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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]The whole idea of Stephen Colberts' character on his show running for president makes me giddy and sick thinking someone who genuinely acts like that is running the most powerful country on earth. [quote name='AzureWolf'][COLOR=green]I know, I was just making a point with a rhetorical question: most people hate her because there's no reason to like her.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] One policy she supports makes me want to hang myself: Baby bonds. All who are uninformed, look it up and vomit by the sheer audiacity and stupidity of a policy like this.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Mastodon indeed kicks *** (Billy, get in here). Blood and Thunder is the song that got me interested, being the only song on the album I really liked. Blood Mountain, however, is among my favorite albums. Between The Wolf is Loose, Crystal Skull, Capillarian Crest, Bladecather, and Colony of Birchmen are some of the best riffage, solos, and overall amazing metal in existence. The brutal, visceral, intense and complicated riffs are the main draw, of course. My best memories of the album were playing World of Warcraft and rocking out to it - absolutely sad as that is. It should also be noted that Pendulous Skin is one of he greatest songs ever written, period. I think I could appreciate Leviathan a lot more if I listened to it now. Just listened to Iron Tusk and it was great. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Here I am, and I come bearing my opinion on [B]Mastodon[/B]: they rip you a new cornhole and make you eat the old one. What is great about them is that I went to Best Buy with really no prior knowledge of their music other than a CD-ROM packaged with a Guitar World magazine and 15 bucks. I bough [I]Blood Mountain [/I]and have absolutely no regret. The instrumental interlude in Capillarian Crest: I will never, ever, ever stop pimping Mastodon because of that riff. It was the definititive reason for me liking Mastodon so much. All this talk of power metal hasn't brought up [B]Yngwie Malmsteen[/B]! I absolutely [I]hate [/I]him because he is the most pompous prick I have ever seen, but he can really shred a Strat. I'm not a big fan of shred guitar, but I have an affinity for Yngwie because of his Legend of Zelda theme cover :animeswea[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='The Blue Jihad'][CENTER][IMG]http://www.trojanwire.com/football/images/colbert-bears-threatdown.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I have been afraid of bears since I was a little kid, no joke. Regardless of how much I love Stephen Colbert, he simply does not fear bears as much as I do. I need a fan on when I sleep, full blast, unless I lay there in silence, and then I can start to hear my heart beat. It drives me nuts. Other than that, I'm all good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1] [img]http://rebelrockrunners.org/gallery/d/15309-2/ban_him.jpg[/img][/font][/size][/QUOTE] [B]QED[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I've also tried, but it isn't working. I've tried to be nice, funny, a dick, sit in silent astoundment, but nothing happens. Naps the Cat had two spammy posts while Revolver has ten million times the number of spammy posts with half of the sense that Naps's had. He just trails 2007DB and spits half-coherent batshit everywhere, and people are pretty much tired of it. Anyway, metal. I only kinda want Jake's opinion on this, but do you think the "devil horns" (e-translation= \m/) is still relevant in today's scene? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Revolver'] [COLOR="Olive"]What, do you own the place or something? I'll post if I ****ing feel lke it. If you don't like it, tough ****.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Nope, but you sure as hell could clean up your act and actually post something worthwhile/relevant that doesn't contradict everything else you said before or make you look like a fool (see statement about sweep picking above).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'] [SIZE="4"]Wecamewithbrokenteeth[/SIZE]. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I told myself I would never, ever touch this thread, but goddammit, stuff like this bothers me. [B]Wecamewithbrokenteeth[/B] is grindcore at its best, which is basically its worst. So they have no place in this thread. Revolver, you keep posting in threads. Why? [QUOTE][COLOR="Olive"]The Acacia Strain is metal. Heard them on an all metal music channel. Nothing but hardcore metal. XM Liquid Metal XL was the nam Good channel btw. Good for new commers of the genre. Which is better than MTV2 and Fuse, but no vids. >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh man, they were on the "METAL CHANNEL", toaderly makes them metaaaahl. [B]WRONG[/B]. And stop calling hip-hop the downfall of music. There is good hip-hop out there, and it doesn't sound like the stuff on the radio. Show some respect to those who are actually making quality music out there, and also some respect to Jake, since he does nothing but pwn you all the time about metal when you clearly know nothing. Goodbye, Face has a ton more respect showing love to [B]Soundgarden[/B]. Chyeah. I don't listen to too much metal. Its mostly reserved for stuff like [B]Mastodon[/B] or early [B]Metallica[/B]. [B]High on Fire [/B]is enjoyable as well, and even though Jake might call me out on it, [B]Converge[/B]. [I]Jane Doe [/I]kills so much. And **** all who don't agree, but [B]Russian Circles [/B]brings the metal.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [IMG]http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k250/zipposunlighter/and-a-pony1111.jpg[/IMG] :animesmil
  8. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]Blah blah nothing important.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Please, just stop posting in this thread. I'm abusing the mod rod, sure, but for the love of God, why aren't you making any sort of discussion? You keep mentioning the same bands, the same people, and then when other members call you out on all the total **** you listed, you then shift your judgement talk about how you don't even like the band. Huh?/lol?:animeknow The thread title: "pretentious". You still, for some unknown reason, post gems like... [QUOTE][COLOR="Olive"]The best Video Game song is Blow Me away by Breaking Benjamin. [B]Generic I know[/B], but they made a song for the Halo soundtrack. Halo for christ fricken's sake. That should give you something to gloat about?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] So why do you bother posting about generic bands? Everyone has given you the shaft because you keep talking about Breaking Benjamin, so the common man figures, "hell, he might stop". Sure, this is an internet forum, you have the right to post, whatever, and I'm getting a little more worked up than usual, but there are some people who post in this thread who are trying to have a semi-coherent discussion.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Dagger']If nothing else, at least I got a new custom title out of this thread. (Thanks, James!) I find that the capitalization lends it a certain aura of majesty... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]GTFO I HAD IT FIRST! Or we could be The Rubbery Friends, kinda like the Superfriends... There are now so many more inside OB jokes now because of this thread. Whoever does the PR for masturbation shoud make a slogan about how it brings people together. Now we have people like 2007DB and Starwind trading inside secrets and tips on jerking off. Anyways, I love how in the ad for the Hello Kitty vibrators, you can't help but use it because of her "pleading eyes". :o Yeah, if I were a woman, I would love to be staring at a ****ing creepy cartoon cat while I got off. Just ew.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Jesus Christ @ this thread...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Its really weird to call a crust-punk band pretentious, but in reality, there is no reason to punch you, Kevin. Every member of the [B]Locust[/B] are the most pretentious douchebags on earth. Since all I've done was poke fun at Revolver and haven't made an actual post in this thread yet, let's vary this up a bit and throw in some [B]Saul Williams[/B]. I'm making a big risk by metioning some hip-hop in a thread seemingly revolving around in this post-rock, progressive-rock, post-metal, math-metal, post-math, viking-math, post-viking, name your genre thread, but whatever. Saul is a badass. Mix some spoken word poetry/rap with some nice samples and some of the best lyrics in hip-hop, and poof! Saul Williams, in all his vitriolic, snarky, outspoken manner. Look up the songs "Telegram", "Grippo", and "1987" for a good springboard for further listening pleasure. This is the part where I am s'posed to put some vids or a link, but I am still stuck in the dial-up ages, so this is an adventure you people will have to search yourself. I won't be able to find a good link without waiting for days. PS: KEV UR SIG IS TEH SHIZZZ! ROFM.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]I hear a resounding "Aye" when I ask: should Revolver shut up? Its ok though, little guy. According to your profile, you are younger than 17. That means you haven't developed a decent music taste yet. It's ok, some boys have it later than others. Your time will come.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]NES SNES[COLOR="Black"]*[/COLOR] Sega Genesis with Sega CD Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Game Boy Advance SP (covered in homemade Aqua Teen Hunger Force stickers) DS Playstation 2 Wii The NES and Genesis aren't hooked up, mainly because I lost alot of games while moving. Very sad day...commence the grieving. The Gameboy Color and both Game Boy Advances have since retired because of their hotter, younger brother DS showed up. New Super Mario Bros. and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin have been in constant rotation, with sprinkles of Kirby: Canvas Curse here and there. The PS2 is still wonderful. It aged gracefully, with swan songs like Final Fantasy XII and God of War II. In comparison, it makes the Playstation 3 look bad... Anyway, I am very happy I purchased a Wii. I play alot of Mario Strikers: Charged and Twilight Princess. I bought the Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition and breezed thru it in about 10 hours. Whole new game with that control scheme. Soon enough I will be the proud owner of an Xbox 360, simply for BioShock, Halo 3, and Ninja Gaiden 2 (even though I didn't beat the first one). Gears of War is also alot of fun. Just lots of quality games that are released/ in development. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="1"]*= denotes greatest system there was, is, or ever will be.[/SIZE][/I]
  14. [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]well, not a decline in rock music, but more of a drop in appreciation. There's so much rap on. MTV hardly puts their rock shows on during day time.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Here in lies the problem. And how can you be "picky" with generic rock? Contradictions ftw.[/SIZE][/COLOR] :animesigh
  15. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Yes it did. Now I'm going to join the club and, instead of naming interesting musicians, I'm going to go jizz all over these Mars Volta albums.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]You need to find something else to masturbate to. Matt Bellamy is a little overrated. Sure, I like [B]Muse[/B], but all of it seems to be gravitated towards Matt and his supposed "OMG!11! AwSumZZ!!@!~" style. He is good, but not [I]that[/I] good. Its good to see Robbie Krieger, seeing as he is underrated. Try to play the riff from "Love Me Two Times" or the opening flamenco bit on "Spanish Caravan". Its hard.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]@ Jake: Ok, so an assassination is in order if 2007DB says anything bad about the fathers of prog rock that you listed, mmkay? Seriously, listen to [B]King Crimson[/B] and [B]Yes[/B]. King Crimson has always been considered the black sheep in classic prog for some reason, but I guess thats why they are the best. Yes takes conventional pop structures and spans them out into prog-epics. [I]Larks' Tongue In Aspics[/I] or [I]In the Court of the Crimson King[/I] are my two album picks.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Why do people think that the guys in Slayer can solo? What do they do? Its all unnecessary dive-bombs and squealing bullcrap. Its just really fast tremolo picking that is completely atonal and has no pitch. I respect Slayer and think they have some good songs, but their solos are garbage. Go listen to the solo in "Angel of Death" and tell me if it sounds like something other than a chainsaw and a running faucet. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I absolutley adore Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, hell, I have to being a [B]Mars Volta[/B] fanatic. But sometimes it seems like he gets lazy during solos and says, "**** it, turn on some delay, make my guitar sound like a baby in acid, voila! Irritate the crowd with this for the next minute or so." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]This is my dog Shadow: [IMG]http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k250/zipposunlighter/awwwwwwwwwwwwwaaa-1.jpg[/IMG] She is part black lab/chow. Amazingly loyal and enough energy to kill a large man. She is very trim and fit for being a seven year old dog who is spoiled all the time. I love this dog. She is such a wimp. Chicago has been getting hit with some pretty bad thunderstorms, and its so cute/sad to see Shadow curled up right on my mom's feet. We got her from the Humane Society when she was 3 months old. She is pretty much perfect other than she likes to jump up on guests and sniff their crotches the second they walk in :animestun. She is healthy, but will occasionally have seizures. She hasn't had one in a long time (knock on wood), but they are usually around a minute long. They don't hurt her if we try and calmly talk her out of it. She is just dazed for a few minutes, then goes on to be the same nutty dog. @ James: That dog is beautiful. He must've cost a pretty penny.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]@ Mr. Maul: You forgot [B]Kid Koala[/B]. Deltron [B]3030[/B]'s debut album is a good reference to see why he is good. My personal favorite hip-hop artists are [B]Mos Def[/B] and [B]Saul Williams[/B]. Mos Def's[I] True Magic[/I] was great. When he rapped "Close Edge" on Chapelle's Show, it almost made me cry I was so amazed. I hopefully can try and get some more of his stuff. Saul Williams has one of the most agressive flows I've heard today. Just listen to "Grippo" or "Act III, Scene Two". "Black Stacey" has amazing lyrics too. Those two should be the only hip-hop artists who can intergrate social commentary into their rhymes since they both do it so well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]i'm really glad you mentioned Steve Howe. He is an amazingly well rounded player and can play any style of music under the sun, whether it is straight blues, complex rock riffs, or dare I say it: ragtime. I will second the people you listed and throw in modern players too. Dave Davidson/ Erin Elders of Maps and Atlases- Intertwining, weaving walls of tapping guitar, converging in and out of harmony. Absolutely insane to watch. To see the skill it takes to do two-handed tapping like that... Thomas Erak of The Fall of Troy- Another complex player. His favorite trick --- rapid fire triplet hammer-ons and pull-offs up and down the neck at lightning speed. All while singing. Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age- Nothing but badass riffage and a cool-but-cockey attitude. I swear, he is the second coming of Elvis. I want to be him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='PWNED']I don't think any Breaking Benjamin fans consider them metal, they've been specifically noted as being post-grunge. And to use them in comparsion with a band like Hinder? For shame. Compare 'Lips of an Angel' by Hinder with 'Polyamorous' or 'So Cold' by Breaking Benjamin, Hell of a lot of difference in quality.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]The point he is making: All of it sounds the same. It all has stalwart, Pro Tooled, steely production and growly everything.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][SIZE=1] Ha. That's an on-going joke with my friends and me. [B]Creed[/B], [B]Third Eye Blind[/B], [B]3 Doors Down[/B], [B]Staind[/B], [B]Crossfade[/B], [B]Puddle of Mud[/B], [B]Hinder[/B]... All are different names for [B]Nickleback[/B], which itself is Latin for sucks. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Nice. You have smart friends, and are among good company in my runnin' crew. On to another same-old-been-there-done-that trend: puss-metal. Breaking Benjamin, Taproot, Linkin Park, P.O.D., Mudvayne... so on and so forth. Now I'm not a metal purist like good ol' Jake, but I think he and several other enlightened members could also back me up on that claim. And I swear, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco are the same band too. I guess what I'm getting at is that most bands who are terrible follow stale, substanceless, cookie-cutter patterns and somehow score a record deal because of a 'uberhawt' singer or the singular reason a majority of these bands and label owners are in it for: [IMG]http://mgeisler.net/images/100-dollar-bill.png[/IMG] Them greenbacks, baby.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]Simple grammatical errors. To no ****ing end. My stepdad likes to have bottled water by him when he sleeps, so we have to keep the refridgerator full of bottled water. So when he asks if there is any water, he says, 'Are there any cold waters in the fridge?' NO, THERE ARE NO 'WATERS', TRY AGAIN. My manager at work usually has people sweep up before they leave. So before I am sent home, she asks, 'Can you getta sweep around the restaurant?' NOPE, CAN'T 'GETTA SWEEP' ***HOLE. I live in Chicago, so people are lazy and take the words 'front room', and smash them together in a horrible amalgam of the two words: 'frunchroom'. JUST SAY IT RIGHT. [COLOR="Black"][quote name='Metalcore501']People who lie about themselfs[/quote] [/COLOR] You fail me. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]I've only had two usernames on OtakuBoards, which were iggypopD and my current one, Billy Shears. The iggypopD was based on the musician, since I was in a big [B]Stooges[/B] phase then. I decided to change it to Billy Shears based on the fictional character from the [B]Beatles[/B] album, [I]Sgt. Peppers' Lonely Hearts Club Band[/I]. The PM I sent Charles (when he was site admin) inquired "If you change my name, will I still be considered a 'member' and not a 'new member'?". Charles, full of his ever-loving whiplash sarcasm, has forever changed my member title to 'Still a Member', poking fun at my childish question. I feel special since not many people have that part of their title changed. I recently joined Group Sounds (referred to it by Goodbye, Face) as Chief Sitting Duck, named after the [B]Don Caballero[/B] song. My AIM account is sk8boarding4d, since I used to really enjoy skateboarding. I haven't changed it since I've had the damn thing for almost nine years now. So in a sense, all my names are based on music. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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