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Everything posted by Krycifer

  1. Sizes don't really matter.If you change your size your changing the way god created you.Don't change the way god created you.
  2. I have a couple crushes in the net andout of the net but it's always hard for me to tell I have crushes on some people on this site I just can't tell them that I like them.
  3. Baulmon awoke from his sleep with a start.He had just had a nightmare where his village is up in flames.He decided to step out for some fresh air.His mother had come and asked "what's wrong?"."Nothing" he said I just needed some fresh air. Later that day Baulmon decided to go to church.He prayed to god and asked him please protect my village.Then the preist asked "Is something bothering you young Baulmon?"Yes he said,I had a nightmare about the village being set on fire.I fear it may come true."Do not worry young Baulmon the preist" said. The next day everything was fine Baulmon decided to help out some people in need.After that he decided to get something to eat.Then he decides to go to bed.While in bed he thinks about the nightmare he had he hopes that nothing Like that will never happen in his village.
  4. Krycifer


    Name:Baulmon Draper Age:17 Gender:Male Appearance:Baulmon wears gold and silver armor with a white and red cape he has red hair and wears a silver crown on his head. Personality:Baulmon is a kind hearted person but can sometimes be stubborn.He will help anyone in need and he is very brave.When he is fighting he becomes a feirce warrior like someone else is inside of him. Weapon:Baulmon's weapon is a sword that was handed down to him by his father. Magic:White Chosen Path:Columba Occupation:Protecting the village Bio:When Baulmon was a child he lived in a peaceful village.Baulmon was always walking around the village looking for someone who needed help with anything and going to church to pray to god.The villagers were always kind to Baulmon.As Baulmon grew things changed villagers had moved to other villages.Then when he got home on his 15th birthday his father gave him a sword his father told him to use the sword only for good.So Baulmon only used the sword for good.Then two years later things remained the same Baulmon still lives in the same village as always.
  5. Well uh here goes here's my real name It's Chayanne.Now tell me yours.
  6. Me well I think I'm like Inuyasha.Sometimes I can be very mad and sometimes very caring.Or maybe Miroku........
  7. In Cowboy Bebop in one episode when I saw Ein wearing a wig it just made me laugh! :laugh:
  8. I think this is one of the most tragic deaths ever in Metal Gear Solid when [spoiler]your going against sniper wolf for the first time with Meryl when you bet Sniper Wolf Meryl isn't there any more and then you get captured and take an endurance test trying to regain health than you submit and then Meryl dies since you submitted.[/spoiler] [size=1][color=blue]Added spoiler tags. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  9. Shouldn't this have been in recruiting oh well. Name:Falry Fur:Snow white Accesories:nothing Human Form:Wears a black Jacket a white shirt under it and some blue jeans. During Falry's journey he came across a town so he decided to stock up on supplies.But to his suprise the town was empty.There was nothing but empty houses then he saw someone and decided to go on over.He introdouced himself.After introducing themselves Houka and Falry decided to travel together.Then they came upon a canyon and decided to rest for awhile.
  10. Well I haven't read anything from Tokyo Pop so I can't really say anything about it.But I like Shonen Jump since it's got different manga in it.
  11. You just have to pick a character or make one up fill out all the stuff as seen in my post at the top then wait till the RP starts Just PM me if you need any help.
  12. Thanks.Just trying to help and they should really be respecting your privacy so I decided to write that post.Just PM me if any of you need anything.
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name:Rosta[/COLOR] Age:14 Gender:Male Fur:White Appearance:In human form Rosta is tall wears a black jacket blue jeans and he has brown hair.In wolf form Rosta is a powerful white wolf. History:Nothing is none about Rosta's past except that he was abandoned when he was just a child.He just wanders around seeking companionship with another wolf.One day he was wandering around the forest when all of a sudden some men came out of the bushes and they were going to kill Rosta.Rosta had no choice but to kill them.One of the men had escaped and told the people in town about Rosta ever since then Rosta has been on the run. What about the story?
  14. Krycifer


    I know where he is he's in a big tower I forgot the name but I'll tell you in a few make sure you have the mach bike though.It's called sky pillar.From pacifidlog town go right two sqaures then up you should be at the sky pillar entrance once you get in you'll need the mach bike to get over some holes so you'll need to master using the mach bike.Whe the third floor you'll see a door but you can't get there yet.On the fourth floor you can get to the door you couldn't get to before.Don't over do it when your riding at the top of the fourth floor or you'll have to do the fourth floor over again.Once you get to the middle door go through all the dors you find then when you find some stairs you'll find Rayquaza.
  15. I'm a guy to clear that up.All you guys should leave the girls alone.Let them talk seriously.What ever they talk about is between them not us guys but them.You wouldn't like them bugging you in a stricktly guy topic now would you?
  16. I know Veiwtiful Joe is not nintendo only.Ihad just forgotten since I haven't played it in awhile and the new zelda game isn't the same as the others.I can't wait till my freinds site is back up!I just feel like people hate me on this site.
  17. Well I like the nintendo ds since it's gonna have a lot more cool nitendo games.Like the legend of zelda where Link looks more mature.And I'm a big fan of nintendo and all the playstation systems have bad graphics.And another fact Veiwtiful Joe is a nintendo only product yet psp is going to get Veiwtiful Joe 2.Which they get easy mode and an unlockable character from Macross.And I'm going to stick by nintendos side.And I hope this post was a bit better. Geez I've been getting told things a lot.......
  18. I would want the Nintendo ds.I think nintendo is better then sony. And I've mostly got nintendo things.
  19. Inuyasha is what got me into anime I was at my freinds house we weny out somewhere then when we got back we started watching and ever since I liked anime.
  20. I'm from West Palm Beach,Florida.I mostly read,play games,and watch T.V. :flaming:
  21. Name:Tasel Age:22 Gender:Male Human appearance:Tall with spikey hair. Wolf appearance:Black wolf with white stripes on the legs. Bio:a wolf that's has been alone all his life. Side:Evil.
  22. If you want to join you must pick a character and pick a weopon for him or her.Oh and you can choose to be a villan to. Or if you want to make a character of your own here is what she or he requires: Name: Age:12-35 Gender: Weopans: (max 6) Occupation: Appearance: History: Side:Heroes/Villains Story: one day while traveling the Inuyasha gang came across all enemies that they had fought in the past so they have decided to fight but then they realized they were out numbered so they went back to the village to get some recruits. _________________________________ Now here's my character Name:Inuyasha Weapon:Tetsaiga Iron Reaver soul stealer Blades of Blood If you don't want to be apart of this anymore just PM me o.k.
  23. Name:Syen Namle Age:18 Gender:Male Occupation:Mage/Dragon Slayer/Blacksmith Ascalon heavy blade strapped to his back Baselard a small dagger Laevaiatain a fire sword Personality:He is kind and shy doesn't talk to much will get real mad if you get him mad. Apearance:wears red armor has an Ascalon on his back a Baselard in his pocket and a laevaiatin in the other pocket doesn't weigh very much. History:Syen lived a happy life as a child but as he grew things changed.His dad gave him all his weopons when he was 12.Two years later he got a job as a Dragon Slayer and a Blacksmith.Then 3 years later his village was attacked no one survived except Syen and ever since he's just been traveling.
  24. I'd have to say the wolf demon tribe in Inuyasha.When one of the guys gives Kouga a shard of the shikon jewel then dies and is split in half. :flaming:
  25. I watch the show every day so yeah I like it. :blowup: [COLOR=Navy]Welcome to OtakuBoards. :) The next time you create a series topic, please (a) check the directory to make sure there is no pre-existing thread about that anime, and (b) put much more thought and detail into your starting post. Doing this will not only prevent your thread from being prematurely closed, but will also set a good example for other members. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
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