic!The graphics are good to.And a lot of action.
  14. Name: Shoratu Kitura Age:17 Sex:Male Value/s:Love and Friendship Human Appearance:See attachment Angel Appearance: Same just add white wings Weapon:A Stilletto along sword about 4ft long.The words love and friendship are engraved on both sides of the sword.
  15. That last part insulted me!Not all men are insensitive. The only way I'm pushed to my limits is if I'm in a fight with someone.Or if I'm stuck in a game.I've been in three fights total already.One of them I had something in my hand that people keep saying I used.
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