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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I've never tried it... but it doesn't look too appealing. It looks like it would have a rubbery texture, and it doesn't smell good either. I think I'd rather eat cheese on crackers and vegetables with ranch dressing. But if it is celery, then I eat that with peanut butter. But I only eat Ritz brand crackers with peanut butter, but then I can eat peanut butter alone, but I don't like Resee's peanut butter cups, and I'm going to get a cup of milk and a peanut butter and celery cracker sandwich. Anyway, yes, fat girls in bikinis remind me of cottage cheese...*shudders*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Bands that fall into the NWOBHM include Iron Maiden, Saxon, and the like. And about music losing its value due to deep analyzation: I actually find I get more out of my music by picking it apart. If I still deeply adore an album after I've picked it apart, analyzed every nuance of it, concluded what influenced it, etc. then I know it's an album well worth my time. Everyone approaches their music differently. It might sound pretentious, but I tend to enjoy the more subtle, complex, technical side of what makes a great album as opposed to the immediate appeal. Sure, a band can write catchy riffs, but that usually won't cut it for me. This brings me to why I cannot stand metalcore and nu-metal. There is nothing to analyze. When you pop in an As I Lay Dying album or an All That Remains disc, you know exactly what you're getting: catchy pop choruses, watered down wannabe At the Gates riffs, and the seemingly ubiquitous mosh-friendly chug-a-lug E string breakdown. It's like aggressive pop music to my ears. And as for the labels on Metal's many subgenres: Labels are simply in place for this reason - if I'm in the mood for some really melodic, fast metal with high-pitched sung vocals, just saying "what's a good Metal band?" simply won't cut it. I'd say "can you suggest a good Power Metal band?" When I'm reading reviews at [url]www.metalcrypt.com[/url] (best Metal resource on the web, by the way), the first thing I look at is the subgenre of the band I'm reading about. It immediately lets me know what the reviewer is talking about when he/she says something about the atmosphere, riffs, drumming, or any other aspect of the music. You see, Metal covers such a broad spectrum of sounds these days that labels are necessary for differentiating sound. Doom-Death is so drastically different from Black Metal which is drastically different from Power Metal which is drasitically different from Gothic Metal... you get the idea. Labels don't take away from the music - they simply act as an organization system.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ok. I do try to look for technical aspects, too, just not as much. I probably would have more fun analyzing Jimi Hendrix :animesmil . And I f'ing [I][B]hate[/B][/I] breakdowns. Just put a solo there. It'll sound cooler. The thing that makes me angry about labels is that people won't listen if it has a particular label. Just because the bands MySpace page has the label "Metalcore/Death Metal", *gaspshockhorror*, people hate that it has that metalcore label to it. If you happen to only like Death Metal, the band sucks now because they're labeled Metalcore first. But what if the band is great? It's not that I don't like labels, I don't like how people turn down fantastic music because of them. I think some people pay attention to the kind of music rather than the music itself. I probably should have justifyed myself a little more on my first post. :animestun I understand that it's for organization purposes, but they're so many it is a little overwhelming. I know it sounds ignorant, but I would love it if we could take the good, bad, and ugly of metal and put it in it's rightful place: in the Metal category. That's how I will view [B]'Priest[/B] and [B]Corrosion of Conformity[/B], [B]As I Lay Dying[/B] and [B]Slipknot[/B], [B]Metallica[/B] and [B]Opeth[/B], [B]Rob Zombie[/B] and [B]The Black Dalhia Murder[/B], [B]Dream Evil[/B] and [B]Moonsorrow[/B] forever. In their own little ways, great or terrible, they are all metal. They have done something worthy of the title bestowed to them. But to argue who the most metal is? It's too much yelling...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I was wondering what date you plan on putting this wonderful story in the Arena. I don't know whether or not I will be available to post. Sunday (8/3) and Monday (8/4), I can't. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Yeah, but none of those are Metal bands. Metal does tend to have a lot of harsh vocals, but a good portion of it doesn't. It just depends what type you're into.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]But you can see why people lump [B]As I Lay Dying[/B], [B]Opeth[/B], [B]Cannibal Corpse[/B], old [B]Avenged Sevenfold[/B] and any other screaming band together right? It's because they [B]all[/B] scream. Saying they're goth metal, metalcore, grindcore, hardcore, semi-hardcore/metalcore, emo, screamo, metal-screamo, black metal, death metal, coremetal, deathcore, core-core, whatever the label, the general public is going to lump them together because they all scream. The general public likes to reject those bands, too. :p I think that too many people deal with so many technicalities that it loses its sole purpose: listening. I'm not attacking you, Jakehammaren, you are [I]very[/I] smart when it comes to metal, much smarter than me. But to constantly pick apart everything you hear, doesn't the music lose its value? If you like something, take it for what it is. If not, hit 'Stop' I think we should rip away the labels and just listen to it. P.S. I've been seeing this [B]NWOBHM[/B] acronym alot. What the hell does this mean?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Oh no![/sarcasm] My high school has all those sites blocked with their security systems to begin with. I think most other school do too. It isn't a big deal since I don't have any of those "social site" webpages, but like several others said, what is going to stop poeple from using it at home or any where else? Plus it should be a teacher's responsibility to monitor the students when they are at school, as should the library. Have those sites blocked already. Don't waste Congress's already wasted time. But it cant be the most useless bill, at least they're trying... God knows that the Bush administration is good at trying...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I can post in this thread, [I]skillfully[/I]. -Beatles![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Alot of my friends don't understand why I like [B]Monty Python's Flying Circus[/B]. To me it's just really funny, but to them, they think I'm retarded. I do believe Monty Python is a very underrated comedy show in the U.S. I think we stupify ourselves since someone still watches [B]Saturday Night Live[/B]. -i think hes got beautiful legs.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I hope this takes off like crazy. So much potential...[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1]---[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Name: Haris Montralem Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Malroy Occupation: Soldier Weapon: A hastily crafted large axe. Its is double-sided and has no adornment whatsoever. The head is cast of iron and the handle is solid wood. The hilt is wrapped with leather to ensure a steady grip and prevents splinters. Even though it isn't of the highest quality or nice looking, Haris has come to really enjoy using it. He has nicknamed it "Ralphonso". Spells: N/A Apperance: Haris is very tall, standing roughly at 6 feet 4 inches. He is well built, but not a musclehead. He has short black hair that he just combs down, and narrow brown eyes. He usually wears a loose shirt with a pair of worn-out jeans. His face is square-jawed and chiseled, and he has a long, pointed nose. Is eyebrows are thick, but not bushy. He usually has a bag slung around his shoulder where he keeps money and odds and ends he finds. Personality: Haris is goofy and fun-loving. A man of quick wit and an even quicker temper, he can be a hard person to handle. But, most people can see past that and really like him. He is pretty open on most subjects and is passionate about his beliefs. He will tell you when you make a mistake, and will tell you how to better it. Haris can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you do something that seriously upsets him, he will hold a grudge. But if you are friendly, you will have a good bddy and someone who will make you laugh. But on the battlefield, it's a totally different story...Haris becomes ruthless and unpredictable, a straight-faced murderer. He has no remorse for what he kills. The rush of battle locks out all his other senses, and his main target is the enemy. Excerpt of Character: [I]Malroy marketplace, 6 months ago...[/I] [B]"I need some kind of weapon. I'm gonna be a soldier."[/B] Freya looked at him strangely. Haris put down a small amount of money on the counter. Freay took one look at it and chuckled. [B]"Haris, a blacksmith of my caliber can craft you the greatest weapon ever. But when you come up to my place with that much money, I ain't gonna make your poor butt Excalibur."[/B] Haris looked down in dissapointment. [B]"Well, what can you make with this, Freya?" [/B] The blacksmith scratched his head, deep in thought. [B]"You know, I've known you a while Haris. You are a good guy. I'll give you a discount. What do you want?"[/B] Haris smiled and leaned over the counter. [B]"I want an axe. A double-sided axe. Dont make it really fancy, just sharp as possible. It doesn't have to be too big, but big enough."[/B] Freya smiled and gave Haris a nod of approval. Haris laughed. [B]"Hey, I got a nickname lined up for it already!"[/B] The blacksmith tured around and gave a quizzical look at Haris. [B]"Ralphonso!"[/B] Haris burst into a huge laugh. Freya just kept staring. [B]"What, you don't like it?" [/B] The blacksmith responded, [B]"What the hell kinda name is 'Ralphonso', Haris? That might be the stupidest name for an axe I ever heard! If you would have called it 'Kitty', I would be happier with that, not 'Ralphonso!'"[/B] Haris kept laughing. [B]"Well screw it! It's your axe!"[/B] Haris said goodbye, while Freya was still grumbling about Haris positivley silly nickname. Haris walked out into the bright, sunlit marketplace. A new feeling of belonging ran though his blood. He was going to quit his job at the quarry and make some real money being a soldier. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1]---[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hope you like it! -the one and only [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Leon Fury]the two funniest tunes I've heard are actually covers by senses fail and taking back sunday. which were featured on tony hawk's american wasteland. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The original "[B]Institutionalized[/B]" is by the [B]Suicidal Tendencies[/B], I think. It saddens me that [B]Senses Fail [/B] covered it, since pretty much anything Senses Fail does is garbage in my eyes. "[B]Broken Hearts are for A**holes[/B]", "[B]Wet T-shirt Night[/B]", and "[B]Titties and Beer[/B]" are three very funny [B]Frank Zappa [/B] songs, and they're my favorite funny songs. Anything Frank does is awesome. -Billiam[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Name: Cherion Sola Job: Guardian Origin: Heaven Apperance:[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/these.jpg]Cherion[/URL] Personality: Cherion is a benevolent and caring person. She always tries to be a guiding voice of reason. She is very heartfelt and open, willing to help any of those who are in need. She acts strong in a challenging situation, but has a low tolerance for pain. Cherion is slighty weak-willed, making her job as a guardian somewhat tough. But, her kind personality makes her occupation twice as meaningful. Biography: Shunned as a child, Cherion had a difficult upbringing. Her parents were very wealthy, but they ignored their daughter. Too caught up in their own life and excesses, they divorced when she was 10. Most of her early childhood memories were of her parents fighting. Luckily, she made plenty of friends at the schools she went to. When her parents did divorce, her mother left the United States and fled to Europe. The divorce hammered her father, constantly in and out of rehabilitation for drugs. She went on to live with her aunt Mimi until she graduated high school. During that time, her father was in and out of jail for drug charges, so contact with her parents was limited. The week after Cherion graduated high school, her mother called Mimi's house. She gave Mimi the location of where she was living; Venice, Italy. Cherion instantly jumped at the chance to see her mother again. She scraped all the money she had and bought a ticket for a ship to travel there. But along this time, her mother had been acting just like her father. She had gotten drunk and fell into the Medeterranian Sea. The police found her body a week later. This devestated Cherion. She decided to continue her journey after hearing the news. But, she too died in the Medeterranian. The ship had been caught in a very large storm and capsized. Now Heaven gave Cherion the chance to protect others from being like her parents. She want to protect people from the wickedness that is life.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1]---[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I wont be able to post until next Monday. Hope this was good. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Name: Evetta Viste Age: 18 Gender: Female Apperance: [edit soon] Personality: [edit] Weapon: Evetta carries an axe with an iron-cast head. Pillar: Planar[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1]---[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I will edit as soon as possible. I'm really sorry.. -the one and only.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. I would love to meet... [B]Ozymandius Jones/StarrStruck[/B]: All three of us are absolutely nutty-crazy-insane- "OMGWTFBBQ 1L0\/3 tH3/\/\!11!!!!!" for the [B]Beatles[/B]. I need someone else besides my dad to geek out with. We became good friends over the internet, then I lost my computer. Now we can stay up late and "sing" Beatles songs to each other via AIM. Ozy and Starr got me to like the RP boards, too. Now I like writing. It sucks ;) . Sarah, sorry for starting the [B]Who[/B] obsession. Thresea, sorry for starting the [B]White Stripes[/B] obsession. [B]Tical Blue[/B]: He seems very cool and laid back. I like that. [B]Dagger[/B] helped me out alot at the Anime forums when I first joined. [B]Charles[/B] got me to appreciate all the other aspects of OtakuBoards just because I wanted to hear how awesome his next post would be. [B]James[/B] knows everything about everything, so I think we should appoint him as the Great Sage of the OB. I really wish I could have got to know [B]Siren/Brasil[/B] before he got banned. What a cat. I wanna meet all you bastards. Thanks for helping me kill ALL my time. :D
  13. Ninja or pirate? Neither. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.bobgentry.com/blog/grandpa_munster.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][CENTER]Say no to this face and he'll suck your blood![/CENTER][/SIZE] Honestly, how can a pirate or ninja life be better than a vampires? Pirates got the gold, ninja's got the skills, but vampires got the ladies.
  14. Cheese reminds me that of all the food wouldn't be the same without it. I don't think anyone can disagree with me. You can put cheese on some food and it is instantly better. :D
  15. I just hope to God the two groups are sane enough to not let this break out in the U.S. The last thing we need is Palestinians and Isralies fighting in our streets. Anywho, this uninformed idiot rasies his hand among the gunfire to ask: Chabichou, why has this war been going on for thousands of years? Could you provide some kind of timeline or something? I've asked a Palestinian (sp) classmate, and he just said "Cause the Jews are evil". Didn't really answer my question.
  16. [quote name='Shinmaru'] The only issue I ran into was that the game sometimes had problems recognizing the color I was saying into the microphone during the color game; however, that was actually remedied fairly easily by holding the DS a little less than an arm's length away from me. After that, the game had no trouble recognizing what I said as long as I said it clearly. So, yeah, I have no qualms with the game now and it rocks. :)[/quote] I think the mic on the DS Lite isn't as good as the one on the first DS. I've played the game on both, and it was always a little less-forgiving on the DS Lite. But, I'll take your idea and try it. Thank ye, kindred soul ;)
  17. [quote name='OrangeJulies]As far as CDs go, The Who's [I]Live at Leeds[/I'] is by far the best thing I've heard, ever. I hear it's often regarded as tops among most live albums in general, even though it's over 30 years old.[/quote] You should buy [B]The Who: Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970[/B] DVD. I bought it for $10 at Best Buy. Its got an interview with Pete Townshend and a couple other extras. Their performance is stunning. They play all of [I]Tommy[/I], and I wetted myself. Greatest live band ever, no questions asked. I cannot put it in any other term. [B]Rush[/B] is also another fantastic live band. I saw them on their 2002 Vapor Trails tour. It was a two-and-a-half hour set, and it was excellent. Blown away by the Neil Peart drum solo. [I]La Villa Strangiato[/I] is better live. Like Tical, I've watched hours of the [B]Mars Volta[/B] live, and I will not die without seeing them. In comparison to the [B]Who[/B], they don't use gimmicks or pyrotechnics, just play the songs with full-on intensity. Cedric dances like a maniac. I love [I]Scabdates[/I]. At first, I thought it was just a quick buck for the record label, but realised they put just as much effort into their live sets as well as the studio. Top-notch band, that [B]Mars Volta[/B]. I can't wait to see [B]The Number Twelve Looks Like You[/B], either. Good stuff.
  18. I just listened to [B]Modest Mouse[/B]'s [I]This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Talk About[/I] and realised, this is really ***ing great. I love [B]Modest Mouse[/B] I'm going to always be obsessed with the [B]Beatles[/B] too.
  19. To be honest, one year ago I was a huge prick. I had one select group of friends who were pricks, and we each fed off each other. Then, I met other people and have had a complete turnaround on my outlook on friendship. People you didn't have similar interests with can still be friendly. I also became enthusiastic about writing music. My friend and I wrote a song and played it, and it was the biggest rush. We now write frequently, and are going to record soon. Becoming a real musician opened my eyes and see deeper into music. Trust me, being a musician really makes you appreciate and notice things you wouldn't notice as a non musician
  20. The thread starter made so many observations on the apperance of these people that all it boils down to is a music genre and a fashion trend. People make too big of a deal when they like being "emo". And everyone else in here bashing those kids are stupid, too. Just ignore them. Let them do whatever it is that's "emo", that way it won't bother you. [B]Through The Eyes Of The Dead[/B] is amazing.
  21. No game should be this fun, frustrating, challenging, addictive, educational and relaxing than Brain Age. I figured all this out after playing for about twenty minutes. You feel smarter and more quick-witted while playing for such a short time. This game is obviously working hand in hand with Beelzebub himself.
  22. Ok, here we go... [B]Name[/B]: The Red Shovels/ The Owls/ Parade/ Siphon Duo (picking betwixt the four names) [B]Genre[/B]: Instrumental [B]Influences[/B]: The Mars Volta, Volta Do Mar, King Crimsom, Yes, Liquid Tension Experiment, Oxes, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Modest Mouse, Pink Floyd, Explosions in the Sky, This Will Destroy You, Jeff Beck, The Cancer Conspiracy [B]Members[/B]: Me-guitar Nnamdi- drums and bass Rich- tea and sympathy We are good. We should have a MySpace soon once we finish recording. We try to fit alot of things in a song, but still play with some style and technique. It's not just a riff-o-rama for seven minutes straight. Remember that kids, melody is the key to an enjoyable song.
  23. I play guitar and hang out with friends, which it seems like I've done that alot since it's been about 5 months from my last post.
  24. For some reason, grindcore has become better and better to me every time I hear it. One of my current favorite grindcore bands (and probably the best) is [B]The Number Twelve Looks Like You[/B]. Get past the screaming and you'll find amazing musicians and song structures. Check them out at [URL=http://myspace.com/tntllu]myspace.com/tntllu[/URL] Another good grind band is the [B]Locust[/B]. They have some cool synth things in their songs, and their guitar player is crazy. He's up and down the neck all the time. Try to find a good video of them playing[B] "Anyting Jesus Does I Can Do Better"[/B] or [B]"The Half-Eaten Sausage Would Like To See You In His Office[/B][B]"[/B]. I'm dead serious. Aside from grindcore, look up on myspace.com [B]Volta do Mar[/B]. Sounds a ton like [B]The Mars Volta[/B], but there is no relation (but I still will second Tical on everything he said). They are mostly an instrumental band that has two bass players. Its fast and great, so listen on myspace.com. Pick up [B]Stadium Arcadium[/B] by the[B] Red Hot Chili Peppers[/B], cause its freaking amazing
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]A Nightmare On Elm Street 3[/B]: WTF? I am the only wizard elf king! [B]Mr. & Mrs. Smith[/B]: Being stuck in a wooden hut with wooden actors is not fun in my fun book. Any Steven Segal movie is horrible. He can't act or move for that matter. He's gotten so fat all the action scenes are in slo-mo just so it looks like he is performing something cool. Which, he's never done in his film carreer. [B]Total Recall[/B], [B]Junior[/B],[B] Twins[/B], [B]True Lies[/B], [B]Terminator 3[/B]... Mr. Schwartzenegger...you're fired. Then there was that independent film. The acting was atrocious, the dialouge was bad, the film and sound quality seemed like something that exits a monkey's red behind every few hours, and the plot...don't even get me started. What movie you ask? [B]One Night in Paris.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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