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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. :mad: Inuyasha'd dubbed voice DRIVES ME NUTS! Stay back kagome, do this, im gonna cut that, blah blah blah, just shut UP! and he so obsessed with damn. Damn this, damn you, just stop already! Cmon Richard Cox, put some effort into your voice acting. Oh, and Joey Wheeler really needs to stop with the Boston accent. I imagined him with kinda a Yami Yugi voice when i first read the manga.
  2. A) Trigun: Sue me for not being original on my picks, but for the love of all things holy, the main character is a [spoiler]PLANT!![/spoiler] who comes up with originality like that. And legato is THE best villian ever. Knives...grr he is such an ***. Plust the story is great and pretty twisty at times, and there is wonderful gun designs (who would ever make a cross into a gun?!) B) Cowboy Bebop: Music(Tank was in my head for a month) , characters, and character names are very cool C) Initial D: I just got into this and it has been a very good story so far (hard to say after 3 eps.) and i love streetracing! reign sucks. the character designs tweek me too much :flaming: and flcl, i love it cuz its so weird
  3. i really like this show alot :D ! its fun trying to figure out who is going to do what and why. while reading some of the threads, i didnt know it was an old show. Plus, if it has over 350 (!) episodes, does he ever change back ?
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