Billy Shears
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Everything posted by Billy Shears
What do otakus think about Homosexuality?
Billy Shears replied to Miryoku's topic in General Discussion
Ok, for one, there is NO WAY beastiality and homosexuality are the same. Break it down in grammatical terms: [i]Homo[/i]-prefix-definition: the same or similar. Are humans similar to sheep? Monkeys (in apperance, but do they have the same brain capacity to tell us they love us)? Dogs? No! And if homosexual marriges become legal, no way will the people of a democratic society elect an official whose belief are so right-winged. And next: If you don't like homosexuality, why do you spend all your time trying to convert peoples beliefs? Leave them alone! Ignore it! Unless you have a gay relative or friend, [i] how much does homosexuality REALLY impact your life?![/i]And if you do, why can't you just let them love who they want? Don't YOU have a life to live. QUIT TRYING TO RUN OTHER PEOPLES LIVES. So many diehard Christians are tring to make a perfect Christian soceity. "Weed'n out all 'em faggets"(quote from a person on my debate team) won't stop murder, rape, theft, etc. Why can't you just go on with life? Leave them alone because of their beliefs are different. I am a Christian, but I don't go around telling people their going to hell because they have a different religion, opinions, etc. Once again: [b]QUIT TRYING TO RUN OTHER PEOPLES LIVES.[/b] Personally, I could give a damn if I have a gay friend. It was shocking at first, but you have to get used to it, or just ignore it. Banning things isn't gonna stop people from doing things. Fin. -
I farted reaaaaaaally loud in math class while it was completly silent. Everybody in that classroom looked at me, not saying a word, blank expressions on their faces. I looked up, surveying a reaction from somebody. I got 2, my friend sitting their laughing like hell, then his reaction when he was kicked out and being reprimanded by the dean because of my flatulence problem. A fellow student said "Thats bull****, we all know it was you". I had a very mad friend at my lunch table later that day.
I bought FM4 from Best Buy for 20$, and it was well deserved. The level of story and CUSTOMIZATION is SO deep. Souping up my wanzers is the only reason I bought the game, but now battles, story, then customization are the reasons I PLAY. This is a very good game. But I have 2 minor complaints. 1.) Sqaure/Enix has to make the zoom go further in. I know they have to show a massive battlefield, but I really would like a closer zoom. 2.) Record Vo's for the whole script. Those features would have been nice. Very close to the end, I would give the game a 9/10, for great graphics, battles, story, and deep customization.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I have to agree with Baron how can you declare yourself an individual when you go along with a crowd and like or dislike what everyone else does? Isn't that somewhat self defeating to your individualaity loving clique? If it is, [B]don't worry in another few years you'll hit your 20's and everyone will care moer about your resume than your cd book[/B].[/color][/QUOTE] That is pure genius. Anyway, like some people have said, don't worry about your "classification". Hell, in high school, you'll get made fun of for whatever type of person you are. Punk rock is good. Some punk rock songs are bad. I like the Germs and Green Day. I like Dead Kennedys and AFI. Leave people anlone, let them like what they want. Telling them their a posuer is'nt gonna change anything. P.S. Why don't you people like the Beatles?! Their in a genre by themselves! :)
I asked for this series for Christmas (and got it), because I enjoyed the first 2 volumes of the manga (but I quit buying manga). The world of Shangri-La. A nice place where demons and man lived together. But not for long. An evil demon king is being raised out of his prison by his wife & son, causing the demons to react and uprise, making them enemies against the humans. The gods have chosen a renegade preist, a water sprite, a monkey king, and a demon who uses chi (very well, I might add) to stop this evil force. Anyway, the story of Saiyuki has an interesting background. Originally, it is a Chinese folktale named "Xi-jou-ki"(sp; you can see the similarities). It (and Saiyuki) is about a Buddist preist (Genjyo Sanzo), a water sprite (Gojyo), a monkey king (Son Goku), and...a pig (Cho Hakkai). But this anime is much more different than its Chinese counterpart. Sanzo, while holding a high Buhddist position, is constantly killing, smoking, and is in the company of 3 other demons who are just as lazy and kill-happy as Sanzo. Replacing the stuffy roles of the 4 main characters are those tall, long-haired bishounens all the girlies can't get enough of. Since ths is more modern, the script has probably been alterd from the original story. Oh yeah, "everbody's favorite anime", the Dragonball series, was based from Saiyuki's Chinese descendant. How? Goku, for one, in DBGT, turns into a monkey. So, who else likes this series?
This is kind of minor, but "the plain-armor-clad guard who always mnages to help Hero/ine A and/or Hero/ine B all the damn time and always has the same, plain voice (i.e. S-cry-ed, .hack//SIGN.) The "best friend/relative" of Hero A who always has huge muscles and a gravely voice (i.e. Cowboy Bebop, and DBZ, well, hell ALL of DBZ has huge muscles and a gravely voice) and the "best friend/relative" of Heroine A thats really jealous because Heroine A gets all the attention (D.N.Angel, Full Metal Panic).
Who are the greatest musicians (all genres) in all the land?
Billy Shears replied to C_Tyrant's topic in Noosphere
The Beatles. No doubt, regardless of what anyone says, it's the Beatles. No band has ever influenced music like they have. Someone said Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day was the best musician. You know what his favorite album is (and I quote him from [i] Rolling Stone[/i] magazine)? [i] Revolver[/i], by the Beatles. Besides Bob Dylan, the four men from Liverpool have to be the best songwriters. Ever. Period. Now, lets delve into what "first things" they started. Hmmm, Jimi Hendrix, he did backwards guitar first? BZZZZZZZT. WRONG. Credit George Harrison for that. Almost backwards ANYTHING was the Beatles. They were the first to stop touring BUT STILL mde millions off of selling records. Oh, yeah, every single album they released went to no. 1 in both the UK and the US. Do you know of a band that made 4 FEATURE LENGTH MOVIES (3 of which were in theatres)? Huh, can't really think of anyone. Do you know of a band where 200,000+ poeple packed into a tiny street outside a hotel JUST TO SEE THEM COME OUTSIDE AND WAVE FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES. Ok, maybe Michael Jackson (when he wasn't dangling babies off of 5-story balconies), but I don't know of many other people. After the biggest band ever broke up, they STILL had succsessful solo careers. George Harrison had the best one ([i]All Things Must Pass stayed at no. 1 for a while, and is my favorite record of all time[/i]), with John Lennon at 2nd, Paul McCartney at 3rd, and Ringo Starr scoring a few big hits too. Wanna check my sources. look around the internet for a little bit, you'll see I'm right. [CENTER]:love:I love the Beatles.:love: [/CENTER] -
Although I haven't seen the movie, I know George Harrison does the music and makes a cameo in a crowd of people. But I do have a few friends in my Spanish II class who adore Life of Brian. I heard about the part [spoiler] where Brian writes something on a wall and the police catch him and make him congigate(sp) the verb because he says it wrong. Then he has to write it 100 times on the wall[/spoiler].
This sounds like a mockery because of the fact that their is an award for the most accurate portrayal of Kennedy's assassination. That just adds insult to the injury to the Kennedy family and us American citizens. It is pretty low, in an American's eyes. But, if someone made a game of the Pope being shot, I think the Catholics would be pretty P.O'ed, hm? Controversey sells. But by the sound of the game quality, this won't stick around for a long time ( 2 FPS?! [U]Thats[/U] the outrage!)And if the game comes stateside, you'll probably expect a boycott. My fellow Americans, it will roll over, so give it time.
[QUOTE=Epitome][size=1][color=SeaGreen]I have actually heard the song "The Kids Are Alright," but Ill have to check out the "rockumentary" as you put it. But do you know where I could find it... [/size][/color][/QUOTE] My dad bought the 2-disc (the feature then extras, which were pretty neat) from Best Buy a while back for about $25. Check eBay or Amazon.com. It's a fairly old movie, the last piece of footage was from their final concert in '78, before Keith Moon's death 3 months afterwords (he was THE drummer). It's not really a historical look as much as it is great live performances and interviews, there is some background for it. I highly reccomend it, for new fands and old ones alike.
Heh, I made a Who thread a long time ago... If you really like the Who, Epitome, you should watch the "rock"umentary "The Kids Are Alright". Pleny of great live performances and funny interviews, skits, etc. My favorite song is "A Quick One While He's Away". It's a mini-rock-opera about a wife cheating on her husband while he's away with a dirty old man named Ivor the Engine Driver. It, along with "I'm a Boy", are Pete Townsend's pre-Tommy rock operas. They're definetly one of the greats in rock 'n roll. From creativly writing entire stories in 2-minute songs to destroying EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT ON STAGE makes them one of my favorites.
[QUOTE=Moi]Alrlight, I'm no geek or nerd or anything, but I was wondering if someone could give me a little help. You see, the girl I was talking about in kissing help, we're going out as of tonight. Tomorrow morning I'll see her at the busstop and maybe walk with her to the busstop. I also ride the bus with her. What do I do? I've had girlfriends, but I need help so I can actually be a good boyfriend this time. So girls and guys give me advice. Do I hold her hand or put my arm around her? Do I kiss her as soon as I see her? Please give me a general walkthrough of how to handle a girlfriend. (PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRITICISM STUFF THIS TIME) Thanks a lot. :smirk:[/QUOTE] Depends on the girl, really. Trying to kiss her on the first day may make her happy or mad by "you going too fast". Holding hands usually doesn't piss off a girl the first day, it usually works for me. I usually wait 3 or 4 days before I try to kiss.
Probably Riku from D.N. Angel. Always blushing, fumbling around, and making [spoiler] petty passes at Daisuke[/spoiler] makes her a cutie. I guess Risa can be cute, too, but not as cute as Riku. And then you can say that Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach is funny, too. She [spoiler] can't figure out how to use a straw?! And she loves bunnies![/spoiler] :D
[quote name='Yami_Bijou']The admins keeps deleted topics that don't need to be deleted, for example, they deleted one topic about that some one made asking "Who has the weirdest hair style in anime" in the anime sections. i say that makes perfectly good sence, I mean, it has to do with anime, and it's true, a lot of anime charaters have wierd hair, take Goku and Yugi for example. then I made a topic about me liking an anime, and that was deleted, THAT WAS ANIME REALATED. So, basiclly, you admins are too delete-happy.:flaming:[/quote] Not to be all mod-y, your post probably A) Was a different thread already, B) Had no possible way of conducting a civil conversation (I once saw "i lik anime AlOt!" or something to that extent) or C) started off with a horrible sentence with no grammar or punctuation. The mods, 75% of the time warn the thread starter for their grammar/spelling/punctuation, but if the person is a repeted offender, they get sick of looking at crappy threads and just close them. And all of it is in the Rules (over on the left.
[quote name='Yami_Bijou']The admins keeps deleted topics that don't need to be deleted, for example, they deleted one topic about that some one made asking "Who has the weirdest hair style in anime" in the anime sections. i say that makes perfectly good sence, I mean, it has to do with anime, and it's true, a lot of anime charaters have wierd hair, take Goku and Yugi for example. then I made a topic about me liking an anime, and that was deleted, THAT WAS ANIME REALATED. So, basiclly, you admins are too delete-happy.:flaming:[/quote] Not to be all mod-y, your post probably A) Was a different thread already, B) Had no possible way of conducting a civil conversation (I once saw "i lik anime AlOt!" or something to that extent) or C) started off with a horrible sentence with no grammar or punctuation. The mods, 75% of the time warn the thread starter for their grammar/spelling/punctuation, but if the person is a repeted offender, they get sick of looking at crappy threads and just close them. And all of it is in the Rules, too. And calling a mod a "bastard" and telling them they suck will [quote name='James']...land you a one-way ticket to banville.[/quote]
[quote name='Yami_Bijou']The admins keeps deleted topics that don't need to be deleted, for example, they deleted one topic about that some one made asking "Who has the weirdest hair style in anime" in the anime sections. i say that makes perfectly good sence, I mean, it has to do with anime, and it's true, a lot of anime charaters have wierd hair, take Goku and Yugi for example. then I made a topic about me liking an anime, and that was deleted, THAT WAS ANIME REALATED. So, basiclly, you admins are too delete-happy.:flaming:[/quote] Not to be all mod-y, your post probably A) Was a different thread already, B) Had no possible way of conducting a civil conversation (I once saw "i lik anime AlOt!" or something to that extent) or C) started off with a horrible sentence with no grammar or punctuation. The mods, 75% of the time warn the thread starter for their grammar/spelling/punctuation, but if the person is a repeted offender, they get sick of looking at crappy threads and just close them. And all of it is in the Rules, too. And calling a mod a "bastard" and telling them they suck will [quote name='James][COLOR=Silver']...land you a one-way ticket to banville.[/COLOR][/quote]
[quote name='Shinmaru]I've heard plenty of beautiful songs in my lifetime, though it's hard to think of one that really comes to the forefront. [i]Eleanor Rigby[/i'] by The Beatles is one that comes to mind. It's pretty much my favorite song of theirs. The mixture of violins, harmonious vocals and great lyrics make for a truly beautiful song, heh. Too bad it's so short lol.[/quote] All these songs are the Beatles Eleanor Rigby is good. She's Leaving Home is better. The two sounds similar, insturment-wise, Eleanor Rigby being a faster paced song, while She's Leaving Home has a pretty harp opening and then Paul's silky voice melts you to tears like you were an oil candle :bawl:. Eleanor Rigby has that great chorus "Ah, look at all the lonely people". Another beutiful song "Julia", is a tribute to John Lennon's mother, after she died in a car wreck when he was 17. It's off of the White Album. The song has a great acoustic guitar and beautiful lyrics. "A Day in the Life" is another storytelling song, but the opening lyrics are a litle depressing: [QUOTE=John Lennon/Paul McCartney] I read the news today, oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news is rather sad Well I just had to laugh I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car He didn't notice that the light had changed A crowd of people stood and stared Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of Lords [/QUOTE] John's voice was recorded in 2 takes on that song, and it has a varied vocal range. I was impressed. Then, after the line "I''d love to turn you on", the orchestra plays every note they have on their insturments. Another song that makes you sit and just relax is "Within You, Without You". George's graceful sitar and pretty voice about how life can be and how it can change.
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Just a quick heads-up: TechTV is currently airing [B]R.O.D the TV[/B] (you can check the TechTV website for the exact schedule), and will start showing [B]Gungrave[/B] at midnight on October 12. I was hoping that both of these highly anticipated series would end up on CN, but at least Adult Swim still has the Read or Die OVA. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Dammit, Dagger! You beat me to the punch [SIZE=3][b]3[/b] [/SIZE] times! (just kidding) The R.o.D airing on Cn was kind of a bummer, so now there are going to be a million Cn otakus clamoring for it like they do for InuYasha. GitS:Sac is very, [i] very[/i] well worth watching. I saw the 2nd volume by my friends house. Great art and action.
Definetly the R.O.D. OAV's, and the show. The colors are great, and the animations are fluid. Hellsing has cool animations, and FLCL's quirky art is pretty good, too. Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain have really good backgrounds and enviorments. A also like Akira's artwork, especially when [spoiler] Tetsuo turns into that giant, pulsing...uh...pink thing[/spoiler] But the BEST looking anime I've seen is definitly Chrono Crusade. The transition between CGI and normal animation is stunning! Last Exile is the same way, but nothing comes close to looking as good as CC (now only if they took that much time on the dub O.o).
[quote name='Takuya]I don't see how that's possible. The Final Fantasy games are RPGs. RPG boss fights can [i]never[/i'] be the most fun or the most memorable (not counting action-RPGs). Why? Because they aren't intense. Good boss fights need to be both hard and intense. In RPGs, there are only two things you need to win: preperation and strategy. Skill is not a factor, because RPGs are turn-based (yes, I'm well aware of the ATB system or whatever it's called in the Final Fantasy games, but it's still essentially turn-based. After an action, a charcter must wait for hir or her gauge to fill up in order to take another action. It's f-ing turn-based). all you need are powerful enough characters, large numbers of items, and knowledge of what the items and abillities of your characters do and when to use them. Preperation and strategy. Skill is irrelevant. [/quote] Everyone is entitled to their opinion...but almost all videogames demand skill, strategy, and preparation. Let's take "Viewtiful Joe" for example. If you are fighting a particularly hard boss, you need a strategy to defeat the boss, whether it is slowing time or whatever the devil you do in that game. If you die, you need to prepare another strategy to dodge attacks and still manage to get attacks in. Know what I mean? And like the definition says : [i] extreme concentration [/i] You can't talk on the phone and try to fight Sin from FFX. Not to take this tread in the wrong way... I guess you can describe [spoiler]Eric Sparrow[/spoiler] from "Tony Hawk's Underground" to be a boss battle, but it isn't challenging (for me at least) until you're on Sick mode. Then, it's harder than a mo'fo. He goes super-fast and you can hardly keep up with him. :flaming: P.S. Desbreko, thank you for sticking up for the best game series ever =P
I enjoyed vol.1. The quirky humor and breathtaking artwork really drew me in. The animation is top-notch, characters move like real humans.The action is cool too. I'm not so keen on the English dub, it can get annoying, with Chrono constantly yelling and the girls screaming. Another thing that iffed me a bit was that I thought (like an idiot), that the show was going to have to do with Chrono Cross/Trigger, and I have just finished beating those games. So I thought I was up for anything, but oh well. Despite the minor flaws, CC is a show to check out. :)
The thing that I love about Flame of Recca is the ability to transition between serious and funny moments. [spoiler] When Recca saves Fuko's life at the end of Vol.1 (and accidentaly stripped her down to her skivvies), she and Domon punches Recca for looking at her. Ok, her life was just saved, and now she's beating the hell out of a pubecent young man who just saw her naked.[/spoiler] It's absolutley hilarious. :laugh: The series has its downs, too. The artwork will be sloppy, but very rarely has it dipped in quality. The way they put in the blood effects are great, they're very similar to YYH. I'm on Vol.7, and this manga has not failed to grip me with the story. Fuko is my favorite character because she's "your average 16-year-old wondergirl". Her Fujin attack is awesome. It's like millions of tiny, invisible needles hurled at you in blinding speeds.
[quote name='DeathBug']No, I only laugh at misfortune when it's brought about by the abject stupidity of those it afflits. =P[/quote] Meanie. Anyways, I like Manta, don't get me wrong. He's [spoiler] Yoh's only friend that's not a ghost.[/spoiler] He's pretty smart, too. Not many sidekicks have that much signifance in the series or impact the main character as much as he does ([spoiler] I mean look how psychotic Yoh got when Manta was cut open. I laugh because of the expression on his face was priceless...[/spoiler])
[QUOTE=James][color=#707875] Oh and, is it just me, or is Kuchiki's hair very awesome? It seems to have a noteably different shape from most generic anime females, which is why it stands out to me. She comes across as a pretty distinctive character. [spoiler]And is it just me, or are Inoue's breasts abnormally enormous? o_O It almost seems...sexist, or something. lol[/spoiler] Also -- and again, I could be wrong -- [spoiler]it kind of seems that Inoue's friend may have some kind of interest in her that is more than just friendship. Or at least, it could be interpreted that way. I mean, I noticed that she seems to already have a strong disliking for Ichigo, as a result of his treatment of Inoue. She seems very defensive of Inoue. But also, her clothing and everything...she almost seems quite masculine for a female. Is it just me, or does she come across as being somewhat androgynous? lol[/spoiler] [/color][/QUOTE] Rukia has that one big lock of hair that comes down across her face...so cool. Not many female characters that I know of have the hair on their faces. [spoiler] About Orhime's breasts...yes, they are big, hah.[/spoiler] But if you've ever had a chance to look at "Zombie Powder", you can see that the only female character (name forgotten) has [spoiler]extremly large breasts, too. Then one of her classmates asks another "how she can eat so much and not get fat", and the other girl says "because she's a boobs machine"[/spoiler] I'm glad someone besides me noticed that, because I kind of felt like a pervert :eek: And as for Tatsuki [spoiler] she doesn't seem overly friendly in the manga. There has to be a small backstory to her. I think her parents died... But there is another girl who is incenting shojo-ai relationship with Orhime. Her name is Chizuru. She has glasses and makes frequent passes at Orhime. Then Tatsuki butts in and tells her to "back off" and "don't corrupt Orhime, you libertine. [/spoiler] Tension. :flaming:
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]...and I love the green fairy (pixie?) that flits around in Nightwalker... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] God, now SHE'S annoying. She's the queen of pointing out the obvious. I laughed my butt off when she fell in the coffee! DeathBug, [spoiler] when Manta got sliced, did you feel the extremly large urge to point and laugh at the helpless little midget? I did.[/spoiler] Wiz form D*N*Angel plays a key role in most of Darks' heists, and gets Daiskue out of a lot of problems. I don't understand how he always finds his way back to Daisuke or isn't picked up by some little girl mistaking it for a rabbit. What is Wiz supposed to be, anyways? ... *scours internet for hours to locate little fansites to find out about stupid furry creature origins*... Put that in your signature and smoke it ^_^