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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. If anyone can fid a decent photo of John Lennon/ Geoge Harrison from the Beatles, and format it to an avatar-form. Any picture of the two would be cool, experience would be nice. Like I said, any picture will do, but I'd like one after they ditched the matching suits and went their own ways, but, I'll be greatful, just any picture of the two would be nice.
  2. [quote name='Dan Rugh']There are over 150 chapters in Japan right now and I think 3 or so volumes have been fully translated and released by Viz in America. There ya go. I thought a big fan would know that sort of stuff :p[/quote] But, I wasn't talking about the manga, I meant the actual anime. I knew that much about the manga, haha. Sorry, I was caught up in the excitement ( :wigout: ) of finding out it was finally released in Japan. I got 5 or 6 kids at school hooked on "Bleach", (Christ, the only freshmans who like anime/manga...) so one of them downloaded the fansubs and said it was pretty good. So I will soon see them...
  3. [QUOTE=Muse][COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Only one changed my life, and I thank god for it, too. Without it, I'd still be a Hip Hop and Rap lover (It makes me shudder just thinking about it.) [B]One,[/B] by the Beatles, my saviors. It's a 27 track cd with all of the Beatles singles. Not Number One hits, though, because if they did one of those the CD would be too long. My dad got me One in 2001, a bold move considering back then I still like Rap and all of that crap. George Harrison, the lead guitarist for the Beatles, died that year of cancer, and now I feel terrible that I didnt like them before that, so I didn't care the he died, it was basically "Oh, another old guy died. Huh. Sad." Now, after I have a huge collection of Beatles CD's, the One album is nowhere near my favorite, but I still owe it everything for getting me hooked on the Beatles. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Exactly! See how many people were influenced by the Beatles?! I also for got [B]Axis: Bold as Love[/B] by the one, the only, Jimi Hendrix Experience. If this album has the best backwards guitar ever. The lyrics are the best the Experience has put out, and I think Noel Redding (bass player :) ) sings on one of the tracks. Anywho, I was impressed by Jimi's vocals, by far his best. It suprised me, because he was so self-consious of his vocals. He had people put a black sheet over the recording booth so nobody could see him.
  4. :wigout: YES, YES, YES!!! God, this is great news! Ahh, I love Bleach! :wigout: The manga has to be my favorite out of the small amount of titles I've read. If they have released it in Japan already, I hope it'll be coming stateside soon. Dagger (I feel lke this has happened before, but oh well) you shoud defintley consider reading the manga, too. If anybody has any info on U.S. release dates, it would be GREATLY appreciated. My favorite character is Rukia. She's a tomboy (me likey to a certain extent), and the ways she tries SO hard to fit in as a human is hysterical. [spoiler] It is so funny in the manga where Rukia and Ichigo are sitting at lunch and she can't figure out what to do with the straw and the juicebox. Cracked me up. :laugh: [/spoiler] I would download the episodes, but my computer is extremly slow and I'll probably get kicked off dial-up before it finishes. Grrr... I liked the trailer. The animation is great, and like many have said, the colors are beautiful. Thats what makes the art stand out. And, the music wasn't [I]that[/I] bad.
  5. [quote name='rokas][color=sienna][font=comic sans ms][b][i] Just a question before I finish. I thought Nagasaki was one of the towns which they tested nuclear bombs on. (Maybe it's not psicosis, maybe its mutation from radioactive leftovers.) Is this just a town with a similiar name to the one destroyed or is there some other stuff I overlooked. Any explanation would be apreciated.[/color][/b][/font'][/i][/quote] Nagasaki, along with Hiroshima, were the targets of the U.S.'s atomic bombs, that forced Japan to surrender in WWII. They weren't tested on, they were the attacked. The atomic bombs were tested on remote islands. Anyways, there are several things the government are going to attack for having violent content. Several videogames, CD's, and movies have been pointed out. But, since you live in New Zealand, I don't know how your system of government works. Maybe you can strike up a petiton with several other anime fans out there and send it to your nations' authority figure.
  6. [B]The Beatles: Revolve[/B]r The music is wonderful, the lyrics are better. "Tommorow Never Knows" is one of the most relaxing songs ever. Don't just listen to the lyrics, you can actually [I]feel[/I] the lyrics. "Taxman", "Elenor Rigby", "Yellow Submarine" and "Got to Get You Into My Life" all make me feel good. [B]The Beatles: "Rubber Soul"[/B] Helped me cope after a 2 1/2 year relasionship with the girl of my dreams was broken. "Girl", "Michelle", and "In My Life" reminded me of the good times I had with her. [B]The Beatles: "The Beatles (The White Album)"[/B] [SIZE=2][I][U][B]The four lads from Liverpool have to be the best songwriters, period.[/B][/U][/I][/SIZE] The catchy, uplifting jingles of "Birhtday", "Back in the U.S.S.R.", "Obla-Di, Obla-Da", and "Everbody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey" contrast the darker, more story-focused songs like "Rocky Raccoon", "Julia", "Yer Blues", and my favorite "Happiness is a Warm Gun". Though Ringo Starr and George Harrison had smaller selections, the songs aren't to be missed. George's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", "Long Long Long", and "Savoy Truffle" are lyrical rollercoasters. But unfourtunatly, Ringo's only song "Don't Pass Me By", is, in my opinion, Ringo's best song. I wish more of his songs were on the White Album. Oh well, what are you gonna do, eh? I guess this album influenced me with the songs. I don't relate to them, nor did they help me through anything, it just this was a big musical punch in the face, and I was knocked flat out. :p
  7. [quote name='Sol-Blade][B]Note:[/B]There [I]were[/I] boss fights [I]outside[/I'] of the Final Fantasy games people...:rolleyes:[/quote] But, those are always the funnest... Well, Kefka from FFVI is a great battle. Very tough, and my characters were up to level 89. But, [spoiler] Yunalesca [/spoiler] is a different story. [spoiler] 3 freakin' forms, making an almost 120,000 hit point boss that can cast Mega-Death is a force to be rivaled against [/spoiler] Fatman is a fun boss fight. I liked how he had those rollerskates, the tropical drink, and he'd lay bombs all over the place. Silent Hill 2: [spoiler]The Pyramid Head twins scared the bajeesus outta me! You couldn't kill them! One of them would pop outta nowhere and chase you down. And they had the girl up on the sacrifice wheel and then they stabbed her. The Pyramid Heads jumped down and you had to blow them away with the rifle. THen they performed ritualistic suicide togeter. So touching.[/spoiler] Then there was a little game called EarthBound for SNES that drained 40 hours from my life. The main boss Giygas [spoiler] had more forms that Yunalesca (I think 6 :eek: ) and you had to defeat im with one person while the other 3 Defended.[/spoiler] It was sooooo hard. But gave you a friggin awesome ending.
  8. Well, they had one apperance on the V.M.A's in 2002, and nothing has happened since then. The only thing about the "new album" is the name [I]Chinese Democracy[/I] , which I doubt will ever, EVER come out. Nothing will be as good as the original GnR, but you can count on Asshole Rose (Axl) to screw everything up.
  9. The funniest show on T.V. today. Dave Chapelle's mind is so great. The way he poked fun at racism, his look at the different tastes of music between races , or his impressions of numerous celebrities, just makes him a comedic genius. He's the funniest comedian I know of. :flaming: :wigout: I keep it real bitches! Wu Tang! :wigout: :flaming:
  10. Hide in the women's dress's rack, and when the people check out a dress, whisper, "Pick Me!!!"
  11. The Beatles. The name automatically strikes up the title "Most Infleuencial Band Ever" in my head. Do any of you guys also agree with me? How about what they have accomplished. The inspiration of millions? Beatles. The top selling rock group of the century? Beatles. The controversy, the songs, the instrument tweaking? All The Beatles. This thread will not be for comments like "They suck", or "Why are they so popular?". This is for the people who understand what The Beatles have done, not just to the music industy, but to millions of lives. I am inspired by the accomplishment of these four men from Liverpool. And so is the world. My hat is off to you, John (R.I.P, just "Imagine" your impact), Paul, George (R.I.P., and "All Things Must Pass" away), and Ringo
  12. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']Well, it was meant to be an episodic series. They gave it a connecting plot as a way to carry along the viewer and be able to show a proper ending, but overall it was meant to be stand-alone stories. If you have that beef about CB, you could have that beef with Futurama. And I don't see anyone complaining about Futurama.[/quote] I don't really care for Futurama. I admit, Cowboy Bebop is very hyped by people. It seems like everyone that I discuss anime with has to compare a series I'm talking about with CB. Anyway, they definetly could have deepened the relationship between Spike/Julia and what happened to [spoiler]Jet and Faye at the ending[/spoiler]. I would have like to seen some of the early non-plot episodes be replaced for an epilouge. Especially "Heavy Metal Queen". That episode wasn't good.
  13. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Cowboy Bebop, while a fantastic series with plenty of replay value, has been overhyped and overrated for years. Don't get me wrong--it's a quality anime and well worth watching. However, Bebop suffers from the same syndrome as Evangelion; a lot of people refuse to even consider the idea that another show might do certain things better. Obviously this would have to be left up for debate, but in my opinion Bebop is hardly the best anime ever made, not to mention the best episodic series... no matter how many fans claim otherwise. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] The only beef I had with "Cowboy Bebop" waws there were too many filler episodes. There were only 7 or 8 episodes actually about the story. There are too many animes like that. I'm not saying that all epsiodes should be about the main plot, just too many leaves a thin plot. That's the problem I had with "Hellsing", almost every episode towards the end were semi-story. Then, most story episodes were mainly dialouge, and that did bore me a bit. But, all in all, they're both well worth watching ;)
  14. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100] WR, at first glance, is a very good show. It has a great concept, the artwork is beautiful, and it has an amazing score. However, beyond that, there are several problems. First of all, there's the characters. None of the wolves are interesting when we first meet them, and we barely find out anything interesting about them as the series progresses. The human characters are actually more interesting than the leads, and that's a shame since they are shoved into the background after the first few episodes. Had the show been through there perspective, it would have been more interesting. Yes, the character interactions feel just right, but don't add anything much, and the characters themselves so shallow they make the cast of Gundam Wing seem like a fully-formed formed cast. I'm fine with slow-moving shows, I think that a mellow pace can allow for some development or fine thought-provoking moments. Take away those things away from the slow pace and the show changes from deep to boring. However, sometimes the slow pace of shows like WR can make the viewer think they're watching a deep show when they really aren't. Wolf's Rain lacks Evangelion's psychology and free-interpretation, Lain's heavy sci-fi, Kino's Journey's philisophical statements, Gasaraki's commentary on war, .HACK//sign's look at human interaction, The Big O's political and religious thoughts, Ghost in the Shell's look at the wonders and horrors of the future, or anything really thought-provoking or deep. Heck, even FLCL has more meatty material and got it done in a more entertaining way than WR. So without the meat and potatoes, WR's slow pace doesn't have much use other than spreading the story out for 26 episodes. And with the way the managed the plot, cut out the recap episodes (there were 4 of them, for Pete's sake!) and the bits that lead nowhere and you have a series of 13 episodes of less. Well, if they wanted to make it 26 episodes, perhaps they could've added in the meat and potatoes to make the slower eps more interesting, and perhaps given it a better ending that actually concluded the series and answered all the questions they could within a few half-hours (of course, they'd have to do something to make you ask the questions earlier).[/QUOTE] Well, after looking at it that way, I retract the statement made about a foremetioned post being "ignorant".After going back and watching a few epsidoes of WR I had, it does drag quite a bit, and usually at times where the story just opened up like in an early epsiode, where [spoiler] Darcia steals Cheza away. They wander through the wastelands for 3 or 4 episodes[/spoiler]. I still like WR, don't get me wrong, but they could have gone alot quicker. But, if you really think about it, they really didn't need to put in sci-fi or elements. I guess that is your own personal prefrence. But, there are philosophical ways to look at WR. Like, for instance, "paradise" can be an interpretation to Heaven, if you find it at the end of the world, you will be there forever. Of course, I can go deeper and deeper, but I'll just dig myself a hole way too deep to get out of. And for the recap episodes, those were pointless. Thats why videos, DVD's, and to a lesser extent, "rewind" was invented.
  15. For the people who think this person has too much time on his/her hands, think again. Jimmy Page, the lead guitar in Led Zepplin, bought AListor Crowley's house in rural England (I think). Alistor Crowley was the creator of the Satanic Arts and the religion based upon it. And, it was in that house Jimmy Page admitted to practicing Satanic rituals in there. So, I highly doubt its a mistake or some noise and it does sound like that. But this guy could have just been messing with us. :) Believe the "Imagine" clip. My dad showed me that. Also, in another Beatles song, if you rotated "Revolution No. 9" backwards, you will hear "Turn me on, deadman"
  16. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']The most overrated anime series of all time has to be DB/Z/GT. DB was actually pretty good with some fun battles and humor but was still overhyped. DBZ was more repetitive and dragged out than DB and oddly enough it was even more overhyped. DBGT wasn't even needed, and lacked any redeeming qualities it's predicessors had and yet it was still popular.[/quote] Definitly. I hate all these shows with a passion. Why they have such a big fanbase is a mystery to me. Battles are dragged, dialouge is hokey, and the characters are all the same. And this is the thought I get after only watching 4 episodes since it's been on. That's pathetic. [QUOTE]Wolf's Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, and Gungrave all fall into the terrible trap of being slow and moody to trick the viewer into thinking the shows are good and dramatic when they barely move anywhere and lack any development or meaning to make the slow ride worthwhile.[/QUOTE] That is an ignorant statement. "Wolf's Rain" is a great series; it's very deep, original, and has a great pace. The writers don't push you into a "trap", thats the overall mood of WR. But, I guess serious shows aren't your type, which is sad. Most serious show are great, like WR or WHR. As for Gungrave, never seen it. [QUOTE]Inu-Yasha (and nearly everything else by Rumiko Takahashi) is also a decent show but it does get repetitive later on and 90% of its fans go way too crazy for it. [/QUOTE] Anoter bad statement. Yes, Inuyasha is very dragged out and repetitive, but it was wrong that you are bashing great series like Ranma 1/2, which is not repetitive at all. Another very original show with good character development (although the artwork is a little iffy.) The people who go "way too crazy" for it are the people who just watch Inuyasha, those freakin' CN otakus, who don't even know who Rumiko Takahashi is.
  17. 10. Daria: I agree with ChibiHorsewoman. This show is just dry humor at its best. 9. Sealab 2021: Has its really great funny moments, but their sporadic, and that sucks because I don't like it when funny moments senak up on me. 8. Mission Hill: There you go, Semanja. This show is freaking funny. I can't get enough of the "douche-bag" comments. They crack me up. 7. Rocko's Modern Life: A cartoon to early for it's time. Damn you to hell, Nickelodeon! You cut down a show right in its prime! 6. Home Movies: One Word: McGuirk. Coach McGuirk is the best. I love Jason, too He had a ferret named Peet-Po-Po. Anyway, Home Movies is sarcastic humor. I like that. 5. Ren & Stimpy: *read #7* and you know what....REN & STIMPY WERE A COUPLE. REN WAS A MALE DOG. STIMPY IS A FEMALE CAT. DEAL WITH IT PEOPLE. 4. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law: HaHaHa! Greatness! HaHaHa! X the Elimanator is soooo fat. My favorite moment is in "Gone Effiecen...!", where they introduce Dvd, a man whose name was David, but he cut out the vowels for effinency. Another sarcastic show. 3. The Simpsons: The series is on its last legs, now. But the prime was in the 3-6th seasons. That was the Simpson's time to shine. 2: Aqua Teen Hungerforce: What hasn't been said about ATHF? 1: Family Guy: There hasn't been one episode of this masterpiece that I haen't seen, or laughed at more than 3 times. Pure freakin' genius. I don't like Futurama. The humor is bland. Bender is the only thing worth watching in that borefest.
  18. Serial Experiments Lain has a great theme song, but the lyrics can get depressing sometimes :( "Tank!", hands down, is the greatest theme song to an anime. It gets me so pumped up to watch "Cowboy Bebop". Then it is in my head for about, oh, let's say, 3 weeks? Hellsing's is another great theme, too. That little scat part at the end is awesome. The bass lines rule, too 'cuz they're so heavy.
  19. [quote name='Meggido']From what has been said about the first two episodes it sounds like it is a prequel for Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. There is no background for the AD Police in it and so they probably decided to make a series to fill in the gaps.[/quote] After looking on ANN, "AD Police" is staged a few years before "Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040". The strange thing is that they happen in the same city, but in BGCT: 2040, I heard the city is called "Mega-Tokyo", but in "AD Police", its named "Genom City". Isn't that weird? :confused:
  20. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I know this takes place in the same basic universe as Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, but I was wondering just how much the two anime have in common. For example, are there any shared characters? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] The most I've seen of Bubblegum Crisis 2040 is the trailer on the AD Police DVD, so I can't answer that question, sorry. But Bubblegum Crisis does seem similar, because of the city backgrounds and minor details like that. But the character designs are different from one another. Anyway, Episode 2 describes more about the boomers, and the idea behind them is pretty cool. I won't ruin it for you, my fellow OBers ;)
  21. :laugh: My first anime: Speed Racer. My dad had a few videos of Speed Racer he taped for me. I was around 3 then, so of course anime wasn't a word yet. Then the whole Pokemon crap started to fling around, but the TV show didnt really appeal to me that much. I watched it, anyway, though. It was the first time the bad dubbing concept was around, but I just said "The voices are really annoying." :D Triugn was the first series I really started to watch. Everyone keeps saying DB/Z/GT or Sailor Moon, but I hated Sailor Moon because it was just to glitzy and glittery, and DBZ was just too stupid. I read the Naruto manga, too. Those were good times... ;) I definetly am picky about my anime now. Basically, if it spans more than 50 episodes, it's going to be cool in the beginning, but the plot will just get lame and repetitive in later episodes. I thourghly learned that from Yu-Yu Hakusho and InuYasha. :flaming: Serial Experiments Lain is a favorite of mine, and it would probably put me to sleep :sleep: if I saw it when I was just getting into anime. The plots for Hellsing and Cowboy Bebop might of confused me, too, but now, their kind of elementary.
  22. I rented the series yesterday and watched the first episode before I went to bed. From what I saw (and what I remember), I liked it. The backdrop is that a gigantic earthquake leveled Tokyo. They rebuild the city, and the corporation heading this plan is the Genom Corp. Thus, they rename the city Genom City, and have replaced many minimum-wage jobs with intelligent robots who are programmed after human beings. The series is about a member of the AD Police who hunts down these robots that are called "boomers". What they do is they fuse their "core", the source of all their abilities to other A.I. controlled robots. When the two are fused together, they create a giant mech. The AD Police must destroy the core before the boomers levels the city. PS: For thsoe who read the thread before I edited it, sorry for the crappy summary.
  23. I love these topics!! :D If you are looking for the sport gerne, "Rebound" from Tokyopop is about basketball, but from the little bit of it that I read, its geared more towards 10-11 year-olds. Then there's the "Prince of Tennis" manga, but I never heard of the anime. The manga is really cool. I don't know much about tennis, more or less LIKE the sport, but the action strings together well. Another reccomendation: "Hellsing". Kinda short, but that show rules. I bought the boxset off eBay for 15 bucks. Great price. Then there's the manga "Bleach". This one is kinda more generated towards guys, but since I am a guy, I like it alot. It's very action-heavy, but none-the-less, really great. And you can look in my signature. :D
  24. [quote name='QuincyArcher']i watched the fansubs a while ago and i loved the series, and they've started showing the english dubs on anime unleashed on TechTV but the english voice acting is downright horrible it almost makes it unwatchable.[/quote] How do you figure?! Dagger just named the people who are the VO's, and since it seems like their in alot of anime, they can't be that bad. At first, Lavie's voice did erk me a little bit, but I got used to it, like I did Haruko's voice in "FLCL". Just because the VO's are bad doesn't mean the show is unwatchable. Take "Yu-Gi-Oh!", for example. :smirk: Since I only saw 3 or 4 eps. on TechTV, I really like it. I wouldn't say I LOVED it, because I had no idea what the story was about, and whoever summarized the story in the beginning of the thread didn't help me either. But, like eveyone is saying, the show's visuals are THE BEST I HAVE SEEN.
  25. [QUOTE=Shinta Himura] I think Hellsing wud make a great video game, Arucard's god like vampiric powers would fit in perfectly in a video game, tho admittedly the game would be similar to the Devil May Cry series, but Arucard could have metamorphic abilities. He cud even transform into the hell hound just to creep around on some stealth level. And it wud be cool if they cud allow u to play as the other characters, for example, Victoria Seras, just to use her huge tank piercing gun, or the butler for his handy work with a cheese wire. So.. yeah :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] Damn, get off my thought! But, why would Arucard use the hellhound for stealth parts? The 'hound is supposed to rip enemies to shreads in milliseconds. A Hellsing game should be an action-RPG, where characters learn new abilities while growing stronger thru a skill tree thing, like in the Diablo series. Like, Seras learning several gun techs. and a few vampiric abilities, and Arucard learning all his abilities and some gun techs. You should be able to switch between the two chars. on the fly, too. I think the butler (whats his name again?) should be AI controlled on certain parts, how could you formulate a skill tree with a guy who uses piano wire as his main weapon? And, if you put in some Devil May Cry elements, the only one that should go in is the combo system and the juggling system. Those parts rule!
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