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Billy Shears

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Everything posted by Billy Shears

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri awoke,he quickly rubbed his eyes and noticed it was almost 10:00. He lazily stepped out of bed and put oh some clothes. He went into the bathroom and checked his pupils: they were okay. He knew he was prone to do utterly dumb things while drunk, but last night, he didn't have as much as normal. [I]God...I wonder how those other guys are doing...[/I] Dimitri descended the stairs to the breakfast alcove to check if the continental breakfast was still up. He saw one thing; a lonely box of Cheerios. [I]Dammit...I hate cereal...[/I]He took the box anyway, and sat near Dave, Renee, and the girls Rayne and Alexia. Dave was teasing Renee, who was ready to shove a fork in his eye. [B]"How are you all today?" [/B] [B]"Jus' fine, mate."[/B] He looked at Alexia and Rayne. The both replied [B]"Good."[/B] in unison. Rayne took the liberty to explain why they were waiting. [B]"We're sitting, waiting for Lani. We have to get into the Pentagon to find more information on the collectors. I could hack in there if I need to."[/B] [B]"Wow. That does not sound like a small feat."[/B] Alexia sighed ad replied, [B]"Nope."[/B]. He glanced at Renne, who was slightly snoring. [B]"Renee...how are you doing?"[/B] Dimitri knew he was walking on paper-thin ice. She looked up. [I]Crack[/I]. He felt himself being jerked down... He gave a cautious smile... [I]Crack[/I]. His feet were wet... "How do you think I feel?!" [I]Wow, that water is cold...[/I] [B]"[I]You[/I] two let me get drunk last night! Guess what I heard?! That [I]I[/I] tried to kiss the cabbie! What is wrong with you both?!"[/B] Dave looked at Dimitri. They both were laughing like maniacs. [B]"Fine! Next time you want to go out, don't you dare knock on my door!"[/B] Dimitri sat next to Rayne and opened his box of Cheerios. He took a quick glance at Dave, and the two of them flashed a smile at each other. Rayne and Alexia were still smiling at Renee's explosion. She still sat there with a disguisted look on her face. Dimitri backed his chair out a little and propped his feet onthe table, his knees close to his chest. [B]"Dave, do you have you guitar with you still?" "Yeah, why's tha'?"[/B] [B]"Can you play a song for us? I'm in a good mood, so why can we not put Renee in a good mood, too?" [/B] Dave looked at Renee who was now nodding off...again. Dave stood up and started heading up the stairs. [B]"Be back in a sec."[/B] He came down a few seconds later with his acoustic, his pick clenched in his teeth. [B]"Wha'd you like me to play?"[/B] Dimitri shrugged, insenuating an [I]I don't know[/I] response. [B]"I got it."[/B] He checked the tuning on the guitar and placed his fingers on the frets. [I]Here comes the sun, do do do do Here comes the sun, and I say It's alright[/I] [I]Damn...dad liked this record[/I] [I]Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter Little darling, it feels lik years since it's been here Well here comes the sun do do do do Here comes the sun, and I say It's alright[/I] Dimitri heard Rayne and Alexia humming along the tune. [I]Little darling, the smile's returning to their faces Little darling, it feels like years since its been here Here comes the sun, do do do do Here comes the sun, and I say It's alright[/I] Renee picked up her head and was sitting there, her head back, tapping the table lightly with her finger. [I]Sun, sun, sun, here it comes Sun, sun, sun, here it comes Sun, sun, sun, here it comes Sun, sun, sun, here it comes Sun, sun, sun, here it comes[/I] Dimitri wondered about his mom. [I]Is she worried for me? Has she told my sister? Is she alive? Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting Little darling, it feels like years since its been clear Here comes the sun, do do do do Here comes the sun, and I say It's alright It's alright[/I] Renee smiled and lightly punched Dave in the arm, while Alexia clapped, and Rayne complimented him. [B]"That's really good, Dave!"[/B] He nodded back to Rayne. [B]"Yeah..."[/B] Dimitri pulled himself from the table and waved goodbye to them. They all stared at Dimitri while he headed out. Alexia broke the uncomfortable silence.[B] "What was that about?"[/B] Renee shrugged, while Rayne just sat there. Dave set his guitar on the table and followed Dimitri. He noticed one thing: small droplets of blood. [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: The Beatles lyrics. Currently, Here Come the Sun the best song ever. Well, Dimitri is going to lock himself in his room, so can someone convince him to come out? I was hoping either Lani, Alexia, or Rayne could do that favor for me. It'd be really nice. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1]I was reading the series in Shonen Jump, but I can't afford the subscription any more. I got as far as [spoiler] Hikaru beating the old guy in the Go parlor that cheats all the time.[/spoiler]. I like it because its different. Like Dagger said Sai is the only real supernatual element in the series, and the characters seem more down-to-earth. No one is doing named attacks, just playing a really old board game. One more thing: I can never tell if Sai is a man or a woman. Can someone clarify? In the manga, they say "He", but s/he still looks a little like a woman. -the one and only[/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I would stay online late in the summer (about 2 in the morning), but I usually stop at 11:00 P.M. CST to go to bed for school... Staying up 'til 4 in the morning and waking up at 6:30 doesn't usually do much for the body. I try to sleep as much as possible. I don't know how people stay up for days on end. I could never do that. Sleeping is great. You are in a bed, warm and comfortable, dreaming. I would do that all day if I didn't have to eat...or shower...or expel urine... -starting a "Who Loves to Sleep" fanclub[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Well, if you like Strategy/RPG's, you could give La Pucille:Tactics a shot. I heard it was about 150+ hours long. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance took me about 94 hours to get a 100% mission complete, so that can waste your time pretty easily. Diablo II is probably the coolest MMORPG I know of. I don't know how long the single player takes, but my friend and I played online alot over last summer. That game is really fun and has a giant fanbase. If you have any friends, kind of make sure you play in their party, or you might be heckled and called a newb. -the one and only[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='triforcelad][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]The PSP has better graphics, but that is the only thing it has over DS. The music and movies thing is coming to the clamshell. In Japan, there is something called Play-Yan that will act as a music and movie player. The ds has better control, games, (Castlevania DS?) and will soon be wi-fi internet capable FREE.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The PSP has free Wi-Fi, too. I'm in desperate need of the PSP. I think this is one of the coolest multimedia gadgets ever. Every time I read about it, I need it more. I definitly want it for the games, but the music feature is just as cool. I don't have a MP3 player or an iPod, so this would be just as cool. I think the movie thing won't really sell units. I'll probably buy a PSP. I don't have a MP3 player or digital camera (it will have that feature), so that's just an added bonus. My friend has a PSP and has no complaints about it except he is out of 250$. Yes, that is alot for a portable, but you get a gaming system, an MP3 player, and to a lesser extent, a portable movie player. I definetly think it is worth what it is priced, especially the package at (I think) GameCrazy, where (and corret me if I'm wrong) you get a case, your choice of a game, an extra battery, and a Memory Stick. Like I said, I'm not too clear on that, so whoever feels like correcting me, go ahead. I'm curious myself. In my [B]PSM[/B] magazines, they said that the dead pixel thing was "fixed", but I will have to see that for myself. In a recent issue of [I]Electronic Gaming Mothly[/I], they did a durability test, where the PSP only broke when about 170-plus pounds was exerted on it. Wish list: [B]Mercury[/B], [B]Tales of Eternia[/B], [B]Twisted Metal: Head On[/B], [B]Ridge Racer[/B]. -the one and only [B]Note[/B]: my information was mostly recalled by my memory, so correct me if I made mistakes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The PSP doesn't suck, Eric. Not saying that the DS sucks, its just the PSP has more capabilities in the long run. Music and movies on a handhelp isn't big now, but it will be. Its true that the DS has more innovation, but it still feels like a niche item. The opening line-up wasn't stellar, and none of the games, except for Feel the Magic and the ew WarioWare, used the touch screen in an innovative way. Like I said before, the DS can have a very promising future, if it uses that touch screen for something else besides maps and movement. -you are a Nintendo slut[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I love Calvin & Hobbes. I 've seen the exibit Bill Watterson had in Ohio when I was younger. The strips always has a nice, funny message to it. Hobbes is my favorite character, always convincing Calvin to do stupid things and proving Calvin wrong. My favorite strip is the one where Calvin is holding up a sign to his dad that says "Love the sinner, hate the sin." I laugh every time I see that. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: I'm really sorry I haven't posted...family has been here, and Iv'e been with them.[/SIZE][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri was getting sick of losing, and his vodka glass was empty. [B]"Ok...let's not play anymore. She is cheating."[/B] Dave shook his head. [B]"'Nother drink?"[/B] Dimitri walked to the bar and greeted the bartender ,who and smiled. [B]"Are any of yous from here?" "I am from Russia, he is from England, and she is from Italy. We are here on...holiday."[/B] Dimitri put all three glasses on the bar. [B]"He will have a beer, she would like a martini, and I will have another vodka."[/B] [B]"Comin' right up."[/B] Dimitri walked back to the booth. He noticed Renee's arms were folded with her head rested on them, while Dave kept nudging her. [B]"'ey...Rene-e...wake up..got another ma'tini for you..."[/B] She mumbled something, then pulled her head up. Dave chugged down the glass along with Dimitri, and Renee sipped through the straw in long gulps. [B]"You guys..ha...oh..."[/B] Renee started to laugh after knocking over her martini glass. The bartender yelled from the bar. [B]"Ok, you guys, why don't you take her home? She's crocked."[/B] [B]"Think she 'ad enough?" [/B] Dimitri nodded. [B]"Alright Renee, let's go back into the hotel. You have had too much to drink."[/B] [B]"No! I don't need...to have...much to drink! Let me get a Mary's blood!"[/B] They both covered their mouths to stifle their laughs. [B]"It ain't a Mary's blood, love, it's a Bloody Mary."[/B] Dimitri grabbed his coat. [B]"I am going to find a cab." [/B] They both smiled, and Dimitri flagged down the nearest taxi. They all climbed in, trying to keep Renee from talking. The ride home was nice when Renee didn't talk. They all went back to the ir rooms, Dave helping Renee into hers, then cautiously closed the door, fearing what dumb things she might do when she is this drunk. Dimitri and Dave waved goodbye, and went into the rooms, ready for a hangover.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3] I absolutely love The Who. They have great energy and a lot of just pure classic albums. It's a shame that even the supposedly "remastered" versions of their albums still sound pretty poorly recorded, but I guess that's also part of the appeal.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]As evident from my banner and avatar, the Who is one of my favorite bands. I don't really think anyone can surpass the Who in excellence in live shows. For any Who fan, watch [I]The Kids Are Alright[/I], a documentary on the Who. It is a must-see. It's full of live shows and some interviews. Once you see that, you'll note why they are the best live. The Rolling Stones had a TV show, called "The Rolling Stone's Rock n' Roll Circus". They got jealous and stopped after the first episode when the Who upstaged all the acts. And they were competeing against the Stones, Jethro Tull, and even The Dirty Mac, a group composed of John Lennon (the Beatles), Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix Experience), Eric Clapton, and Keith Richards. Seeing as I am a die hard Beatles fan, I will admit; the Who was better. I was disappointed with the Who after replacing Keith Moon. There is no way that man will ever be touched when it comes to pure energy on the drums. It is irrelavant how technical you are, Keith had style.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]There's also Bowie, who for some reason or another I don't really equate with "classic rock" simply because he somehow remains relevent in every decade thanks to his changing sounds and images. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Bowie, along with the Beatles, are too good have any "label". They had too much impact, not just on rock n' roll, but music itself. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]After Dimtri asked the question, Dave seemed a little shocked. He explained how he saw the fire that took his family, and how he would see parts of bad dreams he had. Dave talked about his throat and how it was injured in the fire. [B]"That...sucks."[/B] The two of them laughed. [B]"Yeah, does. Uh...so, now y'been livin' on th' streets for a year now? Sounds horrible. I know I'd never last a day."[/B] Dimitri looked up and took a deep breath. [B]"I like it though. The only downside is being caught by the police and told to move somewhere else. Whenever that happens, I usually raid the nearest bar for as much liqour as possible." [/B] They laughed again. [B]"At least 'er livin', know?"[/B] [B]"I saw you playing the guitar. Are you a musician?"[/B] Dave nodded. [B]"Yep. Used to be a singer, but the fire.." [/B] He tapped his neck with his index finger. [B]"Now I play me guitar."[/B] Dimitri shifted his position of sitting, then got up. [B]"I do not have many talents. I guess you may call survival one."[/B] Dave smiled, but Dimitri started to walk off. [B]"I will maybe see you later. I want to talk to that old guy and make him fix up my tattoo."[/B] He waved while walking back to his cabin. [B]"See ya."[/B] ----------------------------------------- Dimitri made it to his cabin and flung himself on the bed. He wanted to talk to the old guy, but he was a little to stubborn and scared. He wanted to figure this out by himself, but he wasn't sure if the old man would be able to help him He finally mustered up enough courage to go seek out the chief. When he approached him, the man got up from a chair and greeted him. Dimitri shook his hand. [B]"Uhh...nice to meet you." [/B] Dimitri cleared his throat and sniffled. [B]"Sit." [/B] They both sat on the ground. [B]"How come my tattoo is not working. What happened to it?"[/B] The Maoui cheif looked up to the sky and then back at Dimitri. [B]"It was the Death Flower that took your essence."[/B] [B]"You mean that big thing that knocked me out? And Seregei was kneeling in front of it?"[/B] [B]"Yes"[/B] Dimitri knew the Death Flower had something to do with his screwed up tattoo. [B]"Ok...so, can you fix it?"[/B] [B]"You must train first. You...you're a strange one. Your tatto bleeds, then forms the sword, correct?"[/B] Dimitri nodded, a little choked up from being nervous. [B]"We need to focus how much blood spills out. When you battled the first time, you would get dizzy from the loss of blood. We need to cange that so your mind stays clear and concentrated on your opponent."[/B] Dimitri was confused. How can concentrating on my opponent help me with the flow of blood? This old bastard has popped his lid! [B]"Get up."[/B] Dimitri responded with no hesitation. [B]"Summon the blood to your tattoo."[/B] [B]"I can not do it. That is why I came to you. To fix me."[/B] [B]"Summon the blood."[/B] Dimitri was getting annoyed. [B]"I told you, I can not do it!"[/B] The Maoui chief made a stern face. [B]"Summon the blood!"[/B] Dimitri was fed up with this guy already. [I]He isn't yelling at me anymore![/I] Just then, the pain started and the blood was flowing from the tattoo. [B]"It senses when you are in danger. It will only flow at the time it's needed. We needed to spark the essence back into it. By putting you in danger, it reacts, thus the blood comes from your arm."[/B] Dimitri looked suprised, then at the ground. He put both hands in the pool and conjured the sword, all the while taking quick glances up to look at the cheif's stern face, staring at him. [B]"Now, when the sword is done, it goes back into blood and re-enters the tattoo. More blood you focus into it, the larger it can get. I know you feel dizzy now, because you're blade is larger than you. Summon it back."[/B] Dimitri did just that, all the while shaking from the new revelation. [B]"So, then how can I make it to where I control how much it flows?" [/B] [B]"Summon the blood again."[/B] The chief picked up a rock and Dimitri felt threatend. The blood was just trickling down his arm, dripping into a small puddle. [B]"First, concentrate on the tattoo. The more you think about the pain, the more the blood flows."[/B] Dimitri was concentrating on the pain so much, he fell over, extremly dizzy and exausted. He crawled over to the large puddle and summoned his sword again. The sword ws huge. The blade was about 12 feet long, the black jewel in the center at least 8 inches wide. [B]"Your training is complete. Put the sword back and go back to the cabins."[/B] Dimitri did just that, returning to the group. [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: I won't be here from Wednesday to Monday, and I won't be logged on much next week. Try to have as much interaction with my character, if possible. Thanks. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri kept pounding on the door. He was sick of the darkness and wanted out of this room immidiatley. [B]"Let me...woah!"[/B] A girl opened up the door and Dimitri fell out. He hit the ground with a loud [I]thud[/I]. He got up to see Lani, laughing at him. [B]"Dimitri?"[/B] [B]"Oh. I thought I was captured by the 'collectors'." [/B] Lani gave him a quizzical look. [B]"Do you have any idea what happened?"[/B] Dimitri felt stupid having no answers [B]"None whatsoever"[/B] She sighed, then asked him, [B]"Can you summon your tattoos?"[/B] [B]"No. I tried, but it wouldn't come."[/B] [B]"I thought so. Thanks anyway Dimitri"[/B] She walked away. [I]Crap...everyone must be screwed out of their tattoos then...[/I] Dimitri came out of the doorway of his cabin. He longed for the cold air. Mother Russia always took care of him, no matter what. It didn't matter if he was on the streets back there. He missed it. All the parties, the girls, the drinks, the drugs. It was his lifestyle he loved. He didn't think about the side affects of his unhealthy living. What mattered was what was happening now. Getting back at the thing that knocked him out was most important. He walked out onto the porch, and saw Dave sitting there. [B]"Hey."[/B] Dimitri gave a small grin, trying to pronounce his best English. [B]" 'ey. Feelin' better?" [/B] Dimitri gave a small nod, even though his entire body was taped up and he was in excruciating pain. He slid down the wall he was leaning on and sat there far a small time. Dave asked him a question, [B]" If y'don't mind me askin...when that thing was 'ere...what did you see?"[/B] Dimitri took a sigh, and replied. [B]"First, I thank you for helping me. It was very nice of you. The bastard wh is trying to take my tattoo is pretty tough. I get exausted quickly. My tattoo, it bleeds. I put my hands in the blood, and it soaks up to make a sword."[/B] Dimitri was making a demonstration with his hands. [B]"After I got the tattoo, I used this to get back at..."[/B] [B]"Who?"[/B] Dave seemed puzzled at the sudden stop. [B]"These people."[/B] Dimitri was very embarrased because his English was so horrible. [B]"They beat me up one night. I took too much acid..roamed the streets too long, and they found me. I guess I messed with one of their girlfriends. I did not know. I was too stoned. So, they beat me in the head and shot my arm."[/B] He could hear the sirens while explaining the story. [B]"They had me in the hospital for a week. I was there to heal my head wound. I actually snuck out a bathroom window so I would not have to pay." [/B] They both gave a small laugh. [B]"So, after I left there, I went and got the tattoo. I just picked out the cheapest thing. It was to hide the scar from dad. Then, I went to a friend's house to shoot up. I was so sick of the pain. Then, I went home and had a fisfight with my dad. I ran away. Then, I stayed at that friend's house for a few days. He said he knew the people who beat me. I found them, and when I started to fight, my arm bled. I tried to stop it, but then it soaked into the sword. The people got scared and ran."[/B] He smiled at the thought of the gang members running in fear. [B]"Every time I feel unsafe, it bleeds. I have my sword to help me."[/B] Dave seemed interested in his tattoo. [B]"So, now, it ain't bleedin' at'll?"[/B] Dimitri shook his head. [B]"No."[/B] [B] "Did 'e hit you in your stomach? When we 'elped you out, you had a little blood on y'mouth."[/B] [B]"I..."[/B] Dimitri was afraid to tell Dave his vampiric power.[B] "Listen, you cannot tell anybody else."[/B] Dave nodded and asked, [B]"Well...what is it?"[/B] [B]"I...turn into a vampire-type thing. I want to drink blood...I just...snap. I sucked Seregei's blood. I cannot help it."[/B] [B]"Ok...now I know when I ain't s'posed to mess with ya..."[/B] They both smiled. [B]"I won't tell a soul. Swear."[/B] Dimitri nodded, and felt good for once. It wasn't a 'high' good, just a feeling of extreme relief. [B]"What about you, Dave. Did you have a seeing of death?"[/B][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]backstory = goodness -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My favorite fighting game...hmm... 3D: Tekken Tag Tornament/ Soul Caliber II My friend and I popped this in about 2 years ago and played it an entire night. We come back to it every once in a while to relive some glory days. I hope Tekken 5 will bring me that much joy. Soul Caliber has all the things a fighter needs. So thats why it's good. ;) 2D/ All time Favorite: Street Fighter Alpha 3. Street Fighter, how I love you so. Take one part awesome control, one part ungodly amount of cool characters (minus Dan), lots of good moves, and endless multiplayer, and voila! SFA3 takes the spot. As for VF4, I only played it once, and it sucked because the kid was way better than me. It's always kind of a drag to get introduced to a game, and for the first time, get your *** beat out the door. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri was propped up against a tree and saw the Englishman Dave sitting against one. Dimitri took a few steps forward, bloody and dizzy. Dave looked over at him, and twisted his face in disgust. [B]"'Is tha' normal?"[/B] [B]"It's the tattoo..."[/B] Dimitri slipped in and out of conciousness for a second. He heard Dave yell to another person to come help him. Soon he was being guided by two people under his arms, one Dave, and the other person, the girl that greeted him in the common room. He was too woozy and battered to remember who it was. He smiled at both of them, the girl smiling back and Dave sort of staring at him. He had a "Christ, man, you're a wreck" look on his face. When they reached the others, Dimitri was let down on his own. He looked up to see a woman, or man, he couldn't see. He then became oblivious to the world and fell unconcious. --------------------------------------- [I][B]"Dimitri, don't go out. You're old man will kick the shit out of you if you come home messed up." "Alexi, I'll be fine. He's just some old bastard, what the hell can he do?!" "Are you already messed up?! Jesus Christ, Dimitri! I'm trying to help you as an uncle and a friend! I was in you 'rebellious' stage for 5 years! You don't wanna come out like me, working in some pisshloe factory with a buch of goons and..."[/B][/I] [I][B]"Whatever. I'm gone" [/B] [/I] Dimitri stepped out with his fathers' car keys clanging with every step. He unlocked the door slowly and tried not to wake his dad when he shut the door [B]"I'm telling you, come home before he gets up!"[/B] -------------------------------------- [B][I]"Dimitri, whats going on, my friend?! Glad you could make the party!" "Borishkav, how are you doin'?" "Good, good. Want a drink?"[/I][/B] [I][B]"Gimmie it with a little ice"[/B] [/I] Dimitri winked at his friend. He smiled and nodded. He was handed some vodka and 'ice' in a plastic red cup. He chugged the whole thing. It left a long stinging sensation in his throat, but he was just waiting for the 'ice to melt'. He made some conversation with a few people at the party. He sat down with a girl on the couch, and they started to make out. Now, the 'ice' was really in effect. [B][I]Lime and limpid green, a second scene, a fight between the blue you once knew Floating down, the sound resound aroun the icy waters underground Jupiter and Saturn Obertron, Miranda and Ttina Neptune, Titan, stars can frighten Shook, click, ckick, click, flicker, flicker, flicker, bang, pow....[/I][/B] He was sprawled on the ground with a gunshot wound in his arm. His head was bleeding. [I][B]"He's almost dead!"[/B][/I] He heard sirens, saw lights. He came home the next week with a bandage on his head. He got the tattoo to cover up the gunshot scar. He went to a friends to get high, came home, and then got into the final fistfight with his dad. Ever since...he's been on the street. It's been one year. ----------------------------------- Dimitri woke up. He was lying on the ground along with the others, who didn't look consious either. [B]"He is finally up."[/B] The thing opened its mouth. A white light surrounded him, then more darkness came. ------------------------------------- Dimitri woke up in a cold sweat. [B]"What the fuck?!"[/B] He was panicky, while the room was dark. [I]Where the hell am I? [/I] He felt his way over to the door. [I]It's...locked? Shit![/I] He punched and kicked the door, tring to force it open. [B]"Let me out! Goddammit, let me out!"[/B] He thought, [I]what about my sword?! Good idea![/I] He tried to summon his sword, but no blood appeared. [I]What happened to my tattoo?![/I] [I]What I wouldn't do for a bottle or a needle right now...[/I][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: That whole mass of words before Dimitri is shot is some lyrics to an old Pink Floyd song called "Astronomy Domonie", or something like that. It is to simulate Dimitri's acid trip. I will explain the gunshot and the head trauma in my next post with whoever brings it up. PM me if you'd like. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Dylan Piskula [B][U]Age:[/U] [/B] 17 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Male [U][B]God/Goddess:[/B][/U] Zeus [B][U]Normal Appearence:[/U][/B] Height: 5'8 Weight: 120 lbs. Hair color: Brown Eye color: Blue, while his left eye has a harsh tint of yellow Dylan wears the normal, casual clothes that everyday people wear. His wardrobe is usually jeans and a button-up shirt. His hair is at a medium length; his bangs barely pass his eyes while the side of his hair cover some of his ears. [U][B]Transformed Appearence:[/B][/U] Height: (same) Weight: (same) Hair color: (same, but with a tint of white) Eye color: (same, but with more yellow) Dylan's appearence doesn't change much when he is fused with Zeus. [U][B]Personality (Normal): [/B] [/U] Dylan is a pretty easy going person. He always looks for the good things in people, having the good weigh out the bad. This doesn't mean that he doesn't like some people, it's just he tries to make the best of all situations. He likes to go to parties, spend time with family, and just normaly be a good guy. [B][U]Personality (Transformed):[/U][/B] Dylan becomes a very irrational, angry person. He doesn't think things through and has broken many friendships because of his trasformations. He usually doesn't do much with people when those times come. This is when he gets in trouble with his parents or teachers. History: edit soon Weapon: none [B][U]Magic:[/U][/B] [B]Control Weather:[/B] This gives Dylan the ability to change the weather at will. When he as younger, he used to make snow days and would stay home from school. [B]Summon Jupiter:[/B] Jupiter is Dylan's pet bird. When he summons him, he grows double in size and can pick up a cow with his talons. He becomes all white except for a yellow streak that starts right at his heart and runs across his body to his tailfeathers. [B]Lightning Strike:[/B] Dylan's most powerful ability. He can point his finger in a direction and can make either tiny sparks or a bolt so big it could wipe out a city strike there. He can also shoot lighting from that same finger, but it isnt as strong.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I might add a weapon when I finish soon, 'kay Reiku? -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]"What the fuck?!"[/B] Dimitri heard Alex's panicked scream. He looked up to see those red, piercing eyes, the white hair, the huge fangs. [B]"Goddammit, he followd me?!"[/B] Seregei had his trademark grin slapped on his face. [B]"Did you enjoy you're little vacation Dimitri? Too bad I had to ruin the fun."[/B] Dimitri felt the sting and the warm stream of blood fall from his arm. It steamed as it stained the snow. He put his hands down in the blood. No sword appeared. What the hell...it isnt forming?! He quickly realized it, but Seregei had sprung for an attack, his syringes glistening in the sun. [B]"That piece of shit isn't gonna work in the snow!"[/B] Dimitri quickly dodged his attack. He started to run into the remains of the common room. I have to form it in a place where the ground is solid. He ducked behind a smashed table and the blood poured from his arm. He grabbed his sword and glanced at it, putting a smile on his face. It was quickly erased when three needles went through the wood and nearly nissed Dimitri's neck. [B]"Come out, little one." [/B] He starte a grotesque parody of the Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour" song. [B]"The one who has failed before is going to accomplish today. He's coming to take you away..."[/B] Dimitri sprung out from the wreckage and dodged another syringe that dug itself in the broken wall. He was now trapped with the madman. [B]"So, are you going to finally stop running and fight?"[/B] "Fuck you." Seregei laughed. [B]"Quite sure of himself. That'll land a man in a coffin!"[/B] Seregei made a leap for Dimitri's neck, but he managed to block his offese with his sword. [B]"Aha..."[/B] [I]What...[/I] Dimitri's mouth began to hurt. Seregei suddenly backed off and brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. Dimitri felt his teeth...they were fangs. He started to lose his train of thought while his hunger for blood was rising. [B]"So you are like me? Good...let's see whose the better [I]nosferatu[/I]! [/B] Before Seregei could attack, Dimitri went beserk. He blindly swung his sword at Seregei. [B]"Wrecklessness will get you nowhere."[/B] Seregei jumped and came down with his claws that Dimitri had never noticed before. It sliced open a large cut across Dimitri's chest, spilling blood all over the wooden floor. This only excited Dimitri. He arose quickly, but was cut down again by another slice, this time in the face. He could feel the pain in his chest and on his face, but this new found thirst for blood only hindered the thought of Dimitri's pain. Seregei smirked. Dimitri smirked back, and rushed at Seregei, aiming for his neck. [B]"There's no...guhhargh!"[/B] A stream of blood came from Seregei's neck. Dimitri was now in ectasy. He knelt down to his neck and punctured two holes with his fangs. The blood was salty to the taste but sweet and satisfying to the heart. He could only smile as he continued to force what life was left out of his enemy. But Seregei was a good bluffer. His large hands gripped Dimitri's neck tightly. Dimitri could feel the claws digging at his neck. [B]"Ha...ha"[/B] Seregei gave a menacing look and laugh. Dimitri struggled, his thirst for blood dwindling. He was losing grip of his sword and his conciousness. He only thought of one plan. He pulled back his right arm and plunged the sword through Seregei's midsection. The blow immedietly loosened the grip on Dimitri's neck and sent Seregei stumbling. [B]"Shit..."[/B] Seregei held his stomach, smiling. He was giving Dimitri the same crazed grin he had given him on the hospital rooftop.[I] I better get lost.[/I] [B]"This time you aren't running."[/B] A black aura enveloped Seregei's neck and stomach. It almost accompanied his entire body when Dimitri finally realized what was happening. He was regenerating. The blood from the floor was sliding up his suit and filling the stab wound in his body. His neck, flipping aroundwhile he laughed and held Dimitri in his hand was now back to normal. [B]"Hee."[/B] Dimitri didn't know what to do. [B]"Told you it would be your last day."[/B] [B]"And I told you before, 'Fuck you'"[/B] Seregei pulled more syringes from his palm and flung them so fast they pinned Dimitri to the wall and knocked his sword from his hand. [B]"Now I'll have a drink on you."[/B] He approached Dimitri. He was helpless, when he thought, [I]Grab a needle and stab him![/I] The syringe Dimitri dodged before was right in his arm's length. He grabbed it, and in lightning speed, forced it into Seregei's eye and pushed in the poison. [B]"Fuck! You little shit! My eye!"[/B] Seregei gave a howl of pain. This gave Dimitri enough time to pull himself from the wall and grab his sword. He aimed, and in one clean slice, decapitated Seregei. His head rolled across the ground with dark liquid amd the syringe protruding from his eye. Dimitri crawled from the wreckage panting, taknig cove behind a tree as the other people battled on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: Gelgoog, punish Seregei if you would like, since he failed again. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: Halt! [I]I[/I] must post![/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri awoke at night, tucked in neatly in the hospital bed. The IV in his left arm was stinging him, while a large suture was in his right arm. A large, frumpy doctor walked in, looking suprised. He had a bald head, a moustache, and his casual clothers on. He slipped into his coat when he entered the room. [B]"Ah, I see you are awake. How are you feeling?" [/B] Dimitri just stared at the doctor, pain throbbing in his arm. [B]"Well...not much of a talker, I see"[/B] He finally responded. [B]"What happened...what happened to my arm? What's with the stitches...why was my skin hardening?"[/B] [B]"Well, my boy, you fell next to the front desk. Your skin was stiffer than a rock. We had to see what the problem was, so we quickly did a blood test. A needle actually cracked when we tried to puncture your skin...anyways, we found a rare, home-brewed poison in your blood stream. It enters the tissue and hardens the skin cells. It adds quite alot of pressure on your veins, usually causing them to burst. It was tested a few years ago on some soldiers in different countries, but how it entered you is a mystery. Have you had any affiliation with any military experiments?"[/B] [B]"No."[/B] [B]"And I didn't find any clues to where you live...are you homeless?"[/B] [B]"Y...yes." [/B] Dimitri hated that. Homeless. [I]Like I'm is some loser drunk that has no purpose in life. Well...thats true, anyways.[/I] [B]"So, we had to drain the poison and soften your skin before one of the arteries in your thigh bursted. After draining most of your blood and transfusing it, you skin went back to normal, and here you are now. Oh, and that large suture is from the place we drained the blood."[/B] [B]"Did somebody follow me?" [/B] The doctor looked puzzled, then answered. [B]"No...not that I know of. Was there somebody with you?"[/B] [B]"No..."[/B] He felt bad lying to the guy, he did save his life. [B]"Well, if you need something, just press the call button, either a nurse or I will come in and help you. My name is Dr. Vaskilovi."[/B] [B]"Ok...thanks" [/B] Dimitri wanted to plunge into the sweet oblivion called sleep, but he couldn't to no avail. The pain was too strong in his arm, and the thought of Seregei burned a hole in his mind. He pressed the call button, and a young nurse came in. [B]"Yes, may I help you?"[/B] Dimitri looked at her for a second...[I]she's a cute little number[/I]...then asked, [B]"Uh, is there a pain medicine I can take? My arm is killing me." [/B] [B]"Sure, I'll add a little to the dosage in the IV."[/B] Once she walked out, she was stopped at the door by a man. He was tall and slender, with long, white hair and a large hat. He was wearing a black trenchcoat and had on leather gloves. He had a large, crooked nose and piercing green eyes. [B]"Oh, my apologies, ma'am. I'm here to see my friend"[/B] The nurse nodded and smiled, and went on her way. [I]No goddamn way! Shit, come back, get him away from me![/I] Dimitri knew who it was. It was Seregei. He took off his hat and looked at Dimitri. [B]"How are you?"[/B] Seregei flashed a little smirk that sent him chills. [B]"What the hell are you doing here?!"[/B] [B]"Here to see you, old friend of mine."[/B] He sat in a nearby chair and smiled. Dimtri reached for the call button when in a flash, Seregei had unhooked all the the electronics except for the lights in the room. [B]"Help me! He's gonna..."[/B] He couldn't move his lips. Seregei let out a hearty, menacing laugh. [B]"Stay here."[/B] He couldn't move. He was paralyzed. [I]Son of a bitch, he is going to murder everyone! No![/I] ------------------------------------------ He walked from Dimitri's room and headed to the security desk. A large man with glasses asked in a rather annoyed voice, [B]"Can I help you?"[/B] Seregei took out a large magnum from his coat and aimed square at the security guard's face. [B]"What the f...!" [/B] One shot sent the chair toppling over, a large, gaping wound shattered the man's jaw. Several people ran from ajacent rooms to see the horror of the man with the gun. The young nurse he'd seen before sceramed as loud as possible, [B]"Jesus, he has a gun! Help!" [/B] Another shot ended her calls for help. [B]"Get me a helicopter and the patient in room 303 on the second floor, or you will all die." All of a sudden, about 400 men, all equipped with Ak-47's burst through all the doors leading to the outside of the hospital. [/B] [B]"Ok, men, secure all 350 rooms in this hospital. Collect all the electronics that could contact the outside. Make sure everybody is against a wall with their hands up. If there is any questions, tell the people to shut up and follow orders. Also, I want you to flush out the patient in room 303. If he doesn't comply, along with any other people, kill them."[/B] [B]"Alright, listen up everybody! I need someone to take me to the nearest PA system. If I don't get a voulnteer in the next 30 seconds, I'm going to kill 5 people. So, if you want to live, raise your hand." [/B] Nobody dared to move. You could hear the soft sobbing of the childern and other people. [B]"You have 10 seconds left. Make a decision!" [/B] Thats when Dr. Vaskilovi raised his hand. [B]"I...I'll go..."[/B] Seregei smiled and approached the doctor. He secured one arm behind his back and put the revolver to his temple. Dr. Vaskilovi was sweating profusely and was ready to piss himslef, but managed to compose. "Good. Now, for the rest of you cowards..." Seregei killed five random men with his revolver. The muffled screams of the children and some adults were everywhere. Then a transmission came from Seregei's walkie-talkie. [B]"Ok, sir. All clear."[/B] [B]"What about room 303?"[/B] [B]"He got....away...His window was open, and we sent some men to find him on the roof."[/B][I] He broke the paralyzation curse...sneaky little bastard.[/I] Seregei laughed, then said, [B]"Capture him. I want him alive."[/B] ---------------------------------------------- Dimitri was finally free of the paralyzation. He struggled and struggled, and it paid off. Leaping out of bed, he was quickly putting on some shoes when heard some men run down the hallway outside his room. [I]They're for me[/I], he thought He looked to the nearest window and made an escape out onto the roof. He heard one of the men burst in and yell,[B] "Dammit, he got out the window! You three, follow him!" [/B]. Dimitri ran across the roof and made his way up a ladder. He saw a lone helicopter sitting on the helipad. God, I hope I can fly that, he thought. He heard the men running across the roof as well, their boots heavy on the gravel Dimitri quickly ducked behind the helicopter when he head the men slowly approaching him. His tattoo started to bleed. [B]"Hurry up and flank him!"[/B] But, the commander was too late. The sword had been summoned already, and one of his men was propped up against the helicopter, bleeding from his midsection. [B]"Where is he?!"[/B] A loud yell followed by a thud was the next sound that entered the atmosphere. Another one of his men wa slashed across the face and piereced near the heart. Dimitri had executed two men in this short period of time. [B]"S....sir....he...too...ast...can't keep up..."[/B] The commander let out a grotesque croak and the spray of blood echoed through the hallway where Seregei was. Seregei laughed and said, [B]"Make sure no one does anything, got it?"[/B] A few of the soldiers nodded. He threw off his jacket and was wearing a tight, all black suit with several clasps wrapped around his body. One hand had a tattoo of a snake with a syringe for a toung, and several needles slid from his hand in between each finger. He shot a hole through one of plate glass windows with his magnum, and climbed out. In a flash, he jumped up to the second story roof, right where Dimitri was. [B]"Nice...nice..."[/B] Seregei flashed him a grin. [B]"Why don't you show me, eh?"[/B] Seregei aimed and fired the gun. Dimitri jumped to avoid the magnum slug that entered the helicopter. He landed, then chargd Seregei with all his power. Unexpectedly, it slashed part of Seregei's arm open, revealing a deep wound. Seregei winced, then sucked the blood like a vampire from his wound. His teeth were enourmous, his eyes were red and glowing, and his pupils were so small they were barely visible. His white hair was like a streetlight in the midnight air, illuminating the battlefield. [B]"You will die tonight. Your tattoo will become mine." [/B] Dimitri had never seen a crazier look on a man's face. He turned and leapt down from the building. and ran as fast as he could. He was praying he could find the airport soon, which he knew wasn't far from the hospital. I need to leave the city, no the country to avoid this psycho. He ran to the airport and bought a ticket to a random place with what little money he had. He didn't even look at where it was headed, he just scrambled to the line and boarded the plane. ----------------------------------------- [B]"He...hit me?"[/B] Seregei let some of the blood trickle to his fingers, then he licked it off. Then, he went over the the bodies of the dead comrades and sucked away at some of their blood. The entire time he thought how he got hit. [I]Was he faster than me? How did he do it?[/I]. He went down to the window and entered the main hallway where he had came from. [B]"He's gone. Kill everyone. Have a feast."[/B] The soldiers grinned. All their faces made the same drastic changes that Seregei's did. The massacre started as he grabbed his coat and walked calmly out of the hospital. ----------------------------------------- Dimitri boarded the plane and took a seat next to an old woman. He politley asked, [B]"Where are we headed?"[/B] The lady looked at him strangely since he was a little battered from the first encounter with Seregei, and said [B]"New Zealand. We should be there tommorow."[/B] He nodded and smiled, and drifted asleep. When he woke up the next day they were forcing him off the plane. He picked up one of the free maps at the airport. [I]Hm...maybe I can stay at the Milford Sound campground...I'll hitchhike there. Let's hope it is free[/I]. He approached the lady he was sitting by and asked her, [B]"Excuse me, ma'am? Can you drop me off at a place, the Milford Sound campground? [/B] [B]"Sure, honey, just follow me to the car." "Thank you so much!"[/B] It wans't a long drive. He made some small talk with the lady. She didn't ask about the wounds or anything, which was good. After they said goodbye, he made his way into campground. There were lots of cabins, with one large building in the center. When he walked in, everybody looked at him, while he stared back. He knew they had something in common with him. An Italian girl (from the looks of her) stood up and said,[B] "Hi. My name is Renee."[/B] [B]"Dimitri. Nice to meet you." [/B] She smiled and asked, [B]"So, you have tattoos too?"[/B] [B]"Yes, I do"[/B] [B]"Good. You should come sit with us."[/B] He nodded, and they made their way over to several different people, and he sat down.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Let me know if this was ok. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]"Where've you been?" "Out." "You aren't s'posed to be hanging out with those kids. I told you already, Dimitri." "Oh well." "You want be a smartass again?! I'll knock you back like I did last week! Now lemme see your pupils. I smell the beer on you"[/I] [I]"No...no! Get off of me"[/I] Dimitri was pinned on the ground. His dad stared directly into his eyes. This always frigetned Dimirti to his core. His dad made the most hateful face and reared his large right hand. [I]"You smokin' again, eh?!"[/I] He flinched at the thought of his dad's slap. [I]"Get the hell off me!"[/I] Another slap, twice as hard. His dad's hands were like sandpaper, which was not a nice addition to the pain. [I]"Are you gonna keep pullin' this shit with me boy?! Skippin' your studies and doin' all these drugs, drinkin' like a bum?!" "GET OFF ME!"[/I] A tear rolled down Dimitri's face when he remembered the punch he threw at his dad. It connected, his father staggered. He thought of all the times he and his dad played games, all the times they went to Moscow for sight seeing, every single good thing he did with his dad flashed through his mind in a second. Then he bolted for the back door, the cold Russian air like a symbol of freedom hitting his face. It relieved the sting of his father's slaps. He never turned back. Not once. He could just his imagine the heartbreak his mother felt, his uncle Alexi watching his brother beat him. He just stared at him while he ran for the door. An expression that read "Why are you doing this? You know what happened to me.". But it was too late. He took another swig of his vodka and the acidic taste of vomit pulsed up his throat. He was either drunk or upset, or maybe a combination of both. A kid about Dimitri's age hit the pavement, followed by the screams of the bar owner. [B]"Quit comin' here, you little bastard! I'm sick of all the trouble you cause!"[/B] The boy got up and dusted off his clothing, throwing a few insults back at the man, and ran down the street. [I]What a neighborhood[/I], Dimitri thought. He staggered up from the wall he was sitting on and made his way down the dimly lit street. While walking, he saw a man in an alley. Dimitri approached him, knowing he was probably pushing some drug. A smile appeared on both there faces, and Dimitri took the first action. He couldn't really get a good lok at him...[I]I'm drunk of my ass...[/I] [B]"What do you got?" [/B] The man flicked his cigarette to the ground. [B]"I have it all...name it" [/B] The man's eyes seemed to begin getting bloodshot...[I]what is he doing? [/I] Dimitri thought. [B]"Who are you...what the hell are you doing?!"[/B] [B]"I'm Seregei. I knew I'd find you someday. You have a tattoo. I'm a 'collector' of tattoos, you may say."[/B] [I]This guy is friggin' nuts![/I] [B]"What about my tattoo? What do you know about me? Are you some pervert stalker?!"[/B] [B]"I'm gonna have to take your tattoo son."[/B] Four syringes popped out from his jacket to his hand, filled with a green liquid. [B]"Oh....shit." [/B] Dimitri bolted down the street, while the man took to flight. He ran for about two blocks, his leg muscles working like they never have before while being drunk didn't help. [B]"Where is he?!" A black shadow swooped down from a tenament. [/B] [B]"Gimmie the tattoo, or I'm gonna kill you." [/B] Dimitri was horrifyed, while Seregei now was taking to vampiric features, his irises were redder than blood, and he was forming large fangs. [B]"No!"[/B] Dimitri's tattoo on his right arm began to bleed violently. He ripped the sleeve to let the blood flow in a long, continuous stream. A large puddle of crimson formed near his feet. Dimitri stared directly into Seregei's eyes. He was in agony and partially dizzy from the loss of blood, but he made a hateful stare. Seregei seemed a little suprised, then he laughed. [B]"Dimitri...I can see you using your tattoo to you full potential."[/B] Dimitri then placed both hands in the pool of his blood. It flowed into his hand formed as a sword. It was an elegant sword; long, beautifully shaped blade, a large hilt, adorned with a black jewel in the center. He centered on Seregei's face, gripping the sword so hard his hands were numb and his knuckles were whiter than fresh snow. Dimitri charged at Seregei full force. He was tripped and pinned to the ground, one of the syringes about a millimeter away from his face. [B]"Now the fun begins." [/B] Seregei jumped off of Dimitri's chest. He was standing in the middle of the street, glaring crazily at him. Dimitri tried to shake off his buzz from the vodka and the fatigue from the blood loss, but he couldn't concentrate. He toppled on one knee, his sword in the ground propping him up. [B]"It's been a pleasure."[/B] Seregei flashed away one second and ended up by a weary Dimitri in another. He heard one of Seregei's syringes squirt the green liquid. The needle was placed in Dimitri's neck. He fell to the ground, eyes listless. He was lying there on the cold ground, dying. [B]"You...asshole...I'm stiffnening...what the hell...why can't I move..."[/B] The last thing Dimitri heard from Seregei was [B]"...embalming fluid..." [/B] He rose soon after that, his tattoo sucking the blood back in his body. He was ready to vomit all over the road. [B]"I...gotta get to...the hospital..."[/B] Dimitri walked along the road. The snow was starting to fall. He could hardly walk because of the "embalming fluid" in his body, not to mention it was very cold. He reached the hospital and fell in front of the desk, near a woman. She screamed [B]"Oh my God! Somebody, help him please! He's..." [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: Uhh....whoever wants to meet up with me, go ahead. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Bill sat there. [I]Where in God's green earth is Riggs at? Is he purposley making me angry?[/I] Penny had just finished snapping after Bulldog just got done, and annoyingly asked [B]"Could someone tell me where Riggs is? I'm beginning to get bored."[/B] [I]Heh, you are such a victim[/I], Bill wanted to say.[I] I just got done fighing with the bastard, so more time I don't see him the better[/I]. But, he caused enough trouble, and digging himself a deeper hole won't help. Prudence mumbled something to Penny when Riggs walked in.[B] "As well as it should, Jones"[/B]. They all gave a glare at him. He walked up to the table and "dropped" his papers all over Bulldog. [B]"Oh, sorry about that, Henderson"[/B] [I]Well...[/I] [U]WHAT BILL WANTED:[/U] *BANG*. A shot from a revolver. End the problems quick enough. [U]WHAT BILL DID:[/U] Bulldog didn't shoot daggers with his eyes, he shot atom bombs. He wanted to kill Riggs, right on the spot. But, he concentrated every single tiny piece of hate in his body, in that room, hell, in the entire universe into that one glare. Even Riggs seemed a little suprised, and quickly picked them up. Riggs started blabbing on with the procedures, while Bill knived him with imagination. Everybody looked bored out of their minds. Bill looked up to see Prudence flash a quick grin at him, sort of telling him "Hey, I hate Riggs as much as you, do whatever you want". Bill nodded, with a small grin of his own. --------------------------------------------------------- [I]"Dad, dad! Look! I made state in tennis!" "Oh, my baby doll, thats so great!" "Where can we put it?!" "I'm gonna show it off to those bums at work, heh. Show them whose kid is the best. C'mon, you deserve a prize. Let's hit the department store, I'll buy you that shirt you wanted." "Dad, you are the best!"[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- [I]"Michelle...they...they want me to help build the temporal lab in a week. I know I told you before...I'm so sorry. I'm...I'm gonna be gone for...a while...I don't have a choice. It's to monitor the past...what I get for picking a profession with the government." "Bill...oh my God, Bill, how are we gonna tell her?!" "Michelle, calm down, she doesn't need to know now yet." "Bill, you're leaving us! You're abandoning me, and more importantly, your daughter! How could you do that?! You were always so selfish!" "Hey now! This ain't a choice, goddammit! You think I wanna just up and leave the most important things in my life?! I have to, Michelle! Have to!" "Bill, I have to leave. I'll go stay with Margie. I'll come back when you learn to except peoples' feelings." "Michelle! Jesus, I told you, it isn't a choice!" *door slams* "Dad....where is mom?" "I'm goin' to the pub...make sure the doors are locked." "Dad...what happened?"[/I] The tears swelled in Bill's eyes. He couldn't relive those memories without breaking down. Then, Prudence looked up and asked, [B]"Do any of you know about the 20th century?"[/B] Bill sniffled and said, [B]"I know a little bit about it. Why? Are we going there?" [/B] He looked at the paper with a red circle around 1965.[B] "I see..." [/B] His sentence trailed off.[B] "I know some historical events, like the Vietnamese war and such...but it's all trivial. Sorry."[/B] Bill looked down and tried to keep his mind off of Anna. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: It seems kinda cheesy, sorry, but it'll be introduced again soon. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Me and my best friend would pee all over this one kids' car. We'd have contests to see who would pee on it the most, whose stain lasted longer, whose smelled worse, who could hit the door handle most from 10 feet, who was more accurate while moving in a car, etc. Then we'd drive by in my friends' sisters' car and throw frozen waterbottles at it to see who could set the alarm off first. It was either water or dog ****...but that we needed a bag for the latter. Then there is the butter eating contest. I really suck at that. the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [U][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/U] Name: Dimitri Kavlov Age: 23 Gender: Male Origin: Soviet Union Apperance (Statistical) Height: 6'1 Weight: 161 lbs. Eye Color: Bright Green Hair Color: Dyed black, one large blue stripe Dimitri is a tall, lanky man. He dresses pretty rocker-ish; spiked wristbands, shiny black combat boots, shredded jeans and shirts (mostly button-ups), and a black trenchcoat. His coat is usually filled with little odds and ends or saftey pins. History: Dimitri grew up in the lower middle class tenament in southern Moscow with his mother, father, older sister, and uncle. He had fairly good living conditions and schooling, it's just once high school hit, he stopped caring. He had poor marks in school and was constantly out partying with friends during his teen years. He and his father used to fistfight all the time because Dimitri kept coming home drunk or stoned. When Dimitri was 19, he packed up and has lived with several different friends. But lately, he has been sleeping in an alley near a bar in the slums of Moscow. He hasn't talked to any relative in about 1 year. When he still lived with his parents, he and his uncle Alexi had a strong relationship. Alexi was a big influence on Dimitri at a young age. Dimtri once recalled that, "Alexi said I was the spitting image of himself when he was a boy". His uncle apparently used to live like Dimitri lives now, but shaped up and has become a factory worker. Personality: Dimitri is very distant to those he doesn't know, but when he is comfortable with his surroundings, he becomes a wild and crazy guy. He is quick to aggervate but extremly hard to anger. Once people reach that limit, Dimitri lashes out in long bouts of physical violence. Tattoos: An onyx sword with a pair of fangs around it.
  21. Billy Shears


    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm sorry I don't feel the same way you do about ICP, but really, they aren't as great as most people say. All their lyrics don't have much significance...they're usually bits and pieces of coherent sentences linked together with lots and lots of cuss words. It also kind of erks me how they always degrade women. Maybe I'm just strange like that, but I don't usually care for things that subject women to such an enormous degree. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Any good voice acting. Good voice overs are a requirement. Bad dubs really turn me away almost automatically, regardless of the script or art, bad dubs make me frustrated. That's how the Flame of Recca DVD's are. I love the manga and art, pretty much anything (I'm a sucker for action packed shounen series :animeswea ), but the VO is just horrible. Inu-yasha plays too much angst. Thus, why the show is just a repetitive lump. If they would throw an interesting curveball in, the show would be alot nicer to watch. Over-ecessive (sp?) violence doesn't bother me too much, but if used in every episode (a la "Demon Lord Dante"), my stomach just churns. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I absolutley love vinyl. I own quite a few records, spanning from Judas Priest (just to make my collection bigger) to the Beatles (where most of my vinly useage is from). I have some old singles, Beatles singles mainly, that my dad and uncle gave me too. I think some of the sleeves are worth about 50 bucks a piece. [B]Generic NPC #3[/B], John Lennon had a portable record player that played records at a 90 degree angle. It held about 40 singles and could switch on command, flip sides; stuff you think a normal record player couldn't do, let alone a portable. My cousin had a multi-changing record player, but he dropped coffee on it one day :animeangr . I love listening to vinyl. It just feels genuine. My record player isn't in great quality, but it works. I had to reposition the needle alot while playing (it would wiggle), but Best Buy managed to fix it. I have a few picture discs, too. Those I refuse to listen to, because I don't want to mess up the picture at all. I have one of the Who's "Who Are You" and just to make Ozy jealous, the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". Vinyl Fact: George Harrison releasd a record called "33 & 1/3", because thats how old he was, and it is the speed of a record player. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Bulldog was reading the "procedure forms" that Riggs handed out. Well, he more or less "handed" them to everyone else. He basically threw one to Bill, hitting him in his chest. He just stared as Riggs left the room, a slight smile on his damn face. [I][B]Tap, tap, tap, tap...[/B][/I] [I]Dammit, who is doing that?[/I], Bill thought. [I][B]Tap, tap, tap, tap...[/B][/I] [I]Alright, I fed up with these young idiots[/I]. Bill drew a "I'm ready to scream at you all" breath but he noticed that Prudence had gotten up and was fuming at that little punk Lucien. Good for her, he thought. But, it didn't work. He went back to that innecent tapping. [I][B]Tap, tap, tap, tap...[/B][/I] Prudece got up and slammed his desk. Lucien muttered something that flushed Pru's face redder that a fresh summer tomato. He threw his pen at the other kid Jude, who turned aroud and accedentally slugged Prudence in the arm. This made Bulldog furious. Then that Eleanor girl brought the two microphones together to make a horrible feedback to stop the fight from happening and that just made the wick of Bill's temper shorten about 2 more feet. [B]"Alright, you little brats! Stop all yer bickering or I'll break all yer necks! Do you hear me?![/B]", Bill yelled. Everyone glared at him, even Pru. He quickly glanced at her and a small smirk formed on her face. [I]God, how she looks like my baby girl[/I], he pondered. He went back to reading the useless procedure forms. [I]How are we all gonna survive this mess? What the hell did I do to deserve being stuck here with all these kids? How am I gonna work for Riggs? I pray to God he doesn't go with us.[/I][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I know it sounds a little barbaric, but why let them suffer? If they will never wake up again, what good is it going to do to keep them alive? I had to help my grandmother make that desicion with my grandfather. He had a stroke and a heart attack at the same time, completly destroying his brain and putting him in a coma. Why keep him alive when you can't actually express your love and caring with no response? He would never know. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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