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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I think I first saw it on ANN. Here's a [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=5349][u]link[/u][/url] to the news page in question. Although I haven't read the Bleach manga, I'm really looking forward to the show; it just sounds like my sort of thing. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Thank you so much, Dagger. This freakin' blew my mind. I highly reccomend you read "Bleach", it's just really cool. Anyway, not to get off the topic,a title named "Shutter Box" by Tokyopop would be cool animated. I read a sample of it, and I liked it alot. This girl Megan dreams of this university where dead souls live, but she is still alive while there. Then, one day, she looks in the shutter box of her camera and find something disturbing. She then begins to question her own self and the reality around her. I'm not sure if this is girl's manga, but regardless, it sounds really cool.
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I have good news for you, iggypopD. It was recently been confirmed that [b]Bleach[/b] is in fact currently being made into an anime. The series should start airing in Japan sometime this fall, and I'm sure it will be quite popular. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [b]NO WAY![/b] Where do you get your info, Dagger?! Please, if you could, let me know the location! I'm on Vol. 2, and I must say, it's been one great manga experience! The main character, Ichigo Kurosaki, thinks the way I think and has the same attitude on life that I do. Plus, his "theme song" is by Bad Religion, a great band I listen to. I think either the VO of Kiba (sorry, I don't know the name) from "Wolf's Rain" would be a good choice fo Ichigo. He is the VO for Vash,too, I think. And the girl who VO's Lavie from Last Exile would be a good choice for Orhime. Ahh...I can't believe it!
  3. "Bleach" by Tite Kubo (who did "Zombie Powder"). The manga hasn't even ENDED yet and so far I think it would be a kick *** anime. The characters have great personality, are drawn to fit their attitude, and have an odd sense of cool style that I love to look at.The story is also very inventive, but I won't talk about it, don't wanna ruin it for you.The fight scenes rule too. They flow together well. Tite Kubo, if you ever read this post, for the love of all things holy, make "Bleach" an anime.
  4. [quote name='Vash331']Oh and another reason i'm a lot like frylock is that i too float and shoot laser beams from my eyes. you think i'm kidding? come over some time and i'll show you. :devil:[/quote] Dammit, people, they aren't lasers! It's electricty!! I relate to Ignignokt, the Mooninite. I can obleteratie you all with my quad laser. :devil: Plus, I hate all you primitive barbarians that live on this tiny rock "The innocent shall suffer. Big time." "We've come here to drink your beer and steal your pornography." "I'm straining, but this is as high as it will ever go." "Fill your eyes...with 'Double Vision'." Man, I need a life. I'm way too obsessed with this show.
  5. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] It's hard to pick a favorite song. The only one of theirs I really am just not into is Boris the Spider. I just find it obnoxious... mostly thanks to the super low voices. Definitely one of the best rock bands ever.[/QUOTE] I think Boris the Spider is hilarious. How "he becomes a sticky mess" is funny as hell. I think John Entwisle was a great writer, but too bad he never wrote too many of their hits. The only one I can remember that got slight airplay was 'My Wife". It's about a guy who runs away from his sadistic spouse. :laugh: Yes, you are definetly right.
  6. What are your favorite Who songs, Who moments, and Who members? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say WHY you like these things. My favorite Who song would be "Christmas", from the album "Tommy". They way its so uplifting at first, then drops to a serious, sad tone, but then recovers into the same, happy song again is pure genius. Plus, it pretty much describes the entire plot for the album (it was a "rock opera") My favorite Who moment is when they played "My Generation" on the Tommy Smothers Show. After the song was finished, the bass drum exploded, singeing(sp?) Pete Townshend's hair and rendering him deaf for 20 minutes. My favorite Who member is John Entwisle (R.I.P). The way he would just stand on stage, playing his bass without looking or making any kind of facial expression AT ALL gives him this sense of cool style.Then the way he would keep playing the song while the rest of the band was smashing up all their gear cracks me up.
  7. [QUOTE=Kane][SIZE=1] I remember there was a thread a year or so ago about the possibility of making Metal Gear Solid into a movie, but I can only remember a few off the top of my head who we thought could play the different characters. Metal Gear Solid has a great storyline to it with some very human characters so I think it would make an interesting movie. I can only really think of one actor who'd play any one part without too much work. [b]Otacon:[/b] Michael Shanks Any other ideas ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Solid Snake: Hugh Jackman.Not only does he look and sound like Snake, he is a good actor to boot. He captured Wolverine from X-men SO well...
  8. I can'tthink of a bad game for Nes or Snes, but... N64: Pokemon Snap: While reading this thread, alot of people put Pokemon Snap as a bad game. I liked it when I was into Pokemon, but now that I look back at it, why in the hell did I love that game so much. Just the basic premisis of the game is retarded! YOU TAKE PICTURES OF DEFORMED CHIBI RATS AND DINOSAURS AND ANY OTHER ANIMAL YOU CAN THINK OF! It was just a marketing thing to try and make Pokemon take over the universe. But, then everyone grew up. Oh yeah, the person who said all games were bad for Sega CD. There was one good game, Sewer Shark. The Worst Game I Have Ever Played goes to Night Trap of the Sega CD. It was about these teenagers having a sleepover, and all these ninja-esque burgalers would invade the house and steal away with the teens. But, the house was rigged with traps, and you had to get the burgalers before they kill everyone. Not only did the controls wanna make you put you foot into the developers of this games arses, but when you did catch a bad guy, they would pop up in the same place, doing the SAME DAMN THING! THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY IN THE TRAPS! Plus, the acting was FREAKING BAD! SO BAD!
  9. 3. The Beatles: A Hard Days Night This is a very funny movie, its dry, British humor brought to you by the Beatles themselves. And it had a great soundtrack (dur, its the friggin Beatles) 2. Full Metal Jacket War is hell, and Stanely Kuberick (sp) portrayed the hilarity and seriousness of boot camp, the fear of war, and that your biggest enemies can come in any way, shape, form, or gender ;) 1. Office Space C'mon. This movie is like one, big, giant Conan O'Brian opening monolague and a Richard Pryor stand-up special all mixed into an office with the nerdy-gangster programmer that has the same name as a guy whose music is played in Sears non-stop, the Arabian programmer whose temper is worse than a hungry tiger on speed, the ringleader, nihilistic, "why am I doing this crap" guy whose life was changed by a hypnotherapist thatdied after treating him, and Lawrence, the guy whose obsessded with boobs. And to talk about Milton would be a spoiler.
  10. Clint Eastwood's: "Go ahead. Make my day." That just shot him into the #1 spot of "The Badass of the Movies". Not only is he a badass, he is a good director to boot.
  11. My all-time favorites: 5. Rancid/ Lars and the Bastards: If I'm in a bad mood, the fast, catchy lyrics and guitars pick me up after te 2nd or 3rd song 4. DRI: Gimmie some of the O.G.s of ealy 80's punk. 3. The Who: Roger Daltrey has to be one of or the best frontman ever. Pete Townshend smashed all his stuff up because he "couldn't play lead as well as the others of his time", to quote Joe Perry of Aerosmith. Well, screw Joe Perry, cause he looks like he's dead. 2. Jimi Hendrix: What the fuzz is wrong with you people?! He is THE BEST GUITAR PLAYER THAT EVER LIVED. He frigging PIONEERED the whammy bar. He played his guitar upside-down (but it was stringed right side up ;) ) [quote name=' DetectiveMikeRS'] Hendrix was left handed, he played a left handed guitar. [/quote] True, he was left-handed, but when he started out in 1954, no left handed guitars were ever made. He instead turned the guitar upside-down, restringed it the normal way, and just learned the chords backwards. If you know somebody with a Woodstock or Monterry Pop Festival video, you can see the whammy bar on top of the guitar, not on the bottom, so it was close to his left-hand. That enabled him to do things with the whammy bar easier, making songs no other human being on this planet could replicate. 1. The Beatles: Ok... If you don't [B]respect[/B] the Beatles, then you are the most naive person in this universe. Just cause you don't like the music, doesn't mean they suck.If it weren't for the Beatles, you WOULD NOT have the music you have today. If you could interview your favorite rock star right now, there is a 99% chance they will say the Beatles have influenced them in any way. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band" is the greatest album ever made, and you can quote me and [I]Rolling Stone[/I] magizine on that. Another reason the Beatles are so great is because they pretty much invented the things a modern-day recording studio shoud have And to all of those who think the Beatles suck, 1. At least they wrote their own material *cough* LINKIN PARK's songs are written by the same lady that writes for Celine Dion*cough* and 2. You just haven't listend to any of their records So thats why I hate Linkin Park and love Rancid/ Lars & the Bastards, DRI, The Who, Hendrix, and the kings of 20th century music, The Beatles
  12. I read a little of the manga a while ago, but.... :mad: *Commence the Annoyed Rant* I'll probably get plenty of hate-mail, but this series is waaaaay to stupid now. The first 20 eps. of the first season were good, but now its always the same freaking thing; hordes of demons, Inu-yasha slicing them all with his claws, then some annoying pre-fight dialouge with some demon lord (and I mean VERY annoying. After finding out Richard Cox was the VO of Ranma, I don't want to see one episode :mad: ...) that was almost dragged straight out of DBZ. Please, people. Spend you're time reading or watching Ranma 1/2, Rumiko's BEST work. It's WAY better than this. Or actually, spend your money on the 1st season, the only part of this show worth watching without being bored to death by the same thing over and over. Plus, the VO's are too overenthisiastic (except for Miroku's VO, the only good one). I want to watch a demon fight other demons, not have relentless "you're a dog...haha!" taunts flung around a battlefield in bad English dub-overs, then have the annoying schoolgirl with her dimwit fox-like pet telling Inu-yasha to be careful, because he has the super-ultra powerful "jewel shards" in his body and the shards will turn him into a giant beetle or something that Inu-yasha can just Wind Scar the thing all to hell. You should just Wind Scar the thing to begin with, not taunt it, get hit, taunt it some more and win. ARRGH! :flaming: *Terminates Ranting* :eek:
  13. I dont know how it reminded me about CB. I think it was the way the characters dressed. But like I said, I only read the sample. Where can I buy this?
  14. If you are looking for an action/comedy, you should try out Naruto. It has plenty of action, and the character arguments can be hiarious. Look for it in Viz's Shonen Jump. Ranma 1/2 is cool, too. Its got a strange plotline, but if your looking for something intresting and fairly easy to read, look for it at your library (thats where I got mine :p ) I think this is published by Viz, too. Oh/Ah! My Goddess is kinda romantic. There is some very neat characters and character developements in this series. I think this one is a Tokyopop publication. Nonetheless, these are some good series I've read.
  15. I read the sample for this in the 2003 TokyoPop sampler. It seems very interesting, kinda reminds me of Cowboy Bebop. And the plotline seems cool. This high-school strands its students on an island, with plenty of weapons, and they fight to the death for a prize (i don't remember what it was). I liked what i read, so i posted this thread> (Haha, that rhymes) :D
  16. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Lately, I've started to suspect that [spoiler]Blue is actually a wolf.[/spoiler] Am I completely off the mark? Maybe I should just wait and find out for myself..... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] In response to this speculation, (you dont have to read if you dont wanna) [spoiler] Blue is half-wolf. She tells Kiba n' the gang in an ep. later in the series[/spoiler] Anyway, I am Extremely Happy with this series. Cheza is one of the most interesting characters in the history of my anime-watching days. And she is hauntingly beutiful. The Cher and Hubb 'ship is freaking weird. Who goes out to dinner with your ex-parter because its your anneversary?! And Tsume seems really controlling. In the first few eps., his attitude gave me this sense of, "Why does this guy have to be such a hardass? Just lighten up, Kiba is part of your race anyway!", but now hes being an uber-cool guy ;) ! Yeah, it would suck if everyone was like Hige :confused: OH, and the ending theme "Gravity", is that by the same band that does "The Real Folk Blues"? Cuz I'm in LOVE with that lady's voice in both songs! I don't usually listen to songs like that, but they kinda sound similar, and they're very well done.
  17. EDIT: I have a thread open for this already, sorry please dont post here. This was a mistake. Any moderator of Manga Workshop please close this. (First time making a new thread :sleep: wasnt wacthing what i was doing)
  18. Gonna be a lot of spoiler tags....*groans* TRIGUN/[spoiler]Legato: just the way Vash did it kinda made me feel sad for him. kind of like he is relasing Legato's pain. But Vash had to do it to protect Milly and Meryl[/spoiler] COWBOY BEBOP/[spoiler]Spike Spegiel: That just really p'oed me. That got me SO angry. But when the birds flew by, that was pretty[/spoiler] NARUTO/[spoiler]Zabuza: That was a cool way to go out. The thing that touched me was the snow falling when he was laying there[/spoiler] TRIGUN/[spoiler] Knives: That gave me release. I've been waithing all this time for Vash to confront his uber-sadistic brother and all his Hitler-esque "planetwide genocide" (hey, that rhymes!) stuff and just blow him away with the Angel Arm. But, he used Wolfwood's gun, and thats A-OK with me ;) [/spoiler] TRIGUN (again, yes)/[spoiler]Wolfwood: *sniffle* He was bleeding all over and praying and leaning against his gun and then he was thinking about Milly and his child and Vash and Meryl and how he wants to go to paradise with them all and*sniffle* WAAAAAAAAH! It was soooo sad! I balled my eyes out! And he finally got the apple! And he said it was delicious![/spoiler] AKIRA/[spoiler]Tetsuo: Weird. Just weird. I...I dont understand it.[/spoiler]
  19. I would like to room with Jet. He'd cook me his famous bell peppers and beef (yummah). Next, Haruhara...she is such a flirt...O_o,but the whole hit-me-with-guitar-and-then-robots-pop-out thing kinda is a drawback. Goemon from Lupin would be cool, cuz if he wouldn't let me use his sword, I'd kick his booty out the door. Then Fujiko...ahhh Fujiko. Tak and Iggy from Initial D would be cool, we'd go streetracing on Saturdays. D would be a bad choice. Anything that can suck my blood scares the bejeesus out of me. Ed is cool, she'd entertain me, but that I think would get old fast. Ein would be cool too. My dog is nuckin futs, and Ein seems pretty calm. Naruto is way too crazy for me, throwng his knives all over the place. Belldandy would clean, she seems like a clean person. Astro Boy's sister...i would throw her out the 50th story window in a second. Rei seems ok,we wouldn't argue alot. Hmm...thats about it ;)
  20. Tokyo Godfathers was hysterical, but the most standout was Akira. I rank it not just on an anime scale but as one of my top favorite moves I've seen. Plus, the capsule on Kaneda's coat is the shizz-nittle-shiz-bang-shnap (to quote Dave Chapelle ;) )
  21. I really like Shaman King. Since I'm not usually up at 9:00 on Saturdays, I do have to suffice with the manga, which is cool, cuz I love shonen Jump. And Horohoro is the coolest character yet, besides Amidamaru (sp?) :wigout:
  22. i think of this as the series that destroyed my social life for about a month. I would lock myself in my room and watch my DVDs for days on end, but hot damn, it was worth it. I didnt cry at the end, i just let out a giant scream, [spoiler]"NOOOOOOOO!!!! C'MON NOOOOOOO!!!! NO ...dont you die on those steps...NO!!", or something to that extent. It was very sad, but Vicious got what he deserved...[/spoiler] :devil:
  23. Ive read 3 or 4 volumes of One Piece, and I have liked it. Its pretty original, with a dude that can expand himself like rubber, and Captain Kuro. Ah, he is SO FREAKIN' COOL! :D
  24. It all started when I was on vacation 2 years ago. A little show by the name of Trigun was on at 12:00 at night. After watching the episode B.D.N, I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil and immediatly tried drawing Vash the Stampede. When I got back fron vacation, I had my dad buy my a "How to draw Manga" book from Walden in the mall. From there on, I started buying Shonen Jump and reading Naruto was like the hi-light of every month. After I started getting recognized at school for my drawings, one thing was clear: I wanted to be an animator for the rest of my life. PS: Read Balinese(sp)'s post about Rem. Its beutiful!
  25. like alot of people have been saying, many adults cram all kinds of animated shows in to the one genre(sp?) "cartoons". They think that only the "japanese cartoons" show excessive violence and language. Bull 1) Look at Looney Tunes. Wile E. Coyotye(sp again) gets an anvil dropped on his head then falls off a cliff, just to get up with a scrape or two and walk away. But when someone is shot or stabbed and there is blood in anime, or if someone dies, its automatically "to violent to watch".But thats why its on DVD or late at night, right. 2) Language is not that big of a deal in anime.Every once in a while, they might say "damn" or "hell".Thats why they put those shows on DVD or on late at night. Look at south Park (even though its super funny). In Central Standard time, that comes on at 9:00, when younger children are asked to sort of calm down and watch tv. The South Park 8 year olds say swear words, and young kids hear it and pick it up. Then when the parents find out, its the shows fault. So really, its not the shows fault. Just monitor your kids a little more. ;) Now i feel all smart n stuff
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