Billy Shears
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Everything posted by Billy Shears
[QUOTE=Manic Webb] I know exactly what Ed is talking about, with that one Geico commercial. Most reality television has gotten so ridiculous that not only did I think their "Small House" parody was real, but I thought it was premiering on FOX. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Wow, what a great image for FOX. The stupidest nd by far [I]meanest[/I] reality show are those mom/dad swappers. After watching an episode of that, i thought: How could you tear apart the most precious family member from those kids and replace them with a complete stranger. And the people that agree to this monstrosity should be ashamed for putting their kids through that for their share of 15 minutes of fame. Thus illustrating the "people will do anything for money" law even further. -t3H 1 & 0n13 [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Billy Shears replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Araby...he seems shady. Just the way he was delivering his speech so calmly was strange...will he be a constant important factor in the story? On my 2nd post, I had my character calling him "Dr. Stuckup". He just seems so...arrogant. Plus, I beefed up the story and had it so Araby was to monitor Rathbone, but he let him go... -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Bill got there first, and asked Araby, rather impatiently, "What do you need?". Araby replied with a small smirk "Please, Bill, I'll explain when everyone gets here". Araby was always fake to Bill, just because Bill was older. Yeah, yeah, fake bastad. Bulldog was a little teed off that he was dragged from his work to this stupid little gathering with all these young idiots. He wasn't paying much attention to the Doctor, though he looked straight ahead into the monitor. He let Rathbone slip out from under his nose. Damn, this is my fault he thought. Whatever...don't let it dawn on you too long, old Bill. You'll get the madman in no time. Ok ok, compose yourself, Bill. Play it off as if nothing happened. Routine shift in time. No big deal. Come on, Bill, you've done this before. He couldn't get his mind off of Rathbone. God, how did he manage to get away? SIX HOURS EARLIER: Arrogant. Araby is arrogant. What is that Julia doing here? Didn't I just tell her off? Jeez, she is strange. Any thought to keep his mind from wandering. The little Julia Stanley girl asked him, "Bulldog...should I be scared?" He just managed to shrug the "Bulldog" off (since Dr. Stuckup was still flapping his flipper, no scene was needed), and replied, "Probably". What he really wanted to say was yes, he is a madman, a vicious human, always the lowest of low. PRESENT: Screw Riggs. He can wait this is urgent. Bulldog stormed int Dr. Stuckup's office, fuming. " How did you let him go?!", Bill yelled. "Bill, please, calm down" "No! You let him mess with time! You let him go!" Bill slammed Araby's desk, red with fury. "Please Bill..." "No!, Listen, that plague is back! Those aliens, they aren't there! This is your ass, Araby! You may have put him in my department, but he is your problem! Where are the aliens, Araby?!" Bill threw a chair against the wall. "Henderson!". Sonofabitch, it is Riggs, Bill thought. "Follow me RIGHT NOW". Bill mustered up some courage and yelled "Listen, you pompous jerk! I ain't gonna take to kindly to your crap, you hear me?!". "Do you wanna fight me, old timer?!", screamed Riggs. "No, but you better watch your tone! You may be some haughty officer, but I am sure I'm a valued member to that little team you got working this problem! And why isn't [I]he[/I] helping?! He let Rathbone go!". Riggs got face to face with Bill. His breath was cold from his nose. "You better follow me, or your ass is gone." Riggs replied, malice in his voice. "I'll go when I please." Bill stormed to his living quarters to calm down, and left about an hour later to the meeting. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] OOC: Ha, this was fun! Bulldog likes to fight, he's stubborn, like me! He does'nt care for Riggs or Araby as you can see. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I want the powers of a genie. Then I could wish for all the superpowers in the world. If I was hungry I can wish myself some pepperoni Hot Pockets. Yummy. If I'm short of cash, I would wish myself enough pennies to pay for whatever I needed. And it has to be pennies to piss off cashiers. If I want a new Beatle thing, *poof* there it is. But, I have lots and lots of Beatle things (in your face, Ozy!...just kiddin'). -t3h 1 & oN13 :devil:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Bill was taking a pretty light job today; he was out helping the police under a false name. They said they found some kind of murder linked to a bunch of songs with subliminal messages. Sort of unordinary for him, being stuck in the reasearch department most of the time. Bulldog was in the library looking up the song lyrics when... "BEEP BEEP". That beeper is too loud, Bill thought. "Oh come on, you've got to be kidding", he grumbled. Every single person responded to the beeper with a long, drawn out stare. "Mind yer buisness, you folks!". His voice boomed throughout the whole library. Bulldog ran as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. He practically killed a man as he barreled into a bathroom stall and vanished to the TCD lab. He saw Julia. He was just as confused as her, when she asked him, "Hey, Bulldog, whats goin' on, huh?" Bill replied, "Dammit, kid, my name is Bill! I ain't no bulldog!". Everyone was staring at the monitor where [I]he[/I] was. Rathbone. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OCC: Go ahead and wing it from there, I guess. I don't really know what to put. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Grammar Panzer][COLOR=Navy] All of my teachers were pretty cool, and does "most memorable" necessarily have to mean, good memories? Anyway, my 8th Grade Social Studies teacher, [B]Mr. Grcevich[/B]. He made learning... dare I say... fun? He always walked around, cracking jokes, about stupid things that happened that day, or stupid things in history that deserved to be made fun of. He even let us reenact some scenes from battles or assassinations and whatnot. Then again, he did love the violence. Very enthusiastic about the wars, [B]Civil War[/B] mainly. If you think this sounds like your teacher, do he confiscate and protect bouncy balls from your peers and keep them in a box? No cell phones, no skate decks, [B]bouncy balls[/B]. He even hip-checked a kid to dive for a bouncy ball. I tell you, he was awesome. (Also taught me the ways of [B]Magic[/B], with his enormous deck.) Same year, [B]Mr Stookey[/B]. Choir director. (This is the "bad memories" I was saying earlier.) I wasn't in Choir, at all, (I was in band, still am. :P) but I know about this guy. Two words describe him: large man. (Okii ookino otoko to the max.) He was so... huge... and I know I sound mean, but ask Billy Shears, the man was a whale. Constantly eating during lessons, assigning horrible English parts, and making the worst puns you could ever imagine... ugh...[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Oh yeah, all right, are you gonna be in...oh, oh this is a thread...ok, just singing, sorry. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]You had Mr. G., I had Mr. Svencner. He was a science teacher, and I'll be damned if the man doesn't get Teacher of the Year award. He was such a good teacher and friend. He did so much to help the kids in the school. He organized the Magic: The Gathering club (which is still goin' strong). He also made fun of lowerclassmen and how ignorant and stupid they were. A bad teacher experience was Mr. Stookey. Grammar Panzer didn't have her for a teacher, while I did. He was just a bad teacher. We ask for help, he gets sidetracked and starts on a new lesson. We read Romeo & Juliet for half the school year. It isn't that long of a play. He had extremely bad jokes, and was always looking at...women's clothing catalouges. Weird. And was he fat. Good gracious Lord up above was he [I]fat[/I]. Like the lady from "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape" fat, but worse (yeah people can be worse than that).He had a Whopper from Burger King every day, followed by a Dunkin Donuts sized cup full of Smarties. And the guy has the ignorance to blame it on "diabetes". Goddamn, dumbass, you eat a 48 oz. bag of Smarties every day! Thats why you have diabetes and thats why your [I]huge[/I]. Then there was Ms. Caddick. Insert own name altering insult here. She wasn't a good teacher, bar none. I just think she didnt know how to teach, she just made us read the textbook and do the homework, turn it in the next day, and repeat. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ozy, use my John-con again and I'll... *shakes fist*[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] Name: Bill "Bulldog" Henderson Age: 64 Apperance: Short astocky, gray hair, partially balding. He hardly conveys any other emotion besides frustration and anger. He usually wears a white lab coat with several pockets, brown slacks, and black dress shoes. Sort of a traditionalist, Bio: Adopted as a baby by a rich man, Bill has lived in the lap of luxury all his life. He was adopted by a man only known as Mr. Kite. He saw him on a regular basis, but never knew much about him nor talked to him. He was basically raised by Mr. Kite's wife, Julia. Since he lived lavishly, Bill attended the best schools in the region. He graduated Harvard at at age 15, at the top of his class as well. He majored in the subjects of nuclear science and historical philosophy. He married his wife, Michelle when he was 20 and they had one daughter, Anna. He loved Anna with all his heart. He was devistated when he learned he was forced to create the Temporal lab he works in now and reside in it forever. Anna was 17 at the time. She had a nervous breakdown, causing her to have a drug overdose and die in a coma. Bill's wife, Michelle, would die a week after her daughter due to heart and lung failure. Bill recieved a message while working on the lab, and decided his main goal was to turn back time and fix things the way they should be. He was to have one goal before dying: prevent the destruction of his family. When Prudence started working at the lab, he locked himself in his living chambers for a day, contemplating over how he should confront Prudence and tell he she looks exactly like his daughter. After that, they've both had a great friendship. Personality: Bill is a quiet, gruff man, usually taking his frustrations out on the younger workers. But he and Prudence have been good friends for a while now, and he is the only one "that is respectable enough for my attention". He got his nickname Bulldog from the way he acts around the lab. Position: Head of Research. He got this job by voulenteer. Even though he helped create the lab, he didn't want an extremly large position.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hope thats good. I call George if we play certain Beatles. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It didn't seem too Family Guy-ish, but it could use some work. I doubt it will make competiton with most other shows, though. The thing with Family Guy is the more you watch it, the better it gets. I hope American Dad does the same. It isn't great now, but it has good potential. Oh no, he's gonna pee, he's gonna pee! *poot*..oh nope, just dust. :laugh: -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I live near Chicago...which used to be special because of the Bulls, but we haven't made an impact on sports in about 7 years since then. Then there is the Sears Tower, so thats kinda cool. Then we dye the Chicago river green for St. Patrick's Day. So overall, I live by a has been basketball team, a tall building and miscolored bodies of water. Yeah, Chicago kicks arse. -the one and only PS. Juuthena, I loathe you for living in the skateboarder's mecca [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My favorite soda is Livewire. I drink this on a daily basis...I think I have an addiction :) The natural soda wasn't really that great...there are a few co-op stores in my town (there's 2 on the main road thru our town). I like the soda in glass bottles, Stewart's, the old-school Coke bottles, so thats why I bought it. But, it wasn't really that great. Probably because I drink Livewire every day and that stuff is pretty sweet. And we say "pop" in Illinois, but to me, soda sounds better in print. -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]And a mighty Hadouken fire ball rages across the screen! [/SIZE][/COLOR][CENTER]{ [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]-=>))[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yes, the ultimate fighting game thread. I'm talking about SF, SFII, Super SFII, Turbo SFII, Hyper SFII, SF III: 3rd Strike, Alpha, Zero, you name the SF variation an game, it shall be discussed. My Street Fighter Collection: Street Fighter II (SNES), SF3:Alpha (GBA), SF: The Anneversary Collection (PS2), Ken, Chun-Li, E.Honda, Ryu, M.Bison, and Vega action figures, the Street Fighter II anime on video, and 2 SF t-shirts. My favorite SF game: Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Arcade) It has all of the best: animations, graphics, characters, and moves. I can't express the love I have for this game in words...it demands quarters and down, down-left, and right joystick movements. Favorite Character: Ken Yeah, it may sound kind of generic, but each flaming Shoryuken I pull off just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just automatically attached to Ken when I first played the game. Anyways, just discuss your Street Fighter everything here. Much love to Capcom. :love: -the one and only [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I really wish people knew about [B]Black Jack[/B]. It was created by Tezuka Osamu, who, I think, is the man behind Astro Boy. It kind of bums me out that this 6-part OVA series doesn't have much recognition. Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashe is a pretty unknown anime as well where I live, but it is going to ir on G4TechTV in about a week, so it may get the popularity it deserves. Another one is Some Day Dreamer, a multipart OVA my friend said was pretty good and unknown. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My friend says this : [COLOR=Black][SIZE=2]"LEik OMGWTFBBQ!111!!1i LUv t1sh b4nd!11!111!!! 4R3 So 4W3s000000000Me11!!11 t#hR t3h Sh111111t!!1111 :devil: :flaming: :flaming: :devil: :flaming: :devil: :flaming: :flaming: :devil: :love: :love: :flaming: :love: :love: :flaming: :devil: [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=4] [COLOR=Black]And Mike Portnoy is god."[/COLOR][/SIZE] I like Dream Theater. The person who "guest posted" let me borrow a c.d. and "it Is T3h r0xx0rs" The album is the '92 release "Images and Words". "Pull Me Under" is probably my favorite song. They remind me of the band Yes, with very long songs and philisophical lyrics. I plan on buying more of the records. My friend also says that the Liquid Tension Experiment is "r0XX0rs", too. "When the Water Breaks" is a 17-minute epic composition. so trying to be like Sara because she is "t3h c001", Dylan[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Super Milk Chan is the worst piece of crap that can be considered anime. It is a disgrace to the name. How is it cute?! It has the most appalling artwork I've ever seen! If you want to watch a good, humouros anime, watch Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashe. If you have to constantly repeat the joke "You dumbass!" over and over, you have the worst writers ever. It's not funny to begin with, nor will it be funny when you use it 3-4 times an episode. Family Guy repeats jokes, but ones that are [B]funny[/B]. And I'm not flaming you, I'm flaming the idiots that made the show. Thus, ending my opinion. "You dumbass!" -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]To everyone who tried answser my camel riddle, they switched camels...I didn't understand it. I just picked it randomly off the Internet...sorry. Elfpirate: Your shadow? -the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]My mom says your brain, but personally I think if thats it tthan its stupid because you can see your brain if you have a certain operation done. EDIT: the shiek said "which two of his sons" is that an error or a clue?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]It's a clue! ;) -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I think it's a dream... A shiek announced that a race would decide which two of his sons would inherit all his weath. The sons were to ride their camels to a certain distant city. The sons whos camel reached the city last would win the wealth. The 2 sons wander aimlessly through the journey, meet up, and seek the advice of a wiseman After listening to the advice, they rode the camels as quickly as possible to the designated city. What did the wiseman tell the sons? They didn't agree to split the wealth, but their fathers statement would be followed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Is it oil? You can't drink oil, and the oil supply is short... -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]A police car to jail? -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The Beatles at their best.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Here comes the sun[/B] Here comes the sun, and I say [B]It's all right[/B] Little darling, [B]its been a long cold lonely winter[/B] Little darling, [B]it feels like years since it's been here[/B] Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right Little darling, [B]the smiles returning to their faces[/B] Little darling, [B]it seems like years since it's been here[/B] Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right Sun, sun, sun here it comes Sun, sun, sun here it comes Sun, sun, sun here it comes Sun, sun, sun here it comes Sun, sun, sun here it comes... Little darling, [B]I feel that ice is slowly melting[/B] Little darling, [B]It feels like years since it's been clear[/B] Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say [B]It's all right[/B] [B]It's all right[/B] Prevent letting the simple lyrics break this underlying message: Don't worry, those bad things will pass over in time. Hari Krishnah -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I think there are ghosts/ shadows. I've seen shadows and been in places where thing literally fly 10-15 ft. off of shelves. So awesome. Loch Ness, aliens, and Big Foot I have to see to believe. And I dunno what Chupacopacabanachips or whatever it's called is. -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Georege Harrison's "Awaiting On You All" You don't need no love in You don't need no bed pan You don't need a horoscope or a microscope to see the trouble you're in If you open up your heart You'll know what I mean It's been polluted so long Now here's a way for you to get free Chorus: By chanting the names of the Lord you will be free 'Cos the Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see By chanting the names of the Lord you will see That the Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and free You don't need no passport You don't need no visas You don't need to designate or to emigrate Before you can see Jesus If you open up your heart You'll see he's right there He was all along And he will take away all your cares (chorus) You don't need no church house You don't need no temple You don't need no rosary beads Or them books to read to see that you have fallen If you open up your heart You'll know what I mean We've been kept down so long Someones thinking we are all green And the Pope owns 51% of General Motors And the stock exchange is the only thing he's qualified to quote us By chanting the name of the Lord then you'll be free The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see Yeah, George wasn't a Christian, but it's just a great song, sort of poking fun of the Church at the end. It's a message of self faith. The song usually makes me cry. Just the way the lyrics and George's guitar are put together makes me melt. :bawl: More George coming soon! Hari Krishnah -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Charles, you so crazy! I'm a Lutheran. I do believe in God, I got to church, I do all that. My theory: Whatever you believe in, if you stick with it, your god will take you to paradise. If you don't believe in anyhting, I guess you won't have an afterlife, or alot of gods will be pissed off at you. :smirk: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]After watching this 6-part OAV series, I am very pleased. Black Jack is a wandering, unregistered doctor who is the best in the world. He takes personal calls outside his home, and mosty travels to places with his nurse (who is 18, but looks nothing like it) Pinocco. He saves lives and takes his fee. Whoever drew and wrote this has done their homework. Even though it sound kind of disgusting, the muscles, bones, organs, etc. all look very realistic and are shown and functionin a realistic way (so when Black Jack cuts a person, it's pretty gory). All in all, each episode doesn't have very realistic looking or sounding ailments, but because of these reasons: good dub, art, story, animation, that will make no one upset. Go watch Black Jack. It's great . -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Ozy Jones]\ [B]1) The Beatles.[/B] The founders of most everything that is rock music now. Don't know how, don't particularly care, just know that if they were around today most of us girls would probably fallen in love with 'em too. First people to really do "psycadelic" music, for which I will be forever greatful. Songs: Too Many to list, but I can try Goodday, Sunshine Tommorow Never Knows [B]Blue Jay Way Within you, without you It's All Too Much While My Guitar Gently Weeps[/B] HELP! And on an' on an' on..[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]All George songs. Forgot to list him, too. "All Things Must Pass". George Harrison's masterpiece, and my favorite record ever. It actually outstaged every Beatles album I have (which is all of them HA HA HA! :devil: ). God bless the man, he was great. Hari Krishnah -the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]